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Quarterly Producer Letter for Q2 2024 ×

8 may enter, only 1 may leave... who wins?


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These 8 companion combatants enter an arena in a fight to the death using their skills, charms, personality, weapons, and anything you want to dream up that makes sense for them.


Who dies first? Who wins? Why?


Elara Dorne

Guss Tuno


Tharan Cedrax


Malavai Quinn

Doctor Lokin

Talos Drellik



I think that Talos and Guss will go down first, seen as the weakest of the healers. "Doc" will probably be very close after.


Elara, Tharan, and Mako will all be the next to go, but not after being used by Quinn to help weaken Doctor Lokin. Doctor Lokin will take out the three girls in his DPS formm but Quinn will have abused his alliance with these three to let them be shredded by Lokin and using his analytical intelligence, will determine how to defeat Lokin while the Rakghoul is weakened. Quinn will then mop up any survivors if any and claim victory.



I actually am not a huge Quinn fan, but I think in a battle of these 8 it would come down to Lokin's DPS vs. Quinn's intellect, and I believe that Quinn's intellect would be the stronger factor.

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These 8 companion combatants enter an arena in a fight to the death using their skills, charms, personality, weapons, and anything you want to dream up that makes sense for them.


Who dies first? Who wins? Why?


Elara Dorne

Guss Tuno


Tharan Cedrax


Malavai Quinn

Doctor Lokin

Talos Drellik



I think that Talos and Guss will go down first, seen as the weakest of the healers. "Doc" will probably be very close after.


Elara, Tharan, and Mako will all be the next to go, but not after being used by Quinn to help weaken Doctor Lokin. Doctor Lokin will take out the three girls in his DPS formm but Quinn will have abused his alliance with these three to let them be shredded by Lokin and using his analytical intelligence, will determine how to defeat Lokin while the Rakghoul is weakened. Quinn will then mop up any survivors if any and claim victory.



I actually am not a huge Quinn fan, but I think in a battle of these 8 it would come down to Lokin's DPS vs. Quinn's intellect, and I believe that Quinn's intellect would be the stronger factor.


Out of healers, no one beats Dr. Quin Medicine Woman. She wins

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I was never a big fan of Quinn. I was a Light Side female Warrior, but he is a bit too sycophantic for my taste and there is zero chance in hell that I would ever marry him. Still, he at least shows the intellect and foresight to beat 7 other Healers in a Battle Royale I think.
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I actually am not a huge Quinn fan, but I think in a battle of these 8 it would come down to Lokin's DPS vs. Quinn's intellect, and I believe that Quinn's intellect would be the stronger factor.


Lokin has years of black ops experience, as well as a high intellect. And, unlike Quinn, he doesn't constantly screw up.


Lokin would win.

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Obviously, Doctor Lokin would win. He's the universe's most interesting man. Just a few points for you to consider....


A) Alien abducters ask him to probe them.


B) he's a lover, not a fighter, but he's also a rakghoul. So, don't get any ideas.


C) His beard has scavenged more then a jawa's enitre body


D) The S.I.S. interogates him just because he's interesting.


Most importantly, he's doesn't always drink beer, but when he does, he drinks Dos Equis.

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I gotta Say Lokin wins this one, he's a trained intelligence officer who's so terrifying at what he does that Imperial intelligence just sorta ignores whatever he's doing, cuz he's doing whatever the hell he wants.


The man turned himself into a rakghoul cuz he was curious about it for cryin' out loud. That Rakghoul thing btw is why he wins. Hulk out, kill and infect the others, turn back and walk away.


Malavi Quinn and Mako are close seconds here though. However instead of staying in the fight I imagine these two somehow locking eyes and deciding they love each other and run out of the battleground.


Gus dies instantly cuz he's a coward and has a heart attack at the very thought of this kind of gladiatorial situation.

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Mako flirts/distracts Tharan with some tech talk. Holiday kills Tharan in a jealous rage.

Talos has an anxiety attack and strokes out.

"Doc" has the charm to take out Mako. Elara kills Doc for slapping her ***.

Lokin goes all Rakghoul-smash and kills Elara.

Guss goes all Jedi-mode and kills Lokin.

Quinn, patiently waiting for the last man alive, kills Guss in his weakened state.


Quinn is champion.

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I actually am not a huge Quinn fan, but I think in a battle of these 8 it would come down to Lokin's DPS vs. Quinn's intellect, and I believe that Quinn's intellect would be the stronger factor.


Given that Lokin worked for Intelligence, it negates any smarts advantage Quinn might have. Quinn is the better tactician but that would only matter if he completely controlled the circumstances of their fight well in advance. He's not so good 'on the fly.'


So given the 'tossed in an arena' nature of the conflict, he'd lose badly if it came down to those two.



But more likely all the male docs would be too distracted by Holiday to fight effectively. Tharan, in turn, would be too distracted by Elora's accent to remember to fight back. And Holiday would probably get Hacked by Mako. :p


So I see it ending in an Elora/Mako showdown. Dorne would probably have the advantage in such an encounter. Given the heavier armor and military training.

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These 8 companion combatants enter an arena in a fight to the death using their skills, charms, personality, weapons, and anything you want to dream up that makes sense for them.


Who dies first? Who wins? Why?


Elara Dorne

Guss Tuno


Tharan Cedrax


Malavai Quinn

Doctor Lokin

Talos Drellik



I think that Talos and Guss will go down first, seen as the weakest of the healers. "Doc" will probably be very close after.


Elara, Tharan, and Mako will all be the next to go, but not after being used by Quinn to help weaken Doctor Lokin. Doctor Lokin will take out the three girls in his DPS formm but Quinn will have abused his alliance with these three to let them be shredded by Lokin and using his analytical intelligence, will determine how to defeat Lokin while the Rakghoul is weakened. Quinn will then mop up any survivors if any and claim victory.



I actually am not a huge Quinn fan, but I think in a battle of these 8 it would come down to Lokin's DPS vs. Quinn's intellect, and I believe that Quinn's intellect would be the stronger factor.


Trust me, Mako always goes down first...


Oh, wait, you meant....nvm

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