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SWTOR: No fat chicks allowed?


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Again, go look at it. That's muscle. They're built like Olympic powerlifters, not fat dudes.


It's not muscle it's FAT. Have you seen Body type 4 chubby twillek dance? Body type 3 is muscular.


It's kind of interesting actually...



1: Short

2: Normal

3: Steroids

4: Fat



1: Anorexic

2: Normal

3: Tall

4: Muscular

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I am a full-body tatooed, hirsute, vampire fanged, emo-goth-punk-greaser-new age transexual female lesbian dwarf with a vestigial structure and a glandular problem that makes me appear fatter than I actually am.


Why do they not cater to my demographic?! Don't they realise I am a paying customer!! Why can't I make my avatar like myself and have compaions who represent the common people I interact with!!!!1111


OMG Bioware has hurt me so much emotionally that I don't think I can type anymore unless I have another box of cheescake.....


Lmao @ BOX of cheesecake. XD


:csw_jabba: "I can haz cheesecake?!"

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hate to say it, but if we could make fat and hideously ugly chicks then 99% of us would make at least 1 character this way with a very troll name and troll people over and over, and on pvp servers you can expect to be spawn camped by such characters. yes this sux, but that's life. i miss swg and the hideously fat characters we could make :(
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These threads always make me laugh at what people consider 'fat'. If you don't think body type 4 is 'fat' for either gender, then you are probably one of the legions of people who have indirectly caused my health insurance premiums to rise, and rise, and rise.


Double lol to those who think type 4 are muscle builders. Delusion is a remarkable thing.

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It's not muscle it's FAT. Have you seen Body type 4 chubby twillek dance? Body type 3 is muscular.


It's kind of interesting actually...



1: Short

2: Normal

3: Steroids

4: Fat



1: Anorexic

2: Normal

3: Amazon

4: Voluptuous


fixed in red. basically only body type 2 or 4 looks any good on females, but i only find body type 4 attractive at all.

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I thought this was obvious: C2-N2 reduced the crew's caloric intake. Some of them were growing a bit thick.


Funniest thing about this post is as I was reading it I started to hear C2's voice in my head. :D

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These threads always make me laugh at what people consider 'fat'. If you don't think body type 4 is 'fat' for either gender, then you are probably one of the legions of people who have indirectly caused my health insurance premiums to rise, and rise, and rise.


Double lol to those who think type 4 are muscle builders. Delusion is a remarkable thing.


You take his clothes off, he looks fitter than 90% of NFL offensive linemen. He has fat on him, but he's in no way obese, nor would anyone call him out of shape. Heck, he practically epitomizes the statement 'big-boned'.

Edited by Notannos
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All I know is my husband chose the fat option for his guy, and I chose the fat option for my gal. His ship droid regularly tells him to go on a diet; tell me that's not fat?


I wish my ship droid would say anything new, even telling me to go on a diet

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Um, they have disabled people in the game. They're called cyborgs. You did notice taht Luke Skywalker is disabled, right? He only has one hand. And Bao Dur only has one arm. Except that in Star Wars we have CYBERNETIC LIMBS! And eyes and anything else you need. Darth Vader is disabled, and he's one of the coolest dudes in the galaxy. Thanks to a cybernetic BODY!


Or in other words, disabled people don't stay disabled. If you want to roleplay that your character is disabled, go right ahead, because it's not uncommon in Star Wars. Disabilities just aren't disabling anymore.


I agree but he wants a wheel chair which I don't get.

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Because a real fat person would never be allowed into any military, ever. Male body type 4 has enough raw muscle to make up for the fat.


You clearly havent seen to many Chiefs in the Navy. It was always a running job that before you could past the chief review board you had to gain 150 pounds.

Or that before you could become a chief you had to be so fat you could not pass through a scuttle.

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yeah, the one good thing about having Ashara running along side is her excellent shape.


women should stick out up top front and mid behind imo :)



anyway to the subject, not sure if its been covered but in one of the loading screens it shows a twilek dancer and if you look at her thigh its larger than her body, then you notice shes actually very chunky..in the loading screen.



thats about as close to it as we need i think :p

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Why can't I play a fat woman in any rpgs that I have touched? Hell, this game is unique enough for giving us the option to play as a chunky guy but they didn't go all the way and let us play as a chunky woman. Why do I bring this up?


Well I have a friend that has a friend and she is sort of fat. I was trying to convince her to play but when she saw the character select screen for the female twilek sith inquisitor she was going to play it suddenly dawned on her she couldn't choose one with a relatively similar bodysize as herself.


After she saw that she went on a tirade how society never shows fat people in anything but a negative or comedic light and she said she felt discriminated against because society at large wants to "shut her away".


Why doesn't bioware let us customize our characters the way we want? Please.. fat women arent bad people. Don't pretend they don't exist!


Dear lord, I only read your post and I can only imagine the sarcastic responses you've gotten so far.


I actually agree with you though. Why not just let the females have a body type 5? And let males have a 5th body type that's between 1 and 2 (or heck even 3 and 4).


There are multiple threads on this, it's pretty sexist.


I can totally see how it doesn't bother some people - that's fine - but it is definitely offensive to some. I'm not a girl so I have no dog in the fight... I just find it kinda silly to be honest.


It honestly makes me imagine all these nerdy devs sitting around a table designing the female characters, and refusing to put in larger females because they will find it a turnoff...

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Dear lord, I only read your post and I can only imagine the sarcastic responses you've gotten so far.


I actually agree with you though. Why not just let the females have a body type 5? And let males have a 5th body type that's between 1 and 2 (or heck even 3 and 4).


There are multiple threads on this, it's pretty sexist.


I can totally see how it doesn't bother some people - that's fine - but it is definitely offensive to some. I'm not a girl so I have no dog in the fight... I just find it kinda silly to be honest.


It honestly makes me imagine all these nerdy devs sitting around a table designing the female characters, and refusing to put in larger females because they will find it a turnoff...


well, it isn't just this MMO. In fact, I'd wager that most RPGs, single and MMO, refrain from offering large females.

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