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No Cross Realm LFG tool please!


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The easier it is for people to join groups as X-server provides.


The more it will be demanded by the other players in that group that the ones that are joining are not complete tools and actually know how to play the game.


Meaning and if they are not up to the rest of the players in the group standards there must eksist the means to remove those players from the group (Basicly kick functions).


But then how can you prevent people taking advantages of just that having 3 people from the same guild forcing people to accept ludicrous terms?

Answer to that is it is impossible !


So then there must be so that every single player that joins a group must be protected?


Answer : Wrong


asicly because you can't create a good enough protection for those players,

without making it easy for one player to harass the 3 other player on the group by knowing he cant get kicked so he can be a tool.



That is basicly one of my main gripes with a X-server LFG way too easy taking advantage of it which leads to basicly some players use the path of less resistance to get rewarded by doing nothing while screwing the other players.


Same server Lfg do offer way more protection and doesnt have the same weaknesses as X-server have thanks to easier ignore functions avaible and more controlled and smaller group of players meaning that idiocy will not be rewarded by anonymity on the server

Edited by Varghjerta
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Like I said on the other topic, your post is pretty difficult to understand, but from what I can tell you're complaining that you're scared people are going to be elitist towards players who aren't very good?


That's going to happen without a Cross Server LFG anyway.

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Like I said on the other topic, your post is pretty difficult to understand, but from what I can tell you're complaining that you're scared people are going to be elitist towards players who aren't very good?


That's going to happen without a Cross Server LFG anyway.


rewrote it abit

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Your complaint is still somewhat confusing.


But from what I can understand, you're complaining that you can't ignore people cross server.


You can actually, and you won't be grouped with that person again once you put them on ignore.


The rest of your complain seems to boil down to the generic "I don't trust people from other servers." cry.

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Cross Server PvP is dull, boring and stagnat. Give me same server rivalries and trash talk all day over fighting "Joe Jedi" from the Tie Fighter server that Ill never get to fight again.


Hell I remember then names of certain PvP Rivals that I had in DAoC from 2003 lol.....it really adds another layer to PvP that Cross Server just does not provide

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My 2c...

I can see the reason for people arguing that cross-server LFDs destroy communities, and while I cannot personally see the logic behind the argument that cross-server LFDs make communities stronger, I also cannot point to any definitive studies or figures that show any effect either way - I am on the fence there, with a slight lean toward the "negative impact" camp based on personal opinion.

However, on a low pop server (which is most of the servers in SWTOR at the moment, especially if you play outside the peak hours or more common level range on your server) I can see that an inability to find a group for Heroic or HM PvE content or for warzones with minimal waiting time can and will be a serious and frustrating issue. The only solutions that I can see for those issues are either cros-server LFDs or a drastic server merge/character migration so that you have probably 20% of the servers that exist at this time.


As for the features of a LFD, the features that I have generally seen discussed regarding a LFD tool are:

1. Allow me to flag myself as looking for a group to run a particular mission/instance - Aside from the fact that the existing LFG tool is crap and unreliable, this is basically what the LFG tool does, so this feature does not justify development time on a new tool (although fixing the issues with and expanding on the functionality of the existing tool would be welcome).


2. Allow me to auto-join a group that matches my spec - The only game I have played where I recall this kind of feature is Planetside, but that is a different animal - a MMOFPS, where you do 99.9% of things in a group. There is virtually no solo gaming, and there is certainly no PvE, so my experience here might be a little skewed.

In Planetside, this was a good feature, because it allows a group leader to set their preferred group makeup and can auto-accept invitation requests from people who match that. In a MMORPG I am not sure it would work so well because the profession system is more complex and there are more grey areas (tank vs DPS vs hybrid Assassin/Shadows, for example).


3. Join me to a group and auto-port me to the dungeon entrance/the point in the dungeod where the rest of the group are currently up to - I cannot think of a way to both express my opinion adequately (because I hate the "instant gratification" aspect) and also avoid p!ssing people off. Stop being so *********** lazy! The loading screens might be a pain, but live with them. If your tank or the healer sucks or the DPS are running around like ADD children on a sugar high, you have the option of leaving/kicking them and taking 5-60 minutes to reform the group, or working with them to make them better.

