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Server population is dropping...


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For everyone trying to paint this as a failure and attempting to imply that the game is failing in some way.


Get over yourselves and move on. There are still more than enough people playing this game to ensure its ongoing success and sales and subscription numbers are only ging one way overall, and that is up.


For the bitter few; move on to the next game you want to slag off to try and validate your own sense of self importance, myself and the rest of the very happy playerbase, who do in fact account for the majority, will not miss you in the slightest.


Edited by Catch_TwentyTwo
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Staggered launch was only part of their launch plan. They were also going to limit the number of total servers. If they had been allowed to do this the game's population would not be as spread out as it is.


Staggered access helped create 4-6 hours queues on some servers every day for weeks.


However you can't really plan for a start of game population bludge without merging servers, which they clearly haven't.


But things would have been much less painful if they'd not locked people into server with early access.

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For everyone trying to paint this as a failure and attempting to imply that the game is failing in some way.


Get over yourselves and move on. There are still more than enough people playing this game to ensure its ongoing success and sales and subscription numbers are only ging one way overall, and that is up.


For the bitter few; move on to the next game you want to slag off to try and validate your own sense of self importance, myself and the rest of the very happy playerbase, who do in fact account for the majority, will not miss you in the slightest.



This has nothing to do with being bitter.


This has everything to do with wanting Bioware to stop pretending like everything is wonderful, and start producing game features/content that WILL keep people subscribed.


I'd say most of the people speaking out want this game to be successful. It's not as it stands, and the lack of players is a clear demonstration of this.

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For everyone trying to paint this as a failure and attempting to imply that the game is failing in some way.


Get over yourselves and move on. There are still more than enough people playing this game to ensure its ongoing success and sales and subscription numbers are only ging one way overall, and that is up.



I'm pretty sure sales are still going up (after all it's rather difficult for them to go down, unless Bioware starts buying them back).


I'm not so sure about subs though, there's plenty in total, but spread out across too many servers.


Certainly an awful lot of people have left SWTOR (most of the people in my guild for a start - most of which would have stayed with a few core improvements to the game).

Edited by Goretzu
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I can't even see how 1.2 saves this game. 1 raid with handful of bosses. And the PvP...whats it matter when the server pop died and you will only have 3-4 premade teams of 8 on a server to play against...WTB Server Merge or HELL I'd pay for server Xfer if i could.
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I'm pretty sure sales are still going up (after all it's rather difficult for them to go down, unless Bioware starts buying them back).


I'm not so sure about subs though, there's plenty in total, but spread out across too many servers.


Certainly an awful lot of people have left SWTOR (most of the people in my guild for a start - most of which would have stayed with a few core improvements to the game).


It's foolish to believe this game is thriving..Even Stevie wonder can see that the ACTIVE SUBS up to APRIL are unsubbing....LACK of Content...the PvP crowd has been full battlemaster for ages and no cross server Ranked PvP in 1.2 = fail when on a dead server like 99% of the servers are...Only PvP Server I can see worth a damn is The Fatman which is the reason why everyone and there mother is rerolling onto it with 300-400 people in the first 4 starter planets and 800 on the fleets.

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HeavensAgent as I have had a few words with you in another thread too its obvious that you are heavily biased to Bioware and cant be objective. Its a point to note that debating with you is fruitless.
I'm not biased. I agree it's an issue that needs to be addressed as soon as possible, and that the game's continued success depends on it. I just also happen to believe, based on my observations and experience, that most people that are complaining are blowing the situation out of proportion. Subscriptions are being cancelled, but not at the rate that many claim. Several factors make the situation appear much worse than it actually is: many people are rerolling to specific identified servers and the population is spread thin to begin with.


I'm also a firm believer that you have to accept responsibility rather than shifting blame. The biggest issue at the moment is the number of servers, which only occurred because the player community demanded it. The developers are the only ones that can fix the issue, and they have to do so, but they are not to blame.

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For everyone trying to paint this as a failure and attempting to imply that the game is failing in some way.


Get over yourselves and move on. There are still more than enough people playing this game to ensure its ongoing success and sales and subscription numbers are only ging one way overall, and that is up.


For the bitter few; move on to the next game you want to slag off to try and validate your own sense of self importance, myself and the rest of the very happy playerbase, who do in fact account for the majority, will not miss you in the slightest.



easy for you to say,your probably on a good server,while the rest of us is made to suffer

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Yeah then if you are against it, your server is not one of the ones the OP is talking about.


I feel your pain (naddist rebels). We peak like 60s on the fleet... it's very bad.


Every planet is less that 6-9 people on at a time. ANY planet you go to (including ilum).

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They did know it would happen. They told us it would, and attempted to convince us to accept the queues. We wouldn't listen.


People in this community advised those who complained about queues that it would be better in the long run to suffer queues for a short while, than to add too many servers.

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People in this community advised those who complained about queues that it would be better in the long run to suffer queues for a short while, than to add too many servers.
I know, I was one of them. Usually posting while I was waiting in the queues myself (no more than two hours, though). But unfortunately we were unsuccessful. Edited by HeavensAgent
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PvP servers are dying.


How so? I played F-Crystal (can't spell the first part without looking at it) since early access, remember seeing tons of people on the Imperial Fleet. Now, instead of 120, I'm lucky to see 12 or 20.


Now, where are they going? I recently switched over to the RP server Shien with my friend at college. I get on and what do I see? Around 80 people on the Fleet, and atleast 20-30 people on each planet during the afternoon (12 population in the morning.)



Whats the future of SWTOR? RP servers man.

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PvP servers are dying.


