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Quarterly Producer Letter for Q2 2024 ×

Live the Ship Droid Experience!


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Rather than send someone to make these AF vids... o wait April Fools... AF.... Action Force.... AF oooo a link... anyway see it's easy to make nonsense even when trying to be constructive... but you get paid to keep us happy gamers... no happy gamers = no gamers = no pay and then u can get put into a CnC development and destroy another franchise...


So rather than waste time on this ... Very Poor..... effort of an April Fools prank spend some quality time getting that damn patch out... don't worry about bugs we have gotten use to playing with them now.....

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Holy ****, that's a game changer right there! I swear to god, it's like they read my mind, I was just telling my friends how cool it would be to be a ship droid and BAM.


Damn it Bioware, you already released Mass Effect 3 on my birthday and now this? I think it's time we got married.

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So rather than waste time on this ... Very Poor..... effort of an April Fools prank spend some quality time getting that damn patch out... don't worry about bugs we have gotten use to playing with them now.....


Rather you stop whining like a grumpy old man, give them time you impatient person.



Good one bioware, but please implement this in game, sounds like a laugh.

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I'm actually really disappointed that it's only an April Fools gag. The game desperately needs some mini games and extra things to do and this would have been awesome.


I particularly liked the epic music which accompanied him performing menial tasks around the ship. Very good indeed! :D

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I get it, i understand the need to do stuff like this, but the irony is they seem to have the time to make painfully obvoius April Fools stuff like this but neglect to fix the serious issues the game has which is currently killing the population.


Use your resources more wisely, more people quit every day thanks to being stranded on dead servers and broken buggy high-end content. We don't want to see you wasting time on this fluffy crap instead of addressing game breaking issues for many of us. This just adds insult to injury.


Still...i admit it made me smile :)


You really want a web designer programming game code?


Now THAT would be a great april fool's joke.

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Good one! :)

wonder how much time it took to put it all together though, might have been better used to allow character transfer from server to server ...


Fun read though, kinda gives itself away at the end :)



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i was totally digging on this. all of it every single bit. i was like damn this is the level of detail i am talking about. started gettting really excited about 1.2 getting rolled out. then...

it hit me.

april #*&^%& fools.


just great bioware..


just great.


i guess well played?11!


you have now sent me in a total depression...


i was so loving this then poof



+10 internets to you for fooling me....



but damn i want this kind of stuff implemented into this game....


all of these ideas actually were unique and awesome...


shame on you for pulling such a deliteful and refreshing scam...






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