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SWTOR Vs WoW: Blizzard gets it


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Two things:

1) I doubt you read it all between the time I posted and the time you answered.

2) Your answer is not surprising, since the opposite would have you admitting you were wrong and that Malgus has a long and intricate story, which is something one just can't do on an Internet forum ;)


Darth Malgus story doesn't seem much more interesting than the summary. He was a simple orphan boy who showed an affinity for the dark side when he killed a servent. he was sent to a military academy and grew through the ranks from a no body to Emperor. He had some good quotes, lead a few armies and campaigns and killed republic armies. The only defining moment was when he decided that the relationship he had with a woman was a weakness, so he killed her.


He was also tricked in to fighting a battle that was just leverage for a peace treaty.


The text of the wiki page for Malgus is long, no doubt, and filled with an aweful lot of fluff. Not to mention that the biography (the majority of the wiki page) is a more in depth version of the synopsis, which is rather short.


On the other hand, the story of the Lich King and how Arthas became who is was, starts many years before Arthas and involved masterful deception at the hands of Kil'jaeden, Ner'zhul and Mal'ganis




Just the summary of Arthas has more of a plot than Malganus.

Long before his soul was fused with that of the orc shaman Ner'zhul, the Lich King was Arthas Menethil, crown prince of Lordaeron and faithful paladin of the Silver Hand.

When a plague of undeath threatened all that he loved, Arthas was driven to pursue an ill-fated quest for a runeblade powerful enough to save his homeland. Yet the object of his search would exact a heavy price from its new master, beginning a horrifying descent into damnation. Arthas's path would lead him through the arctic northern wastes toward the Frozen Throne, where he would face, at long last, the darkest of destinies.


Would you rather see that, as a movie? or see a movie about a boy that went to sith school, became a general and later emperor and killed a bunch of people? Wait, we already have dozens of movies like that. Aside from becoming Emperor, the story of Anikan Skywalker is close enough.


The other supporting aspect of the story of Arthas being WAY more in depth than Malgus, is that Arthas not only has 2 whole expansions JUST FOR HIM (Warcraft 3, TFT and WotLK), he has a 300+ page hardcover about his life.



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Blink wasn't the equivalent of the entirety of their touted end-game emergent PvP zone. Not exactly the same thing.


Ummm, I think he is referring to one daily quest that is bugged which has nothing to do with PvP. Defend the Shipment.

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The other supporting aspect of the story of Arthas being WAY more in depth than Malgus, is that Arthas not only has 2 whole expansions JUST FOR HIM (Warcraft 3, TFT and WotLK), he has a 300+ page hardcover about his life.




Which in my own personal opinion was the worst WoW book to date.


If you wanted to argue a point, you should talk about DW and the stories that go with him...even though they made him a chump in this xpac...


Seriously, people are fighting on his back and he doesn't really do anything about it?


Not the DW I read about I tell you that.

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Blink wasn't the equivalent of the entirety of their touted end-game emergent PvP zone. Not exactly the same thing.


And no, it isn't fixed.


The greatest thing about blink is that they "fixed" it for the actual release .

http://www.wowwiki.com/Patch_1.1.0 (release day had a patch, sure every one remembers that one).



Blink should work much more reliably and will not stop your movement.


Blink has also appeared in several other patches. Pretty sure they acknowledged that the fix for this is not going to happen.

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And no, it isn't fixed.


The greatest thing about blink is that they "fixed" it for the actual release .

http://www.wowwiki.com/Patch_1.1.0 (release day had a patch, sure every one remembers that one).





Blink has also appeared in several other patches. Pretty sure they acknowledged that the fix for this is not going to happen.


Heh, I forgot about that.


And they broke their own lore in the same patch:


There is but one creature in all of Kalimdor that possesses the strength and stamina to bear a tauren rider into battle: the majestic kodo beast


(Not a big deal to me and nit-picky, but it is what it is.)

Edited by Azzras
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Would you rather see that, as a movie? or see a movie about a boy that went to sith school, became a general and later emperor and killed a bunch of people? Wait, we already have dozens of movies like that. Aside from becoming Emperor, the story of Anikan Skywalker is close enough.


