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Quarterly Producer Letter for Q2 2024 ×

Which AC Do YOU Fear The Most


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I started by comparing Jugs to Marauders and realized Marauders are much more feared but then wondered which AC do people fear and why?


As a DPS Sorcerer I fear Carnage Marauders the most because they have x2 Immobilize and hurt really bad. Juggs I just CC and leave, regardless of whatever build they may use.

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1. Shadows/Assassins

2. Sentinels/Marauders

3. Good Scoundrels/Operatives

4. Gunslingers/Snipers


I play a Guardian and the aforementioned classes are either the superb 1v1 classes or designed to counter my class (Snipers).

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Marauders because they will be the next FTM in 1.2 as all the buff they are getting sin/shadow wont compare to Marauders. And i have both a sin tank and Marauders and my Marauders is more op now then my sin.


You're a terrible sin if your mara is better than them now.

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A good focus guardian/jugg can knock sentinals/Mauraders about like flies.


Dps Vanguard/powertech are probably the next most lethal 1v1 class.


Dps sorc/sage are pretty harmless 1v1 imo they can even be stalemated if not beat 1v1 by healer spec sorce/sage they are only dangerous when allowed to spam at groups from range.

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I started by comparing Jugs to Marauders and realized Marauders are much more feared but then wondered which AC do people fear and why?


As a DPS Sorcerer I fear Carnage Marauders the most because they have x2 Immobilize and hurt really bad. Juggs I just CC and leave, regardless of whatever build they may use.


In a 1v1 situation I'd probably say a good operative or tanksin. If either one of those gets the jump on me and I'm alone there's very little I can do except hold on until a teammate gets there to help.


After the knockdown bug gets fixed it might be different but as of right now that's how it is for me.


After that it's snipers and mauraders. Those ones I can beat in a 1v1 depending on the terrain etc. but it'll always be a tough fight and if they're good they'll usually win.

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A tank sin should be able to kill a marauder (or anyone really) 1v1 nearly every time due to their increased survivability, but they don't scare as much due to the fact they have trouble killing people when healers are involved.


A marauder has great damage and great survival cooldowns, but the tank sin has good damage and great survival cooldowns combined with better self heals and passive mitigation.

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