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Best IA Companion


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So, who is it? I know some DS players like Kaliyo, but my LS agent would trade her for just about any other companion in the game, or maybe just a new sniper rifle. I have not advanced far enough to get to any of the others, but Lokin and Ensign Temple seem pretty awesome. I find the crazed bug-man and the psychopathic droid are a little bit disturbing, but what do you IA players think?


P.S. As everyone knows, though, IA has one of the best companion stables in the game!

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I like Scorpio, I really like the bots attitude, also I group with a healer friend fairly regular who brings a dps companion for dailies.


Edit: I'm a sniper

Edited by Mamae
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Favorite Companion geared up is Temple. Her dps and my dps means no need for a tank or heals.


Favorite Companion story line...Lokin. He seems to be a mentor for your agent. Someone who understands what you're going through. I also like the fact that he actually interacts with Vector and Kailyo in the story lines.


Over all I liked all of the companions...Kailyo's craziness was easy to handle. What else did you expect from her. The only companion I would not be sad to see leave is Scorpio. It has nothing to do with her story line that was actually pretty cool, but has everything to do with the fact I never teamed with her at all.


Kailo was used until vector, Vector until Lokin and then it was a combo of Lokin and Temple mostly.

Edited by Kahzard
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Well tbh,


I grinded as concealment...


I used Kaliyo through the entire grind.


Lokin's heals are a joke when I have to face tank golds/champs.


I also like temple



So my 2 favs would be Kaliyo and Temple.


Disregard the hate kaliyo gets from a lot of people she does her job, if you know how to utilize her in that role specifically.


Temple is absolute garbage unless she's geared to the hilt


Lokin's heals are a joke regardless of gear at any point in time.


Bugboy is useless to me he's my least favorite he sits on my ship and rots.


Scorpio is pretty cool but she's no kaliyo as far as personality goes.

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most used companion: Scorpio


2nd: Dr. lokin


Kylio is almost useless to me because she's not geared, since:


story spoiler:



you have to play without her for a while, making scorpio out gear her with ease



and since scorpio works fine, I CBA to gear Kylio up. I also prefer melee tanks over ranged.


least used companion: Vector


and I only use Temple if grouped with someone that is tank


I play Sniper

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As a sniper, i use Lokin, Temple or Kaliyo.


Lokin is for though fights and grouping.

Temple is for easy fights.

Kaliyo is for enemies that use crowd control or when there's huge group of small fry that needs to be aoe'd


used to use only Lokin, when my gear got better i started using Kaliyo (and had enough tokens from hardmodes to get her Tionese set to keep her alive), and when my gear got even better (mix of Columni and Rakata), i started using Temple (and got her geared with cast of gear, she's almost full columni now) to save time.

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Leveling as medicine/lethality hybrid (starting in med) I wish it had been all Scorpio, all the time.


I used Kaliyo mostly in play, but swapped her out for dialog with another companion once I had her affection all the way up. Now that I've got Scorpio, the mouthy brat is nothing more than a crafting bot.


  • Kaliyo was functional, but even as dark side, her personality grated on me. It was like her personality was contrived just to annoy the living daylights out of me. I could not wait to get rid of her.
  • Vector was interesting, but melee DPS (especially with companion AI that loves to stand in fire) just wasn't that affective.
  • I did like the doc, and I think his story is well written and well told, but I just couldn't find much use for him.
  • Raina and my agent share a bunk, and she is thoroughly useful in the field, but a bit squishy on occasion, and just wound up being impractical for my playstyle. Her overtly cheerful nature an inflexible morality (not nearly as pragmatic as she claims in dialog to judge by those constant dips in affection!) really meant that she wasn't cut out for the long term.


All of this just cannot measure up to:




Advanced alloys for enhanced durability, coldly sociopathic tendencies coupled with a sense of logic and reason, the ability to grab and hold aggro from me constantly, consistently, and nigh-instantly, and sleek curves and the velvet voice of a ****** that costs more for one night than I spent on my last two cars... combined.



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I prefer Vector mainly because it's faster to level with him as a healer. Even if both our gear sets are up to date, I can't hope to match his damage (unless I respec). In other words, stuff dies faster. And as long as I'm paying attention, I can keep us both alive just fine.


I haven't really had the chance to gear Scorpio or Temple, so I can't really say much about their effectiveness. I'm not very good at paying attention to gearing more than two companions at the same time ^_^;; I'm attempting to gear Scorpio up a bit just out of curiosity, but it's going rather slowly since

Kaliyo got taken away and crafting is ***-ing bugged now :mad:



I haven't really used Kaliyo a lot since getting Vector, but yes, she is an effective tank as long as you keep her geared. Also, she amuses me greatly. The only downside to using Kaliyo is that it takes forever to kill stuff as a healer.


