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Am I playing Marauder wrong?


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Right, so - I was looking at the guild chatter and no one wanted to be marauder. Figuring that a guild at least need one of each class, I decided to go the marauder way.


OH MY GOD it cant deal damage.

Stats so far:

lvl 18

Pri dmg: 94-118

Sec dmg: 35-53

Armor rating: 730

Dagahe reduction: 14.23%


Going up the carnage tree...


Im struggling with lvl 16 quests, dealing some 25-100 dmg with "assault" (regular attack).

Just did a few pvp matches..

Died quite a lot, no worries... I finally see my chance.. a "half dead" level 13 trooper guarding a CP all alone,..

I get all up close and personal before he notices me. Jump in with the force charge, hit him two times with regular assault to build up for force scream... and.... im dead..


Please someone explain to me what im doing wrong... This class cant be that underpowered that in its "natural element" (up close) a trooper can whoop its behind in 4 seconds..

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ok, in beta i played a maruauder and a Bh up to lvl 20, both dps, both set up for pvp. I literally had the highest dmg ever single match with a BH, after got good at it i had the highest damage and close to highest healing Also, in the same match.


Now with my marauder, omg, Im being kited, my target just has to run a tiny little bit and i cant hit him. force scream isnt that powerful, no good stuns, its terrible. the ranged fighters still fight Just as well up close! And they have usually 2 stuns and 1 blowback to give me, my force jump doesnt refresh but only is good for 1 fight (my initial charge). I wanted to be a marauder so bad but they are so ganked in PVP its insane. need to be able to move faster then other ranged ppl so they cant just run away and shoot and kite us so bad. i really want to keep my new marauder but im really about to go back to BH. the PVP is just broken for close range fighters. I can do massive damage in PVE, but so can a BH.

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My Marauder does ok damage but Merc/Bounty Hunters are always at the top of the board in the warfronts. Most of the time Im chain locked, knocked back and killed by every other class. Rolled a Merc and im having much more fun. 1 vrs 1 my Marauder does great but in groups in the warfronts with little CC, knockbacks etc its a poor PvP choice IMO.
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sounds like a bunch of baddies in here


carnage at low levels blows


switch to annihilation and focus on using bleed effects.


marauders suck at low levels, dont worry it gets much better. i take on two people at once and roll faces.


Please do explain a little more.

The whole "its a god class when i play" is too little to go on...


At which lvl can we expect to be able to take someone at a level 75% under one self...

When can you actually do the damage the "stats say you should do"?

How do you cope with the various kiting the "popular classes" have... ?

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Ok we have to cover two issues here. The first relates to general MMO mechanics and the second to what you actually did wrong in a vacuum. The first issue is that in any MMO every MDPS generally starts off pretty useless. They normally come into their own closer to max level and when they start getting gear. This is because their damage is generally based on high crit chances (supplemented by +crit skills in the trees). They also rely heavily on single target CC which you don't get until later on.


The second issue is what you actually did wrong here. You are using assault as if it were a skill to kill people with. It is a skill to build focus with. You leaped in, which builds 3 focus, then hit assault twice for another 4 focus in total. This gave you a total of 7 focus. What were you going to do with it? Did you have a plan for that amount of focus? What you should have done is use focus abilities sooner. You could have leaped in and immediately hit with Vicious slash. What you can also do to (but I know you couldn't in your example) is build focus by hitting some melee with assault once or twice then leap into a squishier target and kill them with just focus abilities.


Other factors also come into play like your hot key setup that could be the cause of trouble. If you use the default keyboard setup, keyboard turn or mouse click then that is likely why you died.

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Ok we have to cover two issues here. The first relates to general MMO mechanics and the second to what you actually did wrong in a vacuum. The first issue is that in any MMO every MDPS generally starts off pretty useless. They normally come into their own closer to max level and when they start getting gear. This is because their damage is generally based on high crit chances (supplemented by +crit skills in the trees). They also rely heavily on single target CC which you don't get until later on.


The second issue is what you actually did wrong here. You are using assault as if it were a skill to kill people with. It is a skill to build focus with. You leaped in, which builds 3 focus, then hit assault twice for another 4 focus in total. This gave you a total of 7 focus. What were you going to do with it? Did you have a plan for that amount of focus? What you should have done is use focus abilities sooner. You could have leaped in and immediately hit with Vicious slash. What you can also do to (but I know you couldn't in your example) is build focus by hitting some melee with assault once or twice then leap into a squishier target and kill them with just focus abilities.


Other factors also come into play like your hot key setup that could be the cause of trouble. If you use the default keyboard setup, keyboard turn or mouse click then that is likely why you died.


im half mouse click half hotkey user. i do just fine.

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im half mouse click half hotkey user. i do just fine.


If you think so but I guarantee you that you could improve how you play by switching to all hot keys. When I say ALL hot keys I don't mean you need to bind your quick travel stuff and like 12 minute cd things. You bind everything in reason. You can just click on stuff you don't use in combat.

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For those of you having trouble with the Sith Marauder. Make sure you have gone to your trainer and grabbed your "marauder" training. Located at the bottom left tab. I've seen many Marauders not even realize they have moves to grab there which help with damage. Since you get battering assault which rewards 6 rage, as well as rupture for your first bleed. You also get berserk. My Marauder is level 17 and i have no problem dealing mass amount of damage.
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Yes, you're doing something wrong. For some odd reason you seem to be spamming Assault. Assault is something you use when you have absolutely nothing better to do. That's why it's **** damage.


