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Can Huttball finally be fixed?


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::first off I'm not sure if this topic has been posted, I searched..couldn't find it::



I am still mostly confused as to how the 'Ball' in Huttball does not have some encumbering characteristic other than just slowing the carrier. Isn't the point of slowing the person with the ball to create a challenge for the team with the ball? If so, then please explain to me how it makes any sense at all that the ball carrier can Leap to enemy's/friendlies (who can be stealth, because that makes sense), be force pulled by friendlies or any other "teleport" mechanic. If players are matched against a force heavy team ie juggernauts/sorcerers or their counterparts, they almost have a zero percent chance of winning, especially at lvl 50 with experienced players.


The real issue:

There is no counter for the the leaping/pulling.


"The weight of the huttball encumbers the carrier, preventing them from being pulled or leaping to any target"


may need some tweaking but seriously come on..



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Passing will always be the fastest and most effective way to move the ball. If people are leaping with the ball that effectively it is because your team is doing a poor job of positioning themselves or allowing receivers to move downfield unencumbered to be interceded to. Sorcerers are amazing on the top catwalk, but there are TONS of knockback abilities and then they have to run all the way around and back up. Watch some videos of balanced games where both teams use these tactics and you will see that these abilities are, in fact, quite balanced.
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Passing will always be the fastest and most effective way to move the ball. If people are leaping with the ball that effectively it is because your team is doing a poor job of positioning themselves or allowing receivers to move downfield unencumbered to be interceded to. Sorcerers are amazing on the top catwalk, but there are TONS of knockback abilities and then they have to run all the way around and back up. Watch some videos of balanced games where both teams use these tactics and you will see that these abilities are, in fact, quite balanced.


Yes, But can't you just stand near the players they want to pass to making the pass a unsure thing because maybe you will catch the ball and not the person they want to pass to.

Edited by Lt_Latency
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i play a sentinel and i personally would like to see all friendly pulls and leaps taken away if u have the ball. sure these things can be countered but atm i think huttball favors certain class comps over others. WZs should be more for skill than class comp.


regardless, leaps and friendly pulls are counterable. just knock off the sorc and dont stand on ledges. i just think games would be more interesting without pulls/leaps etc. then again, they could drag on and on. who knows

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Passing will always be the fastest and most effective way to move the ball. If people are leaping with the ball that effectively it is because your team is doing a poor job of positioning themselves or allowing receivers to move downfield unencumbered to be interceded to. Sorcerers are amazing on the top catwalk, but there are TONS of knockback abilities and then they have to run all the way around and back up. Watch some videos of balanced games where both teams use these tactics and you will see that these abilities are, in fact, quite balanced.


Passing should be the means of tactic of the game, NOT pulling/leaping..too many people are able to bypass the pass mechanic. We cannot all just stand around on ledges, players attack the ball carrier because he has the ball, the BOOM leaps to one ledge and then gets pulled to another, leaving the opposing team in the dust with absolutely no way to catch up, this is a broken mechanic.

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Passing will always be the fastest and most effective way to move the ball. If people are leaping with the ball that effectively it is because your team is doing a poor job of positioning themselves or allowing receivers to move downfield unencumbered to be interceded to. Sorcerers are amazing on the top catwalk, but there are TONS of knockback abilities and then they have to run all the way around and back up. Watch some videos of balanced games where both teams use these tactics and you will see that these abilities are, in fact, quite balanced.


Passing should be the means of tactic of the game, NOT pulling/leaping..too many people are able to bypass the pass mechanic. We cannot all just stand around on ledges, players attack the ball carrier because he has the ball, the BOOM leaps to one ledge and then gets pulled to another, leaving the opposing team in the dust with absolutely no way to catch up, this is a broken mechanic.

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Passing should be the means of tactic of the game, NOT pulling/leaping..too many people are able to bypass the pass mechanic. We cannot all just stand around on ledges, players attack the ball carrier because he has the ball, the BOOM leaps to one ledge and then gets pulled to another, leaving the opposing team in the dust with absolutely no way to catch up, this is a broken mechanic.


Maybe they should be killing the players OBVIOUSLY setting up to pull them? L2P issue. Sorc/Sages running behind everyone and then looking down, what do you think they are doing? kill them instead of tunnel visioning on the ball carrrier.

Edited by Derian
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Maybe they should be killing the players OBVIOUSLY setting up to pull them? L2P issue


Played in a HUTBALL earlier where there were 12 SI's... L2P my butt. Don't believe me, go to the suggestion forum, I have some SS's set up.


No need to nerf the ability though. Just make it so that if a person leaps with the ball, they drop it. Same goes for getting grappled, get grappled, ball respawns.

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i play a sentinel and i personally would like to see all friendly pulls and leaps taken away if u have the ball. sure these things can be countered but atm i think huttball favors certain class comps over others. WZs should be more for skill than class comp.


regardless, leaps and friendly pulls are counterable. just knock off the sorc and dont stand on ledges. i just think games would be more interesting without pulls/leaps etc. then again, they could drag on and on. who knows


But when you play good teams it's almost impossible to score on them anyways. I've had so many 1-0 or 0-0 games lately, not because both teams are too stupid to use pull/leap, but because they actually know what they're doing and it becomes very difficult to move the ball against teams that play proper defense.