I've been giving Lokin all my old gear, and he actually heals almost as effectively as I do. Unfortunately:

(1) I'm a healer, so I'm giving him healing gear. I don't need heals. I need him to attack stuff. That gear isn't the best DPS gear. Okay, so assume the high cunning + crit would make up for it. There is still one more issue involved...

(2) His rakghoul form is bugged. If I pop into stealth, he reverts back into human form. So when I pop out of stealth, he starts healing instead of attacking. That is rather annoying.

I suppose he would be great for a DPS-specced IA though, as long as he is geared.

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Leveling as medicine/lethality hybrid (starting in med) I wish it had been all Scorpio, all the time.


100% this. Scorpio is soooooooooo much better than the psycho witch and as a heal focused agent none of the others are sturdy enough for anything challenging.


Add in how wondrously easy it is to get her affection up and that she starts with almost fully moddable gear and it really isn't a contest IMO.

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18/0/24 operative here

90% of time Temple

5% of time Lokin

5% of time Kaliyo


As i read some pople complaing about non-usefulness of some companions - it is all about gear. Gear up Lokin, Temple, Kaliyo, whoever and you'll see a world of difference.


By gearing up i mean all moddable armor + at least lv49 purple mods, that's a start (or some equivalent from doing pve missions).


What i do, i strip mods from pvp champion armor (lv 56, usually gloves) + i buy lv58 armor on GTN. I mostly pvp, so i buy the armor.


With my Temple, the dailies on Belsavis and Ilum are super-fast story :).


Btw. as sidenote - i have Question:

Where can i get better barrel, than the lv51 purple that i can buy for daily comm. from the Ilum vendor?

Buy? PVE? FP?


Thanks :)

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Temple in Rakata/Columi gear destroys daily quests. I'm sure Vector would as well, but it's much easier for me to get extra IA gear than it is to get SI gear, so he's still far behind my other companions in gear.


And, I find that I would much rather heal her through heroics and get them done quicker than heal Kaliyo or Scorpio through a much slower fight.

Edited by ssfish
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I'm a concealment operative and the two I primarily use are Doctor Lokin for the heals and Ensign Raina as extra dps when I'm doing a lot of lower level mobs. I mostly pvp so gearing these two up for me is the easiest since their primary stats are cunning and they wear medium armor. I did have to spend some credits on modding weapons for them, but it wasn't too bad.
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I gave up trying to level as concealment around level 36 for 2 reasons i. the game has you mostly fighting packs of mobs ii. damage was poor due to being reliant on the stealth opener.

I geared up Vector and switched to heals and my levelling path became very smooth right to the end because of the dps he puts out which much higher than any of the other pets.


I feel that Dr Lokin was a missed chance, I believe that there was a idea to have a pet that could either heal or do damage on a toggle but I suspect that the idea got canned in the end as his current implentation doesn't work imo.


Kaliyo v Scorpio

Kaliyo is by far the better tank. Kalio has a better skill set and is easier to gear up.


ensign Temple's damage is poor and she is too squishy imo.

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I mostly use Ensign Temple as a medic op. She wears my offspec set, so she's in a Columi/Rakata mix and was very easy to gear up because we wear the same gear. I'd like to find better weapons/barrels for her, and she is pretty squishy. However, I can heal her through most things, and Kaliyo doesn't do enough damage to make it worth my while to use her most of the time. I mostly keep Kaliyo around so she can wear Karagga's fancy hat for me.
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I am full rakata. Temple is 75% rakata with the rest columi. Lokin is 90% columi. With my sniper marks tree i leveled with kalio all the way to 50. Until i started giving my gear to temple she was worthless. Kalio hits a real dead spot mid to late 30's(imo no matter what gear she is in) buy by hoth she was fine again.
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On what level and on what planets do i get the Companions? I am on Tatooine and on level 26 and i just have 2.


I had like 3 or 4 companions at this time with my Sith warrior.


For some reason all the companions are clustered together in the 30s... You get Vector on Alderaan, Lokin on Taris, etc. I'm still leveling so I can't quote the numbers and locations to you -- check the wiki -- but yes, it isn't as spread out as some other classes.

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late game like 45+ Lokin


before that Kaliyo and heres why: I found there was a similar amount of dmg taken with kaliyo or temple. (tankiness vs shorter fights) however with kaliyo i can pop my speeder or dismiss, resummon and be off


with temple i was taking most of the dmg and i had to heal myself which meant more downtime


grey sniper

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Love Dr. Lokin. Finally, some adult supervision around here! He's an old hand at intelligence, has a mirthful, wry sense of humor and has the natural curiosity of an agent. He favors Imperial patriotism and violence if necessary to get the job done, but not just for the sake of violence. He likes it when you dig deeper into the story and try to follow leads or strike advantageous compromises.


Also, as Sniper with no heals, it's nice to have a healer. He allows me to go through mobs pretty quickly by keeping me healed and healing between fights. Because endurance and cunning are his stats to, he can use my hand-me-down armor.


So mechanics and storywise he fits great with my agent.

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