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what happend to the exile


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(Not putting spoiler tags because if you come into a thread called "what happened to the exile" and don't expect year old spoilers... well that is your prob hehe)


Her death is depicted in the single novel, Revan.


The canon Exile is a female Light Side Jedi named Meetra Surik. After Revan disappeared (also detailed in the book) she and T3 find him again on Dromund Kaas. They hook up with Lord Scourge (who becomes the Jedi Knight's companion in SWTOR). They infiltrate to the Emperor's throne room and the fight isn't going too well. Lord Scourge, who has had Light Side visions (he was sort of starting to redeem and Revan was teaching him) saw a vision of him and another Jedi (the Jedi Knight player's character) defeating the Emperor. Since it wasn't Revan and Meetra, Scourge (after the Emperor explodes T3 with the Force) stabs the Exile in the back killing her. This distracts Revan (whom may have won IF Scourge joined the fight at the start) and the Emperor is able to subdue and capture Revan (yet again).


Overall "I" felt it was well done. The Exile was sort of turned into a weaker character than we experienced in KotOR2 and it is a shame. Same events could have occurred but with better story/writing, we all would have been much more satisfied.


In SWTOR the following happens.


Republic side: Master Oteg (our token Yoda guy) starts the Jedi Prisoner quest. The Force Spirit of Meetra contacts him and guides us to Taral V where we get a super computer that has the coordinates to the Maelstrom Prison. We head there and at the end we free the Prisoner (its Revan! he was in Dark Side suspended statis being used by the Emperor to gain Light Side visions and knowledge about the Republic). He then goes away theoretically to help fight the war.


Empire side: He is fought in the Foundry and "dies" in a flash of light. His death is NOT confirmed and even the writers say that while he was defeated in the Foundry, it doesn't mean he is "dead" and they gave themselves an out. HK-47 however is killed by the Imp group that fights him as a mini boss.


After those encounters, nothing is mentioned of Revan. They REALLY should have made him go a tad insane and made the Foundry an Ops where both Rep and Emp want to stop him from unleashing something that would stop the Empire (but say... only by destroying billions of innocents?) and we beat him in a 8 or 16 man Operation. But... they didn't...

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Basically, Drew Karpyshyn decided to ignore all established canon about the Exile, in favor of turning her into Revan's personal fangirl/padawan for the whole book and then killed her in the most unceremonious spit in the face of the fans type of way just so he could say 'My character is better than your's' to Avellone(writer of KotOR 2), because apparently Revan over-shadowing everything in the Exile's game wasn't enough for dear old Drew.
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Basically, Drew Karpyshyn decided to ignore all established canon about the Exile, in favor of turning her into Revan's personal fangirl/padawan for the whole book and then killed her in the most unceremonious spit in the face of the fans type of way just so he could say 'My character is better than your's' to Avellone(writer of KotOR 2), because apparently Revan over-shadowing everything in the Exile's game wasn't enough for dear old Drew.


Rayla isn't bitter about this at all, but what she said is pretty much it.

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Rayla isn't bitter about this at all, but what she said is pretty much it.


I do somewhat agree with her bitterness though. All in all, Surik was a far better character than Revan was, whilst still being enough of a "blank slate" for us to mold her into a character of our own.

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Basically, Drew Karpyshyn decided to ignore all established canon about the Exile, in favor of turning her into Revan's personal fangirl/padawan for the whole book and then killed her in the most unceremonious spit in the face of the fans type of way just so he could say 'My character is better than your's' to Avellone(writer of KotOR 2), because apparently Revan over-shadowing everything in the Exile's game wasn't enough for dear old Drew.


Someone is bitter.. What exactly did he ignore again?

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More than I care to point out, needless to say, there is now no point to anything she learnt before the Revan novel because apparently Drew did no research at all on the character.


