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Your Opinion: Worst PvP Class/Spec


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Any competent melee should be able to shut down a gunnery commando with ease. Gunnery is good when you're allowed to freecast. It's terrible if the other team isn't stupid and knows to keep someone on you. Haven't touched my Commando in months now.


Gunnery is awful against good players, if you're going to play assault you might as well go Vanguard. At least Commandos have the healing tree.


Not entirely true either, i got a 50 merc arsenal and if you can maximize youre abilities (not tracer/grav round spam) then youre extremely deadly/invincible.



ive force charged mercs on my marauder, gotten knockbacked, rooted then destroyed by tracer spam alone. (though this is more specific to huttball, where free cast opportunities are more readily available)


***** even worse on my operative/scoundrel, no gap closer makes me useless after that. a lot of times i can win these engagements just by placing my back against a wall or something but still.

Edited by LexiCazam
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gotta agree that operatives lethality specced are worthless.


but concealment/scrapper are practically op, flechette round-shoot first-back blast-blaster whip-sucker punch


if they can still walk after that then you just mouse turn on them till theres nothing left to kill.


only thing i can do when that happens to my marauder is force camo, get the **** away, re heal, find that *** wipe, force charge, dot him, root him, rotation. boom hes dead.


i have a 50 arsenal but the problem with them is that even noobs can do well on them just by mashing tracer spam. im looking forward to seeing how the tracer nerf/unload proc will work out.


i stand by my earlier statement that snipers/gunslingers are worthless when theyre focused on

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So THAT'S why they got nerfed 5 times.


If you are still dying to Ops.. you should probably re-evaluate your approach in trying to kill them. You either are not geared, or you are blowing your stunbreak at the wrong time. They are patheticlly easy to get rid of with any kind of knockback or slow.


Hell.. as a healer just stun them, type /no, heal yourself up to full and walk away. Once they've blown their initial burst the rest is laughable.


As for why they've gotten nerfed 5 times? Check my sig, thats the brilliant kind of reasoning BW is using to balance the game. Its based less on numbers, and more on how much people *****.

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Lethality operative dmg is ok (overall). I tried the class two months ago w/ ~600 expertise, usually i did 450-500k dmg / match.


The problem is the lack of burst dmg, lethality operatives just have no burst at all. You need Cull, also you need TAs... and there is only 1 skill for that (shiv), or a Kolto injection (if you have the Incisive Action talent 2/2), but healing just makes no sense when you try to kill someone FAST in a 1v1 battle. So pure lethality operative is not the best choice for pvp, because they have the worst TA management...


...still Lethality hybrids are nice (18/0/23 for example), you always have two TAs for Culls (Medical Engineering). You also have the aoe snare within 30 meters (Adhesive Corrosives), solid energy managment (Combat Stims + Lethal Purpose + Endorphin Rush). Those OP offhealers are kinda nice if you wanna win the match.

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So THAT'S why they got nerfed 5 times.



Ops make up less than 9% of the player base. They are (or rather were) the counter class to sorcs/sages, which make up close to 60% of the player base.


If you HONESTLY think they were nerfed for balance reasons and not to appease the screaming masses of butthurt sorcs/sages then I'm afraid to say, you Sir, are deluded.

Edited by Lykurgus
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Ops make up less than 9% of the player base. They are (or rather were) the counter class to sorcs/sages, which make up close to 60% of the player base.


Where did you pull those numbers from?


Oh, wait, i know :rolleyes:

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People saying AP/Tactics PT/VG have no idea what they're talking about. It's only because assault/pyro is such an easy mode spec that people think it's bad. Tactis/AP also requires a helluva lot more skill to play properly while pyro/assault requires about 5 hot-keys to be godlike. To play pyro/assault to it's max it is ALSO a 4-10m range spec and it actually has worse survivability than tactics/AP as it cannot disengage from a bad fight where tactics/AP can.



AP/tactics spec is still WAY better than either of the assassin DPS specs.

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I'd say the dps specs for an assassin....


U are kidding right?

Lethality operative dmg is ok (overall). I tried the class two months ago w/ ~600 expertise, usually i did 450-500k dmg / match.


The problem is the lack of burst dmg, lethality operatives just have no burst at all. You need Cull, also you need TAs... and there is only 1 skill for that (shiv), or a Kolto injection (if you have the Incisive Action talent 2/2), but healing just makes no sense when you try to kill someone FAST in a 1v1 battle. So pure lethality operative is not the best choice for pvp, because they have the worst TA management...


