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Quarterly Producer Letter for Q2 2024 ×

Which AC Do YOU Fear The Most


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Are you saying you don't fear gunslingers as a sorc but only as the other classes? Sorcs are the easiest kills for gunslingers.


This is just from personal experience. Not sure why but most Snipers don't really bother me on my Sorcerer. I usually mez them out of cover if I can and pepper them with FL+CL. The AoE KB+root that I have also keeps them out of cover, which is dandy.


I don't PvP much on my Sorcerer, he's been shelved for a while.

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We talking 1v1? If so I'd have to go with:


1) Snipers: They can keep me pinned at range long enough to *** pwn me.

2) Operatives: Their burst damage while keeping you stunned and ability to restealth and reopen do some serious damage.

3) Assassins: For same reason as Operatives but to a lesser extent.

4) Powertech: They just straight up out burst me on top of being able to stun.

5) Any ranged class in Huttball: The smart ones just stand on the catwalk and knock would-be melee off into the pit/acid/fire if attacked.

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As pyromerc some classes post quite nuisanse but usually i only try stay clear of certain players couple of maras and one tankasin on bloodworthy nothing i do harms that tankasin with his cds up and the selfhealing is quite amazing.
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Are you saying you don't fear gunslingers as a sorc but only as the other classes? Sorcs are the easiest kills for gunslingers.


I don't fear them one bit. LoS them if you can, if not just go somewhere else. What are they going to do? Actually get up from their cover and try again? Ok, but now you'll be fighting on my terms and my terms dictate that I will have an object right beside to LoS every one of your casts while my DoTs and 1-2 ticks of FL slowly tear you down.

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It's always a behind the keyboard issue I take sins down just as easy as any other class actually even the scary tank ones lol.


Right back at you, cause as "scary tank one" there isn't a mara anywhere that can 1v1 me. :p

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As a healing Scoundrel, Marauders and Sentinels give me the most trouble. They're very hard to escape, have a moderate but consistent damage output and have strong defensive CDs making them a threat even if you have a dps trying to help you.



-Deception Assassins, very high damage and good harassing abilities. Fortunately they have low survivability and are usually taken out quickly with help

-Powertechs, fantastic burst and good controlling abilities, but their damage after the initial burst is quite low



-Snipers/Mercs/Sorcerers can be LoS'd

-Operatives have to blow every 3minute cd they have in order to be effective for 5 seconds

-Juggernauts hit like warm lettuce


Edit: I would now like to state that Juggs when played correctly do not hit like warm lettuce. I was playing a few RepvRep huttballs and a good Rakata/BM geared Guardian consistently either a) destroyed me or b) forced me to vanish.

Edited by namelless
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I play infiltration shadow most of the time. The classes I fear most are:


1) Well played operative


If they get the jump on me, im screwed. They have higher burst than me and better mitigations. However, only good operatives know how to maintain DPS after initial burst. For an average op, they will open on me, take off 50% health and then just struggle whilst I pop CDs and nuke them.


2) Well played Marauders


Skill curve on a marauder and sentinel is much higher than most classes, which means 95% that I fight just melt without a challenge. However, those 5% that can actually play well melt me. They have similar burst to me, better sustained damage, more defences and more/better defensive cooldowns. A well played mara will beat a well played shadow every time.


3) Well played Commando's / Sorc's


A commando or sorc that knows how to use CC *can* beat me. Most times I'll win, but if they play the long game and kite/cc and use spare time to heal up, they'll simply outlast me. However, it's hard to do so virtually none of them do it, they just try to DPS me and fail.




I don't really fear any tanks. As I play a shadow, I know how to counter tankassins easily enough. I have enough force skills to bypass armour. My backstab bypasses armour. I have as much cc as them but usually more DPS so I usually win.


I don't fear healers. Whilst I struggle to kill them, I can just force cloak and get away from them if needs be. Basically, I wont die to a healer in standard pvp, only if its an organised 1v1 where running away isn't an option.



