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Am I missing something re: finding groups


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I only stared playing MMO's when ICC came out for wow, and I JUST turned 50 the other day in SWTOR, so maybe this is a stupid quesiton, but finding groups seems very strange in this game.


if there's 50 level 50's at the imperial fleet, and no tanks or heals that want to do a particular flashpoint, am I basically just out of luck? is "giradda the hutt" just a low population server? it seemed to much easier to find a group in world of warcraft.


Like I said, i'm an MMO rookie so i'm betting there's a pretty obvious answer to this, so thanks!

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Make some friends, join a guild.


Yes because he can be sure that all the people in his guild are dying to do FPs. :rolleyes:


With almost 4 months into the game, even the most casual of guilds have both OPs on farm status and rarely every do FPs.


I consistently see groups spamming for a healer/tank for over 10 minutes sometimes in the Fleet's General Chat only to give up 10 minutes later since they've had it.


I mean, how are you supposed to find a tank when Wound in the Force hasn't had over 100 people on the Fleet in over 3 weeks? This is a drastic difference from the days in January (just barely 2 months ago) when there was over 250 people on the Fleet on a daily basis.


To the OP: you're gonna struggle to find FP groups especially if you're a DPS. My advice is to try to get into a guild that's already clearing 8/16-man HM OPs as you will get geared extremely fast and won't have to bother with FPs at all.

Edited by lollermittens
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Make some friends, join a guild.


Its sad how many new players dont grasp that in a MMORPG, you shouldnt be forced into a guild to find groups.


The games should be designed to promote interaction of PLAYERS, not just guildies.


Its the one thing RIFT did spectaularly well but then abandoned at end game sadly (and lost their accounts). DAoC (Pre RAs) did it spectacularly well for PVP content but then abandoned the group design for individual power.


There is a ton of ways TOR could promote socialization and interaction but they dont.


And if you cant find a group, you cant make friends.


Joining a guild shouldnt be forced on you if you dont want to.

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Its sad how many new players dont grasp that in a MMORPG, you shouldnt be forced into a guild to find groups.


Joining a guild shouldnt be forced on you if you dont want to.


It's sad that people don't quite understand why they should join a guild. A guild is a place to find people who share your common interests and goals in the game. That is why you have the freedom to join and leave whenever you choose.


The running theme is that people want even less responsibility for their own actions. They want to click a button and have the game itself put you in a group. That's fine and all for a shooter style game. A MMORPG should be much more than random grouping for the shinies. Too many people these days don't care one bit about the online world or the people that are playing the characters in said world. The only want to group so they can get their epic gear.

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Theres two problems with finding groups in TOR:


One is that people are spoiled from the group finder system in other MMOs, and either forgot or stubbornly refuse to put ANY effort into making groups in TOR.


Second is that Bioware stubbornly refused to put in a group finder system because thats what everyone is used to/wants, regardless of if the players are right or not.


The only solution is to add a group finder because its a well know fact that people are lazy and no amount of encouragement or guiding will change that, especially when those people KNOW that an easier solution exists.



TBH Ive made a lot of friends in the daily areas, which may or may not have to do with my being both and Operative and a healer :p (I can solo every Heroic daily except one, but I actually find it more fun to do it with other people). Thats honestly a serious suggestion, go to Belsavis and be all "LF daily group" or something and try being social.

Edited by Achromatis
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Yes because he can be sure that all the people in his guild are dying to do FPs. :rolleyes:


With almost 4 months into the game, even the most casual of guilds have both OPs on farm status and rarely every do FPs.


I consistently see groups spamming for a healer/tank for over 10 minutes sometimes in the Fleet's General Chat only to give up 10 minutes later since they've had it.


I mean, how are you supposed to find a tank when Wound in the Force hasn't had over 100 people on the Fleet in over 3 weeks? This is a drastic difference from the days in January (just barely 2 months ago) when there was over 250 people on the Fleet on a daily basis.


