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Alderaan Warzone: If you're Losing DON"T CAP!


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I'll paint a situation for you guys


2 minutes left in huttball


score is 5-0 for the enemy team.


Can you come from behind and win?


99% sure you cannot. Unless you guys are good and you let them score. /shrug


you delay the game by holding up the enemy ball carrier, for the rest of the game.


You have now wasted 2 mins of everyone's time.


SO Let it be known


i call thee Warzone troll.



This term shall be used throughout Swtor.


Please hate them, it will fuel you.

Edited by Ch_Zero
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OP is talking about IMPOSSIBILE situations to win...


If the other team has 2x your ship HP in Civil War, and you've never held 2 nodes for the entire match, then just let them 3 cap you so the WZ can end quicker.


In Voidstar, if you failed at attacking in the first round, and during the second round, the other team has already passed your progression, just let them reach the datacore. You are just wasting time and prolonging the match.


In Huttball, the quickest you can hope to score a goal is 15~20 seconds, assuming you have the PERFECT scenarios and with no opposition. That said, if you are down 5 points with 3 minutes left, its safe to say you will not win. Let the other team cap and move on. You can requeue and engage in more MEANINGFUL PvP with a chance to win another game, while keeping ALL the rewards you would've gotten had you stayed in that WZ 3 minutes longer (and you still have 3 minutes)!


If the other team scores 5 points in the first 4 minutes, just let them cap the last one. If your team didn't try when the score was 0-0, why bother trying so much harder at 0-5?? If you piss the other team off they will likely just farm you for the next 10 minutes instead of ending the game quickly. Even with a hero mentality, the 1/1000 chance to win is not worth the gamble of time, especially if it is just a PUG.


I'm sure there will be more people who disagree with me on the last point, but I see this very often on my server and it really puzzles me.

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I'll paint a situation for you guys


SO Let it be known


i call thee Warzone troll.



This term shall be used throughout Swtor.


Please hate them, it will fuel you.


And henceforth you shall be known forever and always as... the quitting troll. The guy who climbs mountains instead of capping points. The hero that solos someone on the exact oposite side of the map as the ball carrier. May your name live in infamy!


Seriously man, if you give up as soon as it looks like you might or will lose, then why bother playing? It just means you're a poor sport and can't perservere against adversity. History and games have both had plenty of people that have turned a loss around last minute. If you're only going to play if you're winning then whats the point?


Why not just go and spend your time I dunno... verbally abusing your droid since there is no chance of losing? TBH having this attitude is what kills WZ matches at the very beginning and causes the constant losses. IMHO if this is the attitude people want to take, then they're better off playing a SP game where they can hack it or use cheats to prevent the losses.


I personally think there's nothing worse than trying to get some PVP in, but finding out that several people on the team just give up when the going gets rough. It ruins the experience, and then I have to suffer through reading "just let them get x" comments followed by "oh man those guys were so OP!" and "why can't we ever win!?!" in the chats.


If the going gets rough, suck it up and push harder.

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At 425-150 I will charge a group of 3-4 with one goal in mind, to test myself to see if I can take out 1 before I go down. Most of the time, I dont. But it is awesome when I do.

Sitting back and doing nothing brings 0 entertainment. Jumping in the mob and killing one to have a pub spit on your corpse, or pulling someone in the fire just before they score 6-0...is priceless.


Lol, I usually charge said group not to see if I can kill one, but to see how long I can stay alive.


I will always try and prevent that 3rd cap and if they do trio us, I will try and get one back. If we are less then 100 and they have *insert random huge number here* I will encourage the other team to try and three cap and have nice huge battles on the snow or grass (or the rare occasions when it's mid, on the concrete). Different shades of victory for everyone.

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If you are losing to the point that your score is half of your enemy's, it makes no sense to continue because without 3-capping, you literally cannot win the game. It's mathematically impossible.

We just won one by three-capping at about 230-90 against a good team. It's possible.

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this thread 4tw, i hate people wasting my time by taking turrets back if we're mathematically going to lose. In fact, if they only have 2 turrets, but the win in hand, I encourage the opponents to take #3 as well.


Then leave and you and the OP can stop blaming everyone else for wrecking your game while they play theirs.


Or is THAT much responsibility too much for the both of you to handle? What gives both of you the right to tell anyone how to play? I understand helping someone with objectives and encouraging to achieve those objects, but I will be damned if I am going to have some whinebag yell at me in chat while I PVP.


You can enjoy your 2 medals from camping East. Ya I know we are going to lose, however I will grab a few more medals attempting to grab objectives and pass the time by faster. At least I will have "something" to show for losing the round.

