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So...is sniper really that bad?


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Snipers are overpowered. No other class can take 75% of a BM geared player's health in one hit.


Then, on top of that, they get an instant aoe knockback that sends people FLYING and ALSO roots you. Basically, 1v1 a sniper should kill anyone within seconds.

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Snipers are overpowered. No other class can take 75% of a BM geared player's health in one hit.


Then, on top of that, they get an instant aoe knockback that sends people FLYING and ALSO roots you. Basically, 1v1 a sniper should kill anyone within seconds.


sounds just like snipers in real-life. I play a sniper and its quite fun in both pvp and pve. i would agree tho I'm in champ/cent armor and i kill BMs without trouble sometimes. 1.2 is actually buffing sniper talent trees so...everyone is screwed?

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Snipers are overpowered. No other class can take 75% of a BM geared player's health in one hit.


You got killed by a sniper. Get over it.


Judging from the numbers that wasn't a single hit and the sniper probably popped all his CDs, adrenals and relic.


It's nice to see some have some problem with snipers though, most of the time we only get to hear how bad the class is. :D

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snipers are good i like my MM sniper i can jump in and kill from a distance in like 3 shots or so unless they are getting healed then be tough. with baracade i can go against most stealthers if I hear them comming first. Usualy can go 1vs1 against murauder type class's and come out on top. only bad part is if they see a sniper then i get ganged up on fast. Most the time i will have like 2-4 people on me trying to kill me, and sometimes the wz is buggy so if ya try to go into sniper stance it will not let ya. The KB i think should be able to do without being in crouch like everyone else because the way it is would be like haveing a cast bar on it, crouch then NB so got to wait for crouch animation which says 1second.
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I havent done a ton of pvp on my sniper, but from what I have done the cover system sucks in pvp, mainly hutt ball. My advice is either only use out-of-cover abilities in pvp, or just make sure that you arn't targeting something when you hit the enter cover botton, on the other hand this can be a good thing when you are the ball handler, being able to roll

10m away and then get up and keep running.

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I havent done a ton of pvp on my sniper, but from what I have done the cover system sucks in pvp, mainly hutt ball. My advice is either only use out-of-cover abilities in pvp, or just make sure that you arn't targeting something when you hit the enter cover botton, on the other hand this can be a good thing when you are the ball handler, being able to roll

10m away and then get up and keep running.


You might want to rethink that. I would start by just using crouch in stead of cover and not wasting your time holding the ball trying to find a green spot to roll to, or you will be dead before you find one.

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Yes sniper is really that bad.


Hear me out though. My sniper is full BM and is 76 valor. I started with the standard MM build, changed to leth/eng, back to MM, and now I run a MM/eng hybrid


The biggest problem is the mitigation. As many people have stated our damage (MMs and mostly MMs) have to worry about a ton of mitigation factors, whereas force users have no worries and that is a problem, and a major one.


As far as these SS with 600k and all that crap, its nonsense.


To me there is 2 damages; fluff and permanent


Anyone can do fluff damage and anyone regardless of spec can get high damage numbers in pvp. It takes no effort, but, in most cases, it doesn't do anything either


Now an example the highest damage I have gotten in a Voidstar was 660k+ but I killed 7 people. That 660k is fluff damage. Basically they had 3 sage healers who dropped their bubbles and none left one area and I OSed the whole fight.


Imo a sniper's job is to take someone on the map and eliminate them from the map ie permanent damage, to take someone from 17k-0 and that is what I do in warzones

I kill people completely


Not put fluff, healable damage on people but eliminate them.


