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When will there be a "SERVER MERGE?"


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It's laughable that they think piling on more endgame group content is going to fix this game. Who the hell is going to run this stuff exactly?


Me and the other person that is logged on to my server at the moment is gonna solo it all! I swear!

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Me and the other person that is logged on to my server at the moment is gonna solo it all! I swear!


Indeed. It doesn't matter how much content and fluff they add. Especially when there's no run around to actually play it.

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Put it this way, there are 30 servers (probably not that much but its a nice number to work with) that are prema light.


Light = 1-500 (another number that's also easy to work with, not necessarily true either)


500 * 30 = 15,000 people potentially "saved" by server transfers/mergers, but that number is probably less because 30 servers are not perma light and those that are probably have less than 500 people on them.


Sorry, it's not a big deal and it's just not something they are going to drop everything to solve.

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Put it this way, there are 30 servers (probably not that much but its a nice number to work with) that are prema light.


Light = 1-500 (another number that's also easy to work with, not necessarily true either)


500 * 30 = 15,000 people potentially "saved" by server transfers/mergers, but that number is probably less because 30 servers are not perma light and those that are probably have less than 500 people on them.


Sorry, it's not a big deal and it's just not something they are going to drop everything to solve.


You are leaving out Standard servers.


This is something Bioware apologists do a lot.


Standard can be anywhere from 500 to 1500 (iirc).


I'd guestimate there's about 60% Standard servers with less than 800 players on Peak.


Spilt that up into Factions, and Planets, and you got a server that is largely dead but says Standard.


It's a much bigger problem than you Biodrones would ever admit.


There's maybe 5 viable servers to play on for High pop. I Re-rolled on Fatman to finish out my class stories, as I've no interest in playing it when my Sub is up.


Personally, I don't care anymore. Very tired of complaining about it, tired of debating with Biodrones over this and other issues. It's exhausting. It's the whole "Lead a horse to water, can't make them drink it" thing. No matter what we show you, Biodrones will simply see sunshine and rainbows.


I wish you guys the best of luck, I honestly do. I feel like you're going to need it.

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You are leaving out Standard servers.


This is something Bioware apologists do a lot.


Standard can be anywhere from 500 to 1500 (iirc).


I'd guestimate there's about 60% Standard servers with less than 800 players on Peak.


Spilt that up into Factions, and Planets, and you got a server that is largely dead but says Standard.


It's a much bigger problem than you Biodrones would ever admit.


There's maybe 5 viable servers to play on for High pop. I Re-rolled on Fatman to finish out my class stories, as I've no interest in playing it when my Sub is up.


Personally, I don't care anymore. Very tired of complaining about it, tired of debating with Biodrones over this and other issues. It's exhausting. It's the whole "Lead a horse to water, can't make them drink it" thing. No matter what we show you, Biodrones will simply see sunshine and rainbows.


I wish you guys the best of luck, I honestly do. I feel like you're going to need it.


If your having problems finding people on a standard server the problem is you and not anything else.


Also haters will see nothing but doom and gloom, so you should be tired with yourself... like I am with your kind.


If High Pop = playable for you then I suggest you go to one of them, but you hate the game and will be unhappy where ever you go.

Edited by BlackZoback
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I must say, the best way to merge and not eliminate the 'numbers' of servers on the forums is simply combine them behind the scenes.


When you look at the server selection list, they could have bundles of them slide into a single server instance instead of the separate ones now... of course some names and such will be overlapping... but they could do the crunching and have some players rename their characters as needed....



shrug who knows... there are a bunch of ways to merge... but all will pale in comparison to PAID TRANSFERS.


Which I support.... quickly.

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If High Pop = playable for you then I suggest you go to one of them, but you hate the game and will be unhappy where ever you go.


That wont solve anything, Tomb of freedon nadd EU server already has que times to even get on the server at peak hours since desperate people keep rerolling in there.

Meanwhile the other servers are becoming even more deserted.

How hard is it for people to understand someone elses point of view when themselves are enjoying the game on healthy population server.


http://www.swtor.com/community/showthread.php?t=34745&highlight=server+merge 1,006 posts 124,233 views


http://www.swtor.com/community/showthread.php?t=136348&highlight=server+merge 1,012 posts 76,359 views


http://www.swtor.com/community/showthread.php?t=350700&highlight=server+merge 1,047 posts 74,051 views


http://www.swtor.com/community/showthread.php?t=246560&highlight=server+merge 1,024 posts 70,978 views


http://www.swtor.com/community/showthread.php?t=310753&highlight=server+merge 1,002 posts 68,998 views


http://www.swtor.com/community/showthread.php?t=233108&highlight=server+merge 1,004 posts 68,980 views


http://www.swtor.com/community/showthread.php?t=340708&highlight=server+merge 1,012 posts 65,430 views


http://www.swtor.com/community/showthread.php?t=379515 346 posts 19,454 views and counting.


http://www.swtor.com/community/showthread.php?t=380340 230 posts 12,241 views and counting.


