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Skill Curve From WoW To TOR


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I started a thread on mmo-champion.com regarding how steep is the skill curve to play top level PvP in WoW/Rift/TOR. Curious to read what people have to say on it.




"I have been playing WoW since day 1 as a Warlock though I left the game about a year ago because I struggled at PvP. During that year I played Rift and Star Wars -Mage and Sorcerer- both of which I am excellent at in solo play and group play.


Is the skill curve much steeper for WoW Warlock than Rift Mage or Star Wars Sorcerer?"

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For me pvp in tor is a lot simpler and I feel that it's more balanced than wow

There really no defined class Counters as of yet and each class

Seem pretty strong and even

I've played wow 5years and coming to swtor pvp was very easy also


But the thing I prefer most about swtor is the class mechanics they havent been

Gutted yet like in wow it had fun mechanics but they were neutered

From qq nerfs


And yes I think a wow lock is much harder To play than say

A tor Sage.. Much harder

Edited by denpic
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Coming from WoW as a Warlock TOR reminded me of Vanilla WoW in terms of not having so many skills and not needing 100 key binds.


PvP is definitely solo friendly in TOR and much forgiving to the 'new' to MMO players.


If you are new to MMO's and play WoW today, especially Warlock you will HATE life before you hit 30!

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Star wars def seems to be slower pace to me, i'm not the greatest PvPer (only got to arouns 1900 rating in world of warcraft) but i seem to be able to do fairly well in PvP situations in this game. This may be due in part to many players not fully understanding and mastering their classes yet, but thus far the rate at which you go from full health to zero seems to be a lot slower in this game giving you much more time to think things outs.
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lol vanilla WoW PvP had nothing on the amount of abilities and skill required to deal with PvP in SWToR... not even a comparison.



I use probably 10 more abilities consistently and require way more keybinds than I ever did as a level 60 in WoW. This is coming from a priest pvper who is now a sage.

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you picked the easiest faceroll class in the game



of course it seems easy. pick a marauder, powertech, sniper and talk about skill curve then


I have a 50 Jugg and have tried all those AC and none of them have the complexity of a Warrior for example. Though admittedly Rogues may not be the hardest class to play..or DK's for that matter lol


I also agree that new games like TOR would have a large number of players still learning the game. Things like when to CC a Marauder and what abilities to counter and so on.


Inq/Sage can run away and reset fights, the stealth AC can also run away and reset fights. In WoW you don't have that really, you either kill or be killed in group play.

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I have a 50 Jugg and have tried all those AC and none of them have the complexity of a Warrior for example. Though admittedly Rogues may not be the hardest class to play..or DK's for that matter lol


I also agree that new games like TOR would have a large number of players still learning the game. Things like when to CC a Marauder and what abilities to counter and so on.


Inq/Sage can run away and reset fights, the stealth AC can also run away and reset fights. In WoW you don't have that really, you either kill or be killed in group play.


PVP wise per class maybe. since it's almost 4 expansions in they expanded on classes multiple times



one thing about WOW PVP doesn't even remotely have to worry about is tanks. tanks in PVP in this game add a whole additional dynamic that wow doesn't have with it's DPS or Heals only in PVP.


adding the the meta complexity as opposed to the micro complexity

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WOW definitely has a higher skill curve, then TOR, then RIFT.


There are so many elements of twitch pvp lacking in this game because the game is very unresponsive. The dynamics of the game are also pretty simple compared to wow. For example: in wow you would have to know which CC would activate the DR of similar CC types. SWTOR has a 1 step for all resolve system.

Edited by Orangerascal
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definitly wow is harder because there is the biggest mmo chalenge ever: arena.


what do you think about tera difficulty ?

you have to aim your target & there is some 5o5 ranked deathmatch (i'd prefear arena but its still 5o5)

i'll try CBT4 EU this week end

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For me pvp in tor is a lot simpler and I feel that it's more balanced than wow

There really no defined class Counters as of yet and each class

Seem pretty strong and even

I've played wow 5years and coming to swtor pvp was very easy also


But the thing I prefer most about swtor is the class mechanics they havent been

Gutted yet like in wow it had fun mechanics but they were neutered

From qq nerfs


And yes I think a wow lock is much harder To play than say

A tor Sage.. Much harder


pvp in swtor requires alot more skill so i dont know hwta you are talking about specialy as wow and rift pvp you just use macro's to do everything or wow with mods as well you get everything done for you lol.


in swtor there is no macro's thank god and there is no mods thank god.

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definitly wow is harder because there is the biggest mmo chalenge ever: arena.


what do you think about tera difficulty ?

you have to aim your target & there is some 5o5 ranked deathmatch (i'd prefear arena but its still 5o5)

i'll try CBT4 EU this week end


you kidding me sorry i laughed when you said wow required skill to play HAHAHAHAHA


wow is so simple a monkey could play it. and tbh wow's comunity is full of them :D



want a banana ?

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I think one thing that makes Swtor PvP fresh is the vast number of abilities classes seem to have. On my Jedi Sage, I was at first overwhelmed by every single quickslot being filled up with class abilities.


After getting a Naga Razer gaming mouse, though, I have found that PvP can be extremely dynamic. I played a healer in WoW and now in SWTOR, and I use exponentially more abiliteis in SWTOR than I ever dreamed of using in WoW.


I can see how some may not like this, but I find it refreshing and fun. I never feel like I'm using the same "rotation" over and over in PvP... I feel like the situations that come up require different tools, and for that I find it a bit harder (in a good way) to master.

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did you really find issues in random pug battlegrounds in wow?


because that's all you're playing here....


You can not compare arena or rated bgs to pug queue wzs.

Edited by Adzzy
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did you really find issues in random pug battlegrounds in wow?


because that's all you're playing here....


You can not compare arena or rated bgs to pug queue wzs.


Mainly from my class POV which is Warlock. Warlocks are good in 3v3 with a dedicated healer and CC coordination...Basically DoT and Fear spam. But get a Warlock in a PuG without a healer and its horrible.


In TOR on the other hand I solo and group play amazingly well as a Sorcerer or Assassin.




The number of people capable of getting 2300 let alone anything above 2400 in WoW is definitely limited. Sure in WoW you can actually buy your way to Gladiator these days but thats not what I am talking about.

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LOL Arena == Most Challenging? Yeah, lets group the most op'd classes and go into a setting where the numbers will alwaqys be equal, and the area will be the same.


Play DAOC, where there numbers were never equal, the "jumps" were always different, then talk about skill.

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pvp in swtor requires alot more skill so i dont know hwta you are talking about specialy as wow and rift pvp you just use macro's to do everything or wow with mods as well you get everything done for you lol.


in swtor there is no macro's thank god and there is no mods thank god.


This statement tells Me you never really played wow

And have no understanding of useing macros And addons

Edited by denpic
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Rift classes has SIGNIFICANTLY more abilities than TOR. However I press a lot less buttons in Rift than TOR due to macros.


E.g Clerics in Rift has a 2-button rotation consists of 13 spells.


yeah they did have more abilities but how many of the abilities were a waste to use over another one from a different tree? too many and a lot of the trees, at least for rogue, when you went ranged you got abilities from both marksman and the pet tree that did the samething or one did less damage which wasn't needed at all.




2 button assassin rogue ftw.

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