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Quarterly Producer Letter for Q2 2024 ×

When will there be a "SERVER MERGE?"


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They have answered it. They have announced repeatedly that server TRANSFERS (not mergers) are on the way.


But apparently some players who frequent the forums are:


A) Too impatient to wait, and


B) Too mindless to roll a new character on a new server in the mean time.


I am all out of sympathy for these people. You deserve what you get.


This is one of those selfish, fanboish, brainless statements.


This kid is probably playing on a good populated server (which is so rare) and doesn't care what hundreds of ppl complaining in countless forum posts and threads.

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Haha, you're cute. 1.7 million subs and growing... yep! Total flop!


Here's an idea for you people on standard-load servers: How about trying to make a desirable community? Instead of being full of vitriol and bile? My server is thriving, and it has a great community. I would never even know people were unhappy with the game, if I didn't come to the general forums for a good laugh.


What thriving server would that be?


How about this idea: Add a damn LFG tool to the game so all of us can enjoy the flashpoints.

This game badly needs a LFG tool.

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Originally Posted by Kubernetic

They have answered it. They have announced repeatedly that server TRANSFERS (not mergers) are on the way.


But apparently some players who frequent the forums are:


A) Too impatient to wait, and


B) Too mindless to roll a new character on a new server in the mean time.

I am all out of sympathy for these people. You deserve what you get.


I would like to see where Bioware answered and announced repeatedly that.

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Haha, you're cute. 1.7 million subs and growing... yep! Total flop!


Here's an idea for you people on standard-load servers: How about trying to make a desirable community? Instead of being full of vitriol and bile? My server is thriving, and it has a great community. I would never even know people were unhappy with the game, if I didn't come to the general forums for a good laugh.


Another case of "My server is fine, so all the other ones must be also."

Guess ill log one of my toons that is located on a light population server and tell the whole 14 people at fleet 1 pm on a sunday that too many servers isnt the problem, its the community.

Thank you so much for showing us the truth! Wee!!!

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Haha, you're cute. 1.7 million subs and growing... yep! Total flop!


Show me the growth please! I'm really keen to see someone - anyone - give a real number that's more recent than the 1.7. The anecdotal (and yes it is *very* anecdotal) evidence is that numbers are dropping so please please show me the growth. Thank you in advance!

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WOW is having the same problem, servers are becoming empty. But at least you can transfer there :/


Bioware should just offer a 1 off free transfer to another server from ones which have low activity. Instead of forcing players from 1 server on to another they may not like.

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This is one of those selfish, fanboish, brainless statements.


This kid is probably playing on a good populated server (which is so rare) and doesn't care what hundreds of ppl complaining in countless forum posts and threads.


Actually, this "kid" has been playing video games since they were loaded by waiting for 10 minutes while a cassette tape reeled its way through a tape recorder into a TRS-80, so that he could play a game with an 80x25 resolution in monochrome color.


Darth Vader's TIE fighter looked like this, literally: <-O->


My server died out within about a month of launch.


I am currently playing on a much more populated server because I chose to improve my gaming experience without sitting around waiting for someone else to do it for me.


I've already had to change two of my character names, as they were already taken. I left behind 5 frequently played characters on my old server with a few hundred hours of /played time, 117 levels of XP and a Legacy XP of almost 6. My original and highest character was a Trooper Commando, and I have re-rolled a new Trooper Commando on the new server with almost the same spec, meaning it's almost the EXACT same playing experience from my old character on Rubat Crystal.


Yet I am having a tremendous time now, because the server I am on is full server and has plenty of people to group up with, run Heroics and Flashpoints with, and come across in open world PVP. It also has a bustling economy and a fun community.


The reason I really don't care anymore (except to keep posting these responses for the few of you reading these threads who might be encouraged to actually abandon the QQ Party and have a more fun time playing the game) is that it's hard to have sympathy for someone who has been whining on a forum for weeks about server populations when the only thing you had to do to fix it was click Server Selection, choose a better server, create a new or similar character, and start having fun again.