Do you really think all these people hang around on the forums to post these things just because they just like to complain about nothing?

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That wont solve anything, Tomb of freedon nadd EU server already has que times to even get on the server at peak hours since desperate people keep rerolling in there.

Meanwhile the other servers are becoming even more deserted.

How hard is it for people to understand someone elses point of view when themselves are enjoying the game on healthy population server.


http://www.swtor.com/community/showthread.php?t=34745&highlight=server+merge 1,006 posts 124,233 views


http://www.swtor.com/community/showthread.php?t=136348&highlight=server+merge 1,012 posts 76,359 views


http://www.swtor.com/community/showthread.php?t=350700&highlight=server+merge 1,047 posts 74,051 views


http://www.swtor.com/community/showthread.php?t=246560&highlight=server+merge 1,024 posts 70,978 views


http://www.swtor.com/community/showthread.php?t=310753&highlight=server+merge 1,002 posts 68,998 views


http://www.swtor.com/community/showthread.php?t=233108&highlight=server+merge 1,004 posts 68,980 views


http://www.swtor.com/community/showthread.php?t=340708&highlight=server+merge 1,012 posts 65,430 views


http://www.swtor.com/community/showthread.php?t=379515 346 posts 19,454 views and counting.


http://www.swtor.com/community/showthread.php?t=380340 230 posts 12,241 views and counting.


Do you really think all these people hang around on the forums to post these things just because they just like to complain about nothing?


But why not reroll? If the reroll then they would not need to complain. Im on Ajunta Pall, very populated, and I have yet to see a que time.

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If your having problems finding people on a standard server the problem is you and not anything else.


In your opinion, if I'm logged on to my standard-pop server, nobody in my near dead guild is online, and when I get to belsavis to do some dailies there are 19 people in total (11 lvl 50's) and after an hour of asking if anyone wants to group to do some of them while doing the ones I can solo and getting no response, I go to the fleet and spend another 30 mins asking the 50-60 odd people there the same thing to also no response...... this is my fault? Explain that thinking.



How about you go play the game and enjoy yourself instead of getting the the face of people who aren't having as good a time? I really am coming away with the impression that you and people like you are more likely to damage the game in the long run than any mis-steps BioWare might make. Pretending problems dont exist because they dont affect you won't do anything to improve the game and will only screw with building the communities it'll need to survive and properly feedback to the devs in the long run.

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In your opinion, if I'm logged on to my standard-pop server, nobody in my near dead guild is online, and when I get to belsavis to do some dailies there are 19 people in total (11 lvl 50's) and after an hour of asking if anyone wants to group to do some of them while doing the ones I can solo and getting no response, I go to the fleet and spend another 30 mins asking the 50-60 odd people there the same thing to also no response...... this is my fault? Explain that thinking.



How about you go play the game and enjoy yourself instead of getting the the face of people who aren't having as good a time? I really am coming away with the impression that you and people like you are more likely to damage the game in the long run than any mis-steps BioWare might make. Pretending problems dont exist because they dont affect you won't do anything to improve the game and will only screw with building the communities it'll need to survive and properly feedback to the devs in the long run.


He probably has a set group of friends he plays with, and thinks that you should also have a set group of friends to play with. I think thats B.S., but watyagonna do.


I had your same problem. I left a lvl 42 BH and rerolled. It sucks that you might have to leave a high lvl toon, but rerolling will solve your problem.


I would recommend Ajunta Pall. My thoughts on SWTOR completely changed once I started playing on a high pop server.

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That wont solve anything, Tomb of freedon nadd EU server already has que times to even get on the server at peak hours since desperate people keep rerolling in there.

Meanwhile the other servers are becoming even more deserted.

