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When will there be a "SERVER MERGE?"


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What the doom and gloom segment of the forum community does is immature, not constructive, and often baseless.


What the doom and gloom segment of the forum community does is out of frustration because this is a legitimate issue and it appears (from lack of any acknowlegdement by Bioware) to be ignored. The whole pay to beta a dying game on their server is getting old.


Some of these people were placed on their current server BY BIOWARE at launch as part of a guild. Some frankly just picked the wrong server to play on and their server has been dead or declining in population rapidly over the last few months since launch.


In any event the fact that this has not been address by Bioware is erroneous on their part.


This isn't an issue that will miraculously go away in 1.2 or even 1.3.. 1.4.. 1.5.. if something isn't done, it will just get worse. Cross servers queues could fix a few problems in the future, but that still won't fix the fact that the server is still dead and there will still be less of everything available to the people on them. People have already put alot of time and effort into what they've accomplished since they began playing and to have to re-roll and lose it all just to play an MMO with PEOPLE is simply a ridiculous option.


New players aren't going to choose a low pop server to play on and Bioware needs to step up and do something about this already.

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What the doom and gloom segment of the forum community does is out of frustration because this is a legitimate issue and it appears (from lack of any acknowlegdement by Bioware) to be ignored. The whole pay to beta a dying game on their server is getting old.



Doesn't change the fact that they are a miniscule minority. However, they are very loud.

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Please never merge the servers :/

I like my character names.


Don't worry. Server merge = bad publicity, much more bad publicity than can be conjured up by a few very vocal forum posters about dead/dying servers (claims that, to this day, are still made in WoW despite its 10 million playerbase). For that reason alone, they won't merge the servers (if they are smart).


Paid transfer services will come soon (though I'm sure many of the same people complaining in this thread now will then complain that transfers aren't free), however. I'm certain of it.

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ig•nored | ig•nor•ing


transitive verb


1 : to refuse to take notice of


2 : to reject (a bill of indictment) as ungrounded



Since BioWare has addressed low-population servers in a number of ways, including a coming cross-server Warzone tool, the coming server transfer functionality, as well as the simple ability to roll a character on any server you wish, using the term "ignore" in relation to this issue is not only in error, but it is intentionally dishonest and deceitful, presuming you understand what the word "ignore" means.


If you didn't know what the word "ignore" means, now you do.

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Just moved to "The Fatman" from Davik's estate and I have been having fun, Sucks that I have to re-roll but I am at least enjoying the game now. I was able to run back to back flashpoints literally zero wait time. I wish I could have taken my 50's along though and all that legacy xp.... Guess we just need to wait and see what is going to happen.
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At the Guild Summit, they speciifically stated, however, that once those transfers are conducted for the Australian/NZ players, then the system will be rolled out and available to the rest of the players at a later date. They have not stated that transfers will be free for every character, just for those in the Australian/NZ regions who qualify, and you should have received an email by now (or will receive it sometime in April) that lists more information if you are one of these players.


They also stated that they will make further announcements in April, which of course only just started, and still has 27 days remaining...


Hope that helps.


Here's what was stated by James Ohlen at the Guild Summit concerning server transfers:


Q: server balance – 57% empire, 42% Republic – my server is a ghost town on the Republic side.


A: what if we put in a system that encourage people to play the other side? We think that will help. We are hoping the legacy will help with that. No server transfers right now, maybe further down the line. Legacy is too complicated to allow server transfer. Our faction disparity is actually not too bad right now.


Link: http://dulfy.net/2012/03/05/swtor-guild-summitlive-blogging/


So, interpret that however you like. The way I see it, there are no server transfer systems planned, Legacy adds complexity to even allow it, and as far as a transfer system being rolled out at a later date as stated in the post above....source? Because if there's a source, it contradicts what Ohlen states here.


This is why BW needs to at least comment on the issue. To end confusion, contradiction, speculation. That's what you do for paying customers. That makes good business sense.


As far as us being a loud minority, come talk to me when there's 250K subscribers. Maybe you're satisfied paying $15/month for single player mode, but many of us are not.

Edited by andrelle
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Just wait until 1.2 comes out and it is bugged to hell and it doesn't do anything but create more problems and then BioWare loses the last 6 guys playing the game and it has to make this single player wana be mmo game into free to play.


SWToR Timeline for 2012

1.2 luanches


Lost of Bug


Last 6 players quit


Swtor goes F2P


servers fill back upt



have to agree there... if 1.2 doesnt fix a ton of stuff. the game will go f2play soon... right now in peak hours on the razor.. we see maybe 20-50 on fleet.. and thats being generous. The fact is that people have left because if you play 1 main toon (like most) pvp isnt an option when you get 5-15 fps.. and ops are so laggy because of the fog and effects.



simply put.. the game is dying and 1.2 will be the deciding factor for a ton of people.. it better be good.. or this pos will be flushed.