I wouldn't say that's completely true, I felt that she was strong and competent in the novel and she did save Revan. Again, I'm not seeing what he left out, other then the fact she wasn't kicking everyones *** like she does in kotor 2? lol


Edit: Spelling.

Edited by Airmo
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I wouldn't say that's completely true, I felt that she was strong and competent in the novel and she did save Revan. Again, I'm not seeing what he left out, other the the fact she wasn't kicking everyones *** like she does in kotor 2? lol


Here are her fully established canonical abilities:


Force Wave; think of Satele in Hope, she was a natural master of this power.


Force Enlightenment; she was a full master of the Light Side and had given herself completely to the force's will.


Sever Force; what Nomi did to Ulic, she gained this ability very early on in her training, and was warned by Master Vima Sunrider to be very careful of it's usage, as we know, Surik instinctively uses this on herself to avoid the MSG.


Multiple precognitive abilities from training with Atton, Brianna and her natural Jedi abilities.


Passive Battle Meditation, she learned many multiple forms of Meditation culminating in her using Battle Meditation constantly, even on the move.


Now take note, these aren't all, just the most major abilities.


We see none of these abilities, at all, in the Revan novel, in-fact she only ever uses her Lightsaber when lightsaber combat was not her proficiency.


Don't get me started on the contradictions he made with her personality, as established before-hand in KotOR II's light side play-through and the KotOR Campaign Guide.

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Here are her fully established canonical abilities:


Force Wave; think of Satele in Hope, she was a natural master of this power.


Force Enlightenment; she was a full master of the Light Side and had given herself completely to the force's will.


Sever Force; what Nomi did to Ulic, she gained this ability very early on in her training, and was warned by Master Vima Sunrider to be very careful of it's usage, as we know, Surik instinctively uses this on herself to avoid the MSG.


Multiple precognitive abilities from training with Atton, Brianna and her natural Jedi abilities.


Passive Battle Meditation, she learned many multiple forms of Meditation culminating in her using Battle Meditation constantly, even on the move.


Now take note, these aren't all, just the most major abilities.


We see none of these abilities, at all, in the Revan novel, in-fact she only ever uses her Lightsaber when lightsaber combat was not her proficiency.


Don't get me started on the contradictions he made with her personality, as established before-hand in KotOR II's light side play-through and the KotOR Campaign Guide.


Is there some kind of list with these confirmed abilies somewhere?? Other then sever force and force enlightenment I'm not completely sure about those. Precognitive abilities from Atton? didn't he just train her to protect herself from people getting in her head? And Brianna isn't even in kotor 2 for female players, did she meet her somewhere or is that ignored in canon? Sorry I'm not as well versed in canon as some so if these are stupid questions I apologize.


As for not seeing those abilites in the Revan novel..I don't really see any of Revan's own abilities shown in the novel either, only him directing lightning and the normal jedi stuff. So..


The exile was a clean slate for the player to make his or her own choices for her personality and if your judging her just by a lightside playthrough of kotor 2 then even then she could be different in many ways I believe. As for the campaign guide I'm not sure, what does it say about her personality?

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Is there some kind of list with these confirmed abilies somewhere?? Other then sever force and force enlightenment I'm not completely sure about those. Precognitive abilities from Atton? didn't he just train her to protect herself from people getting in her head? And Brianna isn't even in kotor 2 for female players, did she meet her somewhere or is that ignored in canon? Sorry I'm not as well versed in canon as some so if these are stupid questions I apologize.


As for not seeing those abilites in the Revan novel..I don't really see any of Revan's own abilities shown in the novel either, only him directing lightning and the normal jedi stuff. So..


The exile was a clean slate for the player to make his or her own choices for her personality and if your judging her just by a lightside playthrough of kotor 2 then even then she could be different in many ways I believe. As for the campaign guide I'm not sure, what does it say about her personality?


I'm just gonna get this out of the way, I have been reading/playing and hell even watching the Knights of the Old Republic series since the original game released on July 15th 2003, I know all the canon you can imagine about this particular time.


