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Which companion is better for last(end game) planets ?


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if you are only going to equip one companion i would recommend doc...


however there is a spoiler related boss at the finale of your class quest that 'requires' T7 and the chest (when i did it) bugged... It is possible to do it without bothering to gear T7 tho it just makes it a bit more difficult

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I perfer Kira. If you are well geared and have her equpped well she is strong enough defensivly to bounce agro with you (via camo) to carry you through most situations without having to cripple your dps via a tank or healer. Especially if you have the you+companion medpacs from biochem.


I kinda feel like the heal companions kneecap you in the longrun unless you are specifically going toe to toe with a high end champion mob that cant be quickly dispatched.


I also kinda like Scourge... but hes very gear dependant, but if kitted out he can actually lay down some decent hurt as a tank. (though he's no kira dps wise.)

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It's really up to you, friend. Go with the one you like the most and gear him out. You will probably want Doc if you plan to solo champion mobs, even then it's optional, I've manged to take out a few champs with Kira.
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I know about Doc but isn't it too slow questing with him ?




Au contraire, I would say that Doc makes questing much faster. Zero down time. You can run full title from one spawn to the next without stopping (usually) and your health bar never drops below 80% in the fight and is back to 100% before the next one you're sprinting full out to reach.


Any other NPC requires me to keep stopping and meditating every couple of fights. With Doc I think I meditated like once per planet. No exaggeration.


The fight itself might be a tad longer with only you doing most of the damage. But... Doc has a great mez, and heals you up really well, and for me, as a Watchman, I was doing so much damage I really didn't need Doc to do any for me. So the fight might last a few seconds longer but that's less than the larger number of seconds in meditation you will use between fights without Doc.


In my experience, anyway.

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I had EVERY companion geared trough my lvling experience.


Is not hard, just buy a bunch of orange gear and keep them tuned with the mods vendor and comms mods.


With all of them geared I tested what it worked best for my sentinel.


lvls 10 to Doc you want T7. I don't give a fudge if you are hot for kira, T7 is way better for a sent than kira. Also, T7 is a stud.


When you get Doc, you use Doc. All the frikin' time. No Kira, no Rusk, no Spoiler. Doc.




Soloing champions? Check.


No downtime? Check.


Full Hp if a Imp try to gank you? Check.


Use Doc and don't listen to anyone else.

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I used doc once I got him all the way to lvl 50. I killed everything so fast I didnt notice his lack of dps. After 50, once I was able to gear them all up, I love t7! By the time that little guy breaks 16k hp and some good def rating, I can chain multi ilum and belsavis daily pulls in a row before I ha e to worry about resting.
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I hate T7.


Go Doc, if you want security.

Go Scourge, if you want a combo of security/damage.

Go Kira, if you want pure damage.


Well geared, they can all work well.


Although, I'd say Watchman Spec, with its Heals, tends to do better with Scourge/Kira.

If you're Focus/Combat, you may be better off with just Doc.

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it depends on what spec you use.


If you use Focus or Combat, use Doc.


If you're watchman, use Kira.


T7 should be geared with 100ish ranked gear going into the final quest if you want to not have a brain hemorage during that last story arch. It shouldn't be too difficult to find some greens/blues from your local cybertech to help ease the passing. I didn't gear him at all, he was in lvl 17 gear and it was a nightmare.

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It's really up to you, friend. Go with the one you like the most and gear him out. You will probably want Doc if you plan to solo champion mobs, even then it's optional, I've manged to take out a few champs with Kira.


Oh, you can choose to use any companion you want, but if you don't want to rest after every fight, if you are lucky enough not to die everytime, then you HAVE to pick doc, which is a pity since Kira is so much more fun to travel with and the other classes can use whatever companion they want and still get the best outcome, while the jedi knight has to go with doc to get the best outcome.


Which it shouldn't be like, but i am sure i will get the standard 'L2P' type of replies.

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Now I decent gear Doc - wear full orange equipment with some good earpiece&implants. I reach the Corelia planet atlast :) ......BUT i found 2 major problems with him:


- He draw all the aggro on him and when I fight 3/4 mobs they attack him, which means he don't heal me => bad situation ;(


- I put on Doc orange blaster pistol but where can I buy an orange Scatter gun ?

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I, like others, was surprised that I couldn't bring Doc to the T7 only fight at the end of the game. I hadn't geared T7 up at all since the beginning of the game and used Kira until I got Doc. Thus, T7 gets killed in literally 1-2 seconds by the boss.


That said, I managed to beat the boss (as level 48 watchman) in about three tries. I ended up doing it without using 'call on the force', although it took a medpac and 'Guarded by the Force' about midway through the fight.


Doc is by far the best suited companion for a watchman spec'ed sentinel. I highly suggest keeping him geared up, the other companions are just a bonus.

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...other classes can use whatever companion they want and still get the best outcome, while the jedi knight has to go with doc to get the best outcome.


A lot of classes chose to use their healer companion and there is no "best outcome". I fell into this trap too on some of my characters and it took a long time to get out of it. My tip is skip easy/slow-mo with a healer and go DPS or tank comps. Yes you have to heal after the fight but they are much more fun and faster. Healers are for champions that you can't kite, don't hop on the boring train just because it's safe.

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T7 is my homeboy. Doc is for people who don't kill fast enough.


T7 is your shield, your hope, your saviour. He'll always have your back. He'll be there for you in the end when all other companions desert you. He's the only other hero of Tython. T7 is your brother in arms and you share history.



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T7 is my homeboy. Doc is for people who don't kill fast enough.


T7 is your shield, your hope, your saviour. He'll always have your back. He'll be there for you in the end when all other companions desert you. He's the only other hero of Tython. T7 is your brother in arms and you share history.




This man speaks the truth, and it's not just a preference...



...it's a requirement. Trust me.


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