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What is your legacy name and why did you choose it?


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Not terribly original here, but my legacy name is Crowley (taken from Aleister Crowley).


My first character to reach legacy was my Human Sith Sorcerer (whose look kind of reminds me of Carey Elwes character in "The Princess Bride"), so I felt the name kind of fit...given the fact that Aleister Crowley was heavily involved with the occult and mysticism. Also, Crowley was known to have quite the healthy libido, which also fits my Sorc (who basically flirts with every female he can...;)).


Course, what made me think of this name was hearing Ozzy Osbourne's song about him ("Mr. Crowley"). lol


The name works for most of my characters, though a little less so for some of em.

Edited by Khaduum
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first post. new to the community. player since christmas. just want to chime in on a subject of great interest to me, and i appreciate the OP's openness for the aspects of this game that we enjoy, rather than those we don't. i think the legacy system is rather inspired, if a bit flawed. i enjoy a good roleplaying experience, so look, name, play style, and story choices all matter to me. i like everything to sync up nicely, even if i don't take the most unique of paths with respect to the look of my characters. i've rolled one of each class, with varying degrees of progress across each story. four are in progress, the other four are name holds. my main was a level 50 jedi knight named Sheena before i got taken up by my bounty hunter's story. my legacy family tree unites under the Abaddon banner. Abaddon means "destruction" in Hebrew. i think of the Abaddon legacy as more of a heraldry, or a coat of arms, rather than a shared family name. the following eight characters--four male and four female--each know how to rain down destruction, light or dark...


truth be told, i stepped into the forum community for the first time because i'm bored at work today. and this is the nerd in me talkin', but i'd like to share my experience with you all, if you don't mind, since i enjoy reading others takes on their legacies, as well:


- Sheena Abaddon - level 50 jedi sentinel (human, female)




i was admittedly not very thorough when i first began this character's creation. i was amped to get into the game, and rushed the look a bit. she's conventionally pretty, but graceful. and the naming, as always, was important to me. like "Abaddon" (which i hoped would be available once i hit level 30, and was), "Sheena" is of Hebrew origin, and means "god is gracious." i wanted my jedi knight to embody an old testament balance of servile nobility and righteous indignation. it is a hack-and-slash mmo, after all. fire and brimstone in the name of good...


- Oktavius Abaddon - level 42 mercenary (human, male)




after completing Sheena's story, i fooled about in end game for a bit before i went on an alt-spree. that said, i was much more purposed as i began creating my bounty hunter. "Octavius" was the birth name of the first emperor of the roman empire, Augustus Caesar. i wanted a first name that truly embodied the "Abaddon" legacy, and a conqueror's name seemed fitting. i also wanted a bearded bad*** to represent that name. i love the look of this character. he's a scarred, battle-tested traditionalist. "Octavius" wasn't available, so i tried "Oktavius" instead, and i'm honestly happier with the slight adjustment to the name. makes it seem more retro-futuristic to me, for some reason. at any rate, i play Oktavius as a neutral bounty hunter, though i find myself skewing light side more often than not. Oktavius believes in the hunt, and the honor of his trade. he kills as is necessary, but prefers a clean capture, if at all possible...


Vesuvius Abaddon - level 18 sith juggernaut (zabrak, male)




- "Vesuvius" is, of course, in reference to Mount Vesuvius, the famous volcano of Italy. i was delighted that this name was available, because i felt it was extremely appropriate for a sith warrior. Vesuvius Abaddon is the character who fully fits the meaning inherent within his name. he is explosive. he is destructive. he is violence and chaos personified. he will not be denied. i wouldn't wanna **** with this guy. though i've only taken him to level 18, i'm probably most excited to return to this character...


Juturna Abaddon - level 12 gunslinger (mirialan, female)




- "Juturna" was the roman goddess of fountains, wells, and springs. it didn't strike me so much as an appropriate name for a smuggler as it did a plucky female who distracts with her attractiveness, and conceals a depth and a charm underneath the surface. i look forward to continuing her story. she's a fun character to play...


