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Will You Still Play Your Nerfed Class Post 1.2?


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Yes as an Assassin now that Mass Mind Control tooltip for using it in stealth will be there so now EVERYONE will know they can do it in stealth. I mean GOD that was my only secret weapon and now everyone knows about it, the legs got spread on that one and I am not happy.


I'll just have to manage that horrific and crippling blow to my class and man up and SOMEHOW move past it.

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Goodbye Operative, hello Marauder. Sucks because I have to regrind BM gear. But maybe they'll make Ops viable someday. I might PUG stomp on the Op still if I have the time. That's why it pays to have two similar classes to play if you like being competitive in MMOs. Devs these days swing the nerf hammer and buff stick back and forth on a dime so you need options to fall back on. Edited by CaptainInsano
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So like every other game on relase its world pvp failed? great arguement really...


oh wait...


What a fantastic argument. So you're agreeing that SWTOR had fail OWPvP, but that's ok, because other games have failed before it. Gotcha.


Oh, and there's a difference between having "boring" OWPvP, and having a complete zergfest where people died once and were unable to leave the planet or even play the game till it was fixed.

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Every team will have a sorc...you can't not have sorc pull.


For huttball perhaps. But taking a class purely for the utility they'll have in one of the four WZ- particularly if it's still random- may not be the wisest decision. If you can pick which WZ to queue for, then anyone running anything but huttball has little need for a sorc. Though, a sorc healer may still have a place, at the least it makes little sense to bring a sorc dps until there's a WZ where having no burst is actually acceptable... right now, no burst doesn't work for VS or Alderaan at all, it sure does nothing to stop a ball carrier either.

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I play my classeS (yes, i have alts) because i enjoy them: the storyline, the skills, the customizations, not because i want to be the "gosu l33t" of my server and stomp ppl in da face.


If your only fun is to play a FOTM class because this way you can stomp other players, then the problem is within you, not in the nerfs and certainly not in the game.


Feel sorry for this kind of dumb player.

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Class? I won't be playing the game.


And not because "my" class was, nerfed, but ALL healers were (for no reason whatsoever, when damage is already insane compared to them in this game), other classes/specs were also changed/toned down for no apparent reason, while sentinels and marauders who should have been at the top of the list for nerfs remain basically unchanged/buffed.


All this patch shows is that it was thought out by people who don't actually play the game and have no idea about what's going on in pvp. Maybe they're basing their changes on paper stats / endgame wz results, but they surely haven't been playing their the game.

Edited by AzKnc
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it certainly doesnt feel 2.3 mil or 1.7 in game thats for sure. look at all transfer me pls server is dead.

its a simple game with no content and on ezymode

I predict F2P within 6 months from now.

when I started all severs were heavy now most are light and std

I think your figures are grossly overestimated.


what u seem not to understand is that most people that truly play these games play them for years and the only servers that seem to be in the crapper are the euro ones other then that i say this to all the KIDS OUT THERE cos thats what i assume most of u r

go and cry else where

go play a pay to win game and beg ya daddy for his credit card so u can bash other KIDS like u

the grapics r fine the games is not even out of dipers and all i see is bullcrap complaints from silly little kids

every game has nefs im a sorc and all i see is people saying its over we cant play this toon get a life it was a bug an exploit that was used buy weak players every toon has had an ajustment

the only thing broken in this game is pvp areas and a lack of maps

as for grinding for everything

u want a grind fest go play CRISTIL SAGA where there is no story no missions and a in game legal bot u pay to use to lvl


So u cry here only problem with that is only people reading this crap a the wingers like u and pros like me who no this is a great game and has a long way to go so no offence but p%^$ off we dont need u tired of all this crap from imature players that dont no CRAPPPPPPPPP


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If you have played MMOs at all before then you should have realized by now to play the class you LIKE to play regardless of what everyone says about it.


If you are playing a "UP" class than you are likely going to get buffed to be the "OP" class soon enough. If you reroll to the buffed "FOTM" class then you will probably be nerfed before you get max level and geared up.


It is a cycle you should be waiting for and NOT chasing.