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3. Join me to a group and auto-port me to the dungeon entrance/the point in the dungeod where the rest of the group are currently up to - I cannot think of a way to both express my opinion adequately (because I hate the "instant gratification" aspect) and also avoid p!ssing people off. Stop being so *********** lazy! The loading screens might be a pain, but live with them. If your tank or the healer sucks or the DPS are running around like ADD children on a sugar high, you have the option of leaving/kicking them and taking 5-60 minutes to reform the group, or working with them to make them better.


So wait, you think it's better that people have to wait an extra 5+minutes whilst a member travels across a world, to their spaceship, to the fleet and to the FP entrance, all the while going through loading screens because their Fleet Pass is on cooldown....why because it builds Character?


No, it's stupid. It's nothing to do with instant gratification, it's to do with cutting down the length of time it takes to get a FP going.

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Goblin Hunter


Step 1: Random dungeons


Step 2: Random raid finder


Step 3: Personal loot rolls


Aaand you did it. You cut the last tie this game had to being a socially driven game (otherwise known as Massively Multiplayer Online.)


WoW is now a single-player game that happens to pair you up alongside anonymous strangers. Individuals are units whose only purpose is to fulfill group comp requirements in randomly generated instances. These instances have no relational connection to any world server or its population. Now, finally, players are completely isolated, alone in an endless sea of glowing charity epics. Friends, guildies, noobs in need of a hand, cannot be found and are no longer needed in this perfectly automated utopia - the 'other' is just a cog in a machine that dispenses loot into the incubated solitude of the player's world, determined completely by a roulette wheel spun by a phantom within the circuitry.


It's a perfect world. A perfect system. Everyone can raid. Everyone gets loot. No one has to compete with each other any more. A world free of social responsibility. There is no real interaction, just the illusion of participation.




85 Undead Warrior


So today, I joined a random and got Zul'Gurub. Thought it wouldn't be much different from the other groups I've gotten.


Boy was I wrong. Apparently I got the best players this game has ever seen because that run was terrible. I've never done these dungeons before so I didn't know the fight. I asked for a quick summary and got a lot of heat for it.


I understand these dungeons aren't new, they couldn't be further from new, but I'm a fairly new player to this expansion. How is anyone expected to get a feel for it when I get kicked for not knowing the fights, pulling slower because I don't want to wipe, and when they pull ahead and wipe us, everyone leaves.


It seems like the game has changed a lot since I last played. Everyone seems more hateful, hurried and just overall nastier. I just wanna have a good time but apparently that's asking too much.





We're being spoon fed to the point where we expect Blizzard to fix problems, not work it out with players.


- Heroics are too hard?! Time to make them easier in LK (I still want to know how hard they were in BC)

- Stats on gears are too complicated to understand?! Lets axe half of them...

- Tanking is too hard to pickup for the average player? Lets increase the TPS and make bear swipe all around him/her!

- It takes too much time to get a group together to run a dungeon? Incoming cross-server LFG

- It takes too long to level an alt character? Incoming heirlooms...

- Looting for LFR makes a lot of people "argst"?! Incoming new loot system

- Not enough tanks/healers in LFG?! Incoming incentives!


We now look at blizzard to fix problems among players, and not fixing problems among players ourselves. But the question probably is, is all those changes for the better?




85 Human Rogue


This is about the sum of a few things Blizz does.


Its slowly working its way to a Free2Play style atmosphere were you log in, click a thing to do, go to it, finish it in about 10 minutes or less, win loot and sit in a chatroom til you do it again.


Its D2 but 3 Dimensionalized.




85 Blood Elf Warlock


It would be even worse in MoP.


I was so disappointed after reading GC's removing 'social pressure' loot system in MoP. He said they would intentionally removing feedback. This means, all other people you see in LFR/RDF are nothing different with NPC. Well, actually even worse. They are NPC who would curse you, harass you, and grief you.


Just a very few words for your X-Server LFG concept from the other side. There's aplenty more where that came from. Brought to you by the "polishing" of others ideas, and I didn't even get near the bug forums. Just a TINY RANDOM SAMPLING of your buds on WoW.

