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"Resolve is broken" challenge


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it's not broken it's probably just "not enough"


we really have lots of CC going on... not much 1vs1 but in group pvp


on the other hand immunity to all CC would be perhaps too much think about it if not even slow effect you... you are just unstoppable (at the same time i dont agree with slow effect to add up to stuck u in place)



Resolve it's a really nice system it's just a "new" system throw in an MMO with an huge number of CC


In my opinion they are dealing with a very complicated system (a great number of CC) and tehy are dealing with it quite decently they just need to fine tune it

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If roots and snares dont affect resolve, then my Assassin pull definetly shouldnt. Its not stopping you from moving or completely freezing you in place, so why are you allowed to snare me with a full resolve bar allowing me to get pummelled, but I cant pull you back from the goal line to try and slow you down? IMO thats broken. Thats one example right there.


Personally I think is broken as it seems to benefit certain classes more then others.

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Please read this thread's OP. You will see that any combination of stun and mez will grant CC immunity on the second stun/mez. This means that if you play it smart and eat the first stun, you will gain up to 20 seconds of CC immunity.


Please read my post. None of what you said applies to my argument. I'm saying roots and snares should fill the resolve bar and that resolve should kick in the moment the bar is full.

Edited by TDRedmage
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Ah, so we have here an inability to differ between full and white. Ok, problem is that resolve before it turns white can fill all the bar, but still not turn white.


Here is another problem with resolve, why does it need to turn white to be active? Why not just simplify the whole system and change it so full bar = immunity? Seems rather lazy and stupid to have the bar change from greyish white when full to full white before its active. Its stupid, its lazy and it causes more confusion IMO.

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Please read my post. None of what you said applies to my argument. I'm saying roots and snares should fill the resolve bar and that resolve should kick in the moment the bar is full.


I was not replying to your argument (snares and roots) as that is an opinion that can be debated. I was trying to correct your factually incorrect statement regarding the number of times you can be CCed as well as pointing out that Resolve DOES kick in the moment the bar is full. If you ate the first CC then your Breaker is available for you to actually take advantage of your Resolve Immunity.


As for your argument, I do agree that roots should probably have a small amount of resolve. Snares would make the entire system unworkable as they are applied automatically and are necessary for some classes' survival.

Edited by Darth_Philar
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I was not replying to your argument as that is an opinion that can be debated. I was trying to correct your factually incorrect statement regarding the number of times you can be CCed as well as pointing out that Resolve DOES kick in the moment the bar is full.


READ WHAT I SAID, not what you want me to have said. I never said it DID NOT kick in after 2 stuns, I said that should INCLUDE snares and roots. Please please please read what people say before you reply to them.


If you ate the first CC then your Breaker is available for you to actually take advantage of your Resolve Immunity.


Didn't dispute this either. Thanks for playing.

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READ WHAT I SAID, not what you want me to have said. I never said it DID NOT kick in after 2 stuns, I said that should INCLUDE snares and roots. Please please please read what people say before you reply to them.




Didn't dispute this either. Thanks for playing.


You said "2 cc abilities (stuns/root/snares/knockbacks)"


If you meant to say just "root/snares" perhaps you should edit it to correct it...

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This. And imho resolve should kick in as soon as the bar is filled, not the cc after the bar is filled. Ideally you should suffer no more than 2 cc abilities (stuns/root/snares/knockbacks) before you're completely immune.


This is what I said. Please re-read it before you make 1 more post.


I'm saying you should suffer 2 cc abilities including roots and snares, then be immune.

Edited by TDRedmage
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This is what I said. Please re-read it before you make 1 more post.


Resolve does kick in the moment the bar is full.

Resolve bar will be over 1000 (thus granting immunity) after any combination of 2 stuns/mezzes OR a stun or mezz AND a "miscellaneous" effect.


Your post does not clearly represent that you simply want snares/roots added to the list of resolve granting effects but rather implies that they already are on the list, but that resolve is not fuctioning as it actually does.


What you should have said (for clarity) was:


"Ideally, snares and roots should also grant resolve and that any combination of 2 resolve granting effects would grant Resolve Immunity."


I believe we are both on the same page now?

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Resolve does kick in the moment the bar is full.

Resolve bar will be over 1000 (thus granting immunity) after any combination of 2 stuns/mezzes OR a stun or mezz AND a "miscellaneous" effect.


Your post does not clearly represent that you simply want snares/roots added to the list of resolve granting effects but rather implies that they already are on the list, but that resolve is not fuctioning as it actually does.


What you should have said (for clarity) was:


"Ideally, snares and roots should also grant resolve and that any combination of 2 resolve granting effects would grant Resolve Immunity."


I believe we are both on the same page now?


Actually we're on the page after :)


And correct me if I'm wrong but when the resolve bar is full you still suffer the duration of the cc that filled it?

