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Server population is dropping...


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I bet for every 1 person that has bothered to come here and report dead servers, there are at least 200 that simply unsub and quietly leave.


I'm sure it won't be long before server population is so critically low that when new folks sign in to play, they end up feeling like they are in a single player game, and then folks just quickly, quietly unsub.


- P


If that were true across the board, WoW would have <1 mil subscribers... and... last I checked, it was doing fairly well.


My question is, why are you still here? It's obvious that you don't care about this game anymore, so why continue posting here?


Granted, server transfers are needed (heck, merge the low pop servers, even if people started crying about how they'll lose their names, it'll be the same people who complained about needing server merges in the first place. Bioware released with half the servers that WoW has, and about 1/8th the population) but does your crying and moaning make the dev teams code, test, and implement any faster?

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The clock is ticking BW, do something now, don't make the same stupidity SOE did with Star Wars Galaxy and wait until is too late, merge the f#@ing servers NOW!


Servers don't need merging silly goose...you will get Transfers later re-roll wait for transfers or leave just stop with the doom saying.

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I am definately going to move when The Secret World or Guild Wars 2 then they come out.


As for TOR I am not a Star Wars fan so the story and light sabers have no draw on me.


Things I am excited about for TSW, cash shop to buy outfits with, and for GW2 the server vs server PvP. I never played Guild Wars so I have no expectations for the game.


I moved here because my friends love Star Wars but even they aren't enough to keep me interested in this game. It just does not offer me enough of what I enjoy doing... spending my money on a game and massive PvP.

Edited by illgot
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I am definately going to move when The Secret World or Guild Wars 2 then they come out.


As for TOR I am not a Star Wars fan so the story and light sabers have no draw on me.


Things I am excited about for TSW, cash shop to buy outfits with, and for GW2 the server vs server PvP. I never played Guild Wars so I have no expectations for the game.


I moved here because my friends love Star Wars but even they aren't enough to keep me interested in this game. It just does not offer me enough of what I enjoy doing... spending my money on a game and massive PvP.


I'm definitely getting GW2 as well when it comes out, but I'm still keeping my TOR subscription. There's still a lot for me to do, and I find it hard to stop when I've started playing (but I have to because being a EE and mass videogaming is NOT the best idea).


I'll probably stay away from TSW because it's a Funcom game (and they're notorious for having bad games, not to mention the anti-EA circle*@#$ that's going on right now will probably make the TSW forums as bad as the TOR forums).


Nevertheless, come back in a 3-6 months and see how this game is doing (hopefully it'll still be on it's feet, despite the venom thrown at it), hopefully, the things that you want will be implemented!

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My question is, why are you still here? It's obvious that you don't care about this game anymore, so why continue posting here?



We have already said several times over but it is a couple reasons. First, and probably foremost, it is because we/they are waiting for their subscription "time" to run its course. Some people used game cards, some did multi month, etc. So if you have it why not use it? It isn't hurting anyone and no one so far has been rude.


Who says they don't care?


It is what it is but we can hope, yeah? After all, wasn't that a theme of one of the first trailers to come out???


Or is this the Deception one :(

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I'm pretty sure there are people out there continuing their subscription because of the sheer shock they're in from what this game turned out to be. Maybe, just maybe, the game will get better with the next patch. But when it comes around, they log in for a day or two and find the negatives once more.


I can't say I'm not one of these people.


To continue with my point:


Let's look at this logically people. Consider these few bullet points:


  • This forum used to be hopping with activity before launch. You can say that "everyone" is in game playing, and I'll get to that with my next bullet point, but as far as user feedback and postings compared to other games, this forum is completely dead. Especially for General Discussion.
  • Next, you could say everyone is in game. Well, if you actually look in game, most servers are labeled as "standard". If you experiment for just a few minutes you will find that those servers are actually less populated than you think. (Hint: Check the "Fleet", the central hub of endgame players)



So what do we see here? Well, we see drastically reduced user activity on the forums, and drastically reduced user activity in the game. No matter what or how you counter...


This game is rated as:



(Stamp of approval)

Edited by Curivity
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This is a single player game not an mmo on my server.

I never see any imperials in open world pvp,it takes up to 30 minutes to find a pvp match.Heroics aren't possible as theres around 10 people on any high level planet at PEAK time and none of them ever seem to respond.

I have a Battlemaster Sage and a 45 Juggarnaut and a level 20 legacy level that are holding me on to a server that was doing well at launch..I think the pop was atleast heavy if not full..That was in december and now its light all the time except peak when I think there is 30-50 people on the fleet.

The only way I can enjoy the game now is to play it as single player rpg and just keep rerolling chars as there is nothing to do endgame majority of the time.

