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10 Good
  1. And to be fair, yes you are kinda acting like a brat. When you spam exclamation marks in your title, then just say "fix it" when there is nothing broken, then also play the mad entitled subscriber card, it says exactly that. Now you're threatening people with reports?
  2. It's no different than any other game. Once an expansion comes out, your old stuff is worthless. I'm sure you'll be able to customize your companions eventually, so it's whatever. Either way, they are pets. Nothing more.
  3. Then just simply don't do it. Personally I find people's obsession with having sex with NPCs a tad creepy.
  4. Yes it did flop on launch. But do you remember why? It was because there was no content. All there was to do was play Huttball again and again and again. Were the class stories good? Absolutely. But once the book is closed, that's it. Story has no staying power, so the masses left. And now we go back to all story and no content? Bad move. Leveling was easy and more enjoyable to 65. But once that is said and done, all we are left with are star fortresses. It's bad.
  5. There is nothing to hate. You're going to space bar through it anyway so why put all the resources into something that most people won't bother listening to anyway. People will cry about anything these days
  6. What you have here, is entitlement. These kids are so used to everything just being handed to them. Now that they actually have to do something to get their companion, they cry about it. It's a few war zones people. Get over it. Oh and I really like the people who say they will just afk in their WZ matches. Yes, just ruin it for everyone else because you're selfish. Boo hoo. It's **** like this as to why games are easy these days. It's not that difficult to play a few rounds of PvP. Such whiners man lol.
  7. She died. Right at the entrance.
  8. People actually use the tank skill set?
  9. The cool kids never called their characters toons.
  10. Real people don't call their characters "toons". Ever.
  11. Why is there still no way to lock your cursor on to your main monitor? Programs such as Cursor Lock do not seem to work either since SWTOR uses a launcher. Any other options for locking cursor on to your main screen?
  12. I'm guessing it's the gaming mouse that does it. They have high DPIs. Still, this is 2015. And really high mouse sensitivities were an issue at release even. Ended up doing it the old fashion way by breaking into the .ini file and editing the camera move speed there. It's kind of eye rolling that people still have to do this. The other issue, is there is no cursor lock. So if you have dual monitors like a lot of people do these days, you need to use a cursor lock program in order to keep your cursor on your screen. Once again Bioware, this is 2015. Come on now guys.
  13. Returning to the game, it is quite...... disappointing that Bioware still has not fixed the mouse sensitivity issue. Even with the speed set at 0%, GSF is impossible to play. So I'm curious as to what mouse settings people use to play GSF?
  14. Tech tree? Let me tell you about tech trees, and why games have gotten rid of them. There is no "individuality" as you so say. There is just "the spec". Everything else is a noob trap, and it's not fair to the player when he takes a talent that is just a waste. Call it individuality all you want, but I 100% guarantee that you build your characters according to the meta, and don't take wasted talents every single time.
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