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10 Good
  1. Rather than send someone to make these AF vids... o wait April Fools... AF.... Action Force.... AF oooo a link... anyway see it's easy to make nonsense even when trying to be constructive... but you get paid to keep us happy gamers... no happy gamers = no gamers = no pay and then u can get put into a CnC development and destroy another franchise... So rather than waste time on this ... Very Poor..... effort of an April Fools prank spend some quality time getting that damn patch out... don't worry about bugs we have gotten use to playing with them now.....
  2. no i quoted that the reasons above had no PVP value to to a healing operative, and secondly its not nab9out pull a ability.... did u know its an instant score if a warrior jumps to defender jumps to offensive then passes to assassin who sprints to finish is an instant score? :confused::confused::confused::confused::confused::D:D:D:D:D:D:D
  3. yes since only a BH has the equivilant of an offensive hutball ability.... so yes :D:D:D:D:D:D:confused::confused:;):eek::mad::mad:
  4. ok IAOP Healer Spec>? ????? secondly the mentioned above have no PVP value .....
  5. what does Imperial Agent have to benefit in PVP huttball specific:):):):eek::o:p:p:p:p
  6. it is an unfair advantage that assassins and Warriors anf the republic equivant PVP, have their speed boost and defender and attacker jumps and the tech users hav er nothing , i would suggest removing or disabling in pvp hutball pr give te3ch users a similar move, ioo thin k most prefr the disabling tbh :eek::eek::eek::eek::eek: EDIT: and the powertech thing ^^
  7. have not had a problem with servers havnt had to wait since i got access
  8. Yep i never got that either, is it picked up a bit l8r on?
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