After 1.2 I imagine this will stay exactly the same. Good players will continue to beat me, bad players will continue to lose to me. :eek:

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As a rage jugg I don't really fear anyone, but the ones I hate the most are snipers/gunslingers. When those guys target me during combat, there's just nothing to do but run away. Can't charge them, which is especially annoying in huttball. 1on1 they're hard, but not impossible, but I don't care about 1on1 at all, and those guys slay me the best in warzones.


On my sorc I hate operatives and assassins. Hate dat burst out of nowhere.

Edited by Boissi
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As a Sorcerer what I fear most is any other range class, but I steam roll against any melee as melee as I keep my distance with CC and they got hard time touching me.


Is funny that most range class are whining about melee class, maybe they duno how to manage they skills and duno how to manage CC.

Edited by EugeneYap
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As a Sorcerer what I fear most is any other range class, but I steam roll against any melee as melee as I keep my distance with CC and they got hard time touching me.


Is funny that most range class are whining about melee class, maybe they duno how to manage they skills and duno how to manage CC.


Or you just have realy bad melee on your server. A mara has a spammable root, if they are not using it and you are able to get away theyy are bad.

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Or you just have realy bad melee on your server. A mara has a spammable root, if they are not using it and you are able to get away theyy are bad.


That or I'm pretty damn good, but put that a side

that skill only works 15 sec and the root does last more then a moment. And during the 15 sec cooldown, we still have tons of skills to CC, run keeping distances and dps the hell out of mara.


Relax we are still the best in PvP.

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As a scoundrel healer:

--Marauders when they keep focusing me. So many interrupts. I can try to kite them but it doesn't work too well if they're good.

--A really good powertech, but only when they focus me and use all their interrupts to the fullest extent, which is pretty rare.

--Finally, a sniper when there isn't a lot of LOS. However the warzones are designed so that there's usually something to hide behind. Still though, the mobile ones who chase me can be a force to be reckoned with if my cc's are down.



As a scoundrel melee dps:

In general, anyone who gets the jump or pops me out of stealth before I'm ready, but especially:

--Juggs when they use their "invincibility ability" (forget the name) when I try to solo them.

--Sorcs when they get the jump from a distance. (Why doesn't LOS seem to work with lightning?) Fighting them makes me ache for a good gap closer.

--Also powertechs - any of the heavy armors because I can't seem to cut through them for crap despite my armor penetration. However, they don't seem to attack me much so I don't consciously "fear" them.

--The class I fear least are operatives. Maybe because I can predict them more, but they just seem pretty easy to take down in comparision to the others.

Edited by Stenrik
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Marauders because they will be the next FTM in 1.2 as all the buff they are getting sin/shadow wont compare to Marauders. And i have both a sin tank and Marauders and my Marauders is more op now then my sin.


They're only buffing marauder's useless specs like rage and carnage. They actually nerfed Annihilation a bit.


They're not going to be stronger than they currently are, I can't see Rage going live as is for marauder though. Then again, it is Bioware.


People are rerolling sins and maras because they think they're some kind of "FOTM" but all the marauder players will quickly reroll once they realize the grass isn't greener.

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Bounty hunters spamming TM tend to be a bit of a pain in the *** on my Commando Combat Medic. Very limited options to deal with them without a interrupt whereas I can easily get rid of Melee DPS such as Marauders whaling on me with their heavy breathing.
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AC? None


Its the players behind them that are worth/not worth fearing. Currently, in PvP nothing is overpowered or singnificantly ahead.





Class balance is surprisingly good currently and all QQ comes from terribads.

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Isnt it amazing how no one named Sorc? The class getting the biggest nerf.


The OP asked which AC we would hate to meet in a blind Alley not which one was most likely to win you a huttball match..... when do you think the tier 2 pvp wannabees will realise that

OP is a relative term and the fact that someone is beating the living daylights out of you doesn't mean they are contributing positively to winning the type of PVP being contested.

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I started by comparing Jugs to Marauders and realized Marauders are much more feared but then wondered which AC do people fear and why?


As a DPS Sorcerer I fear Carnage Marauders the most because they have x2 Immobilize and hurt really bad. Juggs I just CC and leave, regardless of whatever build they may use.


Good Watchman specced Sents are the best. Besides them, any marauder/sent spec.

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