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When can we expect to see a nerf of the Hybrid Sin/Shadow?


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Shadows extremely hard to kite. Yes they are 1v1 it's pretty much impossible to kite a skilled assassin. I play a sorc so I know how difficult is it to fight a good assassin 1v1. With that being said they easily become a joke when one jumps on me and my Op and Jugg friends switch right to him and the assassin dies quickly from good peelers as would any other class. It's all about group play which is the big picture not 1v1. Edited by bboyramo
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Shadows extremely hard to kite. Yes they are 1v1 it's pretty much impossible to kite a skilled assassin. I play a sorc so I know how difficult is it to fight a good assassin 1v1. With that being said they easily become a joke when one jumps on me and my Op and Jugg friends switch right to him and the assassin dies quickly from good peelers as would any other class. It's all about group play which is the big picture not 1v1.


I will remember this and have two friends with me at all times when I fight a shadow.

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Shadows extremely hard to kite. Yes they are 1v1 it's pretty much impossible to kite a skilled assassin. I play a sorc so I know how difficult is it to fight a good assassin 1v1. With that being said they easily become a joke when one jumps on me and my Op and Jugg friends switch right to him and the assassin dies quickly from good peelers as would any other class. It's all about group play which is the big picture not 1v1.


nah, people think MMos are a 1v1 game, man. it's got to be completely balanced so that every spec combination and class combination has an equal chance of killing eachother.



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If you're on the top tier platform you cannot lose LoS on someone sprinting below. If you were right behind the guy sprinting away from you on the lower platform, through the fire, you can keep LoS by jumping at all times. LoS is practically pointless for the duration of shroud, whatsoever. I still don't see how you discard my points. A guardian charging someone from 30m range, whether friend or foe, is immune to any form of damage or ccs WHILE charging as well. They can reach about the same distances in about the same situations as a shadow using BOTH force shroud and sprint at the same time, with ONE leap.


1+ yeah so many noobs here that roll on the nerf wagon that don't know anything. compare it real good with other classes real good before you trolling.. assassins wont get nerfed just because some people are rubbish in pvp and therefor complains...

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I support teamplay which i have been saying in my posts. 1v1 balance is not as big of a deal to me. I'm sure devs try to make 1v1 as close as they can which is a good thing but if you lose to someone 1v1 that doesn't make them over powered which the masses think. Edited by bboyramo
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Funny how people who play an OP AC and people who have no clue about PvP always seem to jump in here lolz


Eazyz CC onz and killz other!


Damn you actually went to school!


31/0/10 needs to be nurfed to the ground PvP Damage/Burst wise. Granted the burst may not be the best, they do have burst and the smart ones know when to pop recklessness and own people..


They also use Stalker set!!


TBH they need to move the PvP utility talents to Deception and Madness, tanks are supposed to soak, not also burn 3 to 4 people down!

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Yea they burn 3-4 bad players down. I'm pretty sure any good player here has had one of those moments and those are the same players that jump on the forums crying for nerfs. Hey look here comes 3-4 12-13k hp players in pve leveling gear that click, keyboard turn and back pedal. I wonder why they all died. They died becuase im over powered LAWL Edited by bboyramo
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I will remember this and have two friends with me at all times when I fight a shadow.


don't blame the class just becuase you're rubbish ,ok?! stop trolling when you have absolutely no proof what so ever...


These are the guys that complains


1 type (very few) . the arrogant know it all (atleast they think) type that think he/she is so superior and developed a "i'm so good" attitude that the class needs to be nerfed without any real good evidence, since there isn't a dps meter nor can you base a warzone around how op a class is. these people think they are so good cause they managed to down 2-3 people alone. they don't take skill or gear into consideration at all. only 1vs1 and the two have the same gear and pretty much the same skill in pvp ,then you will see the outcome..


2 is the guys that are rubbish at pvp so the easiest way is to scream nerf , good examples of this type are redmarx and asphen..


to amk the op . yeah let's see you on rated ... i only wish i ever could meet you in ilum alone and faceroll you on all my character. it's clearly you havent met any good pvpers.. ever...

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Yea they burn 3-4 bad players down. I'm pretty sure any good player here has had one of those moments and those are the same players that jump on the forums crying for nerfs. Hey look here comes 3-4 12-13k hp players in pve leveling gear that click, keyboard turn and back pedal. I wonder why they all died. They died becuase im over powered LAWL


I know. Its strange. All good players play Shadows. That is why they are so dominating. But at least I got a few great tips from the discussion here.


1. If we are 4-5 against 2 Shadows. Kite them!


2. Bring friends when fighting a Shadow. Never be less than 3.

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I know. Its strange. All good players play Shadows. That is why they are so dominating. But at least I got a few great tips from the discussion here.


1. If we are 4-5 against 2 Shadows. Kite them!


2. Bring friends when fighting a Shadow. Never be less than 3.


jo-han go get some pvp knowledge or start training instead of trolling here ok?