But nevertheless I will answer your questions.


Whatever you learned from your companions in a light-side play-through is complete canon, as they are story-based abilities, just in-case you were wondering, the canonical playthrough for KotOR II is a 100% complete Light Side playthrough, as established in the miniatures game and other sources, Surik had both Mical and Brianna join her in KotOR II's events, contrary to how things were in the Fem Exile playthrough.


Atton does teach you his own latent Precognitive abilities in the game, you just have to continue to gain his influence and trust his instincts.


That is simply because Revan had no canonically established abilities before the Revan novel, we never see him get clarification on an ability or lightsaber form before then.


Actually the Jedi Exile's character is one of extreme guilt after her actions in the Mandalorian Wars, her only close friend was Revan, whom she felt abandoned by and felt extreme sadness when she witnessed his corruption throughout the war.


She instantly answered the call, even though no call was made, to defend the Republic and the Jedi in the Dark Wars, she always try to redeem herself in the eyes of the Jedi Council, and became enlightened about who she was, what happened and why it had transpired, gaining Mastery of the Light Side, through this she wiped out the Sith Triumvirate.


She had become very weary and learnt a harsh lesson when Traya revealed herself, and came to be mis-trusting of almost all, especially the Sith.


When everything had happened, she believed it her duty to her closest ally to go and find him, to figure out what happened to Revan.


That was the canonical Exile as established in KotOR II, the KotOR Campaign Guide and a few other numerous sources.


It was all very consistent.


When we get to Meetra Surik in the Revan novel, she isn't a master of the Light Side, she struggled heavily with the most basic Imperial Guardsman.


For some reason meets Scourge and just trusts his words right off the bat, a Sith Lord, she trusted a Sith Lord, never once giving doubt to what he would do against the Emperor, again, she gave no thought to a Sith, after everything that had happened between herself and Traya.


She suddenly seems to be best buddies with the man whom, last she saw, had turned to the Dark Side the last time he faced the True Sith and when found was clearly not in his own right mind, but she decided that Revan was perfectly capable of leading this assault, the same man who abandoned her at Malachor V.


It is made out repeatedly in both the Revan novel and discussions with Scourge, that somehow she was some kind of student of Revan's, when never before has this been stated, even though she was in an entirely different fleet the entirety of the Mandalorian Wars.


She is made out repeatedly as someone who senses extreme danger very easily, yet she has absolutely no forewarning of Scourge's impending betrayal and stab in the back.


And the most bothering part of the whole thing, she picks Revan over a chance to kill the Emperor stone dead, the exact opposite thing she had done in all other decisions she had made throughout her life, even though she probably would have known Revan would have wanted her to sacrifice him in favour of saving the galaxy, she picked Revan.


Honestly, that very last part, completely ignores all her major choices beforehand and just makes her out to be some selfish Jedi.


Anyway I am tired, it's 1.50 in the A.M and I need some rest, good night.

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I personally remember my exile as a DS sith lord she clears room's with 2 force storms and death fields makes bosses look like a joke with force crush and spreads insanity to her enemies via the dark side. I personally found playing DS while letting the jedi masters live in kotor 2 really rewarding(since letting them live kriea does not deem you a failure cause you are not a mindless brute plus some lines are changed in the jedi enclave if you are dakr side) personally more than playing light side. At the end she went out to join the true sith. Well thats my opinion.


Well.. even If I prefer the dark side I did not like how she gets punked by scourge in the revan novel and loses all the experiences she has in kotor 2 I simply don't know how drew could destroy LS exile character like that.


Hmm this is making me feel like doing another DS run of kotor 2 with the restoration mod.

Edited by lokdron
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I'm just gonna get this out of the way, I have been reading/playing and hell even watching the Knights of the Old Republic series since the original game released on July 15th 2003, I know all the canon you can imagine about this particular time.


