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Quarterly Producer Letter for Q2 2024 ×

When will there be a "SERVER MERGE?"


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To be fair to people on high pop servers it isnt that good here either.


I have all my characters on Lord Calypho which is 5th highest pop server but its still quiet.


I gave Tomb of Freedon Nadd a go and its a lot better, however I cant get any of the names I want plus I have to redo everything.


Merger is ok, but will only work if they take first and legacy name into account.


I especially created them all in EA and dont want to lose everything.


Doubt they'll do anything however.

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I have 2 lvl 50's on peragus mining facility and whilst the pop isn't as bad as others (100 plus on imp fleet peak times) the quiet times can drop as low as 10. Leveling is a solo experience as it is impossible to get groups for low lvl flashpoints or heroic quests, warzones are a little more forgiving and queue times range from instant to 15 mins. The problem is I am mostly a pve player yet due to the difficulties forming groups I feel forced to pvp instead. Now I have enjoyed pvp so far but I really want to experience all the flashpoints. My guild now has 2 active members down from 20 a month ago and I have managed to get in one pug for an EV op. I want to see karaggas palace, kaon under seige and false emperor but I have no one to do it with. I love this game and have been a strong supporter of it yet I can realistically see myself quitting if things do not improve. I have rolled a toon on tomb of freedon nadd and the population is fantastic but this is my 3rd run to 50 and honestly it feels a little worthless since this new toon can not benefit from any of the credits/legacy/professions I worked so hard to build on my original server. I'm a long term fan bioware but I feel your dropping a massive clanger on this one and for me it is the biggest problem, and likely demise of an otherwise excellent game.
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"Merge" this is what SWTOR player wont... not legacy, not fix that two bug present in game, not new chapter but playing with other players and not alone... or create a new kind of game not MMORPG but the MSORPG... Mass singleplayer online RPG...

Now on fleet 14 rep... -.-'

Edited by DarthToRa
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how many threads ...and replies...does it take to get an answer from Bioware. If they add a new warzone thats not going to keep people around for another 3-4 months on a dead server...when you cant get groups for anything else.



To the people who say reroll. your crazy you loose so much time and things you did on your first go around. It is Biowares fault for the dead servers. Its not the people who did the right thing and picked a differnent server that the heavy ones with ques.



The only reason I stick around is becuase I have 3 other buddies that play and we can at least do HM's. However, it can be frustrating when not all of them are on. You never get new people





I guess like most im just waiting on something else to come out before I jump ship unless they can get us more people to group with. soon we have GW2, Tera, D3, and Pandas..I know a lot of you might not like them but they are new and exciting and maybe they will be glad to take my money?

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137 persons on republic side of Veela, used to be 2 hours wait at launch. Seriously, when will Bioware merge servers? ;/



loooool, Veela looks like a great server with those numbers :)


Trayus Academy has 20-30 ppl at peak times.

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Is there really no comment from Bioware on any of this? How on earth did nobody bring it up at the Guild Summit?


My server is quiet, it feels like every day there are less people playing on it. They dangle all this cool Legacy stuff that simply punishes anyone who rerolls on another server. Running low levels during the week there have been times when I've been the only toon on a planet. I had Hoth to myself for a few hours.


My GTN is dying, there's no supply for what little demand there is on a whole lot of things and on others, hell I can't even sell my ship parts anymore.


I'm not going to start again on another server unless I can move my Legacy level. I've an email reminder set up a couple of days before my billing is due so I can really think about whether I renew or not. I really want to but I need a playable server :(


(edited to fix typo - meant to say 'every day' not 'very days' (???) )

Edited by davebushe
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Is there really no comment from Bioware on any of this? How on earth did nobody bring it up at the Guild Summit?


My server is quiet, it feels like very days there are less people playing on it. They dangle all this cool Legacy stuff that simply punishes anyone who rerolls on another server. Running low levels during the week there have been times when I've been the only toon on a planet. I had Hoth to myself for a few hours.


My GTN is dying, there's no supply for what little demand there is on a whole lot of things and on others, hell I can't even sell my ship parts anymore.


I'm not going to start again on another server unless I can move my Legacy level. I've an email reminder set up a couple of days before my billing is due so I can really think about whether I renew or not. I really want to but I need a playable server :(


Excellent post.

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Is there really no comment from Bioware on any of this? How on earth did nobody bring it up at the Guild Summit?


My server is quiet, it feels like every day there are less people playing on it. They dangle all this cool Legacy stuff that simply punishes anyone who rerolls on another server. Running low levels during the week there have been times when I've been the only toon on a planet. I had Hoth to myself for a few hours.