To the OP: you're gonna struggle to find FP groups especially if you're a DPS. My advice is to try to get into a guild that's already clearing 8/16-man HM OPs as you will get geared extremely fast and won't have to bother with FPs at all.


My guild has 'HMFP Mondays' where we run new 50's and alts through fp's to gear up to run with us in ops.


So my statement stands... make some friends and join a guild.

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My guild has 'HMFP Mondays' where we run new 50's and alts through fp's to gear up to run with us in ops.


So my statement stands... make some friends and join a guild.


If you have a life outside of this video game it is very hard to build friendships in an online world. As someone who works a 40 hour job and has a family I can't understand how someone expects me to dedicate blocks of time (albeit outside of a weekend) to a video game. I don't need to make friends in an MMORPG, if they come, that's great but I'm not soul searching - maybe we play these games for different reasons and that's great. The issue I have is you are trying to push your playstyle onto me, that is un-American.

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If you have a life outside of this video game it is very hard to build friendships in an online world. As someone who works a 40 hour job and has a family I can't understand how someone expects me to dedicate blocks of time (albeit outside of a weekend) to a video game. I don't need to make friends in an MMORPG, if they come, that's great but I'm not soul searching - maybe we play these games for different reasons and that's great. The issue I have is you are trying to push your playstyle onto me, that is un-American.


What does being American have to do with anything? Lol.


For the record what most people consider to be "friends" online are actually nothing more than associates(this extends to about 99% of the people on someones Facebook "friends" list too). You dont need to be BFFs and swap stories about your first girlfriends or something like that, you just need to be sociable enough to group with people.


I dont know what your job is but I imagine you interact with people on some level, be it customers or co-workers. Its the same thing, just a surface friendship you both pretend is there so that you dont want to tear eachothers heads off. Its the same thing in MMOs and guilds, rarely is a guild actually full of real friends(usually it develops over time).


All you got to do is smile("LFG") and nod("Hi!") and at least pretend to be a fun person. Its not like theres a lot of effort involved, and if you really do need a LFG system to function as a player in an MMO... Im going to tell you that you should either stick to solo content, or play something else because this game DEFINITELY does not need anything to kill off what little social interaction there is.

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Yes because he can be sure that all the people in his guild are dying to do FPs. :rolleyes:


With almost 4 months into the game, even the most casual of guilds have both OPs on farm status and rarely every do FPs.



This ^^


While there are low pop servers and faction balance issues, the above contributes to the grouping difficulty allot as well. HM FPs drop very little useful loot and no sort of tokens (lol@tionese tokens) to help you acquire loot elsewhere. Yes you can run them for the fun of it, but how many times can you run the same 7 FPs for little to no reward before it is just plain boring. Plus there are no additional features that separate them from normal modes outside of a gear/level requirement. Teral V at level 32 plays exactly like Teral V HM at 50, no new bosses, no new mechanics. The replayability is just horrible with them at endgame. This leads to less people doing them less overall and adding to the difficulty of finding groups.

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If you have a life outside of this video game it is very hard to build friendships in an online world. As someone who works a 40 hour job and has a family I can't understand how someone expects me to dedicate blocks of time (albeit outside of a weekend) to a video game. I don't need to make friends in an MMORPG, if they come, that's great but I'm not soul searching - maybe we play these games for different reasons and that's great. The issue I have is you are trying to push your playstyle onto me, that is un-American.


What the heck makes you think I am 'pushing' a play style onto you?


All I said was that if you are having trouble finding groups in general chat, then make some friends in game or join a guild.


It's not the game's fault you can only put a couple of hours a week into playing. And it's not the game's fault that you can't find anyone to group with you.

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If you have a life outside of this video game it is very hard to build friendships in an online world. As someone who works a 40 hour job and has a family I can't understand how someone expects me to dedicate blocks of time (albeit outside of a weekend) to a video game. I don't need to make friends in an MMORPG, if they come, that's great but I'm not soul searching - maybe we play these games for different reasons and that's great. The issue I have is you are trying to push your playstyle onto me, that is un-American.