The other supporting aspect of the story of Arthas being WAY more in depth than Malgus, is that Arthas not only has 2 whole expansions JUST FOR HIM (Warcraft 3, TFT and WotLK), he has a 300+ page hardcover about his life.




Frankly, either could be a very good or very bad movie based on the script and actors/actresses selected.

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I have to disagree that this is just a 2 horse race. The MMO market is starting its steps towards changing and the asian MMOs are the first. The tab-targetting MMO is rapidly losing ground to the 'action' MMO which is the name they are being given.


It started with F2P games coming from companies like Nexon who have games like Dungeon Fighter and Dragon Nest and has now developed into US and European launches for TERA Online and now Guild Wars 2 is adopting this action orientated combat mechanic.


I have to admit, TORs combat system quickly becomes stale and the use of the environment is minimal unless you are a cover class. I'll be giving TERA EU a try when it launches in May. If I'm impressed then I'll be saying goodbye to TOR after playing it for only 4 months.

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Because after 8 years (or whatever it is) people are getting burned out. You can only do something for so long before it gets old. People were/are bored with Swtor after 3 months.


I completely agree with the fist part of your post. After 8 years of WoW, even MoP does not really interest me very much. Just burned out on WoW. Pressure to perform at peak efficiency for 3-4 hours at a time, 3-4 days a week for 8 years got old finally.


However, I am not tired of SWtOR in the least bit. I only have 1 level 50, and 7 level 15-30. Maybe after I get all 8 character classes up to 50 I will be become bored. That is IF BioWare has not introduced any major changes before then. Oh wait, v1.2 is coming out in a week or two. That has MANY major changes, almost a new game after this patch. Nope not gonna be bored for a few years that I can see.


Just because some people burned thru everything as fast as they could instead of enjoying the story and the RPG experience then complained about the game being boring does not mean that most of us did/are/will.

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I have to disagree that this is just a 2 horse race. The MMO market is starting its steps towards changing and the asian MMOs are the first. The tab-targetting MMO is rapidly losing ground to the 'action' MMO which is the name they are being given.


It started with F2P games coming from companies like Nexon who have games like Dungeon Fighter and Dragon Nest and has now developed into US and European launches for TERA Online and now Guild Wars 2 is adopting this action orientated combat mechanic.


I have to admit, TORs combat system quickly becomes stale and the use of the environment is minimal unless you are a cover class. I'll be giving TERA EU a try when it launches in May. If I'm impressed then I'll be saying goodbye to TOR after playing it for only 4 months.


That's your choice and I respect it, but from what I've heard Tera is a giant Korean grind fest.

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TERA Online and now Guild Wars 2 is adopting this action orientated combat mechanic.


Played one of the beta's for Tera and amazingly impressed with Combat. It was perfectly responsive and you didn't have lag or timing issues when you had to dodge an attack, even with 100's of people on screen.


With the U.S./EU markets, they're going to have lesson the Korean grind and put more end-game/PVP in it to make it a success here, otherwise guild wars will topple Tera pretty easily.

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Blink could work, but they don't want people using it to exploit things. In its early and I daresay original implementation, it used to pick you up, move you 20 yards and then drop you. Not literally, of course. This was instantaneous. But that was the jist of the mechanics behind it.


People were exploiting that to get into areas they weren't supposed to, so they changed the mechanics behind it to be much more restrictive. This is why you get stuck on pebbles on the screen from time to time.


I played a Mage exclusively for 6 years. I can safely say it works around 95% of the time, and when it doesn't I normally know why it didn't or to avoid that area in the future. It was brutal against Rotface in ICC, but oddly enough it worked fine in Festerguts room which had the same exact layout.

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Frankly, either could be a very good or very bad movie based on the script and actors/actresses selected.


The wow movie has been in the writing phase for 4 years now? but information on the movie is even scarcer than info on Titan.

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It was brutal against Rotface in ICC, but oddly enough it worked fine in Festerguts room which had the same exact layout.


lol, I hated that so much.


The original design of blink had so many problems with the way it worked, it is better now. i'd say the failure rate isn't as high as you suggest, maybe 1-2%, not 5%

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When you get right down to it, the difference between WoW and SWTOR is none of the SWTOR players are wasting their time on the WoW forums.