But nevertheless I will answer your questions.


Whatever you learned from your companions in a light-side play-through is complete canon, as they are story-based abilities, just in-case you were wondering, the canonical playthrough for KotOR II is a 100% complete Light Side playthrough, as established in the miniatures game and other sources, Surik had both Mical and Brianna join her in KotOR II's events, contrary to how things were in the Fem Exile playthrough.


Atton does teach you his own latent Precognitive abilities in the game, you just have to continue to gain his influence and trust his instincts.


That is simply because Revan had no canonically established abilities before the Revan novel, we never see him get clarification on an ability or lightsaber form before then.


Actually the Jedi Exile's character is one of extreme guilt after her actions in the Mandalorian Wars, her only close friend was Revan, whom she felt abandoned by and felt extreme sadness when she witnessed his corruption throughout the war.


She instantly answered the call, even though no call was made, to defend the Republic and the Jedi in the Dark Wars, she always try to redeem herself in the eyes of the Jedi Council, and became enlightened about who she was, what happened and why it had transpired, gaining Mastery of the Light Side, through this she wiped out the Sith Triumvirate.


She had become very weary and learnt a harsh lesson when Traya revealed herself, and came to be mis-trusting of almost all, especially the Sith.


When everything had happened, she believed it her duty to her closest ally to go and find him, to figure out what happened to Revan.


That was the canonical Exile as established in KotOR II, the KotOR Campaign Guide and a few other numerous sources.


It was all very consistent.


When we get to Meetra Surik in the Revan novel, she isn't a master of the Light Side, she struggled heavily with the most basic Imperial Guardsman.


For some reason meets Scourge and just trusts his words right off the bat, a Sith Lord, she trusted a Sith Lord, never once giving doubt to what he would do against the Emperor, again, she gave no thought to a Sith, after everything that had happened between herself and Traya.


She suddenly seems to be best buddies with the man whom, last she saw, had turned to the Dark Side the last time he faced the True Sith and when found was clearly not in his own right mind, but she decided that Revan was perfectly capable of leading this assault, the same man who abandoned her at Malachor V.


It is made out repeatedly in both the Revan novel and discussions with Scourge, that somehow she was some kind of student of Revan's, when never before has this been stated, even though she was in an entirely different fleet the entirety of the Mandalorian Wars.


She is made out repeatedly as someone who senses extreme danger very easily, yet she has absolutely no forewarning of Scourge's impending betrayal and stab in the back.


And the most bothering part of the whole thing, she picks Revan over a chance to kill the Emperor stone dead, the exact opposite thing she had done in all other decisions she had made throughout her life, even though she probably would have known Revan would have wanted her to sacrifice him in favour of saving the galaxy, she picked Revan.


Honestly, that very last part, completely ignores all her major choices beforehand and just makes her out to be some selfish Jedi.


Anyway I am tired, it's 1.50 in the A.M and I need some rest, good night.


I just grabbed my guidebook from KotOR II and I will vouch for everything she just said.

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I'm just gonna get this out of the way, I have been reading/playing and hell even watching the Knights of the Old Republic series since the original game released on July 15th 2003, I know all the canon you can imagine about this particular time.


But nevertheless I will answer your questions.


Whatever you learned from your companions in a light-side play-through is complete canon, as they are story-based abilities, just in-case you were wondering, the canonical playthrough for KotOR II is a 100% complete Light Side playthrough, as established in the miniatures game and other sources, Surik had both Mical and Brianna join her in KotOR II's events, contrary to how things were in the Fem Exile playthrough.


Atton does teach you his own latent Precognitive abilities in the game, you just have to continue to gain his influence and trust his instincts.


That is simply because Revan had no canonically established abilities before the Revan novel, we never see him get clarification on an ability or lightsaber form before then.