I really hope 1.2 will boost the population if not and no server merges/transfers come out I don't think I'll be renewing my sub untill they are availible and I think this is what the majority will do..making server pop an even worse problem to people who stay :(

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We have already said several times over but it is a couple reasons. First, and probably foremost, it is because we/they are waiting for their subscription "time" to run its course. Some people used game cards, some did multi month, etc. So if you have it why not use it? It isn't hurting anyone and no one so far has been rude.


Who says they don't care?


It is what it is but we can hope, yeah? After all, wasn't that a theme of one of the first trailers to come out???


Or is this the Deception one :(


So you're waiting for your time to expire. If you hate the game so much (and I'm talking about those who constantly spew negativity, and attack others for not having their opinions), why would you continuously spend time on the forums of said game? I didn't like Rift, quit after a month. I bought a 3 month sub for it. I didn't spend the next 2 months on the forums, complaining about how Rift sucks, and that there was nobody around for me to play with, and having to rely on a GUI element to form groups for me.


If you truly want this game to succeed, then stop complaining about something that they have already said that they're going to implement, and start talking about this game constructively. We know there are servers that have low populations. A combination of people complaining on the forums (go figure) and Bioware's (over)reaction caused the huge numbers of servers that we have right now. It was either make more servers, or having people moan about how they can't get into a server.


What we have now is a sixth of WoW's population (give or take), and half their servers. Do the math.

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So you're waiting for your time to expire. If you hate the game so much (and I'm talking about those who constantly spew negativity, and attack others for not having their opinions), why would you continuously spend time on the forums of said game? I didn't like Rift, quit after a month. I bought a 3 month sub for it. I didn't spend the next 2 months on the forums, complaining about how Rift sucks, and that there was nobody around for me to play with, and having to rely on a GUI element to form groups for me.


If you truly want this game to succeed, then stop complaining about something that they have already said that they're going to implement, and start talking about this game constructively. We know there are servers that have low populations. A combination of people complaining on the forums (go figure) and Bioware's (over)reaction caused the huge numbers of servers that we have right now. It was either make more servers, or having people moan about how they can't get into a server.


What we have now is a sixth of WoW's population (give or take), and half their servers. Do the math.


First, and I don't think you are lumping me in the group, but I didn't say I hate the game. I actually enjoy it but there are a few key elements that are breaking the game for me, even a casual player.


To my point though I'm talking about those who are visiting the forums while their time runs out hoping for some form of feedback about their concerns. This thread is growing not so much because we are arguing back and forth but because of points both sides are debating. This is really the only way, if forums are policed for any value that is, to express ones concern and/or priority.


There are die hard players who can pick up and move and there are those who won't. Neither of us know how many of either camp there are and each have their reasons. I for one don't because I don't want to lose whatever history my lvl 50 has on the server he was created on. Yet with 30 people on the republic fleet and warzones taking forever to start and even longer to win, it gets frustrating.


Rerolling when it took me about a month and a half to hit 50 at my pace isn't something I'm too keen on repeating. So mergers to me are more important. Then again I'm one of the many I'm guessing who rerolled on Fatman just to see what is like.


I'll have to say it is pretty Epic. The /general chatter is a lot more fun and makes it a bit more social than what I've seen even through out the head start and later days.


So I guess I can agree with you that there are those who only see the negative side of this. However, there are people here who don't want to pick up and move on their own to start over. We would like BioWare to just make it happen and happen tomorrow.


Maybe my "motivation" button is broken. Maybe I'm stubborn. I think it is honestly that I don't want to have to level to 50 again and I'm a one character type of guy. I'm not a alt person so really that is it for me.


Thus me wanting merging to happen yesterday :(

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It is definitely kind of depressing to be in a low pop server. I mean, I'm playing an MMO and theres no sign of Massive anywhere, which makes Multiplayer harder to pull off without guildies, and so you have to ask yourself how can you want to play this if it doesn't feel like an Online game?


Server pop is a huge factor for playing an MMO. Who plays one where its a ghost town? I don't want to play an MMO where the casuals say its supposed to be lonely. I gave up on single player gaming for a reason years ago, its cause I like to socialize online, even if that just means walking by other people as they go about their business.

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I'm pretty sure there are people out there continuing their subscription because of the sheer shock they're in from what this game turned out to be. Maybe, just maybe, the game will get better with the next patch. But when it comes around, they log in for a day or two and find the negatives once more.


I can't say I'm not one of these people.


To continue with my point:


Let's look at this logically people. Consider these few bullet points:


  • This forum used to be hopping with activity before launch. You can say that "everyone" is in game playing, and I'll get to that with my next bullet point, but as far as user feedback and postings compared to other games, this forum is completely dead. Especially for General Discussion.
  • Next, you could say everyone is in game. Well, if you actually look in game, most servers are labeled as "standard". If you experiment for just a few minutes you will find that those servers are actually less populated than you think. (Hint: Check the "Fleet", the central hub of endgame players)



So what do we see here? Well, we see drastically reduced user activity on the forums, and drastically reduced user activity in the game. No matter what or how you counter...


