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Anyone Else NOT Care About Legacy?


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I don't give 2 ***** about the legacy system. It's not gonna keep anyone around.


edit: server issues also true for me. crucible pits is dead. Logged in for the first time in months. 10 people in fleet primetime. Queue pop took 45 minutes.

Edited by Pantheros
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I dont care about it, hell I never even picked a last name and since Legacy has nothing that is needed for Ops/WZ's I dont see a need for it. they should have fixed more bugs, put back the graphic options we had in beta, and then maybe 1.2 would matter.


Legacy is a waste of space and if there was a way to turn it off I would gladly do so

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Legacy...the only stuff that interests me in 1.2 is the ability to unlock new race/class combos, Chiss Sith warrior here I come.


Is it me or does the rest seem like a series of glorified emotes ? The heroic moment abilities appear useless since they are only available in open world pve and will hardly make your character more powerful, it's just a fun gimmick to use every 20 minutes. +10 presence per maxed companion is also not that much and is only a tiny buff.


So the really sexy stuff is in 1.3 - namely the crafting crits, the ability to customize your experience gain and the earlier speeder. And who knows how far 1.3 might be away now...considering that server population is dropping and that people are migrating to the few active servers things do not look too good. Also no word on server transfers and merges (except for late April for Aussies maybe) or a LFD tool.

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5 million credits for the ship mailbox? That and the auction house were the only thing that interested me if anything and 5 mill credits lol i dont think so.


I have 4 50's i dont need more alts<---- I need endgame and open world pvp was my main incentive to play and i got screwed over on that....


So no i dont care for it nor do i give 2 f%cks about rerolling 20 alts to get more 50's to an end game that is non existent


The funniest thing is this what they were wanting to put in before the game was even developed? Lets put in this lore breaking legacy thing and well let them have pureblood "SITH" jedi's !! oh the epicness



not even 1 new species put not 1....


Im going to just change my U.I that should have been here at launch and just unsub and check back when this epic open world revamp happens only to find out no ones here to do open world with anymore there all in gw2.....

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Nope, dont care.


Yeah, literally nothing of interest.


A flashpoint/raid that I won't be able to find a group to do cause my guild raids at weird hours for my schedule and some fluff items for millions of credits. I wonder if Bioware is trying to screw this up

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Seems people are forgetting that 1.2 is not just Legacy. They are adding more FP's and OP's as well as more daily's (for level 50's). They are also adding more crafting features and items. Legacy is A big thing but it is NOT the only thing.


Personally, I like the additions coming with Legacy.


If you are one of those that is complaining about low pop servers then you have choices. Stay and be unhappy with the status quo. Stay and make the best of it. Or, roll a new character on a new more active server. Of course, you could just quit and save the rest of us the greif of listening to someone that only wants to complain rather then taking action that would fix THEIR situation.


The question is if we care about the Legacy System.


Personally I think its pointless and also makes no sense in lore.


Also some of us also have guilds that don't change servers so we cant reroll or do not want to make new characters all over again.

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I care, it's something new and actually gives you tools to improve your SWTOR experience. My alts will finally have an in game representation and a relationship to my guys. There is also the chance in the future for them to appear in my stories with the guy I am playing.


On the face of it now, it looks basically an RP tool, but the opportunities the system gives to us in the future look quite fun.


There is no game breaking lore at play here either, none. Sith Purebloods are notoriously ambitious and most of all they are loyal only to themselves. There is every reason to believe they are willing to defect to the republic, or even be raised in a republic controlled system.


Same as there is any reason for a mirulka or mirialan to be enslaved and shipped off to korriban, or for a chiss to have been programmed by the SIS to help the republic, but not have the chance to remove it.


There is literally nothing about the legacy options that cannot be explained away somehow.

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The question is if we care about the Legacy System.


Personally I think its pointless and also makes no sense in lore.


Also some of us also have guilds that don't change servers so we cant reroll or do not want to make new characters all over again.




It completely breaks lore, and its meaningless in the scope of the game. I mean, my bounty hunter using a heroic "Lightning Storm" ability? Its not even usable in a WZ, is it. That's problem number 1. Number 2, broken lore. Number 3, where's the creativity? Why not a heroic ability that complements that class?


I'm not even bothering with it. Who cares about shared emotes, unlocking all races that can be used with a class, and the fact that I can use force lightning between toons. That's not a class ability.


Legacy is just another example of inexperience designing a gaming system.

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I kinda give a damn, but I don't think there should be so much hype around it.


Bioware didn't learn, they hyped everyone up before launch just to smack them in the face with bugs and boredom.

