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Grouping sucks in this game


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Under level 50, at least, grouping is so horribly implemented that I've simply decided to level completely solo and totally ignore all the sub 50 group content. I think many others are doing the same.


- Lack of team teleport. IMO this is a must. There needs to be some way to get people together much more quickly. Making us wait like this for people to gather is ridculous.


- Out of combat rezzes need the cooldown removed completely. Either that or the summon med droid needs it's cooldown dropped when in a group. If one person in a heroic area is forced to go the the med center, then everyone has to go back since the mobs respawn too fast.


- Heroic areass are overtuned. Having Tank/Heals/DPS needs to be limited to instances. The world heroic areas need to be completable by any 4 players...4 DPS, 4 tanks, 4 healers...grouping for those types of quests should basically consist of "Anyone else in the zone want to do xxx?" At least with the Heroic-2s you can just get more people, but the 4s take too long and the mobs are too difficult and respawn too fast. It makes the whole thing just a bad experience. Save the high difficulty for the proper content - world questing with a group should simply be about some fast paced fun, not tedious group mechanics.


- Lack of LFD for instances. Benn talked about to death. Just get it done.


Right now there are just too many obstacles to grouping to make it even remotely worth it. This, IMO, is a big reason TOR is getting the reputation that it's getting out there - people's early grouping experiences are absolutely horrible, and it's not only turning them off of the game, but the word out there on every site I read expresses the same concerns, turning other people off of even trying it.

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Under level 50, at least, grouping is so horribly implemented that I've simply decided to level completely solo and totally ignore all the sub 50 group content. I think many others are doing the same.


- Lack of team teleport. IMO this is a must. There needs to be some way to get people together much more quickly. Making us wait like this for people to gather is ridculous.


- Out of combat rezzes need the cooldown removed completely. Either that or the summon med droid needs it's cooldown dropped when in a group. If one person in a heroic area is forced to go the the med center, then everyone has to go back since the mobs respawn too fast.


- Heroic areass are overtuned. Having Tank/Heals/DPS needs to be limited to instances. The world heroic areas need to be completable by any 4 players...4 DPS, 4 tanks, 4 healers...grouping for those types of quests should basically consist of "Anyone else in the zone want to do xxx?" At least with the Heroic-2s you can just get more people, but the 4s take too long and the mobs are too difficult and respawn too fast. It makes the whole thing just a bad experience. Save the high difficulty for the proper content - world questing with a group should simply be about some fast paced fun, not tedious group mechanics.


- Lack of LFD for instances. Benn talked about to death. Just get it done.


Right now there are just too many obstacles to grouping to make it even remotely worth it. This, IMO, is a big reason TOR is getting the reputation that it's getting out there - people's early grouping experiences are absolutely horrible, and it's not only turning them off of the game, but the word out there on every site I read expresses the same concerns, turning other people off of even trying it.

that might work
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Nah.....People just won't group because they don't see the benefits of grouping. You get nice rewards for doing so but people look the other way. Nobody wants to group unless it is a guildie or just a random helpful fellow. Introverts.


Teleporting? Seriously? Just call for a shuttle.


Light a fire under people's rear ends and it'll be much better ^^. People are also known for being lemmings so you can't really take their word for it. If one person says something then everybody says the same thing regardless of them doing it or not. Fads and all.

Edited by Subtrance
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Grouping and travel are definitely awkward.


As for the bulk of your ideas: No. The game is already stupidly easy in PvE & doesn't need to be any easier.


It does need to facilitate socialization, grouping, and community.

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I was offering 50k creds to someone to help me with a class quest, all i heard was silence deafening silence. pathetic


I will help you for 50k! LOL


Seriously, I help people all the time with class quests with my Sniper.

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I was offering 50k creds to someone to help me with a class quest, all i heard was silence deafening silence. pathetic

Lol, well for one class quests are stricly solo quests anyways...And hey guys try to be social and strike up a conversation about someone's background first before asking to group...People love talking about themselves. A great icebreaker. get them started talking and they will soon be up for anything. Getting in a good group is an artform and so many players have not a clue as to how to proceed. BTW, there is a great party matching system in game if only people would learn to use it instead of ************ about how hard it is to get in a group...Ignorance and bullheadedness amazes me!

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On the contrary, I solo'd my first lvl 50 toon all the way. My other toons I am now partnered with or grouped with other people and there is no way I want to go back to doing it solo.