...still Lethality hybrids are nice (18/0/23 for example), you always have two TAs for Culls (Medical Engineering). You also have the aoe snare within 30 meters (Adhesive Corrosives), solid energy managment (Combat Stims + Lethal Purpose + Endorphin Rush). Those OP offhealers are kinda nice if you wanna win the match.

I wanna see some SS. Only way u can do this amount of dmg, if everyone stay in one place and u spamming dots on them. And this spec dont have burst, survivability and damage is mediocre at best.

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Not entirely true either, i got a 50 merc arsenal and if you can maximize youre abilities (not tracer/grav round spam) then youre extremely deadly/invincible.



ive force charged mercs on my marauder, gotten knockbacked, rooted then destroyed by tracer spam alone. (though this is more specific to huttball, where free cast opportunities are more readily available)


***** even worse on my operative/scoundrel, no gap closer makes me useless after that. a lot of times i can win these engagements just by placing my back against a wall or something but still.



If you lost to a gunnery commando as a marauder I think you should hang up your pvp boots. Also, we don't have a root. I can use my knock back, then cryo grenade, but that would just give you a full resolve bar. At which point you use your cc breaker and beat my face in because I have no other way to get range at that point. All the while you interrupt grav round and drop my damage output by almost 2/3. Yeah, if a sentinel/marauder losses to a gunnery or assault commando he should just hang it up.

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Oh man. So many to compare. Hmmm.


If you're talking about compared to other classes/spec's that fill the same role then that's where I'll base my votes off of:


Juggs/Guards - Any spec, especially "tank" spec'd. Both vanguards and assassins (and mirrors obviously) are vastly superior in every way. The damage Juggs put out is meh at best, and their "survivability" is only ok. Control is decent, but vanguards and sins both have just as much utility while being able to function from range as well as melee when needed. Hands down the worst "can-tank" class to see on your team for anything OTHER than the occasional lulzy huttball cap.


Healer ops - Besides <30% surgical probe spamming lulz they are hands down the worst healer to have on your team. Piss poor energy mechanics (not their fault), squishy as all hell, NO utility (stealth is a joke). Sages and commando's are flat out more efficient (better resource mechanics by far as well), less squishy and have more utility to offer the team. I really feel sorry for healer ops.


Worst dpser... this one I can't decide on as I want to say sniper simply because they're harder to succeed with when people pay attention to them, however their dps when allowed to free-cast is really good to have on your team. So I guess sniper DEPENDING on the enemy team's competency level. Either their heavily disadvantaged, or they're decimating groups quickly.


Sounds like you neither have any good immo jugs on your server or healer operatives.


Healer op spam is crazy and their self survivability is amazing considering the class.

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If you lost to a gunnery commando as a marauder I think you should hang up your pvp boots. Also, we don't have a root. I can use my knock back, then cryo grenade, but that would just give you a full resolve bar. At which point you use your cc breaker and beat my face in because I have no other way to get range at that point. All the while you interrupt grav round and drop my damage output by almost 2/3. Yeah, if a sentinel/marauder losses to a gunnery or assault commando he should just hang it up.


Decent players will win no matter what, but im just referring to the short moment after you pop a marauder off on of the bridges on huttball and then stack tracers immediately. I know it works, because ive done the same thing on my merc. The class is ridiculously easy, you probably just dont know how to kite or do anything besides grav round spam.

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Decent players will win no matter what, but im just referring to the short moment after you pop a marauder off on of the bridges on huttball and then stack tracers immediately. I know it works, because ive done the same thing on my merc. The class is ridiculously easy, you probably just dont know how to kite or do anything besides grav round spam.


If you get popped off the bridge in Huttball you do one of two things


1. Charge back


2. Force Camo--->LOS--->Charge back


If you lose to a TM merc as a Marauder, you're terrible

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Decent players will win no matter what, but im just referring to the short moment after you pop a marauder off on of the bridges on huttball and then stack tracers immediately. I know it works, because ive done the same thing on my merc. The class is ridiculously easy, you probably just dont know how to kite or do anything besides grav round spam.


I agree, the class is ridiculously easy. I don't know what you're talking about when it comes to kiting as a Gunnery though. Outside of the knockback/stun, Gunnery has no tools for kiting. There is no snare outside of assault spec and the small snare on fullauto. So once your stun/knockback are used up, all you can do is run away, but any competent melee will snare/charge you, leaving you waiting on your knockback cooldown again.


