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Quarterly Producer Letter for Q2 2024 ×

Would you romance Satele Shan if allowed to?


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Depends on the lighting, the camera work, plus the script.


Due to budgetary constraints, all shooting would occur indoors obviously. :p


Due to those same constraints, the script would also be terrible, and the action would be done by exaggerated stunt doubles.


And cheap holorecorders.

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Descendant of Bastila Shan and Revan, Satele now leads the Jedi Council from Tython during the Cold War period. If there was a romance arc or even a one time fling during a mission where you stayed together, would you welcome and pursue it? Do you even think it would be tastefully done?


Just curious if people ever had the hots for another Bastila.


In real life if I could. Hell, she's more 3 dimensional than **** so I may just give it a try later.

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For ***** and giggles, sure, but only with my Smuggler, and only because the family tree resulting from it would be so hilariously tangled.


(My Smuggler is my Knight's brother. My Knight is banging Satele's son. Ergo, if my Smuggler bangs Satele, my Knight and Theron become aunt and nephew) (Come to think of it I could totally see my Smuggler doing that just to troll her)


For real, though? Probably not. All my characters are in committed relationships, and those inclined to cheat wouldn't find her attractive enough or interesting enough to pursue.

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And /facepalm...


Please read the date before replying to threads people...


It might help cut down the necromantic raising of zombie threads such as this one.



So what you are saying is you draw the line at dead. What is your problem with the living impaired? What if she were willing to wax her leg bone?

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I'm just LOLing at all of the people calling her "old" .


Clearly none of you understand the joys of a cougar.


Older lady > younger girl every time. Might not be as fit, but hot DAYUM they'll put you through your paces and then some.


EDIT: Most of my toons would happily get Shan'd.

Edited by Bachannal
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Not everyone is attracted to 12-year old Mako's. Satele too old? Not when you're my age. She's hot.


^ This exactly...


I'm closer to Satele's age in real life than I am to Mako. Mako is fun for a week or two, but she and I would have nothing in common.


Satele would have something to actually talk about, that is a real woman...

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  • 2 months later...

Oh hell yes, i find her very attractive, dont know why :D I loved her in the trailers (except the one in the space station on Korriban, there she looked a bit wierd) and i love her ingame :)

She is such a cool character, and with Theron being in the game now you can see and know more of her backround etc. I would totally give it a try :D Please make it happen :)

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Oh hell yes, i find her very attractive, dont know why :D I loved her in the trailers (except the one in the space station on Korriban, there she looked a bit wierd) and i love her ingame :)

She is such a cool character, and with Theron being in the game now you can see and know more of her backround etc. I would totally give it a try :D Please make it happen :)


The Satele in the trailer is a much younger Satele long before she became the leader of the Jedi or had her son.

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I would love the chance to get Satele.


A long long time ago in this game I was able to Flirt with Satele 2 or 3 times.


Iirc you could flirt with her once or twice which makes Kira mad if you're romancing her but I haven't played the JK story in a long time. :(

Edited by Anaesha
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Absolutely would, her voice is very appealing. I don't foresee it being a likely option with such a Major character though even though we are the stars of the show. (so to speak).


Besides then they would have to add some uncomfortable conversations to the Revans Revenge storyline with regard to Theron and dude I'm totally hooking up with your mom. and you can call me step mom/dad. It could get messy.

Edited by NeoWolf
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Absolutely would, her voice is very appealing. I don't foresee it being a likely option with such a Major character though even though we are the stars of the show. (so to speak).


LOL, I just had a thought that would have been hilarious if you actually could of romanced Satele. Imagine romancing Satele then meeting her son Theron oh the dialogue fun that could be had with THAT meeting!! :D


Hi My name is (insert char name here) and BTW I'm banging your MOM!! :p

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