Actually the Jedi Exile's character is one of extreme guilt after her actions in the Mandalorian Wars, her only close friend was Revan, whom she felt abandoned by and felt extreme sadness when she witnessed his corruption throughout the war.


She instantly answered the call, even though no call was made, to defend the Republic and the Jedi in the Dark Wars, she always try to redeem herself in the eyes of the Jedi Council, and became enlightened about who she was, what happened and why it had transpired, gaining Mastery of the Light Side, through this she wiped out the Sith Triumvirate.


She had become very weary and learnt a harsh lesson when Traya revealed herself, and came to be mis-trusting of almost all, especially the Sith.


When everything had happened, she believed it her duty to her closest ally to go and find him, to figure out what happened to Revan.


That was the canonical Exile as established in KotOR II, the KotOR Campaign Guide and a few other numerous sources.


It was all very consistent.


When we get to Meetra Surik in the Revan novel, she isn't a master of the Light Side, she struggled heavily with the most basic Imperial Guardsman.


For some reason meets Scourge and just trusts his words right off the bat, a Sith Lord, she trusted a Sith Lord, never once giving doubt to what he would do against the Emperor, again, she gave no thought to a Sith, after everything that had happened between herself and Traya.


She suddenly seems to be best buddies with the man whom, last she saw, had turned to the Dark Side the last time he faced the True Sith and when found was clearly not in his own right mind, but she decided that Revan was perfectly capable of leading this assault, the same man who abandoned her at Malachor V.


It is made out repeatedly in both the Revan novel and discussions with Scourge, that somehow she was some kind of student of Revan's, when never before has this been stated, even though she was in an entirely different fleet the entirety of the Mandalorian Wars.


She is made out repeatedly as someone who senses extreme danger very easily, yet she has absolutely no forewarning of Scourge's impending betrayal and stab in the back.


And the most bothering part of the whole thing, she picks Revan over a chance to kill the Emperor stone dead, the exact opposite thing she had done in all other decisions she had made throughout her life, even though she probably would have known Revan would have wanted her to sacrifice him in favour of saving the galaxy, she picked Revan.


Honestly, that very last part, completely ignores all her major choices beforehand and just makes her out to be some selfish Jedi.


Anyway I am tired, it's 1.50 in the A.M and I need some rest, good night.


This. Except I don't think she was that wrong to trust Revan given all that had happened to him. She wasn't the only one Revan abandoned who remained a loyal allly, after all.

Aside from that, good to know I'm not the only one who's that ticked off about what they did to the Exile. :mad:


Oh, and the whole thing with Nathema. She lived with the burden of Malachor V for years in Exile, deafened to the Force. Not to mention that she fought Darth Nihilus right before Malachor V was finally destroyed. What was supposed to be so different on Nathema that she barely escaped? Not that it wouldn't be tough, but she of all Jedi should have resisted that better.

Edited by BradTheImpaler
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This. Except I don't think she was that wrong to trust Revan given all that had happened to him. She wasn't the only one Revan abandoned who remained a loyal allly, after all.

Aside from that, good to know I'm not the only one who's that ticked off about what they did to the Exile. :mad:


Oh, and the whole thing with Nathema. She lived with the burden of Malachor V for years in Exile, deafened to the Force. Not to mention that she fought Darth Nihilus right before Malachor V was finally destroyed. What was supposed to be so different on Nathema that she barely escaped? Not that it wouldn't be tough, but she of all Jedi should have resisted that better.


I agree, but the KotOR Campaign Guide, states she duelled once with Darth Revan, and stopped half way through and walked out in tears when she realised her friend was gone.


Oh god, Nathema was simply ridiculous to read, has Drew ever even played KotOR II before?


I have other contradictions he made, but I think I made my point.

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I agree, but the KotOR Campaign Guide, states she duelled once with Darth Revan, and stopped half way through and walked out in tears when she realised her friend was gone.


Oh god, Nathema was simply ridiculous to read, has Drew ever even played KotOR II before?