If WoW is so good how come there are any posters here saying that? Surely they would be in the WoW forums telling Blizz how wonderful it is?


But instead we have a vocal minority trying to convince everyone that TOR isn't good enough, but everyone in the game seems to be having a great time.

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When you get right down to it, the difference between WoW and SWTOR is none of the SWTOR players are wasting their time on the WoW forums.


If WoW is so good how come there are any posters here saying that? Surely they would be in the WoW forums telling Blizz how wonderful it is?


But instead we have a vocal minority trying to convince everyone that TOR isn't good enough, but everyone in the game seems to be having a great time.

LOL ya ... small strike teams of nerdrage wedding crashers with time to waste I suppose.
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Darth Malgus story doesn't seem much more interesting than the summary. He was a simple orphan boy who showed an affinity for the dark side when he killed a servent. he was sent to a military academy and grew through the ranks from a no body to Emperor. He had some good quotes, lead a few armies and campaigns and killed republic armies. The only defining moment was when he decided that the relationship he had with a woman was a weakness, so he killed her.


He was also tricked in to fighting a battle that was just leverage for a peace treaty.


The text of the wiki page for Malgus is long, no doubt, and filled with an aweful lot of fluff. Not to mention that the biography (the majority of the wiki page) is a more in depth version of the synopsis, which is rather short.


On the other hand, the story of the Lich King and how Arthas became who is was, starts many years before Arthas and involved masterful deception at the hands of Kil'jaeden, Ner'zhul and Mal'ganis




Just the summary of Arthas has more of a plot than Malganus.



Would you rather see that, as a movie? or see a movie about a boy that went to sith school, became a general and later emperor and killed a bunch of people? Wait, we already have dozens of movies like that. Aside from becoming Emperor, the story of Anikan Skywalker is close enough.


The other supporting aspect of the story of Arthas being WAY more in depth than Malgus, is that Arthas not only has 2 whole expansions JUST FOR HIM (Warcraft 3, TFT and WotLK), he has a 300+ page hardcover about his life.





Thanks for making the post that I should have!

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When you get right down to it, the difference between WoW and SWTOR is none of the SWTOR players are wasting their time on the WoW forums.


If WoW is so good how come there are any posters here saying that? Surely they would be in the WoW forums telling Blizz how wonderful it is?


But instead we have a vocal minority trying to convince everyone that TOR isn't good enough, but everyone in the game seems to be having a great time.


Actually, the people that are paying for WoW are telling Blizz how terrible their game is on their forums too.


We just don't see it because we play TOR instead. I'm certain that, and I admit I haven't played WoW in a long time (never got hooked, felt it was pretty flat), but, there are just as many "wow is losing subs fast" "guild wars 2 the wow killer?" "im unsubbing and going back to second life" threads as here.

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If I want to play WoW I would play WoW. Rift came out it's own game then it started to slowly getting destroyed by all the bored Ex-WoW whiners wanting dungeon finders, dps meters, threat meters, all the dumbed down features that destroyed any challenge and community in the MMO world. So the Rift Devs caved and brought in those features and the game still died. Because at the end most of those bored ex-bored WoW game hoppers either moved back to WoW or this game.


Now we those same bored ex-WoW players QQing about all the WoW features that are missing in this game. Now they want to slowly destroy this game and make it to yet another WoW clone. There is no making these people happy, as these game hoppers will just jump on the next MMO that comes out and continue this cycle of making all MMOs into WoW-clones. Then they complain that all MMOs are boring because they copy WoW.


It happened here, in Warhammer, in Rift, etc. And it will happen in Tera, Guild Wars 2, and so on.

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Kind of like Blizz did with Tol Barad, Wintergrasp, etc.


Back to the same argument. Blizzard is the leader. When they make an error in judgement they can tweak it without the same kind of scrutiny as an underdog competitor will get. Just the facts.


And I wouldn't call either of those "re-tooled" to the extent that it seems Ilum will be. I don't believe Blizzard ever used the word "scrap" for their own designs.


If you do want to pick on one, pick on the old Alterac Valley.

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