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Why do people always look at "Damage" instead of "kills" and "deaths"?


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Hint: Damage taken is a number you can find by hovering your cursor over the deaths number for each player, same with largest hit, largest heal, DPS, HPS, etc over other numbers.


However, as many have mentioned, these can sometimes be inflated =P.

Edited by Duvodiad
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If you have less deaths than the rest of your teammates it means one of a few things: you are a runner, you sit in stealth for long peroids of time, you are someone the enemy doesn't view as a threat (50k damage 10k protection tank classes would be my prime example), or you are some kind of awesome player. Generally if you are really good, you have some other stat or two that is noticeable, the exception being ball carriers in huttball.


When I played my sage as dps I had fewer deaths than I do as a healer, I also didn't have half of the enemy team on me at pretty much all times as a dps.

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I use the stats to keep track of my own personal progress. Not anyone else. Doesn't mean I'm trying for high numbers, but gauging my performance from an expected value in an average match.



That's where I'd say they are most usefull as well

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Kiling Blows is a better judge of DPS, as far as I'm concerned anyway. Throwing around AoE's can net you a few here or there, but you can always tell the difference between that person, and the person who took the time to finish every kill.


Voidstar is a prime example, you can do tons of AoE damage, but if you're not killing anyone, than you're not forcing spawns, and you're never going to take the objectives.


Obviously every class plays differently, but that's how I gauge my Scoundrel.


yeah, only classes with execute right? certain classes are better off forcing people into execute range than actually pushing for the kb.

Edited by Adzzy
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I see people always measuring "Damage". "Ooo, I did 700k!" and "When will someone top 1 million damage?!"


News Flash: AoEs exist, which inflates damage numbers.


If a Sage and a Sentinel both score 500k damage, but the Sage has 15 kills and the Sentinel has 65 kills, they are BY NO MEANS equal in "power". The sage SUCKS, and the Sentinel RULES.

(Note, I am only using sage + sentinel as an example, I am not saying sents need a nerf. :) )


I am just saying that damage is irrelevant in and of itself.


Lots of kills, low deaths: powerhouse, killing machine

Lots of kills, lots of deaths: glass cannon

low kills, low deaths: kiter, healer, utility, objective-focussed, good survivability or a good pocket healer

low kills, lots of deaths: noob, bad, undergeared.


In all those cases the player might have gotten top damage, fyi.


Stop using "damage" as a measure of "power". Its irrelevant.


Damage isn't irrelevant it's very important. On the flip side if you are doing bugger all damage you arent killing anything (unless of course your a healer) and therefore little more than a free kill. Damage is a measure of power, it's just not the only thing that matters, but it does matter.


It certainly isn't irrelevant anyway.

Edited by PloGreen
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Damn, I hope I'm not on the same server as the op lol, when we are on a scoring run, I knock the enemy down into the pits, and damage others till they run off to heal and burn through their resources. I don't kill them to put them between their endzone and my ball carrier.


Did that when we where chasing medals, ball carrier would find 5 enemies waiting for him in front of their endzone lol

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I really dont give a **** about medal farmers.


Sometimes u fight, heal and defend like a crazy mofo, but cant get as many medals as the "wiseguys" on both teams, who keeps pursuing them instead of playing as a team.


So, in most cases, if anyone wants to brag about their medals, screw him, that doesnt mean ****, and also doesnt make he/she a good player, only a selfish farmer.

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Huttball match went something like this:


I scored a goal. The only one for our team.

I prevented the opposing team from scoring MULTIPLE time by dragging or stunning them in the fire (or outright killing them.)

I was the only one to get 8 medals. (next clsoest on our team only had 4)


The opposing team scored a goal and tied the game 1 to 1.


In the last seconds I smacked down the enemy ball carrier preventing the goal AND managed to hold on to the ball for the last minute to give our team the win.



I recieved precicly 0 MVP votes.




I was not number 1 on damage (who got 4 MVP votes). I feel your pain.

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You could not be more wrong.


Damage is not damage.


Single target, focused burst damage, is infinitely superior to AOE damage any day of the week.


You replace that AOE'ing sage with a hard hitting sent/shadow/vanguard, and your chances of getting the first kill drastically increases.


The vast majority of the time, the side with more players wins. That means numbers being equal, the team who gets the first kill wins. AOE damage is useless, and I wouldn't want any useless sage on my team when rated comes.