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You misread his quote, lol.
Not really. He said it made no sense to continue... except it does. Three-caps are something that happen, though yes at least one of them will almost certainly have to be against a heavily defended point.
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Not really. He said it made no sense to continue... except it does. Three-caps are something that happen, though yes at least one of them will almost certainly have to be against a heavily defended point.


Reread his quote...



You didn't read it properly.

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Then leave and you and the OP can stop blaming everyone else for wrecking your game while they play theirs.


Or is THAT much responsibility too much for the both of you to handle? What gives both of you the right to tell anyone how to play? I understand helping someone with objectives and encouraging to achieve those objects, but I will be damned if I am going to have some whinebag yell at me in chat while I PVP.


You can enjoy your 2 medals from camping East. Ya I know we are going to lose, however I will grab a few more medals attempting to grab objectives and pass the time by faster. At least I will have "something" to show for losing the round.

Bro, don't think of it as people telling others how to play. Think of it as giving them some common sense to make a decision thats in their best interest. Ultimately they can decide their actions, but sometimes you need someone who's smarter and been there to give you good advice.

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gotta love the idiots in this game..... my favorite is when i actually had a teammate pull me AWAY from a turret i was .2s from capping so that we could lose faster


i really hope these kind of people stay out of ranked warzones. if you dont want to compete, stay the heck out of competitive pvp

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Bro, don't think of it as people telling others how to play. Think of it as giving them some common sense to make a decision thats in their best interest. Ultimately they can decide their actions, but sometimes you need someone who's smarter and been there to give you good advice.


So losing out on Valor (yes I value valor) as well as enjoying the "PVP" aspect while trying to go after objectives, abiding the "STOP TRYING TO CAP SO WE CAN LOSE BROSEPH" mentality is "in my best interest"? Again, my best interest is how I decide to play is it not?


The logic you portray is false. Everyone is different and people enjoy different things. People that tend to make posts like these only value winning or the end. Some people like myself value the journey more so. Apples and Oranges.


Bottom line, let people do what they want. If you want to "help" people who don't understand that's one thing. Trying to sway people to your view point by belittling people (not saying you or the OP do this but I have seen others) is not "in my or others best interest.


Also, put the shoe on the other foot. If I play along and do what you guys wanted isn't that wasting my time? How is your time more valuable than mine? It can go either way. Though I think if you que for a WZ you should plan on it taking the full amount of time rather than what's quickest.

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Just played a Civil War match where they 3 capped us due to the fact 6 of our players were stuck at spawn because the speeder did not spawn until after 45 seconds literally. Like seriously? What a huge *********** disadvantage. Is the speeder despawn a bug? And no im not talking about the side speeders for the left and right sides.
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I play warzones, because I like to pvp.


But that's wrong didn't you know? You should be queing in a premade and win trading for the fastest most mathematically advantageous way to achieve gear. It was like the kill trading in Ilum, yup those guys deserve that Battlemaster Title too bad some of them are still in Century gear, but hey they lurned to math and tey deeserf to haz geer fastt.


lol Sorry kinda had to though. These guys kill me when I hear them talk in OPS and whatnot.

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I don't know about the OP but any warzone I'm in we have a chance to win til it's over. Sure the occasional premade Huttball squad is dominating but I be damn if I LET Them win...


I'm sure the OP and his buddy are quick to quit a warzone, I hate ur kind.... We call it chicken **** in Texas...

Edited by Irishbrewed
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Let me make this explicitly clear for all of you with the understanding of a goldfish. No one is asking you not to try. We're asking you to stop being a try-hard scoreboard hero when the loss is inevitable.


I'm sorry if most of you don't understand the meaning of inevitability, but we're not telling you to stop trying if there's still a chance. We're asking you to stop being a try-hard hero when there is no chance. There's a huge difference. If you're getting 3 capped, but there's still a chance to win, keep trying. If you're getting 3 capped, and the score is 300-50, and your team has proven to be incompetent all game, then please let the 3 cap remain and don't be a scoreboard hero who needlessly prolongs the loss.


Let me state it one more time: No one is telling you not to try.

Edited by Meluna
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Lol by that logic we should just trade wins and not even try to have fun in PvP. Belive it or not some people PvP for the fun of it.... not just to grind.


Please, explain how, from my post, it logically follows that we should trade wins and not have fun in PvP? I anxiously await your step by step explanation.

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I am genetically predestination to be an Irish Italian jerk.


If it comes down to it, I will bleed in their eyes.








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