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Just wow Dev 1.2 Pvp Thread


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Posting this b/c they placed the 1.2 pvp thread in general discussion rather than the pvp section.


http://www.swtor.com/community/showthread.php?t=385976 is the general discussion thread.


http://www.swtor.com/news/blog/20120330 is the read


I've not moaned too much about stuff I dislike about this game but:


"Solo and group queued players might be pulled together after a while if needed to launch a match. If a match cannot be made for extended periods of time, then Normal and Rank queued players (except those who queued as a group of five or more) might be pulled together to launch a ‘mixed’ match".


breaks it for me. I realize it's just until cross-server queues are put in place, but who knows when that will be? Once again premades, ranked premades at that, get to feed on the tears of the regular joe pugger.




"The rewards received in mixed matches will be based on how the player queued (type of commendations, rating adjustment if any, etc.)."


I think I'm done pvping until cross-server comes into play. I'll be damn if I'm going to get rofl stomped by ranked premades. AND they get credit for a ranked match! For beating on puggers? Really?


I like this game, but come on man!


Edit: "Note, Rank queued players will never be prompted to backfill a match". All other players can expect to keep filling losing matches...:rolleyes: They have the tech to stop it, but are giving it only to ranked queuers.


My mind is sufficiently blown.

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it wont be any bigger than a 4 man premade so i dont see how that changes anything


Incorrect. If an 8 man team queues & no other 8 man team does, then the match gets filled with smaller premades or pugs.


Here's a direct quote to show that 8 mans are viable: "The Ranked Warzone matchmaking system will match full groups of eight..."

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Posting this b/c they placed the 1.2 pvp thread in general discussion rather than the pvp section.


http://www.swtor.com/community/showthread.php?t=385976 is the general discussion thread.


http://www.swtor.com/news/blog/20120330 is the read


I've not moaned too much about stuff I dislike about this game but:


"Solo and group queued players might be pulled together after a while if needed to launch a match. If a match cannot be made for extended periods of time, then Normal and Rank queued players (except those who queued as a group of five or more) might be pulled together to launch a ‘mixed’ match".


breaks it for me. I realize it's just until cross-server queues are put in place, but who knows when that will be? Once again premades, ranked premades at that, get to feed on the tears of the regular joe pugger.




"The rewards received in mixed matches will be based on how the player queued (type of commendations, rating adjustment if any, etc.)."


I think I'm done pvping until cross-server comes into play. I'll be damn if I'm going to get rofl stomped by ranked premades. AND they get credit for a ranked match! For beating on puggers? Really?


I like this game, but come on man!


Well, nothing really different about this system than the one we currently have. Right now the max group size for a pre-made is 4 people. A group of 4 can group up and stomp through Pugs in order to earn the best pvp rewards under the current mechanics. This information doesn't change that fact at all. You can't get paired up if you queue in a group of 5 or more. Thus, never a time a full pre-made will get paired up against a group of players looking for normal WZ's. No real change here from the current system.

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It'll be interesting to see how this actually shapes up, particularly on the majority of servers that have low populations. Heck, even on my server (JUNG MA) which is high, the population during prime time now is a small fraction of what it used to be in January.


Rated and Ranked warzones are going to make the queues even longer and the disparities even greater. I pay to play the game, not sit around for 10-20 minutes waiting for a queue.

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Well, nothing really different about this system than the one we currently have. Right now the max group size for a pre-made is 4 people. A group of 4 can group up and stomp through Pugs in order to earn the best pvp rewards under the current mechanics. This information doesn't change that fact at all. You can't get paired up if you queue in a group of 5 or more. Thus, never a time a full pre-made will get paired up against a group of players looking for normal WZ's. No real change here from the current system.


In 1.2 you can queue with an 8 man premade (see my previous quote). If no other 8-man premade queues, then the WZ gets filled with lesser sized premades or all puggers. That is very different than what we have now. As a pugger, I could potentially get queued up against an 8 man with 7 other puggers.


Personally I think the stated feature should arrive with cross-server queuing & not before. They want to "collect data and refine various systems in preparation for Season One", which essentially means we're paying for beta and/or they're going to test data on the live servers instead of where it belongs, the PTS.

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It'll be interesting to see how this actually shapes up, particularly on the majority of servers that have low populations. Heck, even on my server (JUNG MA) which is high, the population during prime time now is a small fraction of what it used to be in January.


Rated and Ranked warzones are going to make the queues even longer and the disparities even greater. I pay to play the game, not sit around for 10-20 minutes waiting for a queue.


Well, the only real solution to the queue wait is going to be cross sever queues which is hopefully something that will be coming right after patch 1.2, or an increase in the player population for both factions.

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In 1.2 you can queue with an 8 man premade (see my previous quote). If no other 8-man premade queues, then the WZ gets filled with lesser sized premades or all puggers. That is very different than what we have now. As a pugger, I could potentially get queued up against an 8 man with 7 other puggers.


Either I'm misreading the portion you quoted or you are, I'm honestly not sure which.


