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Who thinks this game will last 10yrs?


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In my opinion. This game will be free to play at best in 5yrs if they do not do a massive overhall . With the legitimate effort being made by other mmo companies this year to make a game that will last 10yrs its shocking that this game has not come out with the 1.2 patch yet.

For them to say this game will last 10 years is interesting. I hope they live up to the hype.




Thanks to F2P games can last forever now


at this rate though this game will not go past 12 months with out putting in at least limited f2p options. I predicted 24 months in beta (if certain high importance things were not added with in first 3 months of release, and they have not been and still not time table for them) but im changing that prediction.


I havent seen servers dry up this fast since, well since the last Star Wars MMORPG released.

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Oh boy, the good old question about predicting a mmo longevity. My guess is swtor will last at least 5 years. Anyway, if I'm wrong I'll invent some crazy explanations to cover another one of my silly predictions.
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Thanks to F2P games can last forever now


at this rate though this game will not go past 12 months with out putting in at least limited f2p options. I predicted 24 months in beta (if certain high importance things were not added with in first 3 months of release, and they have not been and still not time table for them) but im changing that prediction.


I havent seen servers dry up this fast since, well since the last Star Wars MMORPG released.


The thing about predictions of doom and gloom is that they are usually wrong and those who make them are constantly changing their dates as to when the sky is going to fall. Sure, eventually you might be right after changing the "when" several times just like you've started doing now.

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And Turbine's Asheron's Call.


LOL The Realms can still be played and its the 3rd MMORPG ever made!


TOR will not die unless Lucas pulls the plug like on SWG, but it will not stay profitable for long either as it currently stands (current content and announced content included)

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hmm i think ti depends on what they add per patch but also what more stroy they add with said aptches and later expantions. if in the first one they open up a pvp space area i can see alot fo poeple staying/joining/rejoining just for that.


but i be semi real-ist and form waht i seen of odler mmos and whast out now and what we know coming down teh pipe line i can say can get at lest 5 years maybe 7 before issues start t show up, unless BW stay on he ball and keep good track of what it doing so not to f-up it own stroys and systems.

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LOL The Realms can still be played and its the 3rd MMORPG ever made!


TOR will not die unless Lucas pulls the plug like on SWG, but it will not stay profitable for long either as it currently stands (current content and announced content included)


I hope they are paying Lucas. 600 mill cmon. Is that why we do not see the known characters in game Like Yoda. Does BW not want to pay. 600 mill no way.

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I have my predictions, and they are based on looking at what the demographic is in general terms.


There are several categories of players. And there are important categories to recognize, and the important ones are;


The casual players who only play for a few hours at a time (story, mini games, pvp). (there are several groups within this group)


The hardcore raiders - who will play several hours in one sitting


The hardcore pvper - who will play the game mostly pvp for several hours at a time


The casual pvper - who will play the game for several hours at a time.





The hardcore pvpers are left dry here from the beginning. This game needs more time invested into the development of this section. However, 1.2 looks very promising with not just a new WZ, but also ranked. Ranked pvp creates a lot of play-ability to pvp by making it competitive. However, in ranked pvp, having balanced classes is also very important.


So BW is introducing new class balances/fixes with 1.2 and hopefully that reflects well. So there is some satisfaction for the hardcore pvper. However, the hardcore pvpers is also different groups. There are the open world pvpers who in this game are alienated by not having mechanics that encourage world pvp. Therefore BW in the future should try to bridge that gap more. Since the playablity of a ranked WZ is helping, it is not enough to satiate the hunger of hardcore pvpers. They will need existing open world mechanics, more warzones, and reasons to visit the planets.




The casual pvper, and just like the casual player in genreal, want to play an hour and get right into the action.


There should be a choice to which warzone to choose.

There should be more warzones.

The warzones should be different enough to be interesting from each other.


The casual pvper will be happy with the choice of which warzone and which one. However, the plan for this come to reality will take a long time, and therefore pvp will struggle for the casual player to be interesting enough for them to be end game casual pvpers.





