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30 Days, 11 Hours, 55 Minutes wasted on a valor 80 Sage - Rated WZ


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You haven't even played 1.2 yet and you're flaking out already? It's hardly a bad thing if the people that rolled their sage/sorc just because it was OP'd decide to switch to something else (or, better yet, just stop playing if they can't handle being on more even terms with others).




So much whining instead of playing to get better.

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Healing Spec - Yes godly when FREECASTING being able to hit 1 mil heals. When targeted = worst survivability ever. Whoop de doo we can sprint away from battle, how effective that is in team play! No damage mitigation skills at all with light armor means dead Sage in seconds while a Merc healer is basically more tankier than a freaking tank with instant casts. We also rely on cast time spells which get interrupted non-stop. The double dipping proc and very forgiving mana management made up for the long list of weakness compared to other healing classes SOMEWHAT.


Dps spec 1 - Yes I agree something had to be done about being able to spam two ~3k three target AoE(s) every (x) seconds and unlimited mana being able to LoS and heal yourself back to full life, but completely gutting the class was a joke. Only spec somewhat viable for Rated and even then still not good because of worst survivability. It would be way more efefctive to focus any Sage you see instead of the healer.


Dps spec 2 - Raid spec 0/12/29. This spec isn't too bad in PUGS and 1v1s because you let your DoTs do the work while you run to 30m most of the time. In rated - goodbye DoTs and hello poor energy management.


So basically Sage/Sorc is only for PUGs and not serious pvp. Atleast concealment OPs can stunlock someone and do a decent burst which can be deadly coordinated.



One of the few..FEW..people who know what they are talking about.


BioWare: You should use this person as part of your internal testing group...


Edit: Please post on PTS..actually send BW a mail or SOMETHING...They need to listen to you before they break an entire class.

Edited by Cempa
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Healing Spec - Yes godly when FREECASTING being able to hit 1 mil heals. When targeted = worst survivability ever. Whoop de doo we can sprint away from battle, how effective that is in team play! No damage mitigation skills at all with light armor means dead Sage in seconds while a Merc healer is basically more tankier than a freaking tank with instant casts. We also rely on cast time spells which get interrupted non-stop. The double dipping proc and very forgiving mana management made up for the long list of weakness compared to other healing classes SOMEWHAT.


Dps spec 1 - Yes I agree something had to be done about being able to spam two ~3k three target AoE(s) every (x) seconds and unlimited mana being able to LoS and heal yourself back to full life, but completely gutting the class was a joke. Only spec somewhat viable for Rated and even then still not good because of worst survivability. It would be way more efefctive to focus any Sage you see instead of the healer.


Dps spec 2 - Raid spec 0/12/29. This spec isn't too bad in PUGS and 1v1s because you let your DoTs do the work while you run to 30m most of the time. In rated - goodbye DoTs and hello poor energy management.


So basically Sage/Sorc is only for PUGs and not serious pvp. Atleast concealment OPs can stunlock someone and do a decent burst which can be deadly coordinated.


Healing was OP, that is why you were nerfed. Deal with it.

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the way i see it:


you either had great fun during those 30 Days, 11 Hours, 55 Minutes or you wasted that time.



if it's the first - well, that's good, that's what games are for, if you think that you won't have great time anymore on that character - try new character (or change a game that might be more fun for you)



if it's the latter however - you should really think over what you want from this game, as you already know it's not the fun factor; do you want to feel appreciated? or feel superior to others? i don't know but maybe a psychiatrist could help you figure this out?

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I've always said the healing nerf was too much, yet another example of bioware catering to people who whine and don't know how too interrupt a healer. This game is plagued by a community that the doesn't bother to work out how to counter something, they just head to the forums and cry until it get's nerfed.


It's a double edged sword..

Babies crying for nerfs on one side.

Babies crying about being nerfed on the other.

There IS no spoon (that spoon being a happy community).

Such is the Zen of MMO's.

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Is the nerf really THAT bad?


That's not really it. It's more that the classes that hard-counter sorcs/sages have become FOTM, which makes life for s/s really hell.


This coming from the guy who told OPs/Scoundrels to deal with our nerfs.

Mmmkay. Same thing applies here.

Payback's always a little fun, yah.

Edited by Caelrie
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Healing was OP, that is why you were nerfed. Deal with it.