At your level, for Silvers and higher:


Force Charge, Bleed, Battering Assault, Ravage, Force Scream, Assault, Vicious Slash/Force Smash, etc.


Use Riposte whenever it's up. It's not the greatest damage, but if your'e specced for it, it decreases the cooldown on Cloak of Pain, which should be used more often than not. Plus, you're in your teens, so there's not a whole lot of other things to use Rage on between cooldowns on your other abilities.


On chumps, a Force Charge + Smash plus a Battering Assault on one mob, Rupture on a second, and a Force Scream on a third should kill them all. Sometimes if you crit, the Force Charge alone will do it. Because, Vette's Aoe kicks in as well.


It's not like we have a ton of abilities in the teens. It's not rocket science.


Activate Cloak of Pain religiously. It's only a 1 min CD. Less if you're specced for it.


Activate Berserk religiously. You'll get 30 stacks again in no time. No need to horde it unless you know a boss fight is right around the corner.


Stop using the noob stance. 10% damage and bleed crits are better than ****** no rage Vicious Slash.


We're DPS machines even at low levels.


Not using your level 7 Lightsaber from Korriban when you're in your mid to late teens helps as well.


TL;DR: If you're using Assault enough that you make a forum thread and put it forth as your main attack, you are doing something wrong.

Edited by revial
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Leveled one of each to decent past 10lvl to really c what to enjoy but when got to a lvl 12 Marauder, got to say they fell under when developed.


Love the look, really wanted to go for him but man they really get stuck to level with poor damage, get kited a lot so don't think about pvp, no stuns, no way to close in after first jump, hard time soloing, companion doing much the work.


Well if you really love them treat them like a son, be proud but not happy 100%.

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I'm a lvl 19 Marauder Anni and I pew pew all the time might be because I have the slow and ppl cannot escape from my twirling blades that keeps shredding em to pieces! I like when shadows come from behind stealthed and tries to kill me because they think I'm an easy target I pop the ward + cloak of pain and ofcourse the slow is used moments later they're dead! I cant wait for force choke tho looks like a BA abillity
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It comes down to knowing what the class can do. My level 16 Mara does just fine (I'm in the Carnage tree atm) and in fact I'm actually surprised how well it does now that I've changed the key bindings to the abilities and have a set rotation going. Sith Warriors and their ACs are technical classes, so they need some skill to use them effectively. They **** when you use them correctly.
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I'm 36, no complaints so far. Damage is pretty crazy. Annihilate is good for the heals but carnage is extremely bursty. I'll play around with both more when I can get massacre and annihilate. Edited by Kricys
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Level 30+ mara here.... A lot of pvp experience. I am not going to say the mara is not capable of out putting tons of dps. However I will say the mara has to work a whole hell of a lot harder than any other class (besides the sentinel, but it is a mirror class anyway) to get competitive dps.


We lack any sort of utility and even though the class seems to take a "sacrifice some tank ability for high damage ability" roll, it seems like the juggs do much better in pvp situations than us due to there utility. hell I would even go as far to say they out damage us...


I think there are maybe a few to many CD skills we have to worry about popping to clear what I would consider competitive damage.


I also feel like our burst is a little slim, but I think that this may change in future levels. I lack the experience in the 40-50 bracket to really have an opinion


All that said the cool downs, lack of damage, and the amount of effort needed to compete leaving us little to no room to react to our environment... not to mention the pure lack of utility to mitigated crowd control and lack of tanking ability


I would have to say our class is sadly under powered....

Edited by SleepyZombie
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Level 30+ mara here.... A lot of pvp experience. I am not going to say the mara is not capable of out putting tons of dps. However I will say the mara has to work a whole hell of a lot harder than any other class (besides the sentinel, but it is a mirror class anyway) to get competitive dps.


We lack any sort of utility and even though the class seems to take a "sacrifice some tank ability for high damage ability" roll, it seems like the juggs do much better in pvp situations than us due to there utility. hell I would even go as far to say they out damage us...


I think there are maybe a few to many CD skills we have to worry about popping to clear what I would consider competitive damage.


I also feel like our burst is a little slim, but I think that this may change in future levels. I lack the experience in the 40-50 bracket to really have an opinion


All that said the cool downs, lack of damage, and the amount of effort needed to compete leaving us little to no room to react to our environment... not to mention the pure lack of utility to mitigated crowd control and lack of tanking ability


I would have to say our class is sadly under powered....


I agree. Right now I'm experiencing being able to be kited by any ranged class ridiculously easy, and I'm going down faster than I see light armor classes go down. Even with our potential damage, it's not bursty until around 3 seconds into combat when you have enough rage and abilities ready, and the target can't be kiting or our burst is mediocre.

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I have to agree here, level 23 marauder and I am already thinking about deleting him and starting over. I thought they fixed this class and new about the problems but obviously not. You can't do anything in pvp because of the snares and other slowdown affects everybody else has makes you a sitting duck! And yes I am having trouble in PVE as well and I have 5 years mmo experience.



I am level 23 and have tried every rotation combo on my action bar 1,000 times and still after 3 days of non stop play I'm not comfortable and settled in to this toon. I should be after this much playtime. Struggle struggle struggle is not fun! Should be able to play this character in my sleep by now! I fight the hard bosses and die on purpose to keep tweaking my action bar after every fight for like an hour at a time and frustration has finally set in to where I'm going to scrap 3 days of non stop play and re roll.

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