For the hardcore raiders BW needs to add a lot more raids/OPs for raiders, and make the items more difficult to get.


Tune the difficulty better, and allocate rewards better as well for the difficulty


Divide the the OPs in parts so even people with casual amounts of time can play.


Also do not put mechanics which are broken and make people waste their time on random broken mechanics. If there are broken mechanics then people should be able to res and run back inside. You removed that feature, while there are still broken mechanics in EV.




For casual players, offer legacy rewards that are affordable to them. People who are casual players are not millionaires. The cost of certain items are for hardcore players, which alienates certain play styles.


Also the unlocks were never mentioned, and so people who played an only human race should get a reward as well.


Casuals will most likely enjoy the legacy system and reroll. However there should be more reasons to play another class as well. Such as mini games introduced to the whole game.


Or more story content with different side missions, and the goal is to not strain the fun of story with the repitition of side quests. Having pvp, space combat etc are nice features, but the side quests are still too pivotal in lvling, and also a negative on the quality of a unique story drowned out by the same side quests.




Overall the new feautures this game needs;


is open world mechanics that makes people travel to the worlds. (unique cantinas or open world objectives with special pvp rewards/ special open world pve missions (but not like public quests in WAR and even though they are similar, having it in a setting with other rival factions nearby with the design of rewarding pvp creates a race against time to complete the open world pve mission so therefore it could be a timed event that the opposing faction can show up to ruin for the other faction))


A day and night cycle.


Mini games


Space combat pvp


More guild mechanics - ranking


Bounty system/Rival system for open world and/or WZ




If BW adds these features soon, then imo, they will last 10 years easily.

Edited by VegaPhone
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If games are like dinners then this game is like a fresh but anorexic chicken dinner, the chicken has too little flesh though it has great bones & there are too small portions of veg to go with it.


The chicken was well dressed & quite tasty there's just too little meat or veg to satisfy your hunger, should have gone with just a leg that had more meat on it than this whole chicken, spent less money making is sound good when carving & spent more on a chicken that was worth eating.

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in 10 years computers are going to look like toasters
I would not be surprised; anything more complex than working a toaster will be considered "hardcore."


And Turbine's Asheron's Call.
The last time I checked on AC (eight years ago) it was populated almost entirely by bots. What a shame, because I really liked that game.


Anyway, the one game I don't see mentioned in this thread, the one game most relevant to the discussion because it was also run by the same parent company, is WAR. Just saying.

Edited by Ansultares
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No clue, and doesn't matter to me. I'm not going to worry about the state of a game ten years in the future. There is utterly no point in doing so.


The "now" is the important bit. Am I having fun? Yes. What will I do when I stop having fun? Do something else.

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In my opinion, many complain of a full stomach, already played many MMOs, and without doubt SWTOR was one of the best I've played, of course, like every game is not perfect, but surely the bioware is one of the most competent companies that already seen (although not the most competent) and I think it was something incredible to create an mmo with the theme of star wars, and with an optimal gameplay, I do not know if the game will end in 10 years from now or 10 weeks, but that many are exaggerating so much to criticize the game are, of course the game has its problems, is still in its infancy, and of course the number of players is decreasing, it happens with every mmo.


I find it absurd that people who come here to complain that bioware does not know how to manage a game that bioware is ruining star wars, and that if the company does not do something "urgent" will cancel the subscription ... will later my friend, bon voyage, because it will not be because of that bioware will saur running to change what you want, of course everyone has the right to espressar your opinion, but I want to charge ridiculous a company's best super game the current, if of bugs I am still up, I agree that the game is far from perfect, but tell me a game that is perfect, that does not have the same problems swtor, even one of the biggest MMOs (world of cof cof ... :x) has its bad, just think it's wrong to come here saying that the game is a drug and it will not last even a few more months, because bioware did not know how to manage the game. I'm brazilian (not proud haha) but already played many MMOs, including some run by Brazilian companies (especially level up games / LUG) wanted you guys passasem one week playing a mmo run by the company for you guys to see what is administration down for sure, never complain of a mmo as good as this.




