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Server que after disconnect- grace period plz?


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HELLO!!! How is it supposed to know why you disconnected?? I am aware how all this works!! But the server does not disconnect you.. The internet does.. The only way the server knows you have been disconnected is when you time out which is what I said..


Thanks for not reading and have a nice day.. :rolleyes:


Sorry I have to reply to you because this guy has absolutely no idea how networking works but he is trying to argue a point.


Alright, basically, everyone has an IP address. Think of that as your internet tag. Alright, the server knows how many people are connecting and disconnecting because well, thats what a server does. So when you disconnect for any reason, the server can be set to keep the slot open at all times, so someone new could jump in and take your slot and connect to the server.


Since there is a cap on the server as to how many they are letting connect at one time, you therefore, go to the back of the line in the queue, when trying to access the slot that you were just using and playing on.


What they need to do, is make it so the server remembers your IP address, and holds that slot for you for 5 minutes. That way it gives you enough time to power cycle your modem or whatever so you can get right back in and keep playing.


You should probably do a little research on Google before you start trying to argue a point.

Edited by Tortoises
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I can only beg for this. My modem likes to randomly disconnect me for less than a minute and my home server is Jung Ma. Anytime I get dc'ed, I get thrown in a 40 minutes queues, despite a few seconds disconnect. It's very infuriating. Edited by Dyalad
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For what it's worth, I feel your pain. I actually got excited when I managed to stay in game long enough to get from lvl 8 to lvl 10. And then I got booted again to a 400+ person queue.


I can't keep playing if it's going to be like this. Queues...I understand. Occasional d/c's are a pain, but I can just run around solo until they iron out the bugs. But repeated queues in the same night when I didn't do anything to boot myself out of the game? Does not work.


Yeah this happened to me 4 times today. Twice I got dced while in waiting queue, another during a flashpoint (I managed to get right back in thankfully), and the last was right after the flashpoint and lo and behold a 900+ waiting queue.


They need to fix the random dced that is happening to a lot of ppl and add a grace period. Im sure they will...hopefully...please???

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Ok, I figured someone would respond with this. Let me reiterate since you are slow in comprehension. We don't NEED anything to play this game, but they make the game more bearable and more enjoyable. And making the assumption that bots and gold sellers comes from mods and macros is ridiculous. That is like saying if guns didn't exist, then people wouldn't get murdered.


Just because you don't like to use mods and macros, doesn't mean everyone else doesn't. It is an option to make the *GAME* more *ENJOYABLE*. Oh my God, what a concept! A game being more enjoyable?! Why would anyone want to get more enjoyment out of a GAME? That's preposterous! Inconceivable! Especially a game they pay for! <GASP>


See how little sense you make? Yeah, I know you see it but just won't admit it. If end game raiding has any bit of difficulty then these things will be required. If you don't think so, try going up against someone else who uses them and see who gets invited back to the next raid.


HINT: It won't be you.


You dont make a lot of sense. That gun analog is priceless, did you come up with that your self?


If your guild doesnt invite you to raids, then I suggest you move on or move back to the game that allows mods/macros. If the game is not enjoyable or even bearable with the tools that the developers gave us, then again, you're playing the wrong game.


Mods and macros make your game play easier, yes, they do that and give an advantage over those that arent using them. Without them we are at an even playground.


If the flashpoints are giving you hard time without your precious wow mods and macros then why would you need it to be even harder? Think about it, to write a program to press buttons for you against scripts. Isn't that rather sad?

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I am not thick headed.. You are just not thinking..
About the thinking part.


Think about this; the server does not now why you disconnect. It could be your ISP, it could be your network cable getting pulled, your machine reboots etc. All it knows is that your client has stopped responding and you time out.


However, when you LOG OUT the server knows very well that you did not crash or trip over your cable. Since you close your session gracefully.


I know you got the 2 things mixed up most likely, but please, engage your own brain before telling others they aren't using theirs ;)

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So now you are asking the server to determine how or why you were disconnected so it knows to hold a spot for you or allow someone else to join.. That is simply unrealistic and stupid in my view.. The answer here is to get rid of the queues.. Not make them longer for everyone to hold spots for people as they get disconnected, or degrade performance as the server tries to determine how and why you were disconnected..