Junius Abaddon - level 1 jedi consular (miraluka, male)




- the roman calendar month of June takes its name from the Latin "Junius." this character is Miraluka, and though he can't see, his power over the force grants him vision as clear and punishing as the mid-summer months. the oppressive heat of summer also seemed to suggest a more muscular character, so i first utilized male body type 3 with this character. of all the characters i've created, this one strikes me as the least inspired. i might reset my consular before i begin his story...


Kylesa Abaddon - level 1 sith inquisitor (sith pureblood, female)




- "Kylesa" shares her name with a georgia sludge metal band. i enjoy Kylesa's two-drummer assault, and it seemed a fitting name for a sith. i'll leave it to one of the band members to explain its meaning: "It comes from the Buddhist term 'kilesa mara.' We changed the spelling for the purpose of having a different band name. It means 'demon of defilement.'" i anticipate Kylesa will be very closely linked to Vesuvius with respect to her overwhelming sense of destruction...


Xerces Abaddon - level 1 trooper (cyborg, male)




- Xerxes the Great was another conqueror and ruler of Persia. "Xerces" is a Deftones song of tremendous weight and beauty. "Xerxes" was not available. "Xerces" was. seemed like an easy solution. i don't know why i was inclined to roll a trooper with the idea of a conqueror in the back of my mind. soldiers are grunts, after all. perhaps i wanted a name that could match the intimidating attitude i want from this character, who i hope to think of as more than a simple soldier...


Saetia Abaddon - level 1 imperial agent (chiss, female)




- "Saetia" was a post-hardcore band from New York who took their name from a misspelling of the word "saeta," which is a type of flamenco music. i liked the notion of having a chiss imperial agent who treats her job like a dance...


tl;dr - that was a peek into the Abaddon legacy, and i think its bad***, if i may steal away from humility for a moment. i can't wait for the legacy system's expansion in 1.2, and i'd love to hear more from the role players of this community!! tell me about your characters!! i'm *********** bored!! ;-)

Edited by mzellmer
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When SWG launched in 2003 the login server was almost impossible to get into that day/evening. The first server I could get into was Corbantis. I played on Corbantis until they forced us out and shut it down.


My legacy name is... wait for it... Corbantis. I don't use it as a surname but I love seeing "The Corbantis Legacy" over my head while I'm running around :D

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  • 1 month later...

I'm a very musical person so I picked "Ossia" for my legacy name.

It's a musical term for an alternative passage which may be played instead of the original passage. It often builds off of the the original melody and overall makes the piece more powerful. The word ossia comes from the Italian for "alternatively" and was originally spelled o sia, meaning "or be it" (Fallows 774).


How does that apply to SWTOR and my characters? I typically play pretty neutral characters. I never do things that are so "light side" that they're stupid, yet I never kill someone out right for no reason. There's always an ALTERNATIVE. And many times, in my perception, the alternative is more powerful. Just like an ossia.


Plus I think Ossia really roles off the tongue. Master Ossia, Lord Ossia, Agent Ossia, Commander Ossia...

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Mine is Jocamb'all. Three meanings.

1.Joseph Campbell was a named influence on Lucas and star wars.

2. He is a personal hero of mine, spiritually and academically.

3.it honors the place where I got my Masters ,they have the Joseph Campbell library. I spent my second year there studying above his papers and notes.

Edited by DevonDs
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Most of my gals have "lark" in their names.


The scientific family name for the bird species of Lark is Alaudidae.


So, I chose that for my legacy name. It works for all of my characters, be they Republic or Empire. And, it's unique.




That is very cool, creative and brilliant.

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The Biodrone Legacy ;)



Why? Because when I'll want to change it I'll just have to display it and someone will certainly report me :p

And it'll perfectly fit when I'll have it on top of my (to come) droid character ^_^

Still it's fun wandering around with it, sometimes.

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