"Solo and group queued players might be pulled together after a while if needed to launch a match. If a match cannot be made for extended periods of time, then Normal and Rank queued players (except those who queued as a group of five or more) might be pulled together to launch a ‘mixed’ match".


The way I read this is if you have a group of 5 or more players that queues up for a rated WZ you will not be placed in a mixed match of any kind. That includes groups of 7 or 8 people. So if your group of 8 is waiting on a group rated WZ you won't be placed in a mixed match. Now, if you have a group of 4 or less that's waiting then you can be placed in a mixed match. That's how I'm reading it, not sure if my understanding is off though.

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Either I'm misreading the portion you quoted or you are, I'm honestly not sure which.


"Solo and group queued players might be pulled together after a while if needed to launch a match. If a match cannot be made for extended periods of time, then Normal and Rank queued players (except those who queued as a group of five or more) might be pulled together to launch a ‘mixed’ match".


The way I read this is if you have a group of 5 or more players that queues up for a rated WZ you will not be placed in a mixed match of any kind. That includes groups of 7 or 8 people. So if your group of 8 is waiting on a group rated WZ you won't be placed in a mixed match. Now, if you have a group of 4 or less that's waiting then you can be placed in a mixed match. That's how I'm reading it, not sure if my understanding is off though.


you are reading it correctly. Five or more in a premade for ranked will never face off against puggers looking for a normal match.


Honestly this system is pretty much the one we have now with the exception that sometimes, people who want to be ranked will face off against people who don't. If you don't want ranked, why do you care if the people you are facing are getting ranked? If you do want ranked, why aren't you que'ing for ranked?


These changes are what the devs believe will improve and or help PVP. Will they be right? I don't know, but I'm willing to try out the new PVP stuff to find out before I condemn anyone.


Edit: Hey, I found the part of the blog I was looking for;


Additionally, the Group rating is adjusted regardless of the size of group you queued up with and groups of five or more players are never called into mixed matches.

Edited by Dar-Ell
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it wont be any bigger than a 4 man premade so i dont see how that changes anything


If they do a mixed match and reward the people that queued for ranked as though they were facing ranked competition - that's a serious, serious flaw.


"Well, you guys WANTED to do the super hard raid that drops the best **** in game. Unfortunately, you only have 4 people - we'll give you the same rewards in the same quantities if you want to run a flashpoint instead."

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Either I'm misreading the portion you quoted or you are, I'm honestly not sure which.


"Solo and group queued players might be pulled together after a while if needed to launch a match. If a match cannot be made for extended periods of time, then Normal and Rank queued players (except those who queued as a group of five or more) might be pulled together to launch a ‘mixed’ match".


The way I read this is if you have a group of 5 or more players that queues up for a rated WZ you will not be placed in a mixed match of any kind. That includes groups of 7 or 8 people. So if your group of 8 is waiting on a group rated WZ you won't be placed in a mixed match. Now, if you have a group of 4 or less that's waiting then you can be placed in a mixed match. That's how I'm reading it, not sure if my understanding is off though.


Essentially, if an 8 man premade can't find a match, then the other team will be filled with a 4 man premade or smaller, and puggers. It takes a premade of 5 or more not to get pushed into that match. I have no clue as to whether a 5 man premade will get filled with puggers against an 8 man, but my guess is yes. Otherwise they would simply disband that particular queue.

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My thoughts on this depend how long "an extended period of time" is.


If it means after you've been sitting in the queue for over 30 minutes, it'll say screw it and throw you in a WZ against a premade, that's alright.


If it means "There weren't enough solo people in the queue right this second, so take this premade" then that's dumb.

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Essentially, if an 8 man premade can't find a match, then the other team will be filled with a 4 man premade or smaller, and puggers. It takes a premade of 5 or more not to get pushed into that match. I have no clue as to whether a 5 man premade will get filled with puggers against an 8 man, but my guess is yes. Otherwise they would simply disband that particular queue.


And here we have it. A way to gain rated rewards by facing against pugs. I knew there'd be a way to fudge the rated system and EVERYONE will be doing it. Having said that, is there any point in queueing for non-rated at all given you can queue for them solo?

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Essentially, if an 8 man premade can't find a match, then the other team will be filled with a 4 man premade or smaller, and puggers. It takes a premade of 5 or more not to get pushed into that match. I have no clue as to whether a 5 man premade will get filled with puggers against an 8 man, but my guess is yes. Otherwise they would simply disband that particular queue.


and where did you get that from? it specifically states except 5 or more, L2R

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Be much better if when an 8 man queues and no other 8 mans queues it just grabs 8 random leveleling people and bolsters them with no way to leave the WZ save pulling the power cord out of the wall ...even if those 8 aren't even queued themselves. :D
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All I see is a bunch of crying over nothing. Boo hoo, I don't queue with other good players and lose all the time so therefore I must come to the forums and make awful threads about how unfair the game is and how I want others to suffer my awful fate.


Hey, wake up. If you're losing now, you're going to lose then. You probably just don't cut it as a PVPer.

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