No actually he's right and you are very very wrong.

Edited by PloGreen
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You can do this all day long. 500k damage, most kills no mvp votes. Healer healed for 100k and some change got 3 votes. People vote for friends. Premades vote for the guy with the lowest valor on their team.


If I run in a pug, I vote for newest 50 in graveyard cause I hate gear winners, so why not throw the new guy some valor.

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since healers make it essentially impossible to kill someone 1v1, kill totals are more a byproduct of your team, it's just as easy to end up on a team where you can put out 400k damage and the rest of your team combines for that also and has unbound interrupt keys, whilst the enemy is toting 3 250k+ healers as it is to end up on a team where the enemy all drops in the first 20 seconds.
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since healers make it essentially impossible to kill someone 1v1, kill totals are more a byproduct of your team, it's just as easy to end up on a team where you can put out 400k damage and the rest of your team combines for that also and has unbound interrupt keys, whilst the enemy is toting 3 250k+ healers as it is to end up on a team where the enemy all drops in the first 20 seconds.


Speak for yourself i kill 1v1 all the time.

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Speak for yourself i kill 1v1 all the time.


if you'd read what i was saying, damage vs healing, you'll never win as damage, unless there's a distinct skill and/or gear gap.


it renders kills as a byproduct of teams

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PvP system is a mess.


So many times are my team doing wrong in WZ and I go get the door or tower so we can win. But in the end I don't get anything for that... the rest that just run around killing people get more points...


Or I guard something and again I don't get much for that.


It seem pointless to play the WZ right. Maybe it's time to follow the rest and play like a noob...:(

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PvP system is a mess.


So many times are my team doing wrong in WZ and I go get the door or tower so we can win. But in the end I don't get anything for that... the rest that just run around killing people get more points...


Or I guard something and again I don't get much for that.


It seem pointless to play the WZ right. Maybe it's time to follow the rest and play like a noob...:(


Thats one thing I hat most. No one would even vote you for scoring 5 huttballs too!

Edited by matekwong
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Last night i topped table with 10 medals in Voidstar. Didn't die whole game, i was the top damage dealer, i was the only Immortal in the game yet i was the only one trying to plant bombs to doors and i planted all bombs and even i reached the Datacore in the end.


Perfect playing at Voidstar. Really it's IMPOSSIBLE to do better than this performance.


How many votes i did receive you think?


Zero. :confused:


Top Damage Dealer - Check

Top Medals - Check

Immortal - Check

Deaths- Zero - Check

Objectives- (Did all of them and was the only one after objectives)-Check


I mean, really? Zero votes?


I don't blame Bioware, but people really are strange. :mad:

Edited by Jieljak
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Damage is still an important metric; more so in civil war and Voidstar. You have to kill your opponents to cap an objective or they will just sit and tag you while you try. AoE damage is important for two reasons. First, its makes enemy healers have to make decisions and can force mistakes on who needs healed and when to heal them. Second, it weakens targets for the more heavy hitters, allowing them to finish off enemies quickly. Damage taken is still damage, no matter how it is dished and there is only a finite amount of hit points each player has.


That being said, using either as a metric for performance (damage or kills) isn't going to give you a clear picture of who is your mvps and until we get a revamp of objective points its not fair to use these numbers as indicators.


Damage here is still not a good measure of how good a player is doing. If the other team has 3-4 healers a dps will max our their dps just trying to kill ONE person. Any one stat is not a measure of how good a character is doing except maybe healing, although if all a healer is doing is healing then they are fail. I ALWAYS try to interrupt/cc the other teams' healers or dps if they are screwing with my dps.

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Hmm. Last match I played yesterday I had 280k dmg, 6 kills , 6 killing blows and :o 19 deaths. BTW full BM gear :p. How was that possible? Well, when you have 3 healers on the field , you mark them as leader, still you are the only one bashing on them, that's going to happen to you. Needless to say we lost big time.


My point is, numbers don't tell the whole story. Look around you, see who heals you, see who focus enemy healers see who defends the doors or stops in the passage to cc the incoming defenders as u lower bridge/shield on voidstar, see who knocks the enemy from the ledges on huttball or the one who's always near the turret that needs defending and that's your MVP.


P.S. For crying out loud learn to interrupt. If you don't have your interrupt on your easy to mash key then you are doing it wrong.

Edited by LenrocNewDawn
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