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Alderaan Warzone: If you're Losing DON"T CAP!


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I really dislike the attitude of the OP. Yes, the sole reason for a regrettably high number of players to pvp is so that they can get gear. That, in my opinion, can ruin warzones considering it makes people stop trying. I'm not saying I don't pvp for the gear, that I do, what I am saying is that I also pvp for the fun of it. I'd rather stay the extra minutes in a losing game with a team trying than get it over with quickly and join a new warzone which might be a win.
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Don't listen to the OP. I have entered Huttball games down 3-0 with half the game over and come back to win 5-3. You can turn the tide, sometimes a few bads just need to get fed up and leave the game to let better players in.


If you find that you're constantly losing matches, look at your strategy and see what you can improve on. Bring a friend or two so you can improve communication. Be a vocal leader on your team. If a player does something that is clearly wrong (especially if they make the same mistake time and time again), try to point it out to make your team better. Yeah, this isn't rocket science, but it works and it leads to better PVP.


Believe me, I enjoy a good drubbing of the other team from time to time, but I enjoy a good challenge even more. After the first 3 or 4 games of destroying opposing teams I prefer to go against a well coordinated team so I don't get lazy.

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I'll quit and defense camp only when i start feeling like the only 1 still playing.. it kinda sux a lot to fight them 1 vs. 8 games. Like the saying goes "if ya cant beat em, join em." Some times tho ill get a 1 on 1 dual party going if opposite team lets this happens, its kinda fun to flex ur muscles if you beat a guy in front of their whole team. But this rarely is the case cause there is always some dweeb that thinks hes doin his teammate a favore by jumpin in.
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So glad (and surprised) that such a large percentage of you have spoken out against OP.


I know this is just a game, but I couldn't bring myself to just give up, throw my pride out of the window and sit on a base to get some defensive medals. If someone on my team tries to do it, I will make sure they don't stay on their turret for long.



That said, I never really see the republic players on my server doing it. only the imps - and very regularly I might add. I even wish the imps wouldn't do it as it maes for a BOOORING warzone, if 90% of it is spent guarding a turret that will not be attacked.

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The OP thinks that he is a WZ expert or something.


Guys, just stop feeding the kid. he doesn't know what he is talking about.


Hi matekwong,


Whilst I will not accede to the OP's request, and have presented my reasons for that in this thread, I do accept the logical argument he/she represents.


An Ad Hominem attack is not called for. The OP has been reasonable and engaging and presents a viewpoint for discussion.


You on the other hand add nothing.




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If you are going to lose a game against the opposite faction and they 3 cap you,


Don't try to be a hero and cap one of the bases, it just slows down the game.


You can argue for defender points, but it's alot better to farm a position while the flag has been capped by the opposite faction, since they will keep rushing to defend the flag.


This speeds up the game and makes it so you can get your 4 medals quite easily.



Thank you


At the OP. Pretty obvious you don't have it...or don't get it.




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Does nobody think that practicing your PvP skills despite poor odds a good enough reason to fight on in a losing situation?


That said I'm not diving into situations which will result in almost instant death but I will always defend the last turret til the end if I there is a chance of taking down a few of the opposition.


Quitters never imagined that they are losing because they are bad due to lack of practice do they? :rolleyes:

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As others have pointed out "giving up" does not sit well with a lot of people.


Firstly the mathematically inevitable situation is mislabeled as inevitability requires 100% which doesnt exist in anything except Voidstar which is addressed in 1.2 or Huttball where the score differential exceeds the minimum required scoring time, but at that point its such a short time left anyway who cares. Civil war is never inevitable.


Personally the main reason I encourage people to fight it out even beyond the point of seeming impossibility is that the alternative is developing a habit of giving up. I have seen dozens of wins turn to losses because people abandoned nodes they didnt think they could hold or didnt push a little harder because it seemed like the other team was too good but I have also seen games turned around when the negative players werent present and certain wins lost because the same people who give up when they feel they are losing assume certain victory when they are winning and dont play as hard as they should.


Giving up is a terrible habit to have and a difficult one to break. Practice assault if you are losing - work out why you didnt do better. If you make excuses at the end of a game why you lost you missed the point, what you need to think about is what you could have done better to win and if that answer is nothing I am certain you had some fun (and a little frustration).

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Please tell me your toon name and server - OP too.


I want to know the names of ALL the squids.


That way I can never, ever play with born losers.


I'd rather play with 5 year olds with 11k hit points who aren't quitters than play with a squid goof.


I'm sure the 4 or 5 good PvP guilds on my server would love to know your name too.


Hey, genius, my characters are in my sig. I guess observance is an acquired skill.

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This kind of comment reminds me so much of WOW AV. Have a game that lasted more than 10 mins and the supposed pro guys would start calling you a noob because you forced a turtle game where you would have to spend /gasp 20 to 25 mins killing the other faction. Everyone needed to follow the script all your team go right the horde left and race race race to the keep lord. Heck if you could avoid fighting any one of the other faction that was considred a great sucess /boggle


Some of my favorite AV games were turtle matches. On my warlock. At the bridge. *cackle*

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If you're behind 400 to 150 the other team clearly has you beaten from the beginning. Why would they suddenly fall asleep and let you cap one of their two turrets in the first place?
Because scores don't reflect anything except who held the cap points.