Sorry for bad English, and sorry if I offended anyone, just wanted my opinion sportive

Edited by Kunitokotachi
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First of all, i'm not a fan boy, i don' t really like playing hardcore SWTOR cause there is nothing yet.




They are trying to create a whole new experience.

If they have the will to copy everything from WoW , this could be only a clone. But it is not ! Cause game have problems as you can tell too.


They started from point zero, with a vision like the first online mmorpg in the market.


I think this is an important and bold move for a company like BioWare. I appreciate that.


Get a life !

Or take a break for 2 days.

And i think you will come back and play like hell for 1 week at least.


Recycle your SWTOR life.

You have to do this cause SWTOR is a baby now.


Actually giving everything with head start is not a good idea. BioWare is doing great about that for now imo. You just can't accomplish to realize that yet. Cause you want to play like hell, you want an alternative world to live in, i understand that.


We need to be patient. If you want to be happy of course :)

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It'll never last 8.5 years like SWG if they only expand the content as it is now. They need to revamp the entire game engine and fix the FPS issues and lags, get out of instancing hell, make this game massive multiplayer by getting rid of the server seperation somehow, make PVE/Class missions interesting instead of keeping boring click X kill X missions, create planetsize explorable worlds, add LOTR style housing in sandboxy areas, add space exploration and Battlefront 2/XvT style space combat, get rid of the static lifeless feel of the worlds and NPCs, implement some A.I. for the mobs.


Well basically all what should have been there on release of a game with this budget size.

Edited by Lord_Ravenhurst
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it'll never last 8.5 years like swg if they only expand the content as it is now. They need to revamp the entire game engine and fix the fps issues and lags, get out of instancing hell, make this game massive multiplayer by getting rid of the server seperation somehow, make pve/class missions interesting instead of keeping boring click x kill x missions, create planetsize explorable worlds, add lotr style housing in sandboxy areas, add space exploration and battlefront 2/xvt style space combat, get rid of the static lifeless feel of the worlds and npcs, implement some a.i. For the mobs.


Well basically all what should have been there on release of a game with this budget size.



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It'll never last 8.5 years like SWG if they only expand the content as it is now. They need to revamp the entire game engine and fix the FPS issues and lags, get out of instancing hell, make this game massive multiplayer by getting rid of the server seperation somehow, make PVE/Class missions interesting instead of keeping boring click X kill X missions, create planetsize explorable worlds, add LOTR style housing in sandboxy areas, add space exploration and Battlefront 2/XvT style space combat, get rid of the static lifeless feel of the worlds and NPCs, implement some A.I. for the mobs.


Well basically all what should have been there on release of a game with this budget size.



When I first heard of SWTOR this is what I thought the game would be but with voice over cutscenes.

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In my opinion. This game will be free to play at best in 5yrs if they do not do a massive overhall . With the legitimate effort being made by other mmo companies this year to make a game that will last 10yrs its shocking that this game has not come out with the 1.2 patch yet.

For them to say this game will last 10 years is interesting. I hope they live up to the hype.


I think your opinion is just that.


I doubt the game will be free to play in five years.


It'll never last 8.5 years like SWG if they only expand the content as it is now. They need to revamp the entire game engine and fix the FPS issues and lags, get out of instancing hell, make this game massive multiplayer by getting rid of the server seperation somehow, make PVE/Class missions interesting instead of keeping boring click X kill X missions, create planetsize explorable worlds, add LOTR style housing in sandboxy areas, add space exploration and Battlefront 2/XvT style space combat, get rid of the static lifeless feel of the worlds and NPCs, implement some A.I. for the mobs.


Well basically all what should have been there on release of a game with this budget size.


You seem to be under the impression that:

a) SWG Was good

b) That this was ever intended to be SWG 2.0


You know what outsurvived all other MMO's? WoW.


You know what you do in WoW?

Click X, Kill X.




You know what wasn't a successful MMO?



Edited by Viera
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