I'll say it again. It's either impatience, mindlessness, or your determination to stay in an "unacceptable" experience that's keeping you where you are.


Most everyone at this point who are blaming BioWare for their troubles in this regard are doing nothing more than projecting their own failure to act onto others...

Edited by Kubernetic
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Actually, this "kid" has been playing video games since they were loaded by waiting for 10 minutes while a cassette tape reeled its way through a tape recorder into a TRS-80, so that he could play a game with an 80x25 resolution in monochrome color.


Darth Vader's TIE fighter looked like this, literally: <-O->


My server died out within about a month of launch.


I am currently playing on a much more populated server because I chose to improve my gaming experience without sitting around waiting for someone else to do it for me.


I've already had to change two of my character names, as they were already taken. I left behind 5 frequently played characters on my old server with a few hundred hours of /played time, 117 levels of XP and a Legacy XP of almost 6. My original and highest character was a Trooper Commando, and I have re-rolled a new Trooper Commando on the new server with almost the same spec, meaning it's almost the EXACT same playing experience from my old character on Rubat Crystal.


Yet I am having a tremendous time now, because the server I am on is full server and has plenty of people to group up with, run Heroics and Flashpoints with, and come across in open world PVP. It also has a bustling economy and a fun community.


The reason I really don't care anymore (except to keep posting these responses for the few of you reading these threads who might be encouraged to actually abandon the QQ Party and have a more fun time playing the game) is that it's hard to have sympathy for someone who has been whining on a forum for weeks about server populations when the only thing you had to do to fix it was click Server Selection, choose a better server, create a new or similar character, and start having fun again.


I'll say it again. It's either impatience, mindlessness, or your determination to stay in an "unacceptable" experience that's keeping you where you are.


Most everyone at this point who are blaming BioWare for their troubles in this regard are doing nothing more than projecting their own failure to act onto others...


excuse me MR. but i aint starting a new char on a different server when i have 3 50's in a dead server called Trayus Academy. I lose all my legacy investment, over70 valor rank, all those purple schems i RE'd if I do that.


And some people have jobs, kids etc. They don't have that spare time to start a new char.


I don't get the point why u feel like you have to defend the current broken situation. As a veteran you shouldn't be selfish and you should hear what ppl say and support them because we are actually not trolling. We are enjoying the game and want to keep on playing.


Those sacrifices you claim doing, abandoning your chars mean nothing to me. I don't have to follow populated servers, grind, do all those quests again and again in a game which i PAY a monthly fee. This is has nothing to do with improving game experience.


This is not a free game. I personally never troll forums for stupid reasons and i mostly adapt game mechanics. But this situation is different. We are not whining about nerfing a class, armor looks or other stupid things. We are complaining about a broken game mechanic and as for myself i keep on doing this because it has to be heard and sth must be done by BW immediately.


If some action is taken and announced soon it will be good for the future of the game and it will even be good for you MR. Because what i understand from forum posts lots of more ppl including myself will cancel subs. Personally i will wait untill the end of April, see 1.2 and decide. If no transfer action is announced im outta here till transfers come out. See that i love the game and want to keep on playing.


But not under these conditions.

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Another case of "My server is fine, so all the other ones must be also."

Guess ill log one of my toons that is located on a light population server and tell the whole 14 people at fleet 1 pm on a sunday that too many servers isnt the problem, its the community.

Thank you so much for showing us the truth! Wee!!!


Another case of "My server is dead, so all other ones must be also."

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Please please please give us server xfers and merges. You guys have a 100+ devs working on this game. Get it together and at least give us a DETAILED description of when and what will happen, Otherwise, I'm dropping my sub as will a ton of others. I'm not waiting until the end of April for an announcement that won't come.
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P.S. It's 7pm EST, and there are 228 people on my server (107 Republic + 121 Imperial).