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Since BioWare has addressed low-population servers in a number of ways, including a coming cross-server Warzone tool,


I'm sorry when's that comming? Oh some time in... the summer? the fall? When they're good and ready to take ranked warzones out of beta?


They are only saying they intend to add this feature because splitting the queues on low pop or hell even moderately populated servers is going to put a stress on the whole queue system and their only option in the mean time is to offer mixed-match queues (what a joke) which benefit anyone queuing as a ranked player more than the regular queue joe.


What about people who enjoy PvE? Good luck no plans for that.


the coming server transfer functionality,




as well as the simple ability to roll a character on any server you wish,


Gee thanks, I'll screw everthing I've done since launch so I can play with people in an MMO? No thanks, I'd rather unsub than re-roll when I finally admit that the last four and a half months of playing are down the drain.


using the term "ignore" in relation to this issue is not only in error, but it is intentionally dishonest and deceitful, presuming you understand what the word "ignore" means.




1. overlook; slight, disregard, neglect.


If you're on a low pop server you are being overlooked, slighted, disregarded and neglected to rot on your dead server until Bioware does something or... you give up even trying to log in anymore.

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ig•nored | ig•nor•ing


transitive verb


1 : to refuse to take notice of


2 : to reject (a bill of indictment) as ungrounded



Since BioWare has addressed low-population servers in a number of ways, including a coming cross-server Warzone tool, the coming server transfer functionality, as well as the simple ability to roll a character on any server you wish, using the term "ignore" in relation to this issue is not only in error, but it is intentionally dishonest and deceitful, presuming you understand what the word "ignore" means.


If you didn't know what the word "ignore" means, now you do.


Sure, let's ignore anyone with a criticism. That's how things get done.


Long ago, in a small settlement of some 13 colonies, some people opposed a tax on certain goods by a far away kingdom trying to legitimize every single squeeze of money out of the colonists. Good thing they, as a small minority, were ignored.


I do like your sig, though:


"March 9, 2012 — The day I stopped waiting, took control of my gaming experience, and switched servers."


Here's what I propose to improve your game experience. Don't reroll. Don't make an alt. Stop paying your monthly tax to the BW kingdom until things are improved. We as consumers are the only ones with the power of choice. If enough choose to boycott new systems until the old ones are up to spec, maybe something will get done.


Or continue to pay your tax and sleep well. You're only legitimizing another developer to do the same.

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Sure, let's ignore anyone with a criticism. That's how things get done.


Long ago, in a small settlement of some 13 colonies, some people opposed a tax on certain goods by a far away kingdom trying to legitimize every single squeeze of money out of the colonists. Good thing they, as a small minority, were ignored.


I do like your sig, though:


"March 9, 2012 — The day I stopped waiting, took control of my gaming experience, and switched servers."


Here's what I propose to improve your game experience. Don't reroll. Don't make an alt. Stop paying your monthly tax to the BW kingdom until things are improved. We as consumers are the only ones with the power of choice. If enough choose to boycott new systems until the old ones are up to spec, maybe something will get done.


Or continue to pay your tax and sleep well. You're only legitimizing another developer to do the same.


I agree with your "vote with your wallet" approach. The rest of your post isn't really relevant. You can't compare human beliefs and playing a freaking video game.


But I agree. If you guys are so miserable that you feel you have to quit instead of reroll and be patient, then by all means, cancel your account and in the little box there go into detail about why you are quitting. That's really the only way you'll be taken seriously. In my opinion obviously.

Edited by Holden_Dissent
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Don't worry. Server merge = bad publicity, much more bad publicity than can be conjured up by a few very vocal forum posters about dead/dying servers (claims that, to this day, are still made in WoW despite its 10 million playerbase). For that reason alone, they won't merge the servers (if they are smart).


Paid transfer services will come soon (though I'm sure many of the same people complaining in this thread now will then complain that transfers aren't free), however. I'm certain of it.

I dont know why you think people criticizing the number of players per server is a minority. There are more different people on this post than in the entire Naddist Rebels server.


Myopic fanboys always constitute a vocal minority, and when the game's playing base drops off 90% (as has happened with many MMOs) they are the ones left. Meanwhile, if the company had listened to their core, they would have fixed the problems. WoW made many changes in response to player comments and are going strong.


This population issue is a real problem.

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I agree with your "vote with your wallet" approach. The rest of your post isn't really relevant. You can't compare human beliefs and playing a freaking video game.



Sure you can, its the same concept. Whether its a political, economic, or social issue, such as this, its the same. A person feels dissatisfied by a service they are receiving. They complain. The colonists had a far bigger problem than we had, but the core concept- being a vocal minority against a larger who could care less, is the same.