If you take away all the movement assists, then the ONLY viable strategy becomes group up, run the ball as a team, and try to tank/heal/dps them down as you slowly make your way across the field. Even passing the ball becomes almost pointless since you have no way of further assisting the ball carrier. Basically you would turn Huttball into team deathmatch with a ball.


We already have team deathmatch with Voidstar. I'm not sure why we'd need such a thing in Huttball too.

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Played in a HUTBALL earlier where there were 12 SI's... L2P my butt. Don't believe me, go to the suggestion forum, I have some SS's set up.


No need to nerf the ability though. Just make it so that if a person leaps with the ball, they drop it. Same goes for getting grappled, get grappled, ball respawns.


Wait, you think grappling people should cause them to drop the ball? I look forward to many 0-0 games then.

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I you argue against leap/pull then you have to take push/grapple into the equation defensively as well, as they are a yin/yang situation.



Pair with that another issue-- whatever team manages to snag the first lead could then load up the catwalks and just turtle-up. Leap helps open things up by making the defending team pay for backloading everyone onto the defensive side.



You'd also then have the next most effective strategy opened to debate as something in need of a fix. Some examples


1.Tank/healer combos-- instead of 'who has the most leapers/pullers it just becomes who has the best geared tank with the most heals to stack on him.



2.Stealth-- Stealther sneaks over to the other side, ballcarrier pit-dives and passes up to him for a quick goal. Right now 8 v 7 the rest of the way and other more effective strategies make this moot, in a low-scoring affair that could be the one goal that allows the team to turtle up



3.Fast counter-- pass-up, leap to, take pass back. Or Pass-up, pull tank, pass back. This requires an extra second or two of time, but would still be effective and the same "force-users are at an advantage" debate would be argued again. Perhaps then people would start asking for a 'can't be pulled or leap' debuff to last for a couple of seconds after having the ball.




I have both a force-user and non-force user at 50 thus far and am quite happy with both, who each have their niches and don't feel particularly gimped when one the non leaper/puller.

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Passing has a huge risk against a good team. From an anecdotal point of view, I hear "Frogworm pass intercepted oh the disgrace!" more often than "Rotworms just ripped the ball handler apart!"


Jumping to an enemy or ally, or being pulled, doesn't randomly cause you to drop the ball. If they did, they wouldn't be the preferred method to move the ball.


I assume Huttball originally is supposed to be like this:


Running - low risk and slow

Passing - high risk and fast


And that's a reasonable balance, except various form of leap (friendly or otherwise) is fast and safe. I'm not completely against the idea of leaps/pulls, but there should be a chance of a 'fumble' the same way trying to pass for long yardage has a high chance of an interception if the guy is covered.

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You know this is silly because a sorcerer can just pull anyone else, and then the ball carrier throws to that person.


A warrior can just leap to someone, push them, and then get passed to.


It makes things a bit goofier but it doesn't really change the mechanics. Well, at that point it would heavily favor premades to the point that pugs would auto-lose but there you go.

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There are only two changes I would find acceptable in Huttball.


- Pulling an enemy player should automatically give them a full resolve bar. This because I feel pulling a person onto the fire followed by a stun is an unavoidable death without a CC break, isn't a favorable tactic.


- You are unable to leap friendly stealthed players. It is just too easy to stealth by enemies and position yourself to give an easy leap for the ball carrier.


Everything else should stay just as is.

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There are only two changes I would find acceptable in Huttball.


- Pulling an enemy player should automatically give them a full resolve bar. This because I feel pulling a person onto the fire followed by a stun is an unavoidable death without a CC break, isn't a favorable tactic.


- You are unable to leap friendly stealthed players. It is just too easy to stealth by enemies and position yourself to give an easy leap for the ball carrier.


Everything else should stay just as is.


By the time a player gets deep position it's pretty much irrelevent whether they're stealthed or not for friendly leap. If someone's at your endzone, you can only kill him at this point even if you can see him. But if you do that you also put yourself in range for enemy charge (Juggs can do both), so you're already screwed.

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Wait, you think grappling people should cause them to drop the ball? I look forward to many 0-0 games then.


Ya god forbid you equip the hutball on your action bar and "pass" it right? God, what was I thinking.... :rolleyes:

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Quick question, how do you counter a leap into a stun? I seem to be on the ground at the same time the leap is complete despite me trying to hit my knockback in preperation to his jump. So, knockback isn't a counter because he is already past me. Killing will be hard considering this usually happens near the goalline, but I will get him once he scores.


I suppose I could stand away from the ramp so he can't leap, but then he is just going to run the ball in anyway.


hhmm, oh and I can't pull him, sorry I didn't roll the write class for that.

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Quick question, how do you counter a leap into a stun? I seem to be on the ground at the same time the leap is complete despite me trying to hit my knockback in preperation to his jump. So, knockback isn't a counter because he is already past me. Killing will be hard considering this usually happens near the goalline, but I will get him once he scores.


I suppose I could stand away from the ramp so he can't leap, but then he is just going to run the ball in anyway.


hhmm, oh and I can't pull him, sorry I didn't roll the write class for that.


Seen alot of your posts on this and all I gotta say is you just need to learn how to deal with it and get better. Its *********** sad you keep crying about juggs jumping and pulls, but from what it sounds like your THAT guy who stands in the wide open near the line. Because of your lack of player skill you want the game to be changed because your not able to do something so simple like position yourself better and use your *********** brain while you play.

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