Edited by Esproc
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Sorry, Esp, I think you're in the wrong forums? If you're looking to cry about changes to WoW shouldn't you be over there and not here?


Right now we're discussing a feature needed for this game, and ways it could be improved. So you know, ideas of how other games have done it and ways that they could make it better so as to cause less grief for players worried about bad attitudes etc.

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Sorry, Esp, I think you're in the wrong forums? If you're looking to cry about changes to WoW shouldn't you be over there and not here?


Right now we're discussing a feature needed for this game, and ways it could be improved. So you know, ideas of how other games have done it and ways that they could make it better so as to cause less grief for players worried about bad attitudes etc.


ROFL, YOU used their set up and their X-Server LFG Tool to base your assumptions. I used their own current subscribers to point out that you are trying to purposefully mislead people into thinking just how wonderful it is.


If you like it so much, go back to what you want to play with, and don't expect me, or any others, to have to jump through hoops to make this a clone of that game that you are so fond of playing on and using as your model.


I don't care about WoW having left them already for this game, which does not, at present (may it never), have all the stupid addons, macros, and features people claim are "Needed and Mandatory" when they are not.


You used it as a "Perfect" model, those people claim to differ with your assumptive opinion.

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ROFL, YOU used their set up and their X-Server LFG Tool to base your assumptions. I used their own current subscribers to point out that you are trying to purposefully mislead people into thinking just how wonderful it is.


If you like it so much, go back to what you want to play with, and don't expect me, or any others, to have to jump through hoops to make this a clone of that game that you are so fond of playing on and using as your model.


I don't care about WoW having left them already for this game, which does not, at present (may it never), have all the stupid addons, macros, and features people claim are "Needed and Mandatory" when they are not.


You used it as a "Perfect" model, those people claim to differ with your assumptive opinion.


I never said it was perfect, and I was using that because you and so many others are basing your worries and fears on some bad experiences from that game.


Amongst all your doomsaying and crying, a lot of us have been trying to come up with some ways that we could take the Cross Server LFD model used by many games and improve upon it.


Instead of helping, you've just been crying about that time someone was mean to you in another game. Not very constructive or helpful to anyone really.


As I keep suggesting, perhaps you should grow up, get over that time you lost out on loot and help to improve this game by coming up with positive ideas, not negative rants.

Edited by chaosdefined
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Good morning to all "No LFG tool" backers, and all "LFG tool" backers! I see we are still at it. :D


It's not really likely to end until Cross Server is implimented, because there will always be an amount of people who want it.


Though at least with the debate constantly going, BW gets to see it's a hot topic.


However it would be so much better if isntead of being crybabies, people who were against it were actually constructive in ways to avoid the grief they've experienced in other games.

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"""CROSS""" server LFG... No! Please don't.



Same server LFG, that would be nice. That way you could be on a planet doing dailies rather than sitting on the fleet trying to find a group / build a group.


Bioware, keep these sorts of tools within the servers, please.

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It's not really likely to end until Cross Server is implimented, because there will always be an amount of people who want it.


Though at least with the debate constantly going, BW gets to see it's a hot topic.


However it would be so much better if isntead of being crybabies, people who were against it were actually constructive in ways to avoid the grief they've experienced in other games.


I'm not against LFG, but to be fair there have been a lot of 'crybabies' that say the game is unplayable without it and also the 'this is a modern MMO and doesn't have an LFG tool?'


To be fair, no MMO in history has launched with an LFG tool for PvE...including GW2.


We do know one is coming to SWTOR, and BW hasn't ruled out xserver for it.

Edited by Azzras
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anonymous strangers
nope, players from whole world/region

I used their own current subscribers to point out that you are trying to purposefully mislead people into thinking just how wonderful it is.
bad players complain because noone babysat them, so?


how about you add some truth to your post?

something like "that 3 crybabies i used as example is 0.00…01% of those who use lfg"

Edited by navarh
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ROFL, YOU used their set up and their X-Server LFG Tool to base your assumptions. I used their own current subscribers to point out that you are trying to purposefully mislead people into thinking just how wonderful it is.