They might have had a full team to start, and you were short. They might have had better quickcappers/stoppers on the sides, with just one or two crucial mistakes by your team letting them start out with a lead they've been clinging on to. Your team might have required several fatal engagements to figure out and communicate who their healers are. It might be the first match of the morning and people are still waking up. Anything! There are plenty of ways you can get to 400-150 without it being scrubs v All-Stars.

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I can certainly understand throwing in the towel. On the other hand, there is something to be said for fighting it out until the bitter end. Would sports be interesting if the losing team gave up when they thought they had very little chance of winning? Moral Victories are still victories in my book.
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Does nobody think that practicing your PvP skills despite poor odds a good enough reason to fight on in a losing situation?


That said I'm not diving into situations which will result in almost instant death but I will always defend the last turret til the end if I there is a chance of taking down a few of the opposition.


Quitters never imagined that they are losing because they are bad due to lack of practice do they? :rolleyes:


This is why bad players remain bad.


Some of my most fun in warzones have been being spawn camped and while most of my team is cowering I manage to go kill someone or cap something. The idea of quitting or giving up does not register. The world needs ditch diggers too though.

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Gaiys, we is probably gonna lose, lets not try when we can sit here and complain about premades.



That sums up the thread


It's amazing that people are laughing at the people who are playing the game they pay to play as opposed to folding their arms in protest of premades. Games are about trying to win, especially PvP. Even if you are 99% going to lose why would you enjoy sitting there when you can play, I just do not get it. And do not tell me it is to save the 2 minutes you will shave off this game to play another. Play the game, compete, it's more fun, even when you lose. Losing is not the end of the world.


It's not just a comeback to win that you play for. If you are playing against a premade that is awesome and you and your PuG manage to score off them and prevent the 6-0 or cap two turrets its fun, even if you do not get a W.


We disagree on gear progression but 100% agree on this.


You can still have a lot of fun when outmatched. That is when you can get better. You can try different tactics or ideas that might not be feasible in a close match.


Why someone would choose to do nothing over actually playing is mind boggling. They might as well stay in the spaceport. People who give up win a lot less often. This will be interesting in rated warzones with solo scores. In the long run players who quit/give up will end up much lower rated then equivalent players who never give up. I guarantee it.

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Most satisfying match was a 5-0 win on Alderan. We were a bit under half of what the imps had, we took all three turrets but could hold them only for about 30 secs but enough to put us back in the game. Then we lost 2 while still behind but a bit above the dreaded half and I thought that was it but kept on going. Funny enough at 115-60 for the imps we got a second turret and kept it till the fat lady sung at 0-5. Can't describe for you how good that felt.


I don't manage my time in game, I manage my RL time. In real life we often can't afford the luxury to pursue something that has a very slim chance of success so we very rarely get the overwhelming feeling of satisfaction for beating all odds. That's why I never stop chasing the turrets, since Alderan it's the only war-zone in which is mathematically possible to win after being led with 600-5. I say possible not probable soo .....


I can understand your reasoning, without having a stroke as our friend Tyraelian implied, but I chose not to apply it when I play GAMES for FUN.


BTW I'm in full BM gear w/o ever AFKing, valor trading, exploiting or leaving a war-zone, ever.


Edited: Also had a couple of extraordinary huttball matches. One was won with a last minute score which made the score 2-2 and then we kept the ball for the remaining seconds the other was lost in the same fashion. Both gave me powerful sentiments for which I chose this form of entertainment for myself.

Edited by LenrocNewDawn
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Typical ideology.


If it doesnt work quit. Instead of finding a way to work it out.


better than getting farmed. People dont seem to understand the difference between just losing a game versus getting decimated to the point where your team only manages 4 kills the entire game.


Granted i never did..but sometimes when i see the final score board, and my team had 4 total kills, and the other team had over 40. (top players had 40. didnt bother counting all our deaths) because you see your team rushing in solo, over and over and over. Makes you wish you HAD quit

Edited by Luciferhawke
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heh perhaps instead of a vote to kick they should have made a vote to forfeit the game.


The problem really is if someone is in a circumstance where his team doesn't cooperate and just solo attacks, leaves. You are letting someone else enter an already defunct warzone. Which can be quite annoying if it happens several times in a row, which it will since you tend to be grouped with the same people.

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this thread 4tw, i hate people wasting my time by taking turrets back if we're mathematically going to lose. In fact, if they only have 2 turrets, but the win in hand, I encourage the opponents to take #3 as well.


I hate people wasting my time, by playing a game they clearly dont want to play in the first place.

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better than getting farmed. People dont seem to understand the difference between just losing a game versus getting decimated to the point where your team only manages 4 kills the entire game.


Granted i never did..but sometimes when i see the final score board, and my team had 4 total kills, and the other team had over 40. (top players had 40. didnt bother counting all our deaths) because you see your team rushing in solo, over and over and over. Makes you wish you HAD quit


I get your point


Its better to just sit there idle deny the victor more medals right?


Why attack and continue with the warzone eh? youre gonna lose anyway right? just find a corner and hope they dont find you.


Yeah thats the only way deep inside we can say we GOT BACK AT 'EM. . . very nice.


Then again why play warzone if your afraid to lose?


Ever heard of pacman? why dont you play that instead?

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