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Quarterly Producer Letter for Q2 2024 ×

The question of the month: Will you keep your subscription up? and why?


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No !


I enjoy the game so far ( level 38) but will quit at 50 if no new end-game content:


Will stay or come back if:

Space system like freelancer

Commerce system ( buy/selling commodity from planet to another)

Starship housing, customisation

New mission on every planet: Smuggling, Bounty-Hunting, Stealing goods, Slicing,

More action at cantina ( Bartender rumor and such)



I'll stay if i had always somethinh new to do with my caracter that give me the impression of continuing is story ! Will quit if i had always the same thing to do ( NO interest in Daily, flashpoint, etc).

Edited by DocHolyday
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Yes because the game is very enjoyable and I love leveling the other toon's.


All mmo's get boring once you have maxed your leveled and done the runs. Thats why i left wow, I had 9 lvl 85s geared. DW was way to easy i pugged it first run. and i was board as hell , for maybe the last year or two i was playing less and less. I think i was getting 5 hours a week for the last 6 months before i stopped.


People cry if content is too easy, people cry if its too hard.

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Last day is tommorrow.


I enjoy this game for the most part, but i just dont care to keep playing at this time.


I will probally be back.


I was extremly discouraged by the lack of credit gain in warzones and the high prices of legacy unlocks. I just wanted to roll out a Rattakki Jedi as my next toon.


This is petty and is not the reason i unsubbed, its just part of it.


IDK, I just log in and then log back out all day. I want to play and then i play and then I am bored.


Maybe in a few months I will miss my characters and log in again.....hopefully.

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i will not resub simply due to the lack of features, and i may return if they are added in future expansions.

bioware, you really need to add sandbox elements, like housing city building ala SWg including an amped up jump to lightspeed, starship crafting, droid crafting and swoop racing/crafting. more hustle and bustle in the cities with npc's make them more interactive instead of just standing there all silent in a fully voiced mmo. i could go on but you get the point. people want to do other things outside of just being heroic 24/7 running dailys falshpoints and pvp , there should be a lot more to an mmo than just collecting tokens for vendors

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Cancelled sub a few weeks ago after finishing everything there was over and over and then some.


If this game had not had the Star Wars theme, I would never ever have played it. The mmo model made popular by WoW does not appeal to me at all.


->Obtain max level

->Obtain best gear

->Make higher tier of gear

->Raise level cap

->Rinse & Repeat


Just way too shallow for me. And it's probably getting old for many as well.


Looks like EA's stock took one to the knee as well, good riddance.


^Troof SaaaaN!

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I doubt I'll ever cancel my sub for this game. I plan on leveling all classes to 50 and just roleplaying/writing the night away.


Guess the good thing about me is that I can create my own content when it comes down to it.

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i will not resub simply due to the lack of features, and i may return if they are added in future expansions.

bioware, you really need to add sandbox elements, like housing city building ala SWg including an amped up jump to lightspeed, starship crafting, droid crafting and swoop racing/crafting. more hustle and bustle in the cities with npc's make them more interactive instead of just standing there all silent in a fully voiced mmo. i could go on but you get the point. people want to do other things outside of just being heroic 24/7 running dailys falshpoints and pvp , there should be a lot more to an mmo than just collecting tokens for vendors


You make the game what you want it to.

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Sub runs out today. Not renewing - the PvP is a mess and just not fun anymore. I did enjoy my story to 50 and lots of my alt game play, but a lot was/is lacking and not quite right. Going to head to TSW for something different /wave.
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I will be unsubscribing.

The pvp has gone to the dogs, to put it without expletives which I wanted to use to express myself.


Gear gap is awful, and self perpetuating, and getting rapidly worse depending on population and which side has the better geared and or better premades.


It could have had something, but making it even more heavily gear based, making the gear impossible to obtain if you are consistently losing, and punishing staying in losing matches (or joining a losing match) mean the precious little time I do get to play and relax I get no reward for.


Patch 1.2 removed all incentive to play (and lose).

What you will see in coming days is same faction vs faction pvp because certain servers where this disparity is enormous, will see those people getting sick of being farmed and getting nothing. They will either leave the faction, the server, or the game entirely (which is more likely)


Add to this the fact that any gear I had already earned was bettered by gear that can be bought with credits, and my hard fought and earned battlemaster ranking now means absolutely nothing, as any fool that can afford a BM piece can now wear it.r,



Agreed 100 percent. And don't even get me started on server pop and what it's doing to PvE accessibility.

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I resubscribed. Not because of patch 1.2 but because of the Rakghoul event.


The rewards on the jawa are perfect for me. Customization rewards.


If Bioware throws events like this every few months I'll be happy.

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Yes, I'll be here for a long time.


I want to experience all of the storylines and with only 1 level 50 (Trooper) while playing nearly every day, it's going to take me a long time to get them all done and by then, there will undoubtely be an expansion to keep me going.


I don't care for PvP due to the personality types it tends to attract and the complaining going on now about PvP I've seen for years in other games and it never ends. It's highly likely that even GW2 won't satisify that crowd and it too will be deemed a "failure" as the herd scampers off to complain about the next game on the market. For me, if they ripped PvP out of the game and put the internal resources into expanding the game quicker, I'd be happy.


As for now, the game is fine and pretty much what they said it was going to be.

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Literally 2 posts before yours shows the article that they are currently making it happen...

My sub runs out tomorrow and my server is dead. No reason to resub. When BW actually does something to put the multiplayer in their MMO I might come back.

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Yes, I am, because the game is fun.


My main gripe is the server situation, but they are working as fast as they can on it. How they implement transfers (cost and such) will go a long way to how I view things longer term.

Edited by islander
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Game was great during the first month or so with my first toon. Unfortunately, it lacks features and things I like in an MMO, so I won't be sticking around past the 19th of April (i.e. LFG tool, achievements, etc..). I do wish everyone well who stays and plays.


Take care! :)

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