My GTN is dying, there's no supply for what little demand there is on a whole lot of things and on others, hell I can't even sell my ship parts anymore.


I'm not going to start again on another server unless I can move my Legacy level. I've an email reminder set up a couple of days before my billing is due so I can really think about whether I renew or not. I really want to but I need a playable server :(


(edited to fix typo - meant to say 'every day' not 'very days' (???) )



i cancelled today and told the /1 channel on my original server that i was going to see if i could stomach a reroll on EU PVP TOFN. Many people said they didn't blame me, and many people joined me - we've started a guild called 'Graveyard Servers' - On TOFN I have used the same name as my main on the last server and I've had six random pm's asking if I was the same person.


TOFN is now the bastion for 'last chances' on EU PVP, and having done all the content 3 times already (3 rep chars to 50/50/42) with a legacy level of 19.... I'm not sure if I'll be able to do it a 4th time - but i really really enjoy this game and I just want to be able to play it as intended


... i feel so cheated, and I feel like Bioware are letting their pride get in the way of so many people's enjoyment of this game :(

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Same issue here.


Server pop is dying.


Bioware's plan, I Assure you, is to wait for 1.2 because many players will return to try the changes and new content.


This will delay server merges for about 60 days.


The problem is that Bioware is apparently unaware that this will only compund the problem.


Apparently thy have take a page from the "kick the can" playbook from Fed Chairman bernanke.....


I know alot of folks who have given up, and many others who are ready to do so.


30 days of new content for endgame players will only compund the issue because at the end of raiding that content, every single one of them will realize they are back to square one and quit....again.


The solution is to swallow your pride, admit the mmo players attention span has decreased over the years, and provide a SOLID PRODUCT to your current subscribers.


My guild had 109 members in January, with an average of 10-15 logged on at all times.


We now have about 25 active members and 4-5 logged on at PEAK hours.


Add me to this list of those not resubbing after I run the new Operation a few times....because there is nothing on the other side of it and noone playing.


And no, Legacy does NOTHING for me because ti is all PvE and I don't want to level another toon.


This is not rocket science Bioware. Why are you failing so hard to give your customers what NINETY-FIVE PERCENT of them want?



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My server "The Exiles Crystal" isn't even Low. I'd like to class it Very Low.

My first guild I joined was great, but eventually about 6 weeks ago the population drops were being noticed and the active part of the guild all left and re-rolled on TOFN.


As I have 1 chr and I level slow, I didn't fancy another 2 months lost to start all over again. I stuck on the server and found a new guild.

I only just hit lvl 50, but with under 40 people in the Imperial Fleet at peak hours it's impossible to do anything. At 9pm last night there were 24 in the Imp fleet.

It was always near 100 when I first started playing.


Although my new guild want to start running operations, we only can find 1 healer. It's not looking likely that we will get another healer before more people leave and either re-roll or give up. I'm giving it a couple of weeks and then I may just quit the game. I wanted more MMO out of this than I am getting for my money. Here's hoping a server merge comes before I give up.


...and for 3 months play I have bumped into less than 10 republic players while I have been questing....

That small buzz of excitement of world PvP really is too far apart.

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They said they were going to open up transfers.


It takes time to code these things.





People lose patience fast when they get billed monthly and instead of mmo they purchased they got a single player game.

Maybe we should send a bill to them instead for testing their beta game for 4 months.

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1.2 can go jump in a lake.. I've already wasted lots of time leveling, getting rakata gear, legacy level, etc.. And now my main is on a dead server (scepter of ragnos) and it's no fun playing.


No way am I wasting any more time on that character until they enable character transfer.


Everyone (who is still playing) in my guild has gone to Tomb of Freedom Nadd (EU), there are 250 people in republic fleet there.. on scepter of ragnos there were 12 (peak times).

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People lose patience fast when they get billed monthly and instead of mmo they purchased they got a single player game.

Maybe we should send a bill to them instead for testing their beta game for 4 months.


Nobody is forcing you to continue getting billed every month.

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Nobody is forcing you to continue getting billed every month.


Indeed.. I've cancelled my subscription, and I'll consider reactivating it when character transfer comes.


If you do make sure to write why in the survey they send you when you unsubscribe

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They said they were going to open up transfers.


It takes time to code these things.






Well they did Server transfer for the EU/Asia players. SO WHY NOT FOR THE REST OF US.

BW don't wait till we are all gone to make things better.

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