Your playing a game with them not dating them...

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If you have a life outside of this video game it is very hard to build friendships in an online world. As someone who works a 40 hour job and has a family I can't understand how someone expects me to dedicate blocks of time (albeit outside of a weekend) to a video game.


There are guilds who cater exactly to this situation.

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What the heck makes you think I am 'pushing' a play style onto you?
If I had to guess... I'd say it's that part where you push off your personal play style like it's the only correct way to solve his problem.


you know:

Make some friends, join a guild.
Edited by ferroz
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If I had to guess... I'd say it's that part where you push off your personal play style like it's the only correct way to solve his problem.


you know:


Making friends and joining a guild is not exactly what I would call a "personal play style." Guilds and friends are the basis of playing any MMO.

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Joining a guild shouldnt be forced on you if you dont want to.


Noone is forced to join a guild. Nonetheless, no matter what tools are available to find a group, you're almost certatinly going to have an easier time finding groups (and enjoying those groups) if you play in a guild of likeminded players. I'm all for an LFG tool, but I haven't had any trouble finding groups, primarily because the first thing I did when I decided I was going to order the game was to research a good guild.

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Given that fleet populations are single digits, guilded players or not, the point is kind of moot...


For a minority of players. Fleet population on my server is 120 at normal playing times, and that is on a standard population server, not one of the heavies.

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For a minority of players. Fleet population on my server is 120 at normal playing times, and that is on a standard population server, not one of the heavies.


Uhm...most population data sites have almost every server with less than 50 people actively on each fleet.......my server has been down to single digits every night...

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Those that can't find groups must have never, ever sent a whisper to a random player, saying: "Hey, sorry to bother you but do you want to get a flashpoint group going?" Nah, you people just sit on the fleet for 5 minutes spamming general and once half the population has ignored you for doing exactly that, you blame BioWare or the community. Do /who 50 instead of just the fleet, not everyone is idling there, mostly just the pvpers.
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Those that can't find groups must have never, ever sent a whisper to a random player, saying: "Hey, sorry to bother you but do you want to get a flashpoint group going?" Nah, you people just sit on the fleet for 5 minutes spamming general and once half the population has ignored you for doing exactly that, you blame BioWare or the community. Do /who 50 instead of just the fleet, not everyone is idling there, mostly just the pvpers.


Oh please don't be ridiculous, we're in the 21st century ok....


Doesn't every one have phones that have more features than this stupid game?

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If you have a life outside of this video game it is very hard to build friendships in an online world. As someone who works a 40 hour job and has a family I can't understand how someone expects me to dedicate blocks of time (albeit outside of a weekend) to a video game. I don't need to make friends in an MMORPG, if they come, that's great but I'm not soul searching - maybe we play these games for different reasons and that's great. The issue I have is you are trying to push your playstyle onto me, that is un-American.


Oh this argument. Lets go over it again.


We all have a life outside of this game and part of my life is playing B-ball at the Y. Theres a big group of guys at the Y that mostly know eachother and play together at this point. There is no x-city x-state LFB-ball game at the Y tool yet somehow we all still seem to manage. Sometimes I get my IRL character progression on by just working out instead because theres too many people waiting to get on the courts. If one of the guys showed up and demanded to cut in on a court because "he has a life and family outside of b-ball at the Y" just imagine the laughter that would follow. Imagine one of the guys saying something like "I don't need to make friends over B-ball at the Y" loud enough for everyone to hear it. Yeah, you're that guy on these forums.


If theres a problem its that BW didn't include the weight room, track, treadmills, ellipticals, pool, ect. to accomidate you during those times you couldn't get on the court. Nobody is trying to push their playstyle on you. Its more like you're trying to push your outside obligations aka "life" on others playstyle.

Edited by Vlaxitov
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Uhm...most population data sites have almost every server with less than 50 people actively on each fleet.......my server has been down to single digits every night...


But don't let a little detail like reality keep you from believing what the employees/fanbois want you to believe...

Edited by shepardcomander
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