We have alot of defensive issues, and we as MMs have alot of mobility issues

I dont talk about 1v1 because its stupid cause it almost never happens. Both our defensives are near useless and if we cannot get someone off us were dead regardless, we have no oh s$%t buttons like other classes do, we cant poof or mitigate 100% for 8 seconds or any of that crap. We have no force leaps or pulls or throws. We dont get 4 stuns or any long stuns. We have no human CC (and no leg shot isnt one lol)


We are basically support position classes. Not really snipers at all. We can mostly kill someone, but as people said we are much better off just assist killing stuff


Youre pvp dreams are VS without question, the middle terret in alderran, and alot of activity in the ball spawn area of huttball. That is where we shine


With all that being said it is my main and I'm not changing, but we do need alot of help


1) we need a cure of some sort I think every sub class gets one except us PT and Jugg and they are tanks

2) they need to shave .5sec-1sec off snipe and ambush OR change the dmg type of them

3) we need an escape be it a very short sprint or vanish (a full camo ability would be nice 5sec duration)


With those 3 things plus what they are doing in 1.2 we will become what we should be. And that is a single target eliminator


But really if I was today going to create a character in pvp my last choice would be sniper/gs

After 1.2 it moves way up to the 2nd to last class I would make with the last class being a dps op

Edited by mangarrage
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Probably one of toughest classes in game to play by far. Gunslinger is my main/first character. I'll tell you this...after learning him...it made playing all my alts a breeze as about every other class in the game has better survivability and utility. Sniper/gunslinger is great in GvG pvp as long as you know how to play, have heals, and a guard never hurts.
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Snipers are overpowered. No other class can take 75% of a BM geared player's health in one hit.


Then, on top of that, they get an instant aoe knockback that sends people FLYING and ALSO roots you. Basically, 1v1 a sniper should kill anyone within seconds.


lol, joke of the day

play one...and your opinion will change, I promise you......well a Gunslinger at least. Sniper is a tad better due to animation imbalances (GS's are slower and more telegraphed visually) But they are both still super hard to play compared to, well...everything else.

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As far as these SS with 600k and all that crap, its nonsense.


To me there is 2 damages; fluff and permanent


Anyone can do fluff damage and anyone regardless of spec can get high damage numbers in pvp. It takes no effort, but, in most cases, it doesn't do anything either


Now an example the highest damage I have gotten in a Voidstar was 660k+ but I killed 7 people. That 660k is fluff damage. Basically they had 3 sage healers who dropped their bubbles and none left one area and I OSed the whole fight.


Imo a sniper's job is to take someone on the map and eliminate them from the map ie permanent damage, to take someone from 17k-0 and that is what I do in warzones

I kill people completely


Not put fluff, healable damage on people but eliminate them.




Looking forwards to the changes to lethality for this very reason. A guaranteed full cull is proper pain.

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Sentinels/Marauders are more difficult to play well.


Snipers aren't really that difficult to play, so long as you play to your strengths.


Someone at high valor level was moaning that we don't have leap, pull or grapple. Are you joking? You want people AWAY from you.


White damage isn't that big of a deal, because MOST attacks by other classes are ALSO mitigated by armor. Kinetic damage (most force/tech attacks) is just as mitigated by armor as our attacks. The only extra mitigation for snipers is from tank stats, and almost no one is a tank in pvp. If it bothers you, just go lethality. It's yellow internal damage, the least mitigated damage in the game!


Every dps class is more effective if they use focus fire. That's what you're SUPPOSED to do. It doesn't make you a "support" class more than any other dps class.

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I haven't played it in PvP, but my level 45 Gunslinger is awesome. I went up the Sabotuer tree, and with Incendiary Grenade, Vital Shot, Shock Charge, Explosive Probe, and Unload. You can do some massive damage. It takes a while to get all those DoTs off but once you start hitting something with Unload, they drop pretty quick
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... almost no one is a tank in pvp.


Are you sure you play PvP?


If it bothers you, just go lethality.


I did, and it's pretty nice :D Well, except for having to be more discretionary when using Flash Bang, and not having Leg Shot root for the full 5 seconds about half the time I use it. And having more energy issues. But those are the trade-offs!

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Are you sure you play PvP?




I did, and it's pretty nice :D Well, except for having to be more discretionary when using Flash Bang, and not having Leg Shot root for the full 5 seconds about half the time I use it. And having more energy issues. But those are the trade-offs!