When the sorc is completely ignored and left alone? Yeah. Otherwise, Sorc healers are by far the easiest to kill and shut down out of the healing classes. They are the squishiest and easiest to interrupt. Any polished BM geared premade will destroy a heal sorc in less than 10 seconds as soon as they enter the combat area. Bodyguard might save them a bit longer, but our strength in the middle of a big fight pales in comparison to a trooper. My heal merc tanks like a beast, my sorc melts like butter.


Whatever survivability we did have, which was slim under pressue, is gone. Not to mention dps, which was crap anyway, is now even worse. Just because you see big numbers from a sorcs aoe's doesn't mean they are actually killing anyone.

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One of the few..FEW..people who know what they are talking about.


BioWare: You should use this person as part of your internal testing group...


Edit: Please post on PTS..actually send BW a mail or SOMETHING...They need to listen to you before they break an entire class.



You mean like they broke Op/scoundrels?


Imagine, the class that QQ'd the most because 1 class could kill them and got said class broken beyond repair not once; but twice now, is whining because they're not the most powerful things on the planet anymore.


Hint: You'll still be able to faceroll an op/scoundrel as they sit there and do **** for damage to your never ending shield.

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You mean like they broke Op/scoundrels?



Hint: You'll still be able to faceroll an op/scoundrel as they sit there and do **** for damage to your never ending shield.


Wait! You get to try and do dmg? Damn I'm jealous. I spend 80% of my time in PvP CC'd after my giant green arrow points everyone to me.

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youll get use to the changes in a few days. and Extrication is still OP in huttball


lawl cause a jugg can't just intercede to ANY friendly target every 20 seconds and leap to any enemy target every 15 seconds?


sorc pull is on 1min CD.


some ppl make no sense.

Edited by Daayz
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Healing Spec - Yes godly when FREECASTING being able to hit 1 mil heals. When targeted = worst survivability ever. Whoop de doo we can sprint away from battle, how effective that is in team play! No damage mitigation skills at all with light armor means dead Sage in seconds while a Merc healer is basically more tankier than a freaking tank with instant casts. We also rely on cast time spells which get interrupted non-stop. The double dipping proc and very forgiving mana management made up for the long list of weakness compared to other healing classes SOMEWHAT.


Dps spec 1 - Yes I agree something had to be done about being able to spam two ~3k three target AoE(s) every (x) seconds and unlimited mana being able to LoS and heal yourself back to full life, but completely gutting the class was a joke. Only spec somewhat viable for Rated and even then still not good because of worst survivability. It would be way more efefctive to focus any Sage you see instead of the healer.


Dps spec 2 - Raid spec 0/12/29. This spec isn't too bad in PUGS and 1v1s because you let your DoTs do the work while you run to 30m most of the time. In rated - goodbye DoTs and hello poor energy management.


So basically Sage/Sorc is only for PUGs and not serious pvp. Atleast concealment OPs can stunlock someone and do a decent burst which can be deadly coordinated.


Meh commando healers got the nerf bat hella hard too. I play a 50 commando in full champion gear, and I get ***** pretty quickly if my opponents aren't baddies. Sure I can spam heal pretty decently when my cd is up, but smart players CC me during that time. it only lasts 15 sec and has 2 min cd. If we were talking about arena style play, then I'd agree with you that commando healers would be very overpowering, but there's no arenas in this game. There are only rated WZs which last about 15 mins and so a commando's crazy burst healing while popping CDs isn't as great in the overall game.


We also only have only 1 spammable heal, and if interrupted we're ****ed.

Edited by Smashbrother
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Healing Spec - Yes godly when FREECASTING being able to hit 1 mil heals. When targeted = worst survivability ever. Whoop de doo we can sprint away from battle, how effective that is in team play! No damage mitigation skills at all with light armor means dead Sage in seconds while a Merc healer is basically more tankier than a freaking tank with instant casts. We also rely on cast time spells which get interrupted non-stop. The double dipping proc and very forgiving mana management made up for the long list of weakness compared to other healing classes SOMEWHAT.


Dps spec 1 - Yes I agree something had to be done about being able to spam two ~3k three target AoE(s) every (x) seconds and unlimited mana being able to LoS and heal yourself back to full life, but completely gutting the class was a joke. Only spec somewhat viable for Rated and even then still not good because of worst survivability. It would be way more efefctive to focus any Sage you see instead of the healer.


Dps spec 2 - Raid spec 0/12/29. This spec isn't too bad in PUGS and 1v1s because you let your DoTs do the work while you run to 30m most of the time. In rated - goodbye DoTs and hello poor energy management.