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i liked playin mobile aoe and thats gone.. dot sorc in pvp or u cant play rly


havent log'd on in a wk, will try 1.2 but tbh i think im probly done, all my peeps are geting intrested in tera now


-pvp nerf cos of crying bads

-pvp gear change i dont rly care but some of ppl i play w/ all the time have quit from this cos they grinded real hard to get what they got

-over all theres just somethin bout the pvp that dosent seem to me to reward skill. as dps sorc i will be rly low after 1v2 w/ even teribad players or even lose, cos all they got to do is use skills that dont miss to do lots of cc and dmg even if they keybord turn and dont use interupt and click skills. some may think thats funny that i want to 1v2 ppl but to me a player w/ much greater skill should be able to go agianst up to 3 real bad ppl in a mmo, maybe thats just me. its not the same for some warior classes atm i know cos ive seen some 1v3's, but after how bioware did the sorc nerf i dont feel like grinding one, cos it seems like they dont care for logic only for QQ of the avg baddy, and the baddys will cry on warrior classes next its alrdy started. baddys will only be happy if they win a 2v1 evry time no matter what, and if they win on somebody 1/2 hlth if they got full hlth every time. or else its OP no matter how bad they are and dont take time to lrn the game or get better. nerf made me lose confidence in bioware, yea there was a lot of QQ but the pro players of all claasses know that dps sorc wasnt a problem in wz's. maras/sins your nerf will be nxt then theyll do the jugs, its not 'if' its 'when'.

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Healing is taking a big hit in 1.2 across the board. I currently run a healing spec for pvp, but after reading about sorc healers on test, I might respec. Once I'm finished grinding for my pvp vehicle, I hope to hop over to test and try it out.
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I wont be playing SWTOR post 1.2 (well dont play it since patch notes were presented to us) because of abbysmal class imbalance post 1.2.


Its diablo3 now, then probably guild wars 2, then probably whatever mmo comes after that, followed by another. Most mmorpg players now have ADD and whine about the game they are playing only to think the next game is where its at, then when they realize thats not it, they move onto the next game.


SWTOR could be dynamite wrapped in c4 for awesomeness and these same players would find something to cry about.


Or it could be what it is: failed open world PvP and intentional (inducted) class imbalances to "encourage" rerolling (only way to explain what they are doing).


Its also a direct copy of WoW.


The only rerolling they encourged is rerolling GW2.

Edited by GrandMike
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As I said...another penny would be too much fanboi.


Diablo 3 is out on May 15th, and trust me when I say that BW's empty servers will all be a little more empty on May 15th 2012.


Man, people like you make me laugh. No kidding people are going to stop playing ANY game to play D3. Let us name a few okay. (WoW, Rift, EVE) OMG no no no SUBS ARE GONE AT A NEW GAME. Do you know how long SWG lasted? Yeah do you know how long htis game is going to last? Oh yeah, just so you know this game has the HARDEST PvE leveling up content seen yet in an MMO. This game is great. PVP is incredible, the PvE is outstanding and frankly yes the subs are growing everyday. Just went to Walmart, gamestop, and BestBuy and asked them how many SWTOR they were still selling, EACH one said that they sell a couple a day. HMMMMMM a couple a day that s subs right there my friend. So to those of you that think this game is dead and you unsubbed im glad :D be gone, get off my server, i hated killing you with my Sorc. When im full madness spec. And am going to be even more powerful with 1.2. This isn't a nerf, it's a significant upgrade compared to the hybrid :DDDDD Thanks bioware. Incredible job at this game and content keep it up!

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I play a sorc and I love my class. I Am going to play my Sorc post 1.2. Are you going to play your current class after 1.2's nerf beatdown?


you play an Overpowerd sorce which is getting buffed even more in 1.2, of course you will still be playing your overpowerd broken class :)



they are however nerfing commando/bh healing that was perfectly fine but buffing the grav/tracer spam tree's that are pretty overpowerd as well ?



i can't understand what bioware are trying to do but im doubting their ability at the moment to maintain and devlop games.


i will still play my nerfed commando healer though even though they will be pretty bad from the nerfs ive seen it wont stop me from using and keep using my commando healer specialy as it will require even more skill to use after 1.2.

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I'm rerolling to a sentinel from a gunnery commando War Hero in full BM gear, but the nerf to this class is not the only reason. Probably even the bigger reason is that my server is really small and crappy and I highly dislike knowing 70% of all ppl around on both sides. This big unneeded nerf is only a good reason to start over.

If they don't f**k up my pvp gear (I did change some mods around, but planning to put them back now) and if they finally give a server transfer (where I want, not just some server merge), then I might consider playing commando again. I don't really have skill issues, nor pride issues, I have equal fun grav round spamming on commando, or piano playing my sentinel, I still own imps.

Edited by VincentWolf
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i will still play my nerfed commando healer though even though they will be pretty bad from the nerfs ive seen it wont stop me from using and keep using my commando healer specialy as it will require even more skill to use after 1.2.


This, this nerf won't stop me from playing either. I'm going to see and test before making and opinion about 1.2.

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I may unsub. The game isn't very good anyways. PvP is a joke. I may reroll just to check out other stroylines. That's about all there is to the game. They keep making poor choices with no sign of really getting any better.
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