I play PVP almost exclusively. What I mean by "almost no one is a tank in pvp" is that almost no one actually wears tank gear in pvp (with the tank stats). For example, a Darkness Assassin has 40% armor in his dps gear, but no other tanky mitigation stats. It's very rare to run into a true tank while PvPing unless they are in a well oiled premade (in which case, they'll probably roll you no matter what class/spec you are unless your team is the same).


I also go lethality. I love it. I don't even do the Lethality/eng hybrid. I prefer the top talent in lethality along with the defensive talents in Marks. 30 sec cooldown on shield probe, 20 sec cover pulse, dampeners, ranged defense on the move AND a push on Ambush? Yes please.


I pvp on a lot of different characters, so I feel that I might have more perspective in this area than others. Your damage being mitigated by armor is NOT A BIG DEAL, because almost everyone's is, and you have an extremely viable PvP spec that ignores armor. I mean, what more do you want?

Edited by Enexemander
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White damage isn't that big of a deal, because MOST attacks by other classes are ALSO mitigated by armor. Kinetic damage (most force/tech attacks) is just as mitigated by armor as our attacks. The only extra mitigation for snipers is from tank stats, and almost no one is a tank in pvp. If it bothers you, just go lethality. It's yellow internal damage, the least mitigated damage in the game!



White damage is disproportionately affected by class's defensive CDs and game mechanics which leaves us at the mercy of RNG. It's a poor design aspect especially with accuracy caps being virtually unattainable. It puts MM/SS at a disadvantage when you don't know if your damage will even hit or not at a crucial point (ie when people use CDs, trying to stop someone with a root, or general play).

Edited by durvas
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I rolled a sniper after my sorc (my friend told me to make a sniper to begin with, I foolishly didn't listen)


I now have every intention of making my sniper my main as it is FAR more fun than my sorc is for me since it actually takes thought to play. my sniper also outperforms my sorc in a lot of dmg dealing areas and cc because its kit is just awesome when used in an intelligent way.


I wouldn't put much salt in the kids saying *I'm lvl 5000000 valor with full gear and I still suck at playing sniper* because yeah... they suck at playing a sniper.


The **** I'm doing in the lvl 50 pvp que right now with 40 expertise (this is your pvp stat, you're supposed to have 500 to carry any weight) and 13k hp is shenanigans. I rip BM sorcs in half and can actually take chunks out of tanks, its soooo stupid.

Edited by Shecrazy
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The **** I'm doing in the lvl 50 pvp que right now with 40 expertise (this is your pvp stat, you're supposed to have 500 to carry any weight) and 13k hp is shenanigans. I rip BM sorcs in half and can actually take chunks out of tanks, its soooo stupid.


With stats that bad, you are certainly not "rip[ping] BM sorcs in half and can actually take chunks out of tanks." Unless those sorcs and tanks are fresh 50s with bad gear, this is certainly NOT happening. You shouldn't mislead others.


The only way that IS happening is if others are assisting you in focusing down the enemy player.

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Yes sniper is really that bad.


Hear me out though. My sniper is full BM and is 76 valor. I started with the standard MM build, changed to leth/eng, back to MM, and now I run a MM/eng hybrid


The biggest problem is the mitigation. As many people have stated our damage (MMs and mostly MMs) have to worry about a ton of mitigation factors, whereas force users have no worries and that is a problem, and a major one.


As far as these SS with 600k and all that crap, its nonsense.


To me there is 2 damages; fluff and permanent


Anyone can do fluff damage and anyone regardless of spec can get high damage numbers in pvp. It takes no effort, but, in most cases, it doesn't do anything either


Now an example the highest damage I have gotten in a Voidstar was 660k+ but I killed 7 people. That 660k is fluff damage. Basically they had 3 sage healers who dropped their bubbles and none left one area and I OSed the whole fight.


Imo a sniper's job is to take someone on the map and eliminate them from the map ie permanent damage, to take someone from 17k-0 and that is what I do in warzones

I kill people completely


Not put fluff, healable damage on people but eliminate them.