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Actually we're on the page after :)


And correct me if I'm wrong but when the resolve bar is full you still suffer the duration of the cc that filled it?


You are not wrong. Resolve is not a CC break, it is a CC prevent. The CC that puts you over 1000 Resolve will still be in effect.


This is why it is very important for you to save your CC Breaker for when your Resolve bar is white. Using it any earlier means that you waste precious immunity time waiting for the second CC to wear off.

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think the problem most people don't know anything about resolve or how to manage. This is apparent in the willy nilly use of people using random knockbacks then they don't add anything to the fight, but just make it hard to stop healers and what not. People will complain about things they don't understand, and most people won't try to understand something they don't know because humans like living in ignorance.
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You are not wrong. Resolve is not a CC break, it is a CC prevent. The CC that puts you over 1000 Resolve will still be in effect.


This is why it is very important for you to save your CC Breaker for when your Resolve bar is white. Using it any earlier means that you waste precious immunity time waiting for the second CC to wear off.


Yep, do it all the time.

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Oh, I am off the forums for half a day and miss so much fun;)


1.2 will bring something new, though technically does not break what Resolve is supposed to do I am amazed people have not talked about it:


Carnage x3 Root


Deadly Throw

Force Charge



All root and all are off Resolve.


How many seconds is that guys? From just one player? And after that x3 chain it can start all over again in a matter of seconds!


Great post, implicating deep knowledge of current class/resolve mechanic. Question to the poster - so marauders cant do that now and they have to wait to 1.2?;)


Was there ever a question of it not working as intended? The problem has always been that snares/roots are not a part of the system.


I have started this topic after I read few topics during the same evening where poeple claimed that there were stunned 7 times in the row, for 40 seconds etc. Root/snares affecting resolve is problem for some people, not for me, but this thread was not started to discuss about that. Of course, thanks for not reading it and for free bumps.


Here is another problem with resolve, why does it need to turn white to be active? Why not just simplify the whole system and change it so full bar = immunity? Seems rather lazy and stupid to have the bar change from greyish white when full to full white before its active. Its stupid, its lazy and it causes more confusion IMO.


And how exactly we would be able to differ half filled resolve bar from half empty resolve bar?


Please read my post. None of what you said applies to my argument. I'm saying roots and snares should fill the resolve bar and that resolve should kick in the moment the bar is full.


This is not argument. This is opinion. It is not the same.


Arguments looks like this "I think roots and snares should affect resolve because ... and ... . Additionaly, resolve should kick in in the moment the bar is full because ... , ... and ... ."


If you would actualy read this topic, you will find many arguments I have for resolve not being affected by root and snares. Not going to repeat them for 100th time.


think the problem most people don't know anything about resolve or how to manage. This is apparent in the willy nilly use of people using random knockbacks then they don't add anything to the fight, but just make it hard to stop healers and what not. People will complain about things they don't understand, and most people won't try to understand something they don't know because humans like living in ignorance.


Yea, exactly. Dont know how it works and have rambo syndrom and expect game mechanic to save them from dying in 1v3 situations.

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Yes. Those are my opinions and they are shared by more than just me.


And no. My point is that Resolve, as it is, is as much of a problem as the ungodly amount of CCs in this game.


I honestly do not care if Resolve works the way the developers intended it to. CC's are the #2 problem with PvP in SWTOR (#1 being lack of world PvP) and Resolve is what SHOULD limit it, but doesn't.


You guys can argue all day long that it works great...but that doesn't make it true and that doesn't fix the problem or frustration players have with PvP.


Maybe you haven't noticed, but fewer and fewer players are playing this game. Resolve/CCs are ONE of the reasons. Please stop trying to defend it. You do more damage than good.


AMEN. Couldn't have said it better. Though we have no idea if resolve works the way intended as BW hasn't really given us the formula, it make no difference. It's either broken from what's intended or the intent is broken. BW needs to fix it quick, or the numbers will just keep dwindling. Pvp is a joke, and BW is just doubling down on the crap that makes it a joke: more WZs, no open world pvp of any substance, less healing, more trips to cloner. This resolve issue is just another in a series of pvp blunders by BW.


The perception is the that there is no resolve. I think this post has shown us that there is resolve and its possible that it works as intended. And that's disheartening because that means BW can't just fix it in a patch, they have to admit that their resolve system sucks and that they intended us to be chain-stunned in pvp. Then after admitting that they were wrong, come up with a whole new resolve system. Odds of that happening? About the same as SWG coming back in its original form.

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AMEN. Couldn't have said it better. Though we have no idea if resolve works the way intended as BW hasn't really given us the formula, it make no difference. It's either broken from what's intended or the intent is broken. BW needs to fix it quick, or the numbers will just keep dwindling. Pvp is a joke, and BW is just doubling down on the crap that makes it a joke: more WZs, no open world pvp of any substance, less healing, more trips to cloner. This resolve issue is just another in a series of pvp blunders by BW.