It's actually fairly simple for the server to do so


In the client if I click QUIT or LOGOUT and then manually click EXIT as well, it's fairly easy for the server to distinguish that from a Link Dead state

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Yeah this happened to me 4 times today. Twice I got dced while in waiting queue, another during a flashpoint (I managed to get right back in thankfully), and the last was right after the flashpoint and lo and behold a 900+ waiting queue.


They need to fix the random dced that is happening to a lot of ppl and add a grace period. Im sure they will...hopefully...please???


I just got dc again in the waiting queue! Back to 1000 waiting

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I finally got in after 3 hours of trying. I played for about 30 minutes and then was disconnected. Now I am at a queue of 700. This is ridiculous. I will give this one week after the 20th launch and then I am out. I don't want to quit, but you give me no choice since my play time is limited. I'd rather play something like WoW that I like, then sit in the queue forever for a game I love. :-/
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You dont make a lot of sense. That gun analog is priceless, did you come up with that your self?


If your guild doesnt invite you to raids, then I suggest you move on or move back to the game that allows mods/macros. If the game is not enjoyable or even bearable with the tools that the developers gave us, then again, you're playing the wrong game.


Mods and macros make your game play easier, yes, they do that and give an advantage over those that arent using them. Without them we are at an even playground.


If the flashpoints are giving you hard time without your precious wow mods and macros then why would you need it to be even harder? Think about it, to write a program to press buttons for you against scripts. Isn't that rather sad?


You make a lot of ridiculous assumptions that I don't even remotely hint to at all. I think you are the one who doesn't make sense, and I also think you are quite stupid. Sorry, don't want to call you that but after three chances to make you comprehend you just aren't getting it. I'm sorry you are slow and lack the average comprehension skills of a 4 year old.


1) I never said my guild wouldn't invite me to raids. I raid in all the games I play and I am very good. Since raiding has not started in SWTOR, I can only point out that I've played WoW since 2004 and beaten every raid instance in the game within a short while of it being released, including Heroic modes. So where did you make this assumption from? Yeah, straight out of your behind.


2) So your argument is there should be no mods and macros because YOU want an even playing ground? Sounds like you are the handicap one here, buddy. When you play a sport like basketball or football, do you tell all the non-white players to leave the field because their natural ethnic abilities are better than your own? A truly good player will overcome regardless of using mods/macros. So the argument of even playing field is moot.


3) And flashpoints giving me a hard time? I'm sorry, are you even reading my posts because not once did I even use the word flashpoint or mention anything related to them.


I see arguing with you is pointless, because you are one of those trolls who tries to put words in people's mouths just so you can make your own fuel for the fire. Your logic has failed miserably. Please don't bother to continue replying.


TL;DR - To quote the principal from Billy Madison, "What you've just said is one of the most insanely idiotic things I have ever heard. At no point in your rambling, incoherent response were you even close to anything that could be considered a rational thought. Everyone in this room is now dumber for having listened to it. I award you no points, and may God have mercy on your soul."

Edited by Segundus
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your asking for preferential treatment in short .....to give the shaft to a bunch of other gamers cause they logged in later than you....never happen.....this would be a bad PR move. If there are still long waits months after the 'actual' release and they don't open up enough servers they have already opened up 6 then its time to really be mad. This launch was bound to be rocky and sadly many many of this community have their head in the clouds not in reality
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your asking for preferential treatment in short .....to give the shaft to a bunch of other gamers cause they logged in later than you....never happen.....this would be a bad PR move. If there are still long waits months after the 'actual' release and they don't open up enough servers they have already opened up 6 then its time to really be mad. This launch was bound to be rocky and sadly many many of this community have their head in the clouds not in reality


So we should punish people who already waited countless minutes only to wait again because they dc'd for 5 seconds? How is that fair to anybody at all? They were going to be there anyway.


OH LOOK. Dc'd again. My router hiccuped for TWO SECONDS and I got thrown in a 500 person queue. Fabulous.

Edited by Megasuperb
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