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SWTOR. Too much theme park?


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What do you guys think? Cuz it just feels like.... too enclosed for me. Almost like i have no freedom whatsoever.


Not every game needs to be the same, and not everyone likes every type of game. *shrug*, you dont have to like TOR just because its new or anything.


I wouldnt mind some more freedom of exploration, but its Bioware and Bioware has always made extremely linear games.

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No MMO will ever match up to the first MMO you played. I started in EQ too and nothing has compared since. Then again I do not miss running for an hour just to get to a place where I could get experience. Nor do I miss the fact it would take 72 hours to gain a hell level!


That said I love this game though it needs a lot of work to appeal long term to the various factions (PVPers, MMO players, Star Wars fans, Bioware fans and Hardcore Raiders). I really think it needed 6 more months of development to be an absolutely fantastic game.


At least Bioware is aware that the game is lacking certain MMO features and is taking steps to correct the game. Patch 1.2 is where I think the game should have launched.


I know :( but my main thing is that lack of EPIC feeling, I dont want that kind of grind, though secretly i miss it sometimes when things are lol easy :).. but make things not so trivial such as crew skills, im about to get flamed, but make skill ups RNG :) ok a small RNG like 1 in 6 or so chance but right now it just feels too easy and fast :)


i hate playing the so and so 7-13 year game did it, so i wont compare much except to say make SWTOR EPIC feeling .. Saying the Great hunt conclusion is a one on one fight and allowing me to use a healing companion isnt a one on one :)


really though i love SWTOR and 1.2 changes over on test are really nice.

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Not every game needs to be the same, and not everyone likes every type of game. *shrug*, you dont have to like TOR just because its new or anything.


I wouldnt mind some more freedom of exploration, but its Bioware and Bioware has always made extremely linear games.


This ^^ it goes along with my EPIC feel idea, and a sense of true exploration..

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No MMO will ever match up to the first MMO you played. I started in EQ too and nothing has compared since. Then again I do not miss running for an hour just to get to a place where I could get experience. Nor do I miss the fact it would take 72 hours to gain a hell level!


That said I love this game though it needs a lot of work to appeal long term to the various factions (PVPers, MMO players, Star Wars fans, Bioware fans and Hardcore Raiders). I really think it needed 6 more months of development to be an absolutely fantastic game.


At least Bioware is aware that the game is lacking certain MMO features and is taking steps to correct the game. Patch 1.2 is where I think the game should have launched.


With intelligent level/gamedesign you could offer both - no real need to decide between casuals prefering small distances or others who like to have a long distance travel.

Imagine you have a guild, there will always be people who love to travel (Like I do), imagine sending out two for the journey, when they reached a far off continent and discover a taxi station and unlock it, or send a shuttle back to get your guildies, or activate a temporary quicktravel station... so many possibilties.

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It's not even a themepark...it's a rollercoasterride.


You get strapped into your seat and gets to enjoy the ride (or at least try to) you can't do anything...just sit there and look at the view and flail with yout arms...and occasionaly scream....when you feel for that.


When it's over you can go and stand in the line again...then get strapped in...again.


This time you know all the loops and turns....not as funny as the first time.


yeah, pretty much this actually. Themepark to me = so much to see and do. If I don't have time for it now I'll come back later. And oh so much to explore and discover and see and buy and do. That's not really swtor. Not by a long shot. And this one is a pretty safety-conscious roller coaster. They definitely didn't forget the seatbelts.


Then again... I got my purple crystal :) things are looking up (for now at least)

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I don't believe this was advertised as a sandbox. If you want a sandbox and the ability to do pretty much whatever you want, try EVE Online.


I don't think anyone thought it was a sandbox, and there is no way you could mistake it for one. This thread seems to be talking about how people would like there to be more freedom in the worlds. I for one don't want to play EVE Online, I want to play this game but with interaction with a more dynamic world.

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I don't believe this was advertised as a sandbox. If you want a sandbox and the ability to do pretty much whatever you want, try EVE Online.


There's a whole universe between a sandbox and a ride.


Nor is there now, ever has been or ever will be anything that says an MMORPG cannot have any sandy aspects if it's a themepark, nor cannot have any rides if it's a sandbox.


The problem with SWTOR is there's very, very little to do if you're not a ride (in fact nothing to do), and rides are limited by daily CDs and enough people being on.

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Fun is subjective.


And what's wrong with books? Vader knows people could use the intellectual stimulus now that apparently people can't read anything that is longer than a Twitter update these days.


When fun ends what are you left with?


When a ride ends what are you left with?





Now what happens when there is something fun that never ends?





Single player games work well as a ride, MMORPGs don't work so well as a ride, they are fun so long as the ride contiunes, but once you reach the end of the ride the fun runs out too.


L50 is horrible in SWTOR, sorry but it is, levelling is great. And after 1.2 ther are going to remove RvR making there even less to do.

Edited by Goretzu
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