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Time To Nerf Crowd Control


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Bioware needs to take a look at the CC in this game and think about scaling it down. Either take out half the CC altogether or raise the CD on them.


Seriously, you can't have a class that can stunlock someone and spam the most dangerous attacks in game at the same time.

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Bioware needs to take a look at the CC in this game and think about scaling it down. Either take out half the CC altogether or raise the CD on them.


Seriously, you can't have a class that can stunlock someone and spam the most dangerous attacks in game at the same time.


as you said before,you said all class have too much CC or do you want better CC I don't understand maybe you need some tips on how to use them

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as you said before,you said all class have too much CC or do you want better CC I don't understand maybe you need some tips on how to use them


I use them just fine. I think that there is too much CC across the board. That's ok, I understand that some people can't play without stunlocking people. If that's the case, give me more abilities to break them.


Either cut out half the CCs in the game for all classes or increase cooldown timers on CCs, or give more abilities to break CC spam.

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He is talking generally about the cc's in this game. The ammount of cc's is too much.

And unfortunately even with full resolve bar you can be stunned, choked, kd, kb etc etc .

This will be the fall down of the game if it continues like this.

But unfortunately they did the same mistake the same developers in Warhammer as well. I hope they will remake either the resolve bar or the remove some of them completely (CC's).

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Take every one down to one damage ability and heal ability. Damage for 1hp and heal for 1hp.


Then make sure not to allow multiple enemies to target the same player. That would create an unfair match up as well.


It is obviously THE ONLY way to make this game balanced.


Oh and make all the gear purely aesthetic with no stats too.



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The stuns (CC's) are pathetic, sad, joke, ect... This is the most worthless PVP game I have seen in my 15 years MMOing. What is up w/ these devs. 1.2 I just can't wait for vanity pets. :p The PVP system if just the dumbest thing I have ever witnessed. As a sage healer, 50% of the time I cant even cast a heal when there are more the 2 enemies in the area. Stun, STun, STUn, STUN. The fact that I am huge Star Wars fan since birth, I have a hard time to end my SWTOR. Until a great success PVP system is in store, I will once again give another attempt to play a fun game. I am moving one in MMOing and still have faith that the future will be improved. I do not see any success in the near future. They talk about years for Legacy and other stuff, however they never mention any improved to PVP systems. The first joke I seen in a PVP area on Tatooine :csw_tattooine: when I got my first kill, zero exp and valor. In the first three seconds shocked me when I come to the reality PVP was a pointless fact , ZERO rewards. :mad: PvE is superb and I like the quests and have tons of fun FP's, OP's, ect...., however I am a 95% PVP gamer and for the stuns, kick backs, lifts, ect..., ZERO fun for PVPing.
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I think some people are getting used to it. Some others that play CC-intensive-classes are acquiring a taste for it. But it is way over the top, not fun and removes skill as a component in many fights. The pvp here gets highly criticized on other boards mostly because of the CC.


Resolve does not factor in most fights - I can say that even as a guardian huttball ball carrier; if my resolve bar fills up, unless I've got 2 healers on me that are being ignored, I'm not going anywhere without my CC-breaker and a leap/pull to somewhere without a cc-enemy nearby. If I have the 2 healers but no leapable targets I'll probably be able to kill everyone trying to stop me before I'll be able to plow through their snares/roots/pulls/knockbacks/fears/chokes/etc..

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The CC does need to be fixed and so does the resolve bar.


9 times out of 10 when you do get your resolve rolling by this point one of several things has just happened.


A. You're about to die, so resolve is just about worthless.


B. Surprise! the enemy(s) you're fighting already blew all it's CC so, resolve = WORTHLESS!


C. You get knocked back a pretty good distance, resolve is rolling but you have to make your way back into the fight which again at this point your resolve is exhausted.


And you can still get stunned, and snared even with a full resolve bar, and because the resolve mechanic doesn't work like it should the CC in this game is WAY over the time and yes Warhammer failed because of mass CC.

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I think a lot of players feel there is too much cc across the board. Unless you are trying to plant a voidstar bomb or prevent a huttball score, in which case there is not enough.


Losing control of your character is not fun, but neither is being interrupted by the guy you just killed.


The real question is whether the players who want less cc are generally mediocre or if good players are proportionally represented in the group that want less cc. And i honestly don't have a guess.

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The CC does need to be fixed and so does the resolve bar.


9 times out of 10 when you do get your resolve rolling by this point one of several things has just happened.


A. You're about to die, so resolve is just about worthless.


B. Surprise! the enemy(s) you're fighting already blew all it's CC so, resolve = WORTHLESS!


C. You get knocked back a pretty good distance, resolve is rolling but you have to make your way back into the fight which again at this point your resolve is exhausted.


And you can still get stunned, and snared even with a full resolve bar, and because the resolve mechanic doesn't work like it should the CC in this game is WAY over the time and yes Warhammer failed because of mass CC.


Its an big problem and I 100% agree with this post and thread. Half the CC or 2 breakers of CC. Resolve needs to work better.


I play a class with a lot of CC. Gunslinger. I CC a lot and it drives maurders nuts.

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<< The real question is whether the players who want less cc are generally mediocre or if good players are proportionally represented in the group that want less cc. And i honestly don't have a guess. >>


The real question is which side represents more (potential) paying customers.

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Have a 50 that makes good use of it, and one that has one of the more limited CC arsenals and with both I have no issue with it. Have run as dps and healing.


I would say here that stuns come more often, but stunlock does not.


Because of objective-based pvp being the focal point over just mosh-pit hack'n'slash deathmatches the array of mezs, snares, stuns, etc. all provide a far more strategic aspect to the game.



Fill that other player's resolve bar at the wrong time and watch him take advantage to make you pay. Try and just burn through a heal-supported dpser/tank with damage alone (or a dual-healer combo) without stuns and you are in for a long day.



Coming from two other MMO's I'd say the overall balance of the CCs in game/resolve system/etc is not perfect, but is the best I've player with so far.

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IMO, CC can be a little over the top. It is manageable, but can feel ridiculous given how many classes have it and the wide variety and clever uses of CC in SWTOR.


I think one solution may be to allow for proactive CC mitigation. In other words provide some classes an ability that grants limited CC immunity when active. I'm by no means a game developer, but this may help to alleviate the feeling many people have after being chain CCd without the means to do anything but take it because their 2min Cac breaker is on cooldown.:cool:

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