To each their own I guess.


I will help you for 50k! LOL


Seriously, I help people all the time with class quests with my Sniper.


No joke. I would be all over it for 50k.

Edited by TheBBP
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Under level 50, at least, grouping is so horribly implemented that I've simply decided to level completely solo and totally ignore all the sub 50 group content. I think many others are doing the same.


- Lack of team teleport. IMO this is a must. There needs to be some way to get people together much more quickly. Making us wait like this for people to gather is ridculous.


- Out of combat rezzes need the cooldown removed completely. Either that or the summon med droid needs it's cooldown dropped when in a group. If one person in a heroic area is forced to go the the med center, then everyone has to go back since the mobs respawn too fast.


- Heroic areass are overtuned. Having Tank/Heals/DPS needs to be limited to instances. The world heroic areas need to be completable by any 4 players...4 DPS, 4 tanks, 4 healers...grouping for those types of quests should basically consist of "Anyone else in the zone want to do xxx?" At least with the Heroic-2s you can just get more people, but the 4s take too long and the mobs are too difficult and respawn too fast. It makes the whole thing just a bad experience. Save the high difficulty for the proper content - world questing with a group should simply be about some fast paced fun, not tedious group mechanics.


- Lack of LFD for instances. Benn talked about to death. Just get it done.


Right now there are just too many obstacles to grouping to make it even remotely worth it. This, IMO, is a big reason TOR is getting the reputation that it's getting out there - people's early grouping experiences are absolutely horrible, and it's not only turning them off of the game, but the word out there on every site I read expresses the same concerns, turning other people off of even trying it.


Heh, there IS an LFG tool for finding groups to do just about anything already in place that would work great if people would only use it. Beats the hell out of me as to why they don't use it.Are todays gamers really become so lazy and/or braindead as to not even relize that there are options nowadays? Sheesh!



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About the healer/tank/dps in heroic areas......I haven't met a heroic area that me and my one other friend haven't been able to do with companions. With just the 2 of us we did heroic 4s as early as Balmorra. Its not that hard if you try.


As for the rez thing and teleport, yes they should add those.


And traveling is a lot shorter than most mmos, so be grateful.

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Grouping and travel are definitely awkward.


As for the bulk of your ideas: No. The game is already stupidly easy in PvE & doesn't need to be any easier.


It does need to facilitate socialization, grouping, and community.



This right here is probably my #1 gameblocker for me. It's supposed to be an MMO for god's sake! That and the static lifeless non existant world and character animations. The worlds here simply have no soul thus no immersion or any sense of realism. Log into almost any other MMo game and the world at least feels alive even if the gameplay might suck.

Example : AION < Now thier world feels alive! the wind blows, leaves fall from trees, critters hop, buzz, fly and crawl everywhere. There's even fish in the waters and butterflies flutter on the colorful vegetation not to even mention day and night cycles!

It does need to facilitate socialization, grouping, and community.

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I've soloed my first toon to LvL 50, just because there were no others to group up with... got to LvL 50 before christmas.


My second toon I leveled solo because I allready new all the normal quests and skipped the videos etc... got to LvL 50 on Jan. 1st.


My third toon I played with a guildmate who had a LvL 50 toon aswell allready, so we skipped all the videos and hammered through the content within six days.


The content is so pathetically easy, that there's no reason to group up with others, and all the heroics and flashpoints make no sense before you hit LvL 50, as all the gear dropped before LvL 50 is useless within a day or two.


If you want to see the sub-50 content, then you can go back and do it solo once you're a few levels above it. At LvL 50 you can do all flashpoints up to The Foundry solo to unlock the hardmode-options etc...


This is not a problem of SWTOR, it's a problem of all PvE-themeparks I've played so far and I actually couldn't care less about it.

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Just like you have a need to eat, you have a need to be social.


It used to be that people on the Internet and that was then attracted to these games had less of a social life and they where simply more hungry of interacting with others.


But WoW changed the average gamer, now Mr or Miss Arvage has a spouse, kids, dogs, family, friends and their social is overfilled, they actually want PEACE away from socializing, but WoW brilliant way of putting things together made it Entertainment like watching TV attracting this horde of "zombie entertainment eaters".


