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I am madness, but I do find myself switching to ark Charge and using Guard sometimes when playing Huttball and if no one else has put Guard on the ball carrier.


to answer OP question, Tumult isnt on my bar.

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Its a useful follow to spike, low slash or shock (on standard)for PvE. Rather nice in solo content or for a quick thrash dispatch.


Tbh, nothing really comes to mind as useless. Deception and Madness prolly don't use the taunt much, but still do every once in a while if they choose to offtank something in dark charge I suppose.

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Crushing Darkness (unless madness spec).


The duration is short so it's not worth a lot to keep a stealther out of stealth. That, coupled with the fact that operatives can wipe dots every 45 seconds to vanish means it's not very useful for dealing with them.


Assassins do not have any dangerous openers from stealth.


Marauders cannot be damaged in stealth (if annihilation, which 90%+ are).


The long activation time just makes it unwieldy for me.

Edited by Enexemander
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So much hate on tumelt....


Bottom of the deception tree gives you 50% extra force regen in stealth and after exiting stealth. any spec can get that.


Spike + tumelt = bye bye trash mob, great for soloing through dailies and FP.



Thing i dont have on my toolbar... whirlwind.

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As a deception Assassin, the following are off my bar.


Whirlwind - long cast time means no use

Tumult - why?

the spinning aoe attack - too much force too little damage


I keep FL, but I never use it except when rooted.

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As a deception Assassin, the following are off my bar.


Whirlwind - long cast time means no use

Tumult - why?

the spinning aoe attack - too much force too little damage


I keep FL, but I never use it except when rooted.


lacerate should be on your bars for pvp. its a great interrupt for objectives in warzones when your knockback is on CD.

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Why Tumult? Well it costs no force! It's easy to throw in there on trash thats been stunned or knocked down. It crits are sub-par, but it is a free attack. Helps when you are trying to save your force for other abilities. Also works as a decent opener paired with Spike. You can use it after shock on any weak target to pretty much 1 shot it.
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Crushing Darkness (unless madness spec).


The duration is short so it's not worth a lot to keep a stealther out of stealth. That, coupled with the fact that operatives can wipe dots every 45 seconds to vanish means it's not very useful for dealing with them.


Assassins do not have any dangerous openers from stealth.


Marauders cannot be damaged in stealth (if annihilation, which 90%+ are).


The long activation time just makes it unwieldy for me.


I agree on Crushing Darkness.


As deception I open with Spike, I dunno it doesn't do a lot of damage but it's a nice opener.


That's going away in 1.2, they will just take 50% now.


I took Thrash off, because I use Voltaic Slash instead.

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If you dont have tumult on your bars you are a bad assassin. Sure you can use it in pvp fine ill give you that and if thats all you do well then you are missing out. But I spike and tumult and its a one shot on even a strong mob. mine crits for 4.5k. Either you guys need better gear, need to go do dailies or do raid/flashpoint. Tumult is a sick ability not too mention the graphic of it.


People that dont use lacerate are dumb too...however it doesnt interrupt, dont know where you got that idea from. Only ability you shouldnt use is crushing darkness if you arent madness. But you should always have all your abilities out on the bar. How are you gonna fully use your tools of your class if they arent out. Its like a warlock not having all the curses out cause he uses curse of agony mainly. Its fail.

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Whirlwind - long cast time means no use


I can't say how many times I'll start a fight 1v1 (either Voidstar or Civil War), hit them with my 4s stun just to watch them blow their CC break. When I see this I'll stand next to the objective and hit whirlwind. While it's casting I'll spam click my objective.


Whirlwind = 8second CC, Objectives = 8second cap.


Yes, it requires someone to blow their CC break at a stupid time, but it happens more than you think 1v1.

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To my knowledge I have every single skill on a hotbar and all but Whirlwind/Charges/Seethe/Buff hotkeyed.


If I switch over to a madness build from Darkness I change my mass mind control and whirlwind locations thus changing their keybinding status.


And yes, that is a hell of a lot of keybind changing.

1-5/Ctrl+1-5/Alt+1-5/Ctrl+Q-T/Alt+Q-T/Ctrl+A-F/Alt+A-F/Naga (Keypad switch)1-8+Ctrls a few alts



(Alt+S = sound change cause i got tired of "Welcome to the Pit!")



I manage to use all abilities. I even use casted crushing darkness from time to time on squishy no namers in pvp because I like the 1k crits it does. I use whirlwind to remove a stronger player from a 2v1 to kill a squishy, I use tumult whenever I actually leave Station (Ilum is dead on my server and I could careless about dailies, nearly 4mill from just pvp dailies). Lacerate is one of our best skills for "My point! Bad republic!" followed by rubbing their nose in it.


So honestly, I have used every ability EXCEPT Tumult in the last week and thats even on a different hotbar (we have 5, 4 visible at all times and a 5th that can be altered for other purposes, my nice pvp bar!). Ah and I even have room for Stims/Medpacs (Rakata end/willpower stim, Surge Adrenal, Expertise Adrenal, Relic, Rakata Medpac)...which are also keybound >_>


If you can stretch them fingers a tidbit (I really dont LOL) you can stretch that hp-bar some more too.

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