How hard is it for people to understand someone elses point of view when themselves are enjoying the game on healthy population server.


http://www.swtor.com/community/showthread.php?t=34745&highlight=server+merge 1,006 posts 124,233 views


http://www.swtor.com/community/showthread.php?t=136348&highlight=server+merge 1,012 posts 76,359 views


http://www.swtor.com/community/showthread.php?t=350700&highlight=server+merge 1,047 posts 74,051 views


http://www.swtor.com/community/showthread.php?t=246560&highlight=server+merge 1,024 posts 70,978 views


http://www.swtor.com/community/showthread.php?t=310753&highlight=server+merge 1,002 posts 68,998 views


http://www.swtor.com/community/showthread.php?t=233108&highlight=server+merge 1,004 posts 68,980 views


http://www.swtor.com/community/showthread.php?t=340708&highlight=server+merge 1,012 posts 65,430 views


http://www.swtor.com/community/showthread.php?t=379515 346 posts 19,454 views and counting.


http://www.swtor.com/community/showthread.php?t=380340 230 posts 12,241 views and counting.


Do you really think all these people hang around on the forums to post these things just because they just like to complain about nothing?


The people that are cramming the forums with complaints about server populations and how it makes them cry, are not really enjoying themselves are are just venting. Forums consist mostly of people that already have a complaint to begin with, and most will jump on any other that is getting a lot of attention. Its the nature of the beast, ask anyone who has been part of multiple MMO forum "communities" on both sides.


The people that are cramming into your server and other are the people that like the game and want it to be fun for them. Some of them might feel slighted and would complain your ear off if you would let them, but for the most pat they are playing and enjoying themselves. Also If as many people as your saying are getting off their collective asses and doing something about their situation that's a good sign, this game isn't doomed.

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the reason most of us do not re-roll is the fact that a lot of us work 35-40 hours maybe more during the week. Go to school or have kids, so playing is a luxury and to get to 50 all over again.


I shouldn't have to reroll just to be able to enjoy this game. BW created this problem by making too many servers at launch along with all the other problems in the game and the lack of timely patches (4+ months for 1.2 is WAY too long). My account is cancelled, the ball is in BW's court. I'm sure they're waiting for 1.2 and hoping it fixes the population problems ( I doubt it will). They better have a contingent plan ready to go quickly when 1.2 fails to address server population issues.

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The reason people are hesitant to reroll is because of the loss of legacy. I abandoned a lvl 50 trooper with 15 legacy levels so i could move to the fatman. More people on hutta or fleet than on every planet i visited on mind trick combined. It sucks losing the legacy levels but when you spend 2 hours on the fleet trying to get a group to do some lvl 50 content you dont have much choice. 5 people on ilum. 8 on corelia. Yah a move was necessary.
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I shouldn't have to reroll just to be able to enjoy this game. BW created this problem by making too many servers at launch along with all the other problems in the game and the lack of timely patches (4+ months for 1.2 is WAY too long). My account is cancelled, the ball is in BW's court. I'm sure they're waiting for 1.2 and hoping it fixes the population problems ( I doubt it will). They better have a contingent plan ready to go quickly when 1.2 fails to address server population issues.


Dude if it mattered to you that much then you would have researched it. They are already working on server transfers. That's it. Don't play if you don't want to play.

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Already did in February. Now I need to reroll again.


Im not saying its right, its Biowaresw **** up. Yet if the only way for you to enjoy the game is on a heavy server (Its the only I can enjoy it by the way) then yes, you need to reroll again lol. I did a bunch of research before I rerolled, Ajunta Pall FTW

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My point is, they have already announced server transfers are coming, but this is going to take time.


So you may either bash them over the head and scream and shout, or you can reroll on a more populated server for now and enjoy your time until then.


The option is yours.


Yes that can be done but why is bioware dragging its feet? The game will suffer more and we have an epidemic problem now!

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Oh lovely swtor.


It's Saturday, Hedaar has been 'light' all day with a max of oh, 40 people on the fleet. I thought i would log in to see if any guildies wanted to run a normal KP since we're locked out of the nightmare stuff (and so i can gear my 4th 50 (an assassin)...2 guildies on, and 30 EFFIN PEOPLE ON THE FLEET.


So I log into the fatman, and 200 people on the pub side...I'm getting really pissed off that Bioware is not responding to this AT ALL, with zero attempt to fix this problem asap. This is more important then 1.2, nobody in their right mind will want to test the waters of 1.2 with a dead flipping server.


Why do I have to go on the fatman and level toons all over again when I have 4 50's and countless of alts on Hedaar Soongh. I should not have to pay for this, if Bioware wants me to populate other servers pay me monthly to do so.

Edited by nosmos
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