Again, any competent melee/group will leave a Gunnery commando fairly useless. Are you lethal when left to freecast? Yes. Will any have decent player/team let you freecast? No. No one cares if you do great in a Warzone against bad pugs, because any class can do that. What matters is if you're able to perform at even an average level against a somewhat coordinated team, which a Commando, outside of heal spec, cannot.


It's just the baddies who complain about Gunnery commandos, and commandos in general, and the baddies are extremely vocal on these forums. Doesn't matter to me though, since I hung up my Commando back in the first week of January when I realized how useless they are/how little utility they offer compared to other classes. Whenever I see a Commando in a WZ now on my Shadow or Vanguard, I pretty much consider it a free kill, because unlike half the people on these forums, I'm competent.

Edited by Dovahbrah
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Healer ops - Besides <30% surgical probe spamming lulz they are hands down the worst healer to have on your team. Piss poor energy mechanics (not their fault), squishy as all hell, NO utility (stealth is a joke). Sages and commando's are flat out more efficient (better resource mechanics by far as well), less squishy and have more utility to offer the team. I really feel sorry for healer ops.


So many bad op/scound healers have made people think theyre the worse healer in the game. I seem to recall people used to say sent/mauraders were the worst class in the game- not because it was true, just because so many marauders were bad. Let's see..


"Piss poor energy mechanics" Rarely do I go oom. With 2 cd's to regen energy (one of which lasts longer than the cd timer) and a free, instant casts I hardly ever find myself unable to cast something when needed.


"Squishy as all hell, NO utility (stealth is a joke)" Ok- here's no utility for you. Scoundrels: Medium armor, defense screen, rolling hots, hardest hitting healing cleanse in the game with a 5 second cd (grant it, it's a bug), dodge that makes me practically imune to everything for 3 seconds and removes all debuffs, a vanish when I get focused, a 4 second stun that has a 30 second cd with a 30% movement buff for 4 seconds after, an 8 second aoe stun on a 1 minute cd, a slow. I'm able to pull off 400k healing in a huttball with maybe 1-3 deaths with an anni marauder on my *** the whole game and not casting one single heal besides instant casts, hots and diagnostic scan. You can't interrupt a good scound healer, because they hardly ever actually need to cast a heal. Everyone's jumping on that sage healer or comando who they see casting, but they don't see the scoundrel throwing out instant cast hots, cleanses and medpacks until it's too late. Oh, but I don't have a gap clearer or a knock back, therefore, I have NO utility.


"Sages and commando's are flat out more efficient (better resource mechanics by far as well)" Wait til 1.2...

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I don't see how DPS sorcs can be a bad class, as on my server they often come up as top dps, sometimes by a hefty margin (saw over 400k yesterday). I don't play one, so I'm not really defending the class.


Oh, and I'll cast my vote for the BH with the (Un)advanced Prototype spec. This f'n spec has a 15% run speed increase (constant) and another ability that boosts speed 30% temporarily... the 30% DOESN'T STACK over the 15%. So you get just the whopping 30% increase and not the 45% it should be. Um, yeah ...Bioware? Even if it stacked the spec would still suck. (But at least it might be good for huttball, maybe.)

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If you get popped off the bridge in Huttball you do one of two things


1. Charge back


2. Force Camo--->LOS--->Charge back


If you lose to a TM merc as a Marauder, you're terrible


Im pretty sure he was refering soley to Huttball.


Marauders have 2 charges at most. Commandoes have 2 knockbacks, 1 on a 9 second coold down, the other on a 20 second cool down.


I know when Ive played my commando on the ramps in hutball, its insanely easy to control the ramps. Any marauders wanting to cash in on being awesome, will find himself promptly relocated to the pit. Commandos dont need to kill you, you are being punished with downtime.

Edited by Kalliadies
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tracer missile/grav round spec


I can completely shut them down with my marauder. I have killed them without taking any damage. I will say the spec that combines heals with tracer/grav is formidible though


That's because the ones you have fought are bad. Merc's played well will give an even fight to a marauder, (and have the edge if hes in a platform).

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That's because the ones you have fought are bad. Merc's played well will give an even fight to a marauder, (and have the edge if hes in a platform).


No. Just no... If any marauder loses to any tracer missile spammer on relatively equal playing fields (gear wise), it's a terrible, terrible, terrible marauder...

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No. Just no... If any marauder loses to any tracer missile spammer on relatively equal playing fields (gear wise), it's a terrible, terrible, terrible marauder...


Lol, this. Looks like half the commandos in this thread haven't faced a competent melee, let alone a marauder, before.

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