We have alot of defensive issues, and we as MMs have alot of mobility issues

I dont talk about 1v1 because its stupid cause it almost never happens. Both our defensives are near useless and if we cannot get someone off us were dead regardless, we have no oh s$%t buttons like other classes do, we cant poof or mitigate 100% for 8 seconds or any of that crap. We have no force leaps or pulls or throws. We dont get 4 stuns or any long stuns. We have no human CC (and no leg shot isnt one lol)


We are basically support position classes. Not really snipers at all. We can mostly kill someone, but as people said we are much better off just assist killing stuff


Youre pvp dreams are VS without question, the middle terret in alderran, and alot of activity in the ball spawn area of huttball. That is where we shine


With all that being said it is my main and I'm not changing, but we do need alot of help


1) we need a cure of some sort I think every sub class gets one except us PT and Jugg and they are tanks

2) they need to shave .5sec-1sec off snipe and ambush OR change the dmg type of them

3) we need an escape be it a very short sprint or vanish (a full camo ability would be nice 5sec duration)


With those 3 things plus what they are doing in 1.2 we will become what we should be. And that is a single target eliminator


But really if I was today going to create a character in pvp my last choice would be sniper/gs

After 1.2 it moves way up to the 2nd to last class I would make with the last class being a dps op


I’m Sorry you are having issues. But quite frankly if you have played long enough to be Battlemaster, and still think snipers are bad, I don’t think this class is for you (not your style)


I don’t see my self as a support killer at all, My team supports me ( the most significant portion of damage will come from me). I can easily take down any class without assistance and in a very short time span. In heal cluster f-cuks my burst is essential to destroying the healers.


Not only that, I have a very good chance at beating most classes in 1 on 1 (when the situation occurs), the only exceptions being a well played scoundrel and tank assassin.


Our defensive cool downs are an absolute nightmare for one of the most dangerous classes in the game atm. I am literally carving up marauders/sentinels so badly, that they are making a point of staying away from me. Legshot, is an amazing tool. Simply amazing. Premades will want snipers to control the marauders/sentinels


I have the best door defence available in voidstar (plasma probe)


Sure we have a weakness against tanks, but I see no problem with that. Tanks have the right to be tanky against “something”. We can also tailor our stats/specs to combat tanks if we wish.


Every 8 man premade will want a well played sniper. Right now they may not know this. but they will wake up.

Edited by Kalliadies
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Snipers are underrated, the good ones can dish out crazy DPS and be very good in defense in Huttball. I play 2-31-8 and it's a very rare spec because full Engineering is a bit lackluster and requires even more skill to pull off properly.


If left alone, I'll be top DPS, this class is great, but I have 4 skill bars full to the max and I utilize them as much as I can. This class is the thinking mans class. I set up orbital strikes and, Plasma Probes in anticipation of the enemy walking into my trap. If you can do this, Sniper is for you.

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I don’t see my self as a support killer at all, My team supports me ( the most significant portion of damage will come from me). I can easily take down any class without assistance and in a very short time span. In heal cluster f-cuks my burst is essential to destroying the healers.


The whole clue is there. You play in a good group, and you do well. Most groups you face will not be so good as yours, and then sniper shine.


As will any class.


That is the whole point. We need to start discuss equal set ups. Its no point discussing premade sniper vs pug sniper. I do extremely well in good groups, but it is hopeless in bad. This is not the same for any class. Most other classes have an edge in something.

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The whole clue is there. You play in a good group, and you do well. Most groups you face will not be so good as yours, and then sniper shine.


As will any class.


That is the whole point. We need to start discuss equal set ups. Its no point discussing premade sniper vs pug sniper. I do extremely well in good groups, but it is hopeless in bad. This is not the same for any class. Most other classes have an edge in something.


You assumed I premade. Truth is I PuG more than anything else. And when I do premade, its with friends in a useless composition. (none of us like healing, or tanking, essential components when premading to win). Signing up together is actually a recipe for fail, but we do it anyway because we like playing together.


My experience is from playing alone. I don’t expect support in any way, because unless in a premade, people don’t tend to support snipers. You have to watch your own back.

Edited by Kalliadies
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