This has ruined grouping and there is nothing to do about it, if you FORCE these zombies to group they will be hostile to others and annoyed, just ruining grouping even more because it it's about that annoying guy that chewed you out for holding your phone wrong.


Bioware might actually have made grouping better, because these people get their peace, so they just might have a little more energy for grouping.

Edited by Miravlix
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I almost feel cheated by not being able to easily put together a group for a flashpoint. There must be alot of content that was developed that would be fun to do if it were not so difficult to put together a group. Yelling out in chat for 20 minutes is not a fun way to get a group for a flashpoint. Maybe part of the problem is that my server has been reclassified from nornal to light population, but the solution is clearly a dungeon finder with an instant group "shuttle" to the flashpoint when the balanced group is auto assembled. Another solution might be for me to join a guild - maybe this is expected to be a requirement for all players. I guess for now I will continue to mostly solo to 50 and feel cheated as I skip much of the heroic and flashpoint content,
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Just like you have a need to eat, you have a need to be social.


It used to be that people on the Internet and that was then attracted to these games had less of a social life and they where simply more hungry of interacting with others.


But WoW changed the average gamer, now Mr or Miss Arvage has a spouse, kids, dogs, family, friends and their social is overfilled, they actually want PEACE away from socializing, but WoW brilliant way of putting things together made it Entertainment like watching TV attracting this horde of "zombie entertainment eaters".


This has ruined grouping and there is nothing to do about it, if you FORCE these zombies to group they will be hostile to others and annoyed, just ruining grouping even more because it it's about that annoying guy that chewed you out for holding your phone wrong.


Bioware might actually have made grouping better, because these people get their peace, so they just might have a little more energy for grouping.




sure, blame the wife, kids and dog. like they don't get enough of that at home.

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I've soloed my first toon to LvL 50, just because there were no others to group up with... got to LvL 50 before christmas.


My second toon I leveled solo because I allready new all the normal quests and skipped the videos etc... got to LvL 50 on Jan. 1st.


My third toon I played with a guildmate who had a LvL 50 toon aswell allready, so we skipped all the videos and hammered through the content within six days.


The content is so pathetically easy, that there's no reason to group up with others, and all the heroics and flashpoints make no sense before you hit LvL 50, as all the gear dropped before LvL 50 is useless within a day or two.


If you want to see the sub-50 content, then you can go back and do it solo once you're a few levels above it. At LvL 50 you can do all flashpoints up to The Foundry solo to unlock the hardmode-options etc...


This is not a problem of SWTOR, it's a problem of all PvE-themeparks I've played so far and I actually couldn't care less about it.


No the problem is people like you who ruin a perfectly good MMO by playing like a madman and take things way to seriously. You should not even be playing MMO's as you clearly don't "get it" Some people play entirely for fun and myself ...I love doing flashpoints as soon as I am able to...preferably a lvl or 2 under the recommended as to preserve the challenge. I want to earn my rewards and not just have them handed to me as so many MMO's these days seem to think thier playerbase wants ... I have been playing since release day and just hit lvl 30 tonight. How in the hell can you hit lvl 50 in less than a month is beyond me. And an even better question: Why in the hell would you want to hit max that fast in a new game anyways. Don't you realize the devs are only just getting started polishing and adding new content to the game? Content that you will never experience because you will have burned yourself out loonng before the game evens reaches maturity!

Edited by Wrender
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grouping in swtor reminds me of the movie idiocracy: After seven years of wow, society has grown too inept to do things that used to be so easily understood by gamers once before.


dungeon finder, it's got electrolytes!



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No the problem is people like you who ruin a perfectly good MMO by playing like a madman and take things way to seriously. You should not even be playing MMO's as you clearly don't "get it" Some people play entirely for fun and myself ...I love doing flashpoints as soon as I am able to...preferably a lvl or 2 under the recommended as to preserve the challenge. I want to earn my rewards and not just have them handed to me as so many MMO's these days seem to think thier playerbase wants ... I have been playing since release day and just hit lvl 30 tonight. How in the hell can you hit lvl 50 in less than a month is beyond me. And an even better question: Why in the hell would you want to hit max that fast in a new game anyways. Don't you realize the devs are only just getting started polishing and adding new content to the game? Content that you will never experience because you will have burned yourself out loonng before the game evens reaches maturity!


so people should just play the game like you? and if they don't they're doing it wrong? lol you're funny

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