This game is rated as:



(Stamp of approval)


Assuming that we even care what a random forum poster rates the game, you are judging how dead a game is by:

1. the forum activity?

2. how many people there are on the fleet?


1.7 million subs is already undeniable proof. If you want to claim that the majority are just waiting for their subs to run out, you think the majority of the 10 million subs in WoW aren't doing the same? People who barely log on and are unfortunately locked in on a long plan?


Please offer me a nice screenshot of the current number of level 85s on a medium population WoW server in Stormwind.

Edited by ConradLionhart
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No cross server LFG tool please. We have a fairly nice community of the republic side of my server. Everyone knows who the people to avoid are, and we like to keep it that way. Cross server LFG/warzones kill communities.


Agreed totally. Don't worry, the majority of people at the Guild Summit, and even lead end game designer Gabe agrees with this as well. Which is why it will only be single-server in 1.3.


From the 12:05 mark.

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No cross server LFG tool please. We have a fairly nice community of the republic side of my server. Everyone knows who the people to avoid are, and we like to keep it that way. Cross server LFG/warzones kill communities.


Sigh, no it doesnt. People who enjoy playing together will do so if theres a Lfg tool or not.

Not everyone is so lucky than you that they are playing on servers with thriving community.

Why it is so hard for people to think someone else besides themselves and try and see the bigger picture for once...

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Sigh, no it doesnt. People who enjoy playing together will do so if theres a Lfg tool or not.

Not everyone is so lucky than you that they are playing on servers with thriving community.

Why it is so hard for people to think someone else besides themselves and try and see the bigger picture for once...


It is precisely because people see the bigger picture that dungeon-finder will be single-server. To ensure a better overall community, single-server will keep reputation and accountability, which act as deterrents to bad behavior.


The only people who think about themselves are the ones who want instant gratification in the form of cross-server dungeon finder at the expense of the community.

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It is precisely because people see the bigger picture that dungeon-finder will be single-server. To ensure a better overall community, single-server will keep reputation and accountability, which act as deterrents to bad behavior.


The only people who think about themselves are the ones who want instant gratification in the form of cross-server dungeon finder at the expense of the community.


What community there is to begin with on the low populated servers? 3 people at 4.30 pm on a wednesday evening idling at fleet on Ula Wii.

Single server Lfg tool would be fine if all the servers were healthy so there would be enough people to use them. Too bad thats not the case.

You dont care about that, but 5+ capped threads about population issues tells lot of people care. So go back to playing on your healthy server with good population and stop trolling the threads where people are crying out for some solution to the issue that there isnt enough people on the server to support a healthy community.

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It is precisely because people see the bigger picture that dungeon-finder will be single-server. To ensure a better overall community, single-server will keep reputation and accountability, which act as deterrents to bad behavior.


The only people who think about themselves are the ones who want instant gratification in the form of cross-server dungeon finder at the expense of the community.


Dude, I don't think you're getting it. Nobody gives a damn about reputation and accountability in a computer game. If you think otherwise you're simply delusional.

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What community there is to begin with on the low populated servers? 3 people at 4.30 pm on a wednesday evening idling at fleet on Ula Wii.

Single server Lfg tool would be fine if all the servers were healthy so there would be enough people to use them. Too bad thats not the case.

You dont care about that, but 5+ capped threads about population issues tells lot of people care. So go back to playing on your healthy server with good population and stop trolling the threads where people are crying out for some solution to the issue that there isnt enough people on the server to support a healthy community.


True story. I recently came back and started a different character on a new server, left a 45 & 19. I suspect many people won't do that though (and who could blame them). I still expect to be able to move my other toons over "soon". If I can't, my only other option is to unsub and go elsewhere.


People who think this is just a player problem couldn't be more wrong. If people are quitting over this in large enough amounts, then it's a very big problem for Bioware/EA.

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What community there is to begin with on the low populated servers? 3 people at 4.30 pm on a wednesday evening idling at fleet on Ula Wii.

Single server Lfg tool would be fine if all the servers were healthy so there would be enough people to use them. Too bad thats not the case.

You dont care about that, but 5+ capped threads about population issues tells lot of people care. So go back to playing on your healthy server with good population and stop trolling the threads where people are crying out for some solution to the issue that there isnt enough people on the server to support a healthy community.


5 threads of the same handful of people of people arguing for cross-server, against the same people arguing against it. It doesn't mean there are a lot of you. It just means people like you and me repeat the same stuff a lot.


If you want to bring in the validity of your arguments based on the number of threads you have, then I see the number of threads you have, and raise you this video, showing an even larger number of people who prefer single-server.


12:05 mark.

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