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Trooper Commando is the worst pvp character ever...


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commando isnt the greatest on 1vs1 and pvp isnt based on 1vs1...


But it shouldn't be grossly imbalanced outside of 1v1 either.


DPS Mercs and Commandos need a more aggressive anti-interrupt talent that isn't midway up in the heal tree on a 12 second - 2min CD ability.


4-6sec interrupts are outrageous and busted without question.


If all you had was the interrupt it was one thing, but it's the stuns, roots, slows, snares, sleeps, PLUS the nearly constant interrupts.


Outside of Railshot (which isn't the main dish for an Arsenal) or HS missile the lock down is too aggressive.

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On my server i consistantly see groups of 3 - 4 commandos as premades, and when they focus fire grav-rounds it's 3 seconds and you're dead. When you try to kill one, they cross-heal and are immortal.





THIS. Exactly this.




This ***** is absolutely horrible, overpowered healing with heavy armor & grav round/armor debuff.




Like Evil Santa said, it's 3 seconds and your dead.........RANGED.







One more time.



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THIS. Exactly this.




This ***** is absolutely horrible, overpowered healing with heavy armor & grav round/armor debuff.




Like Evil Santa said, it's 3 seconds and your dead.........RANGED.







One more time.




My friends and I actually put together an entire guild of just commandos and a couple vanguards specifically for raiding and warzones. It's pretty hilarious.

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  • 2 weeks later...
Commando Offensive Instants (Excluding Talents):

1) Hammer Shot - Equivalent to Rifle Shot

2) Explosive Round - Comparable in efficiency to Overload Shot

3) Stockstrike - Equivalent to Shiv

4) High Impact Bolt - Highly Situational, less efficient than Takedown

5) Cryo Grenade - #1 of 1 ability that immobilizes enemy (making movement less necessary)

6) Blitz - Unusable in PvP

7) Concussion Charge - Not significantly dissimilar from Cover Pulse


Sniper Offensive Instants (non-cover, and non-talents):

1) Rifle Shot - Equivalent to Hammer Shot

2) Shiv - Equivalent to Stockstrike

3) Fragmentation Grenade - Excellent AoE, very effective in Huttball and Voidstar

4) Debilitate - #1 of 3 abilities that immobilize enemy (making movement less necessary)

5) Corrosive Dart - No Commando Equivalent

6) Flash Bang - #2 of 3 abilities that immobilize enemy (making movement less necessary)

7) Overload Shot - Comparable in efficiency to Explosive Round

8) Distraction - No Commando Equivalent

9) Eviscerate - Unusable in PvP

10) Headshot - Unusable in PvP

11) Legshot - #3 of 3 abilities that immobilize enemy (making movement less necessary)

12) Takedown - Highly Situational, more efficient than High Impact Bolt

13) Shatter Shot - No Commando Equivalent


Note that the above list include all of the Commando's (offensive) instant abilities while it excludes several of the Sniper's because they require cover (although you can still move during the GCD for those abilities). When you factor in Talents, the Sniper's Engineering and Lethality trees both improve mobility significantly beyond these base levels (including a movement speed buff in the Lethality tree and several instant abilities and buffs to existing instant abilities), while only the Commando's Assault Specialist tree adds any meaningful mobility (in the form of instant abilities).


Having played both classes, there's no comparison in their mobility. The Sniper is more mobile, hands down (and the Sniper needs mobility less because of its 35m range).


thank you for the post. it clears a couple things up and I'm always willing to learn about other class'.


I just wanted to state:

13) Shatter Shot - Although you have no Shatter Shot equivalent. Grav round does that for you in a single shot, and much more. (not including the factors of interrupts)

6) Flashbang - Flashbang is a mezz and immediately breaks upon damage, so for lethality (and to a lesser degree, Engineering) it can be very useless most of the time.

12) Takedown - I disagree it's situational, it's a great finisher move, but what i don't understand and please explain; how is it more efficient than High Impact Bolt? TORhead states that it can be used if targets are taking periodic damage (aka dot). it seems like a great ability and more so than Takedown.


I wanted to mention Orbital Strike Vs Mortar Volley.

Both have an initial wait period for damage, but OS is superior, at least in my opinion, since you cast (2 sec) and your free to do as you please vs MV: you channel, wait, wait, then damage hits.


That aside, i do wonder why BW does not give you an actual interrupt, whether it's ranged or melee. As far as i'm aware, all class' (again, correct me if i'm wrong) have some sort of interrupt.


Having played both classes, there's no comparison in their mobility. The Sniper is more mobile, hands down (and the Sniper needs mobility less because of its 35m range).


I never really thought about Troopers being even less mobile than Snipers. The trade for mobility in Lethality is the setup energy to deal any damage, you must spend 40 energy for your two poisons(20 each), then use cull(20 energy). so your using up 60% of your energy pool (not factoring the energy regen between abilities (GCD)) for one shot that can, and often times is either interrupted, or in the case of troopers; cleansed (Cure i believe it's called). It's an absolutely wicked tree but is an energy drain which results in rifle shot until you gain at least 60% energy to begin optimal energy regen.