So basically Sage/Sorc is only for PUGs and not serious pvp. Atleast concealment OPs can stunlock someone and do a decent burst which can be deadly coordinated.


for dps sorcs/sages: just spec madness? are you really this dumb? people need to stop sitting on the faceroll hybrid specs, you know what made hybrid so good? its EASY , faceroll , no force management required and you press 3 buttons , i've been playing madness lately and it offers allot more towards the actuall game , i only do a little bit less dmg but i can keep people away with my immobalize , my dmg is still 1# and those dots rly arent as bad as people make out to be. full row of dots into a force lightning & people will drop fast.


so basically: Good dps sorcs/sages will adapt & be equally strong. GG


for healers: when being targetted yourself your usually spamming hot->innervate as any spell will be interupted , you'll still be able to spam small heals at a same speed just less healing so when it comes to that, your not gonna be off much worse. The main issue will be force regen as right now when im a healer im out of force practically all day every day and that is indeed going to be a big problem. However, sorcs have a grip, that means easy scores aka sorcs will be required in rateds regardless of these changes. and im hoping that while the patchnotes are still on PTR they will realise sorcs could use *some* form of safe extra force regen and they will implement it. But we'll have to see.


so basically: healers will get quite the nerfs but they wont become useless ****, grip is to overpowered to not use. With that being said stop whining and wait till the patch actually hits to see how bad it is.

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I'm in the same boat as you bro. Had to drop my 76 valor sage as well.


Unfortunately 90% of these forums are filled with pug noobs who think sages are godmode and will always fail to recognize how terrible they are in organized play.


Even after this nerf people will still come here crying about them, because it wasn't the class that was OP, it was just them being terrible at the game.


All good though, my sent is level 48, and I'll get full BM in 2-3 days when 1.2 hits.


Good for you... Roll from a class that was OP to a new class that is gona be OP in 1.2.

And yes, Sentinel/Mara will be OP like hell in 1.2, I play one now and have no truble what so ever to end up on top of the board, and now they gona buff us /facepalm


PS: Not realy trying to act like an ars when I said just, and I do agree that the 1.2 Sage nerf is gona make the heling spec UP.

Edited by Paralassa
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30 days of game time played already?:confused:


Do you spend literally every minute of your free time on SWTOR?



Honestly, that is quite...impressive?


Its actually quite sad. I dont know if I should laugh or cry. Yes I do enjoy the game that much.

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And yes, Sentinel/Mara will be OP like hell in 1.2, I play one now and have no truble what so ever to end up on top of the board, and now they gona buff us /facepalm



Mara's don't finish on the top of the board and they aren't faceroll so I know you won't be able to handle it.

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Did you try out healing in 1.2? Kinda funny to see all these sages and sorcs crying their eyes out saying they'd quit. PLEASE be my guest, quit, warzones are literally overflowing with these two classes. Well maybe not so much now, since the word is out. I'm guessing the recent influx of Sentinels and Marauders in the lower Warzones has something to do with that.


Welcome to balace.

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Mara's don't finish on the top of the board and they aren't faceroll so I know you won't be able to handle it.


Not that scoreboard stats mean ANYTHING, but yes they do, if they aren't horrible.


I am having a blast on my sent. Instead of bad players TELLING me I am OP, I am actually FEELING OP and I'm the one trying to convince THEM that I'm OP. It's absolutely hilarious.


My sent is the exact opposite of my sage. Bad early on, but becomes incredible when fully geared. Not very effective in pugs with bad players, but absolutely unstoppable in organized premades. Scoreboard numbers are not inflated, but every single drop of that damage you see was crucial to the outcome of the game, because it was being done on a single target (usually the highest priority target).


I'm almost afraid that my new OP class is gonna get nerfed also, but based on the ignorance of this community I think I'm safe. Bad players are always going to complain about ranged classes that top the damage charts, instead of the melee class that's in their face dropping multiple 4-6k crits but ending up in the middle of the scoreboard due to reduced in-combat time and no AOE.

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30 days of game time played already?:confused:


Do you spend literally every minute of your free time on SWTOR?



Honestly, that is quite...impressive?


Was thinking the same thing..... seriously OP, maybe its time to get out in the sun.



Just remember to put on some sunblock.... I recommend something with at least SPF 50.



IMO, ppl who spend this much time playing the game are always the first to get burnt out, say this game sucks, and leave for another.


I think your time is come.


I suggest though, next time play less and you will like the game for a longer period of RL time. No modern MMO is really putting out games that cater to you anymore.... most people play alot less and thus don't burn through the game as fast as you.

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