If there were so many people at any given time in my server I would be happy. I am playing in Bacca's Blade (EU) and at any time there are no more than 50 people from both sides logged in. It is absolutely impossible to do any flashpoints or operations in the server. Yesterday at peak time there where only 5 lvl 50 reps out of a total of 14 people.

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I agree that servers need merged, or free transfers need offered.




(Both are East Coast PVP servers)


At 12 am today, there were 9 people in the starting world of Korriban on the "Veela" server, After talking to 2 of those people, I found many players left for "Fat Man" server. Lo and behold, I created a Sith on "Fat Man" and there were 87 people on Korriban!

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Needs to be priority. Bioware needs to realize that low population servers is what is driving customers away from World of Warcraft towards this game and the same thing is happening here, driving them away from the genre completely. You can add all kinds of cross-server features, but that is nothing but a band-aid, as evidenced by WOW's decline. Looking for Group or Raid isn't enough to stop the hemorrhaging.


Legacy and new content can wait.

Edited by RocNessMonster
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excuse me MR. but i aint starting a new char on a different server when i have 3 50's in a dead server called Trayus Academy. I lose all my legacy investment, over70 valor rank, all those purple schems i RE'd if I do that.


And some people have jobs, kids etc. They don't have that spare time to start a new char.


I don't get the point why u feel like you have to defend the current broken situation. As a veteran you shouldn't be selfish and you should hear what ppl say and support them because we are actually not trolling. We are enjoying the game and want to keep on playing.


Those sacrifices you claim doing, abandoning your chars mean nothing to me. I don't have to follow populated servers, grind, do all those quests again and again in a game which i PAY a monthly fee. This is has nothing to do with improving game experience.


This is not a free game. I personally never troll forums for stupid reasons and i mostly adapt game mechanics. But this situation is different. We are not whining about nerfing a class, armor looks or other stupid things. We are complaining about a broken game mechanic and as for myself i keep on doing this because it has to be heard and sth must be done by BW immediately.


If some action is taken and announced soon it will be good for the future of the game and it will even be good for you MR. Because what i understand from forum posts lots of more ppl including myself will cancel subs. Personally i will wait untill the end of April, see 1.2 and decide. If no transfer action is announced im outta here till transfers come out. See that i love the game and want to keep on playing.


But not under these conditions.

i agree with this completely saying you're out of patience with players on on low population servers whining or trolling. bioware encouraged to get a character to 50 and then too roll more alts. My legacy level is 22 i have 7 alts professions maxxed. I have a family and a job why should waste my time re-rolling on a high population.


Im not saying im unsubbing or anything i love this game and my kids love it. Im also paying for a service and it's massive and it's online but atm it isn't multiplayer. im a bioware fan but as a customer im also allowed to give constructive criticisms

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And what happens to your char names, guild names etc? Maybe not everyone wants to lose them because of a merge, keep that in mind.


There is a reason why so many were mad at Warhammer and AoC when it happened and even Blizz didnt do it and there are some servers with hardly more than 100 active accounts...

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Yeah, if they took away my name I would of quit in World of Warcraft in a second, that especially holds true for this game. They need to bite the bullet, realize Blizzard is smarter then them and knows more about MMORPGs and release a Cross Server Dungeon finder so this game can stop hemmorhaging subs.
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I'm really hoping for a server merge. If i cant play flash points and cant enjoy the game to its full, then i fell its just another single player game, don't get me wrong i love the story a lot and its what makes me want to lv unlike other mmorpg ware its a grind and that's it.but when i want to go in and play with others to see what the new flash point holds for combat and gear i cant on account no one plays on my server. worst of all is i cant move my toon to a new server i have put so much time into my main to only move to another server and make a new guy. Its not fun to think hmmmm hope this server stays on a high pop and has a good community only to find out nope and have to go looking for another .
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