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hate stunlocks, try fighting a 8 man group with 3 healers.


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I have been in alot of pvp games and there is nothing more OP then the healers in this game. A good healer can stand up to 2-3 players. great healers can hold off entire groups and get away.


Yes stun locks suck, but I would much rather get stun locked and killed then play a 15 min match where you cant kill anyone ever. I certainly hope 1.2 answers this massive imbalance.

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I have been in alot of pvp games and there is nothing more OP then the healers in this game. A good healer can stand up to 2-3 players. great healers can hold off entire groups and get away.


Yes stun locks suck, but I would much rather get stun locked and killed then play a 15 min match where you cant kill anyone ever. I certainly hope 1.2 answers this massive imbalance.


What gear are you using? level 40 greens? The only healer who can tank more then 1 dps is a merc/commando and that only when he has ALL he's cooldowns. And you can wait a bit till they fade and blow him up.


I get it that healers can be a bit tough for the unorganized pugs where most people don't have the slightest clue what to do and run around like headless chickens just randomly mashing their butons, but we surely wouldn't want to balance around that, do we?

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Hate these threads..


a coordinated groop rocks pug film at 11... hippys cry fer nerfs and more gun control.


Hate these threads.


How and where did all these people pvp in other mmo's. (retoricle)

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Most healers have trouble standing against 1 Marauder. The only one that can do it easily is a Commando with all his CD's popped (Yes, I know Sawbones beats him, but that actually involves effort, I said EASILY).


If you put 2 competent DPS on a healer, they will tear through them like paper. Kill the healers first and the DPS are sitting ducks

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Hate these threads..


a coordinated groop rocks pug film at 11... hippys cry fer nerfs and more gun control.


Hate these threads.


How and where did all these people pvp in other mmo's. (retoricle)


u got nothing to offer me here, why the hell did u read it or reply.

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Most healers have trouble standing against 1 Marauder. The only one that can do it easily is a Commando with all his CD's popped (Yes, I know Sawbones beats him, but that actually involves effort, I said EASILY).


If you put 2 competent DPS on a healer, they will tear through them like paper. Kill the healers first and the DPS are sitting ducks


I am talking pugs here, but if i'm leader, i mark the healers. Maybe I am just facing night after night of organized pvp groups, who knows.

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I am talking pugs here, but if i'm leader, i mark the healers. Maybe I am just facing night after night of organized pvp groups, who knows.


Sounds like you should be complaining about PuGs vs. Premades.

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What gear are you using? level 40 greens? The only healer who can tank more then 1 dps is a merc/commando and that only when he has ALL he's cooldowns. And you can wait a bit till they fade and blow him up.


I get it that healers can be a bit tough for the unorganized pugs where most people don't have the slightest clue what to do and run around like headless chickens just randomly mashing their butons, but we surely wouldn't want to balance around that, do we?


I have "tanked" up to 3 people at one time as the weakest healer: Sawbones. This was a marauder, melee ops and jugg. On the other hand a sorc make sit dificult because lightning can pack alot of pushback. Depends on the class attacking and player.


This may be because they were undergeared + low level, I don't know. But if I can take 3 guys at once for a long time I'm pretty sure a combat medic or healer sage can. Especially with that nice bubble they have and all around better heals to boot.

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The only healer who can tank more then 1 dps is a merc/commando and that only when he has ALL he's cooldowns. And you can wait a bit till they fade and blow him up.


I get it that healers can be a bit tough for the unorganized pugs where most people don't have the slightest clue what to do and run around like headless chickens just randomly mashing their butons, but we surely wouldn't want to balance around that, do we?



1 mara or sin can pretty much nulify a healer. Not necessary kill him quickly, but apply enough pressure so the healer couldn't heal his team

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I am talking pugs here, but if i'm leader, i mark the healers. Maybe I am just facing night after night of organized pvp groups, who knows.


Bad pug DPS does not translate into defacto overpowered healing.

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I have "tanked" up to 3 people at one time as the weakest healer: Sawbones. This was a marauder, melee ops and jugg. On the other hand a sorc make sit dificult because lightning can pack alot of pushback. Depends on the class attacking and player.


This may be because they were undergeared + low level, I don't know. But if I can take 3 guys at once for a long time I'm pretty sure a combat medic or healer sage can. Especially with that nice bubble they have and all around better heals to boot.


As the most mobile healer that cleanses Dots and heals themselves from it, you can last against 3 melee classes, 1 that is dot based? I'm hardly surprised.


I'm assuming you were smart and kited them. If you didn't, they you went up against some TERRIBLE DPS. You should be able to handle the Marauder by himself, but add in just one other class and your *** is grass.

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I have a scoundrel healer. Our cleanse is bugged and heals twice- if both crit it'll heal me for +2k every 5 seconds; hots crits tick 1.2k and emergency medpack crits 2k; and 4/8 sec stuns on 30 sec and 1 min cd. Nothing, not even a maurader can kill me 1v1, all while I throw hots onto my team. You can't interrupt me because I cast nothing and still survive forever. What does kill me is when i get focused by several burst dps, my defensive cd's aren't up and chain cc so I can't cast my cleanse or e.m.p. Edited by coolnamesrtaken
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Valor 35ish scoundrel in columni gear here. I played in a couple of matches against a team of 4-5 healers with at least 3 BMs. Their problem was they couldn't capture objectives. They can't put out the damage. In civil war we each got a side and then the middle was a stale mate for five minutes until we figured out what to do.


