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SWTOR. Too much theme park?


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ToR will never be SWG. Deal with it.


Which SWG?


The orginal? Certainly.


The one that closed down as SWTOR opened up? I dunno SWTOR is rather like a really stripped down and linear version of that (but with added story and voice acting) at the moment.

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I am a SWG vet (Pre-CU and Pre-NGE). In fact, it was my first MMO and i still think that it's by far the best sandbox MMO that i have ever played. Well, until SOE decided to ruin it. Anyway. Comparing this game to SWG is just silly. I never expected this game to be anything like it, let alone be a sandbox MMO. I expected this to be KOTOR with a big emphasis on socializing and co-op oriented gameplay. Instead, i got a singleplayer game with a chat window. I told them numerous times during the beta tests that the lack of grouping incentives would be an issue but those complaints clearly fell on deaf ears.


BioWare seems to be more worried about "balancing" and pleasing the PvP crowd than anything else. Even with the upcoming patch, i just don't see a point in resubscribing to it for now. Managing to find a group for one specific Heroic alone is just a big pain in the *** for me even though i am on one of the more populated servers. Mainly, because of class discrimination but the lack of players doesn't help either. This is why they need to add dual specs to the game. Restrictions aren't fun. Freedom and convenience is. BioWare just doesn't get it.

Edited by TwwIX
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BioWare seems to more worried about "balancing" and pleasing the PvP crowd than anything else. Even with the upcoming patch, i just don't see a point in resubscribing to it for now.


I hope for 1.3 they focus on making the worlds more believable, minigames and add social activites besides mob killing. My game time is running out shortly after 1.2 release and I won´t renew it until the game changes drastically. Might take a year or longer, we´ll see.


The whole PvP/balancing focus is just way too much in favor of one specific fraction of players.

Edited by Lord_Ravenhurst
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you mean a game that is designed to be theme park, is too theme park?


that is like saying tekken has too much fighting




grand turismo has too much driving.


if this game feels too theme park-y, i would say the devs have done the job they set out to do


can't argue with this: They did what they did

basically what you said.

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Has anyone else noticed that it's always the same five or ten people crying on the forums?


Yeah better lock em up, may see something you don't like. Poisoning the well fallacy incoming.

Edited by mattgyver
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you mean a game that is designed to be theme park, is too theme park?


that is like saying tekken has too much fighting




grand turismo has too much driving.


if this game feels too theme park-y, i would say the devs have done the job they set out to do


Theres a difference between a themepark game and a complete linear single player game. This is an MMO. And people are gonna get bored soon. Just like a single player game.

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Theres a difference between a themepark game and a complete linear single player game. This is an MMO. And people are gonna get bored soon. Just like a single player game.


:eek: who are all these ppl invading my single player game? who am i grouping up with to play flashpoints, they act like ppl, but this is a single player game. i must commend bioware when i talk on the general chat channel the computer responses seem so life like. how do they know how to respond to the most obscure questions? and the GTN, etc, etc.


yep this single player game is strange. it almost feels like i'm not alone:rolleyes:

Edited by grandmthethird
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Has anyone else noticed that it's always the same five or ten people crying on the forums?


I bet if you looked them up you'd find each and every one of their agendas. They need to have a green nameplate or something. "never happy" or "quit 2 months ago but still pays to post on the forum"

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I bet if you looked them up you'd find each and every one of their agendas. They need to have a green nameplate or something. "never happy" or "quit 2 months ago but still pays to post on the forum"


Yes! there it is. Poison the well. These people aren't credible because ... Thanks for being predictable.


Now it's the "I am happy so you should be happy and quit crying" argument. What new variation on that theme is out there?

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An antagonistic attitude develops eventually as you are told to shut up repeatedly. I have two active accounts, play pretty much every day, and I would like to add input. I also have guildies who feel the same way but who don't have the time to post on the forums.


Sorry you don't agree, but can you come to the discussion with something that hasn't been done so many times.

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Has anyone else noticed that it's always the same five or ten people crying on the forums?


I've noticed a lot of people that criticised and those that relentlessly defended the game have gone.


I'm getting the feeling it's only the subbon that are left.

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Agreed. And, I’m not saying they aren't right... (I don't agree, but that's a whole other topic). Facts are facts. They could very well be correct on all points. But with their antagonistic attitude, I hope in real life, they talk to people in that manner… face to face… over and over. Sooner or later, they will achieve the desired result.


Saying a Loading Screen is immersive.... I can't see how that cannot be antagonistic.

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Or, is it something else? It’s an honest question. Note you’re talking to a guy that still uses VCR tapes, so, I’m actually asking PLEASE talk down to me very slowly. Not ironic. I won’t get it otherwise.


(Sidebar = You’re talking to a guy that thinks shadows of any kind in a game are “fluff”, to give you the level of tech impairment I have…)


Anyways, I’d be happy to understand the problem with load screens. (Tons of them in EQ and COH… my only prior experience…and they don't bother me at all. It's not immersive. It's a necessary (?) evil. I least how I understand them.)


Great posts.


I actually agree with what you said about about the actual communication that Bioware has delivered concerning issues such as the themepark design. They have made it clear that this was their design, and that they don't want to change the fundamentals.


I guess it will remain to be seen if it stays "our way or the highway," and also how long this is true. You made a great case for why it is probable that they will not bend, and I am glad you mentioned your forum activity on CoH. I can only say that I hope this is an example of apples and oranges for my sake. I'm ambivalent about the comparison because on the one hand it was another MMO, and on the other there are a lot of other variables.


People complain about the "negative posts" on this site, but if you go elsewhere it is much worse. This may be evidence of a case building against the status quo that may result in some sort of compromise.


This game holds the only license for a Star Wars MMO that is likely to be active for a long time. As a fan of both Star Wars and MMOs I am a bit stranded here. I am not planning on leaving the game, I just want more from it.

Edited by mattgyver
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you mean a game that is designed to be theme park, is too theme park?


that is like saying tekken has too much fighting




grand turismo has too much driving.


if this game feels too theme park-y, i would say the devs have done the job they set out to do


This isn't a themepark MMO. It's more a Guided Tour MMO. In a Themepark, you have a choice of rides and order to take those rides in. In a Guided tour, you're led around by the nose from one exhibit to the next, kind of like TOR here.


In WoW (A game I detest, but is valid for this particular point) you are given a choice along the way about which zone you want to go to in order to level. Shall you level in Arathi Highlands? Maybe do a bit of Desolace?


Same with EQ2. In that game I had three or more zones at a time to choose from each with their own overall feel and narrative.


In TOR, after you get off the starter planet it's the same linear path every single time.


So like I said. Guided Tour.

Edited by Bluerodian
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The game is getting better. The upcoming improvements will make the game better.

Ill say this tho. If they delay the 1.2 patch unsub. Its a total theme park ride. Space combat is on rails. Its like the free games in GTA4. Why are there only like 3 people in Illum. Is that map in beta? When i go there its a ghost town. Its a broken game till its fixed.

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