The perception is the that there is no resolve. I think this post has shown us that there is resolve and its possible that it works as intended. And that's disheartening because that means BW can't just fix it in a patch, they have to admit that their resolve system sucks and that they intended us to be chain-stunned in pvp. Then after admitting that they were wrong, come up with a whole new resolve system. Odds of that happening? About the same as SWG coming back in its original form.


Yea, very good arguments. The sky is afalling, people are leaving game, the game is dying, there is not reason to pvp, warzones sucks and you can be stunlocked forever.


Well, population on servers I play is stable (on Tomb of Freedon Nadd it is even growing because of rerolls), reason to pvp is fun, many people like warzones, open pvp is there, you just have to go for it (when leveling my vanguard on alderaan I wandered into republic territory and killed few players, in the same time general chat was full of warnings about group of 8 imperials camping some location) and you can be stunlocked for 8 seconds. If you want to know what stunlock is go play against compentent team in wow and come back here complain more.

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People don't realize that things like pins, roots, and movement imparing effects can still be applied while under full resolve. Only loss of ALL character abilities are effected -> Mezz and stuns.


I fully understand that and I still think resolve is broken.


The biggest gripe people have with PvP is that its not so much a match of skill but rather who gets their stuns off first and if you've ever had a Smuggler sneak up on you then you know this is true.


Once you factor in 2-3 stuns (which lock you in place), a root (which locks you in place) and a snare (which might as well lock you in place but is forgivable) you're talking about an entire encounter where you cant fight back or run while you're just getting smashed. PvP encounters boil down to being in the wrong place at the wrong time.


If they want to fix anything they need to lower the duration on these stuns (some have 6 seconds or more which is a long time) and make the CD's longer. I'm not being class specific either. ALL OF THEM. This forces players to actually play with some sort of skill or strategy rather than stun and attack a target dummy.


I play a Shadow and I often forget I have a stun as I only use it to interrupt. Against classes I don't have much to interrupt on (like Marauders) I spend the fight jumping around them, using the terrain or dragging them into groups of allies.


I wish they kept a tally on the time you spent Stunned, Snared, or Rooted. You'd be pissed when you saw that you spent hours just standing there getting bashed on.

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AMEN. Couldn't have said it better. Though we have no idea if resolve works the way intended as BW hasn't really given us the formula, it make no difference. It's either broken from what's intended or the intent is broken. BW needs to fix it quick, or the numbers will just keep dwindling. Pvp is a joke, and BW is just doubling down on the crap that makes it a joke: more WZs, no open world pvp of any substance, less healing, more trips to cloner. This resolve issue is just another in a series of pvp blunders by BW.


The perception is the that there is no resolve. I think this post has shown us that there is resolve and its possible that it works as intended. And that's disheartening because that means BW can't just fix it in a patch, they have to admit that their resolve system sucks and that they intended us to be chain-stunned in pvp. Then after admitting that they were wrong, come up with a whole new resolve system. Odds of that happening? About the same as SWG coming back in its original form.


THe world would be interesting if your isolated opinion had any weight.


Resolve works fine. CC in this game is so much easier to deal with than any other mainstream MMO. 12 seconds of being CCed is a far sight better than 30-40seconds of being CCed.

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I fully understand that and I still think resolve is broken.


The biggest gripe people have with PvP is that its not so much a match of skill but rather who gets their stuns off first and if you've ever had a Smuggler sneak up on you then you know this is true.


Once you factor in 2-3 stuns (which lock you in place), a root (which locks you in place) and a snare (which might as well lock you in place but is forgivable) you're talking about an entire encounter where you cant fight back or run while you're just getting smashed. PvP encounters boil down to being in the wrong place at the wrong time.


If they want to fix anything they need to lower the duration on these stuns (some have 6 seconds or more which is a long time) and make the CD's longer. I'm not being class specific either. ALL OF THEM. This forces players to actually play with some sort of skill or strategy rather than stun and attack a target dummy.


I play a Shadow and I often forget I have a stun as I only use it to interrupt. Against classes I don't have much to interrupt on (like Marauders) I spend the fight jumping around them, using the terrain or dragging them into groups of allies.


I wish they kept a tally on the time you spent Stunned, Snared, or Rooted. You'd be pissed when you saw that you spent hours just standing there getting bashed on.




The only stuns that last more than 4 seconds are those that break on combat.


And one of your arguments for nerfing all stuns is because you don't use yours? Really. Maybe learn to play your class correctly before you blame stuns for you dieing all the time.