I found my roll was to intercept the reinforcements, spam my big aoe flyby, drop all the cc I could, and interrupt and DoT like crazy. Healers can tank in teams but that is it.

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Only if those players & that group are completely retarded.


I have a scoundrel healer. Our cleanse is bugged and heals twice- if both crit it'll heal me for +2k every 5 seconds; hots crits tick 1.2k and emergency medpack crits 2k; and 4/8 sec stuns on 30 sec and 1 min cd. Nothing, not even a maurader can kill me 1v1, all while I throw hots onto my team. You can't interrupt me because I cast nothing and still survive forever. What does kill me is when i get focused by several burst dps, my defensive cd's aren't up and chain cc so I can't cast my cleanse or e.m.p.


CC on 30% and u are done no matter what def cd been used. And the biggest problem is powertech - he solo can burst u to 30% and then some juggs leaps to u and smash for 6k.

If u cast nothing all the times u are doing it wrong. And ur crit is what - 100%?

Edited by Affics
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I have a scoundrel healer. Our cleanse is bugged and heals twice- if both crit it'll heal me for +2k every 5 seconds; hots crits tick 1.2k and emergency medpack crits 2k; and 4/8 sec stuns on 30 sec and 1 min cd. Nothing, not even a maurader can kill me 1v1, all while I throw hots onto my team. You can't interrupt me because I cast nothing and still survive forever. What does kill me is when i get focused by several burst dps, my defensive cd's aren't up and chain cc so I can't cast my cleanse or e.m.p.


the best way I have been able to kill you guys with that issue is if me and 2 other guys can keep u stunned long enough.


sounds like a bug tho that will probably be fixed, and since its scoundrel I almost always have the problem with I guess things will go back into the sane level.


I am not asking for some earth shattering nerf to all healers btw. I just want a chance. any class that is played well should be tough to kill.

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Sounds like you should be complaining about PuGs vs. Premades.


Yep, healers in pugs are far different to healers in a premade, with a guard, damage reduction to them from other areas too, good CC to help protect them and timing/communication etc.


When you pug you rarely get a guard, only the odd person tries to get a dps off you and you have to do most of that yourself, los range for example and good postioning, but meles dps still can be all over you obviously.


You heal for normal amounts and die nearly everygame, it's premades and when too many healers are in the same WZ that's the problem, less so the class itself.


All these nerf healers into the ground needs to stop

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As the most mobile healer that cleanses Dots and heals themselves from it, you can last against 3 melee classes, 1 that is dot based? I'm hardly surprised.


I'm assuming you were smart and kited them. If you didn't, they you went up against some TERRIBLE DPS. You should be able to handle the Marauder by himself, but add in just one other class and your *** is grass.


You can't really kite as a sawbones. You can run around in circles like crazy, but you have to stop and cast the underworld medicine because once Upper Hand wears off you have no other useful heal. And Underworld Medicine has a long cast time that is easy to interrupt... effectly shutting me down completely.


The only mobile heals I have are the DOTs which suppliment main heals (they are too weak to mak a difference on their own) and 1 mobile heal that is instant (requirinf Upper Hand). But it's for a low amount of health and only really seems be enough to keep you alive 1vs1 by spamming it IF your health is below 30% (or your target's health). And you must be specced to do this. And anyone with half a brain will just stop attacking, let me gain greater than 30% health and then interrupt my main heal since i will not have Upper Hand any longer.


Add in the lack of any reliable defenses and being as durable as a wet tissue paper, Sawbones is not a good PvP class. A single competent player can kill me 1vs1. Luckily most players aren't competent. I kill plenty of sawbones/medics 1vs1 as a vanguard or jugg without even dropping to 60% health. I don't even bother with sage or trooper healers as their heals heal for too much and their defenses make it impractical to waste the time wittling them down in a 1vs1 situation.

Edited by Dayshadow
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Im in champ/cent/bm gear. I cant make a dent in them on my own. especially smugglers.


I call bs. Why would you have pieces of all 3? I had full cent, then cent/champ, then full champ, then champ/bm, then full bm. The only way you would have all three is if you didn't bother to fill out your sets as you leveled up valor rank.


My guess is you don't pvp much at all.

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I call bs. Why would you have pieces of all 3? I had full cent, then cent/champ, then full champ, then champ/bm, then full bm. The only way you would have all three is if you didn't bother to fill out your sets as you leveled up valor rank.


My guess is you don't pvp much at all.


Actually I use all three too:

Champ earpiece (because better secondary stats than BM one)

Cent belt (only one that has +28 stat to it, think it's BW mistake)

Rest BM stuff + some crafted because of min-maxing

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I dont think healers are OP. It takes time to kill them 1v1 indeed. But the biggest problem with them is simple. A lot of people give up if they cant kill a healer as fast as they kill other type of class. And They give up when the healer heal more than 40%-50% hp. However, if you look at the mana pool of the healer when you fight, you can understand how big is the pressure you put on them.


Also, people dont understand a simple fact. When you jump on a healer in a warzone, you help your team a LOT no matter what happen to this healer, death or alive. The healer will have to heal himself and not the rest of the group.


Now I see the loltard coming with the: yes but there is 3 healers... well just ask 2 teamate to put pressure on the other healers. And ask 2 specific player, do not ask the team. Why? Because if you ask the team, every1 will think that some1 else will do it. If you ask specific players, they'll feel more concerned about it (undergeared players are good for this job because it give them the feeling of being useful and they are!) If you can focus fire a healer while the 2 others cant heal him/her, just do it! If you see a dps close to the death, FINISH HIM and come back to the healer.


Sorry for my bad english.

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