How so? I played F-Crystal (can't spell the first part without looking at it) since early access, remember seeing tons of people on the Imperial Fleet. Now, instead of 120, I'm lucky to see 12 or 20.


Now, where are they going? I recently switched over to the RP server Shien with my friend at college. I get on and what do I see? Around 80 people on the Fleet, and atleast 20-30 people on each planet during the afternoon (12 population in the morning.)



Whats the future of SWTOR? RP servers man.

Jung Ma, perhaps? Alpha Company's recruitment video, as well as the Battle of Hoth Event and the Sith guild that spearheaded its organization, has served to draw significant rerollers there.


EDIT Scratch that, I'm too tired. I thought Shien was your friend, not the server. :t_redface:

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Jung Ma, perhaps? Alpha Company's recruitment video, as well as the Battle of Hoth Event and the Sith guild that spearheaded its organization, has served to draw significant rerollers there.


I love it, I no longer have to deal with rude "try-hards" on teh PvP server. The population on Shien is much nicer and more willing to help than back on crystal. Once Bioware starts selling character transfers, I'm taking my 50 Sniper over to Shien.

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I love it, I no longer have to deal with rude "try-hards" on teh PvP server. The population on Shien is much nicer and more willing to help than back on crystal. Once Bioware starts selling character transfers, I'm taking my 50 Sniper over to Shien.
I know Ajunta Pall is doing extremely good as well. That server's focus is more on simple PvP, while Jung Ma seems to be trying to build a true RP-PvP synthesis. I don't know about the other RP servers, though. Edited by HeavensAgent
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take a look at this:




well, from what i gather there, from 06th of March -> 20th of March there is a serious decline on both European and NA servers (~ -5%; -5.24% for NA servers, -5.4% for European servers). The only region that is not doing so bad is the Aussies, with -0.14% (weird, considering that maintenance is right in their prime time - but give them some 2 months or even less and we'll start to see people leaving...).


this might not seem that much but given the right math one can clearly see that if this trend continues in just half an year there will be just half of the current population.


a 5% decline over a period of 2 weeks is a LOT. really... It means that that in 26 weeks the population will be 50% of what it is today if the trend stays the same (~ -5.3%)


btw, my opinion is that the population is dropping. you don't have to bee online at peak hours or whatever, you only have to check GTN. Don't see that much on it? Well, it's either a low population server of the population is dropping - both of which are bad.

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This piece of "data" is a complete fabrication and represents historical revisionism at its best.


You may have had a queue shorter than that, but the two servers I play on didn't. They were both popular early release servers, and the queues were insane for the first 3-4 weeks (I think the longest queue was 8 hours! :eek:).



People in this community advised those who complained about queues that it would be better in the long run to suffer queues for a short while, than to add too many servers.


"People" initally said staggered access would avoid queues - it didn't.

"People" then said staggered access would avoid ghost servers (al la Rift) - it didn't.


4-6 hour queue for weeks were intolerable, they had to do something, they just forgot to plan for after the inital player bludge.

Edited by Goretzu
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take a look at this:




well, from what i gather there, from 06th of March -> 20th of March there is a serious decline on both European and NA servers (~ -5%; -5.24% for NA servers, -5.4% for European servers).


You gather wrong. You have not read the definition of the statistics on the web page you cite.


1. These are not percentage points.

2. These are server load statistics. The numbers represent an index where 1 = light, 2 = standard, 3 = heavy, 4 = very heavy, and 5 = full.

3. The number "-5.24" means that if you accumulate the change over one week in the server load index across all 123 servers, you get a total of -5.24. This is equivalent to an average drop in server load index of 0.043 – an insignificant change.


What the number really is telling you is that over the period March 6 through March 20, server load has been stable.

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"People" initally said staggered access would avoid queues - it didn't.


The purpose of staggered access was obviously not to avoid queues, but to balance load, which it did fairly well until a number of extra servers were added at the end due to complaints of queues.


4-6 hour queue for weeks were intolerable, they had to do something, they just forgot to plan for after the inital player bludge.


Long queues occurred during short periods for a limited number of servers. Most queues were much shorter and, in general, actual wait time was often less than indicated.

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The purpose of staggered access was obviously not to avoid queues, but to balance load, which it did fairly well until a number of extra servers were added at the end due to complaints of queues.


Except it didn't because it locked people into servers stopping guilds and friends from spreading out. By the time everyone was on, some people were L50 with crafting skills raised and this discouraged people from then moving.


So it basically did nothing, except make queue worse.


I can't believe even now people are saying it did anything useful. :confused:


Long queues occurred during short periods for a limited number of servers. Most queues were much shorter and, in general, actual wait time was often less than indicated.


Monsterous queues occured on some servers for a good few weeks.


Actual wait time was often much longer than it said on the queue timer, quite often I was waiting a solid 4-6 hours and the queue time was saying 3 hours 45 min.


Why I have no idea, but that's what it was doing.

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I can't believe even now people are saying it did anything useful. :confused:
No it didn't do anything useful. We didn't allow Bioware to follow through with the next step that would have allowed the system to work.


If we had all shut up and let them handle release as they planned we would not be in this mess today.

Edited by HeavensAgent
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Except it didn't because it locked people into servers stopping guilds and friends from spreading out.


You are assuming that most of the 1.7 million subscribers were in guilds or in groups of friends.


Actual wait time was often much longer than it said on the queue timer, quite often I was waiting a solid 4-6 hours and the queue time was saying 3 hours 45 min.


Why I have no idea, but that's what it was doing.


Let's just say that your perception of what occurred is different than what most of us experienced.

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