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Quarterly Producer Letter for Q2 2024 ×

The question of the month: Will you keep your subscription up? and why?


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My sub is no longer active, purely because of my server being totally empty. Nobody to do flashpoints with or to join for an operation. No tools to find players for the PvE content.


PvP takes far too long to play and it's always the same Imp group that trumps us, usually outnumbered too.


The graphics engine is highly unoptimized and poorly constructed. Lightsaber combat wasn't what Bioware promised it would be, and there's very little difference between players since everyone uses that same animation frame male/female.

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My sub is no longer active, purely because of my server being totally empty. Nobody to do flashpoints with or to join for an operation. No tools to find players for the PvE content.


PvP takes far too long to play and it's always the same Imp group that trumps us, usually outnumbered too.


The graphics engine is highly unoptimized and poorly constructed. Lightsaber combat wasn't what Bioware promised it would be, and there's very little difference between players since everyone uses that same animation frame male/female.


I agree makes ya wonder were that 300 million went lol.

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I hope your sarcastic you dont encourage others to play a game you hate yourself, your rewarding companys whom rushed released for money and hurting the industry not helping it. The game cant get that because it is basically to much like wow but far worse than wow for it is way behind wow people can go back to wow and still play even after long breaks, SWTOR doesnt have that pull and I am sorry to tell everyone this but it is the overall game design for it to ever work they would have to take down the game to remake it.


Because its a new game, wows been out for how many freaking years? that much time to fix issues, improve on others and so on?


Posters like this really make me wonder if CS is still that hard to find...

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My sub is no longer active, purely because of my server being totally empty. Nobody to do flashpoints with or to join for an operation. No tools to find players for the PvE content.


PvP takes far too long to play and it's always the same Imp group that trumps us, usually outnumbered too.


The graphics engine is highly unoptimized and poorly constructed. Lightsaber combat wasn't what Bioware promised it would be, and there's very little difference between players since everyone uses that same animation frame male/female.


Ah another expert on interface/engine design, oh please school us in the ways since you obv know so much more than the current industry sport, please oh please...

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That was probably me as well, but no problem. People really receive his slideshow very well.


For reference, if people have 40 mins to kill, have a listen to this guy's slideshow.



This was extremely enlightening for me and actually gave me a broader understanding of the haters.


Thank you very much for that link. Eye opening.

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Ah another expert on interface/engine design, oh please school us in the ways since you obv know so much more than the current industry sport, please oh please...

Give me money, people to command and few months - I will create something you will be very pleased I can asure you ^^

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Ah another expert on interface/engine design, oh please school us in the ways since you obv know so much more than the current industry sport, please oh please...


With all do respect, Mordredz there is no need to jump down the throat of all the people stating why they're unhappy with the game. It's their opinion and the point of the thread is to state why you are/you're not happy and if you'll be subbing again. No need to be that way. :(


On topic, I am an avid fan of Star Wars and even though this game has disappointed me somewhat with what they've promised to what they've delivered. I'll try and give it a good year to see where it goes. The crafting design is quite clever and one of my favourite attributes that TOR has brought to my attention, not to mention the interesting Legacy system that recently came with 1.2.


Heres to hoping.

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With all do respect, Mordredz there is no need to jump down the throat of all the people stating why they're unhappy with the game. It's their opinion and the point of the thread is to state why you are/you're not happy and if you'll be subbing again. No need to be that way. :(


On topic, I am an avid fan of Star Wars and even though this game has disappointed me somewhat with what they've promised to what they've delivered. I'll try and give it a good year to see where it goes. The crafting design is quite clever and one of my favourite attributes that TOR has brought to my attention, not to mention the interesting Legacy system that recently came with 1.2.


Heres to hoping.


Stating that they have even a notion of what goes into it then spamming garbage ya i do, but thanks again...

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Ah another expert on interface/engine design, oh please school us in the ways since you obv know so much more than the current industry sport, please oh please...

it's obvious BW pays you to support this game, there is no other explaination. when someone says no people on his server, not able to play a FP for a long period of days or weeks you only give attention to the comment about the graphic engine just to make him look like a whiner. i canceled my account for the same facts.

empty server no FP for 2 months, no pvp concept, ugly new gear visuals. the 1.2patch is nothing new to the world of gaming, but they present it like something amazing in the 21st century gaming era.

i'm disappointed but i do not say the game is crap. i just love it but there's nothing for hardcore players to play with after 4months active. be respectful next time and don't troll like that.

Edited by kantnerfme
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I already unsubbed twice and came back after a few days off because I was missing the game. I basically follow this weird cycle where I play a character up to the 40s, get burnt out on the game and feel like I'm done for good, delete the char, uninstall. And after a few days I crave playing the game and come back. It feels like playing for the first time each time. Weird I know.
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Yep, I'm keeping it. I will get more casual as time goes on but I've been consistently getting more enjoyment from the game than frustration. I'm a fan of PVP and have not gotten sick of it yet. The source for 9/10 of my frustrations have been caused by low server population, so once that's fixed I'll be having even more fun in both PVP and PVE.


And yes, I have a 50. And yes, I've been 50 for a while now, almost 2 months.


Absolutley love the game.

Subscription ended due to the 30-day "loyal player" debacle.

Really? I do not understand your type who could put so much time into their characters and love the game, THEN turn around and cancel due to some minor principle! It's wording. Some copywriter/marketer at Bioware made a poor choice of words. So you're willing to give up all that leveling and future enjoyment of the game just to "punish" them?


And guess what, people with a lowish legacy level are now getting their free month, so they listened to people like you. What else do you want? With the word "debacle" you'd think they'd be forcing people without a lvl 50 to pay 15 bucks EXTRA just because they hate casuals and altaholics so much.


I'm sorry but that just seems extremely petty.

Edited by Stenrik
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I enjoy the game.

I will remain subscribed.

I have two subs.

I have many characters, scattered across four servers.

I have a number of concerns regarding the game; none are deal breakers.

I have seen some of my concerns addressed, so am happy with BioWare's progress.

I enjoyed the rakghoul event, but would have liked to see the vendor stay live for an additional week.

I got what I wanted out of it (except for bracers, which I never saw) but I know others will be blind-sided.

Just as a matter of courtesy, BioWare, please consider making the vendor live for a short period of time on fleet.

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I already unsubbed twice and came back after a few days off because I was missing the game. I basically follow this weird cycle where I play a character up to the 40s, get burnt out on the game and feel like I'm done for good, delete the char, uninstall. And after a few days I crave playing the game and come back. It feels like playing for the first time each time. Weird I know.


It might be a bit of burnout, on the genre or VG in general. Just saying because some years ago I felt the same and taking a longish breaks from MMOs helped.

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Happily unsubbed swtor.


Played Tera Open Beta at weekend and loved it. Amazing graphics and fresh combat controls. Really looking forward to that launching mid-May.


Also downloaded GW2 for this weekends beta access. Looking forward to that too. After which, will make a decision as to which game to focus on, tera or GW2. Tera is p2p, GW2 is f2p, so will run both anyway, just need to decide which gets my full attention :)


In the mean time, having fun with mass zeeeerg fortress sieges in f2p aion 3.0 na :)

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