If you like it so much, go back to what you want to play with, and don't expect me, or any others, to have to jump through hoops to make this a clone of that game that you are so fond of playing on and using as your model.


I don't care about WoW having left them already for this game, which does not, at present (may it never), have all the stupid addons, macros, and features people claim are "Needed and Mandatory" when they are not.


You used it as a "Perfect" model, those people claim to differ with your assumptive opinion.


I agree with you TOR does not need macros and addons. I play WOW still without those. And what WOW's cross server LFR ( looking for raid ) tool does is allow me to experence end game content without those. No need even for Vent. Ironic huh? :cool:

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I'm not against LFG, but to be fair there have been a lot of 'crybabies' that say the game is unplayable without it and also the 'this is a modern MMO and doesn't have an LFG tool?'


To be fair, no MMO in history has launched with an LFG tool for PvE...including GW2.


We do know one is coming to SWTOR, and BW hasn't ruled out xserver for it.


Cars didn't used to have radios when they were first sold for years. Does this mean we shouldn't expect them to come now?




Yes I'll agree some people overexaggerate. I do feel personally that this game will suffer slightly from a lack of decent LFD tool however, as people will get bored and quit. It might not mean the end of the game, but we certainly want to stop people leaving.

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I think they will have to go with a cross-server solution sooner than later. Many servers simply do not have the population to sustain a single server system.


I seriously doubt BW will turn any of the servers off. Merging servers and removing them from the game is counter-productive to growing subscriptions.


From a purely business point of view I see no way around it. It's almost inevitable at this point I think.



Even with the nuances of cross server LFD though, WoW is doing fine. Yes, it brings some issues to the table, but they can be minimized by implementing the solution in a manner that foster's good and fair game-play. It will never be perfect, but it could be successful.

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I think they will have to go with a cross-server solution sooner than later. Many servers simply do not have the population to sustain a single server system.


I seriously doubt BW will turn any of the servers off. Merging servers and removing them from the game is counter-productive to growing subscriptions.


From a purely business point of view I see no way around it. It's almost inevitable at this point I think.



Even with the nuances of cross server LFD though, WoW is doing fine. Yes, it brings some issues to the table, but they can be minimized by implementing the solution in a manner that foster's good and fair game-play. It will never be perfect, but it could be successful.


Well said. I support this post for being logical. :)

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Cross-server LFG tool please, this isn't 2001...let's move on to bigger and better things and ignore the people who can't accept change.


If you think it breaks community then you never had one to begin with.


No LFG tool is why every major guild on my server is constantly losing people to WoW.

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It does destroy the community to have a cross server LFG tool because people from other servers have no fear of retaltion for being stupid.
No, it didn't destroy the community to have a cross server LFG tool because people from your own server have no more fear of retaliation for being stupid than the people from other servers do.


The top Defiant raid guild on my server was full of the people that needed on everything... there wasn't a week where I didn't see people spamming general chat about a couple of them "ninjalooting"


they never had any problems finding groups, and it certainly didn't impact their raiding...


Though at least with the debate constantly going, BW gets to see it's a hot topic.
indeed... the fact that they keep bumping these threads keeps the issue fresh; it's actually kind of counter productive for them to participate in the discussions. Edited by ferroz
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Cars didn't used to have radios when they were first sold for years. Does this mean we shouldn't expect them to come now?




Yes I'll agree some people overexaggerate. I do feel personally that this game will suffer slightly from a lack of decent LFD tool however, as people will get bored and quit. It might not mean the end of the game, but we certainly want to stop people leaving.


Yes, and there are cars out now that are completely electric...should I expect every car to be? No, that takes time. (I really hate the car analogy...lol)


And again, I'm not against the tool but NO MMO in history has ever launched with one...including every new release MMO this year thus far.


One is coming to SWTOR in time.

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Yes, and there are cars out now that are completely electric...should I expect every car to be? No, that takes time. (I really hate the car analogy...lol)


And again, I'm not against the tool but NO MMO in history has ever launched with one...including every new release MMO this year thus far.


One is coming to SWTOR in time.


One is coming, sure. It's taking a long time to come and it's only single server though, this is the problem we're debating here.


GW2 may not have an LFD tool, however it may have something else in place which actually works out better.

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