Edited by Cruxe
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I don't get how I can watch my resolve bar dropping while I'm being choked. How am I losing resolve while I'm still stunned? That doesn't make any sense to me. If I was at full resolve, then the stun shouldn't have gone off. If this is the stun that put me at full resolve, then how am I already losing it (while the stun is still in effect)? This is my only problem with it. It never seems to last 20 seconds (or however long people claim it's supposed to).
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And how exactly we would be able to differ half filled resolve bar from half empty resolve bar?





Because a half filled resolve bar just sits there and a half empty resolve bar is draining? Regardless if your going to use a color change then make it red or something completely opposite of whatever color it is when your filling it.

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THe world would be interesting if your isolated opinion had any weight.


Resolve works fine. CC in this game is so much easier to deal with than any other mainstream MMO. 12 seconds of being CCed is a far sight better than 30-40seconds of being CCed.


We're not talking about another game, we're talking about THIS game. If you would like to debate the way resolve or CC's work in some other MMO, please go post on their forums.


Resolve in SWTOR is broken and misleading. CC's in SWTOR are frustrating enough to drive players from the game. I've never played an MMO where CC's were THIS dominant in PvP.


I believe that the CC mess we have needs to be corrected and Resolve is key in fixing it. To pretend it's fine is dismissing something that harms the overall health of the game - it's pure ignorance.

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Resolve in SWTOR is broken and misleading.


How is it broken? Resolve accumulates through stuns until a point where it prevents further stuns until it drains. It is doing this right now, so how can it be broken?


How is it misleading? Resolve is affected by stuns, not snare or roots. This is what it is currently doing. How can it be misleading?



The only people mislead by Resolve are the people who never took the time to actually learn how it worked in the first place and assume that it should prevent snares and roots. It was never intended to, therefore when it doesn't it can't be said to be broken.


If you want resolve to be changed, fine. In your opinion it isn't doing enough, you have every right to ask it be changed. In my opinion you're wrong, but that doesn't mean you don't have the right to complain. To say that it is broken, however, is clearly false.

Edited by Cruxe
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We're not talking about another game, we're talking about THIS game. If you would like to debate the way resolve or CC's work in some other MMO, please go post on their forums.


Resolve in SWTOR is broken and misleading. CC's in SWTOR are frustrating enough to drive players from the game. I've never played an MMO where CC's were THIS dominant in PvP.


I believe that the CC mess we have needs to be corrected and Resolve is key in fixing it. To pretend it's fine is dismissing something that harms the overall health of the game - it's pure ignorance.


Never played WoW, DCUO, or Rift?


There isn't a "CC Mess," the thing that all those games have in common is you get severely punished for being out of position. You're right, it's not particularly new player friendly I suppose (and this is the problem that MOBAS are having as well) but to be honest I, personally, don't care. People are always going to complain about mistakes they make and by deflecting the blame to something else.


If you died before you had a chance to move you were out of position. Period. I have NEVER been killed before I could move by anyone 1v1 on any of my characters. The only time that has happened is when I allowed myself to be caught out of position.


To be fair, it's a lot harder for melee non-stealth classes to not get stuck out of position but that's the risk vs reward of being melee. At least it's supposed to be.


Point is: Pay attention to your surroundings and weigh the risks vs rewards of where you're currently standing constantly. If you get caught out by 3 or more players with your pants down, and they all have their stuns then guess what: You got out played and next time pay more attention.

Edited by Scoobings
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How is it broken? Resolve accumulates through stuns until a point where it prevents further stuns until it drains. It is doing this right now, so how can it be broken?


How is it misleading? Resolve is affected by stuns, not snare or roots. This is what it is currently doing. How can it be misleading?



The only people mislead by Resolve are the people who never took the time to actually learn how it worked in the first place and assume that it should prevent snares and roots. It was never intended to, therefore when it doesn't it can't be said to be broken.


If you want resolve to be changed, fine. In your opinion it isn't doing enough, you have every right to ask it be changed. In my opinion you're wrong, but that doesn't mean you don't have the right to complain. To say that it is broken, however, is clearly false.


As I've stated earlier in this thread, something being "broken", doesn't mean it isn't working as intended, being "broken" can be as simple as something not being clear to understand by the people who will be impacted by it. Resolve, IMO, fits into the 'misunderstood so much that it's a failed/broken system' category.


May I ask, where do you get your crystal clear definition of how Resolve is intended to work? I'm sure I simply missed it, so if you (or someone) could provide a link of exactly how Resolve is intended to work, I would appreciate it.


Resolve is so misunderstood right now that it's a bigger source of frustration than anything else (CC's fall into this category too). I don't see how anyone can defend a system that so clearly HURTS the health of this game...unless you're a GW2 fanboi?! I mean, I honestly think you have to wish this game to fail if you defend how it works right now...that's how messed up I feel Resolve is.


No amount of claiming it works, just not like people want/expect make it a good system.

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