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don't blame the class just becuase you're rubbish ,ok?! stop trolling when you have absolutely no proof what so ever...


These are the guys that complains


1 type (very few) . the arrogant know it all (atleast they think) type that think he/she is so superior and developed a "i'm so good" attitude that the class needs to be nerfed without any real good evidence, since there isn't a dps meter nor can you base a warzone around how op a class is. these people think they are so good cause they managed to down 2-3 people alone. they don't take skill or gear into consideration at all. only 1vs1 and the two have the same gear and pretty much the same skill in pvp ,then you will see the outcome..


2 is the guys that are rubbish at pvp so the easiest way is to scream nerf , good examples of this type are redmarx and asphen..


to amk the op . yeah let's see you on rated ... i only wish i ever could meet you in ilum alone and faceroll you on all my character. it's clearly you havent met any good pvpers.. ever...


Have you played against me? I would say the odds for that are very low. How can you determine that I am rubbish or not?


If you want credibility to your posts, dont insult people. It only makes you look like a fool. What evidence are you looking for? You obviously havent read all the well constructed posts about the subject.


If Shadow tanks are a well balanced class. What are your weaknesses? Which class do you fear?

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I know. Its strange. All good players play Shadows. That is why they are so dominating. But at least I got a few great tips from the discussion here.


1. If we are 4-5 against 2 Shadows. Kite them!


2. Bring friends when fighting a Shadow. Never be less than 3.


I don't even play an assassin yet I support them fully. I just want to see the ball dropped when going immune ._.


Jo-Han you keep asking the same question over and over about what class an assassin should fear 1v1. The answer is probably no one but as stated before who cares about 1v1 you seem to care about it a lot. We host 1v1 tournaments on our sever in the no man lands. Empire had a assassin tank be the champ for 3 weeks in a row but guess what ended up taking his crown in 3 VERY close matches with one of them being a double K.O. He was put down by a operative concealment spec.

Edited by bboyramo
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Jo-Han you keep asking the same question over and over and over about what class an assassin should fear 1v1. The answer is probably no one but as stated before who cares about 1v1 you seem to care about it a lot. We host 1v1 tournaments on our sever in the no man lands. Empire had a assassin tank be the champ for 3 weeks in a row but guess what ended up taking his crown in 3 VERY close matches with one of them being a double K.O. He was put down by a OP concealment spec.


I am not that concerned about 1 vs 1. But in a balanced game all classes should have a weakness that other classes can exploit. Those weaknesses can be mitigated by good team play, but they are nontheless there. Shadow tanks have no real weaknesses. They can fight everything with a good chance of winning.

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I am not that concerned about 1 vs 1. But in a balanced game all classes should have a weakness that other classes can exploit. Those weaknesses can be mitigated by good team play, but they are nontheless there. Shadow tanks have no real weaknesses. They can fight everything with a good chance of winning.


know your class and how to counter is the key. popping shroud does not mean i cant get damage on him. weapon damage goes through. as a hybrid merc with 15 sec uninterruptable tracer i have no trouble taking any class. especially how to counter assassins healing. just pull knock backs( which i have two of)

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Have you played against me? I would say the odds for that are very low. How can you determine that I am rubbish or not?


If you want credibility to your posts, dont insult people. It only makes you look like a fool. What evidence are you looking for? You obviously havent read all the well constructed posts about the subject.


If Shadow tanks are a well balanced class. What are your weaknesses? Which class do you fear?


i would think you're not specially fit for pvp when you cant counter another class yourself. and if you need another person with you to take down one.... that's all.. but hey people not fit for pvp will always come to forum and make nerf threads. not likely bioware will listen cause they probably have some real good pvpers working for them that picks out flaws...

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Yea they burn 3-4 bad players down. I'm pretty sure any good player here has had one of those moments and those are the same players that jump on the forums crying for nerfs. Hey look here comes 3-4 12-13k hp players in pve leveling gear that click, keyboard turn and back pedal. I wonder why they all died. They died becuase im over powered LAWL


Its base for nerfs/buffs for Bioware, i dont see why 1 particular class would be different from the norm.


i would think you're not specially fit for pvp when you cant counter another class yourself. and if you need another person with you to take down one.... that's all.. but hey people not fit for pvp will always come to forum and make nerf threads. not likely bioware will listen cause they probably have some real good pvpers working for them that picks out flaws...


Ye, all classes are perfectly balanced.


Rainbows and unicorns.


Ease up on kool-aid bro.

Edited by GrandMike
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Its base for nerfs/buffs for Bioware, i dont see why 1 particular class would be different from the norm.




Ye, all classes are perfectly balanced.


Rainbows and unicorns.


Ease up on kool-aid bro.


think you need to ease up on the kool-aid. compare other classes played by good pvpers. nothing special about it. it comes to who you meet and so on. a shadow/assassin faced 2-3 other good players would not be up after the cds popped. unless using force cloak. and no way a tankassin could down burst one of those guys during those cds. atleast no good player

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