Now all we hear is "legacy legacy legacy" and frankly, I think it is a nice little idea but it's exactly that - LITTLE. And it's not really going to be game-changing, just a small addition.

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I kinda give a damn, but I don't think there should be so much hype around it.


Bioware didn't learn, they hyped everyone up before launch just to smack them in the face with bugs and boredom.

Now all we hear is "legacy legacy legacy" and frankly, I think it is a nice little idea but it's exactly that - LITTLE. And it's not really going to be game-changing, just a small addition.


Yo ! on teh for realz trip my brutha's.


Leg A Cee is funna be teh straight dope trip. Yo check it, ya'll gonna get to finish, but first I'm fixnta say that that aint right. Don't be trippin about stuff you iz done paid for but aint got yet. You funna gets it when you funna gets it and thats all it iz.


Once the Leg A Cee, is fully intigrated baby, you will be straight smoove. I mean man how can you not mack up on dis stuff here dood. They iz straight fixin all the problemz G !

You gonn get any head you want on any body you wants as long as itz one of the fo!


Why you be trippin dog? This game is the straigh for rizz fa shizz shbazz mataqzz mah tizz ! Fo Real ! I ain't just sayin that shizzz.


Yo ! Maaaaaaan, once you gots yo Leg A Cee straight , shooo you be straight pimpin dog !

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The question is if we care about the Legacy System.


Personally I think its pointless and also makes no sense in lore.


Also some of us also have guilds that don't change servers so we cant reroll or do not want to make new characters all over again.


The question may be about Legacy but the update 1.2 as a whole is not ONLY about Legacy.


Pointless to you maybe. Makes no sense in "lore", again to you. To many others, myself included, I see that it makes a perfect fit with "lore".


Which is it? Your server is "dead" or your "guilds that don't change servers"? Are you married to lemmings that won't move just to be stubborn or are you wanting to play on a more populated server? Whish is it? All I am hearing is complaints and no action to rectify the situation for yourself (or your guild).

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Legacy is another reason this game will fail. Everybody needs to grind 5 alts now or you won't be as powerful as the next guy. You can keep your stupid game, Idc how cool it looks BW has ruined any possibility of this game ever being good or having a good community.


The one good thing with the constant flaws is that I'm now at peace with never coming back once my sub ends. I mean they would have to re-make the entire game. Still they will make money from all the noobs playing their single player game, I can't imagine any one in their right mind ever playing this game for more than 3 months straight.

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Legacy is another reason this game will fail. Everybody needs to grind 5 alts now or you won't be as powerful as the next guy. You can keep your stupid game, Idc how cool it looks BW has ruined any possibility of this game ever being good or having a good community.


The one good thing with the constant flaws is that I'm now at peace with never coming back once my sub ends. I mean they would have to re-make the entire game. Still they will make money from all the noobs playing their single player game, I can't imagine any one in their right mind ever playing this game for more than 3 months straight.


Funny. All the effort Bioware went to to make the legacy system a fun addition to the game that is not unbalancing, and gives advantages to people that want to enjoy the story, while not affecting PVE/PVP balance and they get posts like this.


As has been said before, Bioware could give everyone in the game a RL cash gift, and have people complain about receiving it.

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As has been said before, Bioware could give everyone in the game a RL cash gift, and have people complain about receiving it.


The resentment expressed on the forums is primarily due to server attrition and persistent bugs. It's not so much that people hate the Legacy system; rather, they'd like more pressing issues to be addressed first. Having received insufficient or unsatisfactory communication about these problems, they're lashing out at BioWare in general.

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heres the thing most people already have enough alts due to lack of end game as it is. So why should anyone that hasnt already made alts make more? no matter how many alts u make your still gonna get to no end game.


And to think they been thinking about this "legacy" crap before the game was even made just goes to show you thier view on the game...


Have to say i sure apreciate the old kotors more now even the old kotor the worlds not as dead as these planets that dont even have a day or night cycle yet.

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I think the Legacy system is awful beyond words can express.


No new races. Instead we just get the same terrible different coloured human races for ANY class. Which will be great seeing everyone a Darkside Sith pureblood with red sabers walking around the Republic fleet. As if the Empire population wasn't over populated enough, now they bring out the master plan of completely eliminating the Republic in this game?


Unlock new skills to another character... everyone will be a force user. Don't the Jedi and Sith feel special now. Also a Jedi can use a flame thrower from his invisible wrist strap. Fantastic.


The family tree is simply a drag and drop RP purpose over hyped mechanic.


Can't be bothered QQing anymore.

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