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SWTOR. Too much theme park?


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No the incentive (ie rewards) for Open world PVP have been removed. Nothing is stopping you from ganking lower level players on Tat or PVPing on Ilum.




Ganking never has been and never will be RvR, it's just ganking. :)

Edited by Goretzu
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Who gives a crap. It's Star Wars!


Not to me. What kind of a star wars game is this when my jedi cant even look like a jedi.

Look like a power ranger samurai/optimus prime.And yeah this game is 100% on rails.

Of you try to leave the rail you die by a wall you cant see or run into the 1000 000 mobs

thats on everyside of the road.

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I loved watching the post spiral away from what i was originally discussing. I dont want a sandbox game. I want it to feel like an MMO. not a singleplayer game. And the fact that you NEVER get to talk to the other faction is just dissapointing. Its just.... almost like its empty.
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The lack of real open world planets ruins the game for me.

My game card runs out shortly after 1.2, I´ll re-sub when they raise the level cap and introduce new, bigger, better designed open world cross-server planets and space combat, until then there is Archeage, GW2 and Secret World to keep me entertained.

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For me, there is no such thing as “Too much themepark.” I personally have no fun in sandbox games. I need the quest hubs, mission givers, and the 2-3 max choices. Someone needs to hold my hand the entire way through...


Heck, if you look at my sig, I’d be happy with a 1990s era FMV though that era is gone for good. BW games, with their linear start / middle / end book-style fits what I want in entertainment perfectly.


TOR plays, for me, like an interactive novel / choose your own adventure… which is spot on for my preference. Which is also why so many hate it.


Since people get very VERY intense when it comes to what a game is in general, or an MMO in particular, I wonder if there would be a market for “interactive videos” with 25+ stickers that say “This is NOT a game.” and you pick the story path. That way, gamers would have games, and BW fans like me could take a “walk down their creation”.


Or, it could be I’m the only one that misses the FMV era of Wing Commander 3-4, Tex Murphy, Dark Forces 2 : Jedi Knight, etc…


But TOR comes as close to the FMV era as I’ve seen in a while…


I mean this genuinely, congratulations

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I loved watching the post spiral away from what i was originally discussing. I dont want a sandbox game. I want it to feel like an MMO. not a singleplayer game. And the fact that you NEVER get to talk to the other faction is just dissapointing. Its just.... almost like its empty.


It happened because you used the term Theme Park

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You have to be careful with the term themepark and sandbox, it automatically puts some people into one corner or another. But an mmo can do no wrong by blending the 2 in my eyes and simply has to remove the label of either and just be an mmorpg if that makes sense.


Of course a game should have themepark, its a stable basing for any mmo. but at the same time it could use alot of sandbox elements. For example player housing especialy within tor could be possible via our ships. other elements of sandbox could be put into tor to like a mission creator that could be used for space missions.


What could be done is only limited by how far the developers would take it and how much the game and the community could handle from both aspects of themepark and sandbox before it becomes a horid mess.

Edited by Shingara
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You have to be careful with the term themepark and sandbox, it automatically puts some people into one corner or another. But an mmo can do no wrong by blending the 2 in my eyes and simply has to remove the label of either and just be an mmorpg if that makes sense.


Of course a game should have themepark, its a stable basing for any mmo. but at the same time it could use alot of sandbox elements. For example player housing especialy within tor could be possible via our ships. other elements of sandbox could be put into tor to like a mission creator that could be used for space missions.


What could be done is only limited by how far the developers would take it and how much the game and the community could handle from both aspects of themepark and sandbox before it becomes a horid mess.


Shingara for president!

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I hear ya. I have often gone to Six Flags and complained that I can't steer the rollercoaster. It is what it is, and what it is, isn't for everyone.


well i'll give you this, you killed the analogy. Then you busted forth with the classic "It is what it is."


It also: Isn't what it isn't, Isn't what it could be, isn't what some people would like it to become, Isn't holding as many subs as it once did (I am subbed btw).

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Most of the planets are much bigger than I thought they were gonna be. The first time I stepped on Tatooine a big smile came across my face when I saw how vast it looked. And again when I first got to Hoth.


There is room to expand on each planet. Give it a couple years and each planet will be so much bigger than they are now you wouldn't be able to go back to the sizes they were at release.


And besides... why do you want bigger areas? You hardly see people as it is... making the maps bigger will just make the game feel emptier..

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Most of the planets are much bigger than I thought they were gonna be. The first time I stepped on Tatooine a big smile came across my face when I saw how vast it looked. And again when I first got to Hoth.


There is room to expand on each planet. Give it a couple years and each planet will be so much bigger than they are now you wouldn't be able to go back to the sizes they were at release.


And besides... why do you want bigger areas? You hardly see people as it is... making the maps bigger will just make the game feel emptier..


Hmm don't want to be hemmed in with peeps in a small space, want more peeps in a big space.


Tatooine is big but its compartmentalized, and to be honest has too many big buildings. I would prefer small outposts and some farms here and there. The big warehouses dont make much sense to me. There is also the element of being funneled through areas on Tat. Like when someone makes a haunted house at Halloween, go to this zone get scared by the geonosians, now we move along to the sarlacc pit, and then on to the tusken gorge.


We have one actual town (Anchorhead) so the rest of the place is kind of like when SWG had a lot of large houses and guild halls laying about (which was a bad aspect of the player housing thing). The design of places like dreviad is not bad, but it really feels like a quest hub more than anything else. I would like to have level 50 quests on Tat as well. where are Krayt dragons ?

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What do you guys think? Cuz it just feels like.... too enclosed for me. Almost like i have no freedom whatsoever.


It would be a complete waste of resources for example, to make for example Hutta any bigger than it is at this time. The same goes for all the playable areas.


It also gives them a bunch of flexibility to add to them later, or create other parts of planets.

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