I have other contradictions he made, but I think I made my point.


That Revan is "his baby" and he'll keep on that pedestal for as long as he can?

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She couldn't beat Nyriss

She instead of killing the Emperor while he was distracted on killing Revan she just went to stopping him from killing Revan

She was stabbed in the back by Scourage and killed

She spent 300 years trying to keep Revan sane


She looked up to Revan , and loved him like a Brother but if she would have went for saving the universe instead of saving Revan in that final moment , the game would be at a different point and most likely she would have lived and eventually died of maybe old age or in a war having to do with sith or not.


I find it funny that those people who attack Revan's fans are doing the same for Meetra they say Revan's fans do for Revan.


Personally I would have rathered Meetra let Revan died and went for the killing blow on the Emperor while she had a clearly open shot to do. It is apparent Revan is not the same guy as he was in before that fight, when you finally meet him at Foundry you start to realise that he has gone far extreme and drifted back to the darkside as he wished to wipe out everything Sith or he said imperial. All I seen was SithPure Blood faces though and that tells you the guy lost all moral sense of being a Jedi .


Not to say he was much better before , but in KotoR and after you never seen or heard him say he wished too kill all Mandos, just enough to end the war. He just took that too extreme in the foundry .



Meetra in my opinion died for nothing or atleast so far . But that is how I feel and my opinion .


I like Revan but I also believe character should have a ending at some point , Drew I think toned down both Revan and Meetra . If one came just out of playing KotoR 1 and 2 you'd think the pair was unstoppable , and now in Revan book and TOR you find out that they were not Gods and were able to be defeated . To me that is what makes characters great. I do not want to like a Demi God like Luke who wins just about every fight with impossible odds and goddly powers . I want to see great warriors like Revan and Meetra fall . It makes their story much better .

Edited by mefit
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I find it funny that those people who attack Revan's fans are doing the same for Meetra they say Revan's fans do for Revan.


Here is the difference:


We aren't claiming Meetra is the be all end all of the KotOR era and making her out to be ultimate master of the force.


We are arguing the fact that Drew blatantly ignores and contradicts existing canon on the Exile in favour of cutting a promo, if you will, for the actual game, it was sloppy and badly done.

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Here is the difference:


We aren't claiming Meetra is the be all end all of the KotOR era and making her out to be ultimate master of the force.


We are arguing the fact that Drew blatantly ignores and contradicts existing canon on the Exile in favour of cutting a promo, if you will, for the actual game, it was sloppy and badly done.


As usually , this author killed my character and so I will stat he/she ignored canon and was bad.


KotoR II ignored alot of Canon made KotoR I but I am not here to argue that . The Fact Meetra died saving someone elses life that even in KotoR II made you believe there was a strong conection between the two , I just did not see 1 thing ignored . I think Drew did a good job on it and really Meetra did as she was intended to do.

The only thing I wished she would have done in the book , if let Revan die and kill the Emperor as I believe Revan would have let her die and went to kill the Emperor .


To be totally Honest what KotoR II did was something that was never done really before in a StarWars Universe, and made Sithlords into Super Villians out of the DC comics or Marvel Universe.


Scion a man held together by his hate and cannot die till he was ready to

Nihilus who survived a weapon that killed millions and went on to eat planets to feed his hunger


I mean yea Vitiate can be comparable but really ?!


KotoR II was a good game but really , nothing in the Revan book went against canon. Just more shortsidedness on a group of people who get upset when their characters die .


Drew was published and was responsible for the writing of KotoR I and that is the sole reason KotoR II ever came to be and if it wasn't for Bioware moving onto their own game, KotoR II would have more than likely not been about Meetra Surik at all . Obsidian made their own changes to Canon that was apart of KotoR I and there for if anything Obsidian refused to comply with Canon already established by KotoR I .

Drew just put it all back into order , kinda like how you wish Tim would do with his creation Mara Jade.

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