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How about we make this thread constructive.


I for one would like to see new huttball arenas.


Also, while we're at it, let's brazenly swipe Left 4 Dead 2's mutation feature, and get all creative with how we can throw in crazy variables.


- Throw some Rancors or other beasts on a random aggro table.


- Low Gravity!


- Eliminate the endzones and make the huttball do scaling dmg. (Ala Black Relic in Rift)


- CAPTURE the huttballs!


- Glueball, makes huttball unthrowable. The reverse, Ultimate Huttball, prevents movement and pulls, forcing passing.


Tbh, I feel reluctant to make this post, as I don't get paid for contributing ideas that get used, and frankly some of those ideas are killer...


EA and Bioware, I'm regularly creative, and would adore a job offer from you! I'm sure you could get a hold of me if ya wanted to :D

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Huttball jsut needs to be scored differently.















And I propose that certain areas be un-leapable. As it stands - achem! - CERTAIN archetypes have it way TOO easy in Huttball.

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Add "PLAYER_X_SCORED" and "BALL CARRIER KILLED BY PLAYER_X" to make it more apparent who did all the work!


LOL, the person who scored is the only one on the team who did any work huh? Not the 4 people who passed it to him. Not the 3 people who kept people stunned that were going after the ball carrier. Nope. Just that one person.


I don't care if they say X scored! But to say they did all the work is idiotic and self centered. They would never make it there on their own.

Edited by Roccobb
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/sarcasm off I have literally single handedly won matches (pre-50) but I was aiming more toward people knowing why they won a match, perhaps they can call out assists too, or "PLAYER X PASSES TO PLAYER X" type of thing.
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i don't really get why they can't make more varied maps for this. and actually any other warzones, but at least hutball doesn't need to have a specific scenario, and the map only needs to be symmetrical.


where did all the mapmakers for the 90s go anyway? back then, multiplayer maps were created within days, not months, not years.

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How about we make this thread constructive.


I for one would like to see new huttball arenas.


Also, while we're at it, let's brazenly swipe Left 4 Dead 2's mutation feature, and get all creative with how we can throw in crazy variables.


- Throw some Rancors or other beasts on a random aggro table.


- Low Gravity!


- Eliminate the endzones and make the huttball do scaling dmg. (Ala Black Relic in Rift)


- CAPTURE the huttballs!


- Glueball, makes huttball unthrowable. The reverse, Ultimate Huttball, prevents movement and pulls, forcing passing.


Tbh, I feel reluctant to make this post, as I don't get paid for contributing ideas that get used, and frankly some of those ideas are killer...


EA and Bioware, I'm regularly creative, and would adore a job offer from you! I'm sure you could get a hold of me if ya wanted to :D


I really like your ideas. It's elegant since it's mimimal work on the devs's part.

As long as the pool is big enough. As it stands on my server, there's hardly enough people to get ONE huttball going most times, so choosing 5 different huttballs means that even the cross-server pool needs to be big enough.

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