What you lack in mobility, you make up for, although not by much, in survivability. Snipers have no self heal, besides med-packs that are available to everyone, no cleanse, and our defensive cool-downs are a bit lackluster. i would trade my Shield Probe (absorbs 1.8k HP) for your Shield that reduces damage by 25%. Yes we have Ballistic Shield (20% damage reduction AoE,3m CD), but must use Entrench, another CD, to use it effectively. It also, hypothetically speaking, plants a massive "shoot me' sign over our heads, signalling everyone we're not moving, and we're over here.

If we leave cover, we loose our 20% defense vs ranged (only). With only a 5% defense chance, 25% defense from armor, we're very squishy.


All you have to do is hide somewhere and spam grav round.


What's so hard about that?


For my personal experience, and take it for what it is; If i see a Trooper I'll immediately go for him/her simply due to GR hitting so hard. Often times if i see a single player alone, or turreting, it's game on, unless there's a healer and that generally takes priority


i think a lot of people feel the same way i do.

Edited by aesirize
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I just kill you first because I despise Comm/Mercs If you're not annoying me with TM/GR spam you're rolling an overpowered healer spec that can't be interrupted. So I make it a habit to kill you, regardless of whether it benefits my team or not.


?? huh, I could have swore that I don't heal and I don't have tracer YET I am a merc and can kill people quickly. IDK, some 3rd spec tree for mercs or something I forget what it's called. Does really good for mobility and burst damage (yes, even outshines arsenal). But hey, stereotyping is the "in". :rolleyes:

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On my server i consistantly see groups of 3 - 4 commandos as premades, and when they focus fire grav-rounds it's 3 seconds and you're dead. When you try to kill one, they cross-heal and are immortal.


Yep. Put Grav Round further up the tree so it isn't viable to get in a hybrid healing spec, and I'm fine with Commandos. As it stands, 3-4 of these guys with grav round and self-healing are pretty much rolling death.

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?? huh, I could have swore that I don't heal and I don't have tracer YET I am a merc and can kill people quickly. IDK, some 3rd spec tree for mercs or something I forget what it's called. Does really good for mobility and burst damage (yes, even outshines arsenal). But hey, stereotyping is the "in". :rolleyes:


You are playing in the impotent Pyro tree, you are basically a poor man's sorcerer, looking good on the damage done tables but not actually killing anything important. All 3 healing specs can stand still and heal through your damage with impunity and spam a few luls in your direction all the while.....leave Pyro to the powertechs, Arsenal makes things go boom.

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Oh. all accept Comm/merc not good 1 vs 1 ? right?

now group fight 3 comm/merc vs 3 mara/sent ? any ideas who win?


then if you have choose you have tank+ healer

what you choise? com/merc or Mara/sent?


and after this you wanna say comm/merc group support player?

comm/merc - last choise if it not healer. point.

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Don't dis commandos man, they can smack you in the face with their big-*** cannon which basically makes them awesome just for that one move alone.


Oh also... if you can't play one effectively you're doing something wrong.

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Sure, it's fun to look back at a time when you were a fresh faced farm girl with her virgin's glow. But you gotta get over yourself.


Now, your life is awesome. I mean yeah, you still live in your mother's basement, which is ridiculous. Your laser-tag chops are non-existant. And your wardrobe, it's like what, are you allergic to quality fabrics? Seriously man, shape up!


What were we talking about?



Oh yeah, no. Maybe you should play a spec that doesn't rely on a single skill with a cast time? That's why bioware is fixing it. I'm sure you think you are "pretty good" when you kill someone with tracer missile spam? Then when they see you, you cry it's the worst ability ever.



Edited by lpsmash
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Oh yeah, no. Maybe you should play a spec that doesn't rely on a single skill with a cast time? That's why bioware is fixing it. I'm sure you think you are "pretty good" when you kill someone with tracer missile spam? Then when they see you, you cry it's the worst ability ever.




Bioware isn't "fixing" it lol, they've changed NOTHING! It's still a skill that NEEDS to be spammed.


Grav Round impacts High Impact Bolt, Full Auto, Charged Barrier, Charged Barrel AND Demo Round. ALL Bioware needed to do was move some of the procs Grav Round grants those skills to ANY other skill and Grav Round spam would have been cut in half. If Bioware wanted to "fix" it, they could have easily given Hammer Shot a flat % chance to proc the added DPS for Demo Round, or any of those skills...they didn't. Grav Round will continue to be a skill that NEEDS to be spammed.

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sniper vs. commando in which class is worse for pvp.


My vote goes to sniper for being worse than commando


Idk guess depends who you ask. But a commando who is in both a healing spec and a dps a pain in the *** mess with, As long they use it right. but iv played both and seem think only thing wrong with either class is the actual player.

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