Most people do nothing. This is why I complain. Because most just complain but do nothing about it. There are so many instances where if we changed our habits, the economics of our lives would change around us, for the better.


I want to enjoy this game. I would like for them to improve it. I obviously don't get my way on everything. But this seems to me a serious enough issue that will affect the future of something I enjoy. Without population, most will play through once. 2-3 weeks at best. Allowing people the means to transfer to where their friends play, or to where the servers have high volume, is such a small request, and is implemented by so many others. This is not a unique request.


This is what I do not understand about BW. Most of what's being requested is already implemented by other games, so why is it such a surprise when we raise the issue?

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Pfft.. lol only 3 pages of QQ tells you how many people actually care about this... :p


Truth is: You rolled at start into a server that said "full" and rolled there because it did not have Queue time, AND un-intelligently assumed it would keep been "full" 3 months afterwards.


Guess what is causing your low server numbers? (HINT* It has nothing to do with subs dropping)


1st People are not playing 24h/7 I used to play about 88 hours a week on December and January now I am playing 24h max a week, doing my dailies, etc. Most people are like this.


2nd Most people when they started to realize that the "normal" pop of their server was not "heavy" or "full" they re-rolled into another bigger server.


How do I know? I have my main in EU server and guess what our numbers have all but increased. I see normally 150-250 people in prime hour in my server.


Now is the moment when I point my finger at the people in these 3 pages and say "I LAUGH AT YOU HAHAHAHA!"


Lesson of The Story: Even in gaming the easy way, is not the best way ;)


You are... 5 years old? What a stupid post... You should be a rocket scientist!

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It should not matter if we are a minority or not, we have a problem that grows worse everyday.


Anyone from a increasingly empty server hasevery rigth to complain about it. That some people easily dismiss it , its simply because its not your problem. If I dont have a problem damm everyone who does, is a pretty selfish view.


We will solve the problem someday, somehow is pretty vague and doesnt solve anything.

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Okay, this is a book... prepare yourself, LOL. I keep trying because I swear to God I'm going to get through to some people. Read it or skip it... your choice. But if you are STILL angry over this situation, and STILL sitting on an unpopulated server and unhappy about it, you ought to give it a shot.




Yes, yes, yes, you pay for the game. And you agreed to the Terms of Use when you signed up and paid your fee. No one ever gave you a guarantee of specific performance in terms of the number of players you were entitled to play with on a server.



You're funny. What does MMORPG mean to you?

It means more than 8 people on a planet or 30 on fleet to me.


Massively multiplayer online role-playing game (MMORPG) is a genre of role-playing video games in which a very large number of players interact with one another within a virtual game world.

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I want to keep playing until GW2 comes out. But my server is dying a little more as each week passes by. I do not want to reroll as I have close to lv20 Legacy on my server.


Why does this topic of low population go unanswered by BW??

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No please don't merge the servers. I like being on a server with barely a 100 people online peak, being in a guild with 150 members but only 10 online at best, no-one to talk to, no-one to ask questions, running about like a headless chicken overlooking important stuff, waiting for up to an hour for a pvp match, not being able to trade whatsoever, to of never done a heroic, to of only done 1 FP. I could go on.


As I've said before. I just feel that there should be more of a lesser pop indication as "light" seems extremely ambiguous when choosing a server. Obviously the Devs objective were to have a variety of choice of population, but just opening up a bundle of servers with only 3 variations and no accuracy of population can lead to a very poor gaming experience. No way would anyone assume that by choosing the light option that they would infact be choosing a dead server. Devs should not have let these servers open without adequate player growth to compensate.


A low populated server on what is suspected to be a popular game would generally implicate an uncrowded server with just enough populace to be able to permit playability of all aspects of the game. Not being forsaken and unaccompanied on a world unable to group, guild, or ask questions (which noobs like me need).

Edited by DiabloDoom
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I agree with your "vote with your wallet" approach. The rest of your post isn't really relevant. You can't compare human beliefs and playing a freaking video game.


But I agree. If you guys are so miserable that you feel you have to quit instead of reroll and be patient, then by all means, cancel your account and in the little box there go into detail about why you are quitting. That's really the only way you'll be taken seriously. In my opinion obviously.


It's all bluff an bluster some of these people have been quitting for three months....yet they never seem to actually leave. The biggest effect you can give BioWare if you are that unhappy with them is you silence and lack of monthly payment instead of variations of derp th3i5 g@m3 SuXxorz herp.

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How many re-roll the same class on their home server? Very few. You know why? It's not fun. So why would someone want to re-roll the same class (which is thier main) on another server? Bag logic is bad


Its the grind of it thats horrible. I am leveling a sage and its just mind-numbing without anyone to play with.

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