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Bioware Does Not Understand MMO Players


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Honestly, the fanbois seem QQing more and are much more hostile and negative than most of the people criticizing launch. They don't seem to understand that they make the atmosphere even worse with all the usual "Go back to WoW!!" posts. Despite what many here might think, I want the game to thrive.


ANYONE who understands the least bit of MMO player psychology could have told you how bad a staggered launch would go. And really I don't need much more proof than what's already happening in the forums.


And if you think it's bad now, just wait until the people who are at work get home to find they still have no access. The longer this thing drags out the more it will hurt this game. Negativity is already pretty strong.. and it was already bad from their terrible decision not to have a Grace Period at the end of headstart.


The truth is that all that matters is WHAT THE CUSTOMER WANTS AND EXPECTS. Yes, most or at least many customers act like children, BUT YOU STILL HAVE TO CATER TO THEM. Those who don't think this is true are living in some utopian fantasy land.


Who cares EXACTLY what Bioware said about how launch would be done. MMO players EXPECT to be able to log in and have an equal opportunity to play on LAUNCH DAY - BECAUSE THIS HAS HOW IT'S BEEN FOR ALL MMOS BEFORE THIS ONE.


And to talk about the 20th as the actual launch day is pure nonsense. Launch day is when CUSTOMERS expect to be able to play and historically that's always been on the first day of headstart.


This is why I sometimes wonder if Bioware employees have even played other MMOs before because these things should be serious common sense to any serious MMO Player.


Just wait for primetime for the real rage to come out. It's Biowares responsibility to understand it's players.

Edited by Zelrik
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BioWare is doing their own thing and gotta be honest, EVERYTHING has worked so far. I have faith in what their doing.


Who I dont have faith in is the opinion of some person on a BioWare forums telling them how they need to operate a billion dollar company.

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- Tons of people want to be the First to do something on their server. This is the whole game to them. So it's already ruined for many people. Luckily I'm not like that but many are.


Tons of people should have preordered on July 21st when they had the chance.

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The only mistake Bioware made is letting person who are not yet granted access to servers to post on the forums. It would be so much nicer then. Now any usefull info is drowned in incoherent whining.


leave general forums if you're looking for useful information. All this raging was predictable

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I love Bioware and SWTOR but their lack of MMO experience and unwillingness to look at other MMOs as examples on how to do things (like launch) will possibly ruin them.


Wrong, they are not going to cater to the vocal minority like yourself.


They are learning lessons from "The Game That Shall Not Be Named"


ie - only 2% of a typical MMO players are "Hardcore" (even documented by the devs of "The Game That Shall Not Be Named")


Making sure the game is playable on release (When it gets here, you know on the 20th!!) is much more important than catering to a tiny player base of "snowflakes".

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i love bioware and swtor but their lack of mmo experience and unwillingness to look at other mmos as examples on how to do things (like launch) will possibly ruin them.


Here's what i know from over a decade of play.


- tons of people want to be the first to do something on their server. This is the whole game to them. So it's already ruined for many people. Luckily i'm not like that but many are.


- mmo players are some of the meanest, whiniest most fickle customers you can ever have. Do not underestimate their negativity. A few bad decisions will destroy your game.


- negativity breads more negativity which seriously brings down mmorpgs - all by itself. If you underestimate the negativity feedback loop then you've already lost.


- no company is too big to fail with mmos.


- just like in the stock market, it doesn't matter if you're a stable player who likes the stock/game, droves of pissed off negative people leaving your stock/game will hurt you. It hurts the game, which hurts you. So "go back to wow" is not a fix.


- bioware has already started removing/closing posts to control the complaints. This sort of thing usually backfires.



all of this^

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I love Bioware and SWTOR but their lack of MMO experience and unwillingness to look at other MMOs as examples on how to do things (like launch) will possibly ruin them.


Here's what I know from over a decade of play.


Here's what I've learned from the same amount of time: MMO players are entitled babies who cry and cry and cry.



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fail at launch?


Let me ask you this fair question - what is a bigger disappointment: staggered launch or burning, lagging and crashing servers with everyone zerging in at once?


It;s a breathe of fresh air when I see a post like this... someone that actually understands.


Imagine they let everyone in, and the servers were crashing and queue times were 5 hours, then we would have the OP posting again about an epic fail.


hahahaha, people make me laugh

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Exactly as i've been thinking. This is a highly negative start to the game for a lot of people, and that won't go down well for Bioware.


This launch will be talked about for years, as an epic fail, where most people could not play. Yeah, there's a chance that some people would be stuck in queues and perhaps even some server crashes and lag if they had just let everyone in, but it would have been hugely better than the current situation.


Bioware tried to play it too safe, but the plan has backfired and angered many customers. For me, this is the worst mmo launch i've been a part off. I'm sure the people who already in game would disagree, or those people who are not ready to play yet, they arn't going to care one bit.


You're right about one thing, those of us in game DO disagree with you. BWAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAAAAHAAHHAAAA!


Well, lunch is over, I guess I'll go back to playing now. See you around, whenever you get invited in......

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I love Bioware and SWTOR but their lack of MMO experience and unwillingness to look at other MMOs as examples on how to do things (like launch) will possibly ruin them.


Here's what I know from over a decade of play.


- Tons of people want to be the First to do something on their server. This is the whole game to them. So it's already ruined for many people. Luckily I'm not like that but many are.


- MMO Players are some of the meanest, whiniest most fickle customers you can ever have. Do not underestimate their negativity. A few bad decisions will destroy your game.


- Negativity breads more negativity which seriously brings down MMORPGs - all by itself. If you underestimate the negativity feedback loop then you've already lost.


- No company is too big to fail with MMOs.


- Just like in the stock market, it doesn't matter if you're a stable player who likes the stock/game, droves of pissed off negative people leaving your stock/game WILL HURT YOU. It hurts the game, which hurts you. So "Go back to WoW" is not a fix.


- Bioware has already started removing/closing posts to control the complaints. This sort of thing usually backfires.



You left out the most important one of all:


Nothing you can do at any time will ever satisfy the whiners that make up a large portion of the MMO community, and no company has ever nor will ever succeed in doing so.


Listening to whiners is the absolutely worst thing an MMO can do because, no matter what you do, they will simply find something else to whine about.

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Shut up, just shut, up. Go read a book, take a walk, go to school, go to work, watch tv, movies, write, draw, exercise, play RIFT, Skyrim, do something productive with your time holy **** is your life that pointless that you have nothing better to do than QQ about not being let into EGA?
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Reason why there are so many RAGERS atm.


413k people preorder by Sep 11, 2011.


Over 913k preordered by Dec 3, 2011.


Only people or preorder in July have gotten in.. which is less than 100k.


So we have 813,000 pissed of NERDS. Good luck with that Bioware. Hate to be you. Pissed off nerds do crazy stuff.



Oh yeah. Some of them might but a dent in an empty can of soda if they get really angry. Nerds: officially the least scary people on the planet.

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Having been through the start of many MMOs over the course of my gaming career, I can safely say this has been one of the best. I am not downloading or installing anything on the release date, I'm not waiting in the cold outside of a Gamestop, the servers aren't crashing, the lag isn't terrible. I say well done.
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