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Quarterly Producer Letter for Q2 2024 ×

Early Access 'Waves' - Updating Here


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Someone needs to make a Hitler video about this - Hitler isn't included in SW:TOR Early Access.


Hah. I can already see it.


Hitler: I preordered on July 28th, so I will enter EGA on the first day, and launch our guild.


Other Dude: Mein fuhrer, EGA waves for the first day are already complete. They stopped at July 27th.


Hitler: If you didn't pre-order the collector's edition, get out!

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holy crap people shut up, nothing is ever good enough for some of you







WAHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH cause I have nothing better to do with myself WAHHHHHHHHHHHHH


so you are just same as others


just show us ur anger!

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I'll send my monthly subscription fees in "waves" as well.. bet that will float like a lead brick. :rolleyes:


Sorry - too little - too late. Rather than close the threads and delete everything and not say a word to your customer base, it may have helped to explain this right up front.


Or maybe you could have explained to us that you weren't quite sure about beta testing metrics and server loads, instead of making us feel lost your testing metrics and have us all scratching our heads wondering just what in hell was going on.


No matter how you look at it - poorly handled; slipshod at best; you're not off to a good start; you've angered your customer base.

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And why is it you say it's not a stress test but then say it IS a stress test ... ?


Reread it. He said that IF they added a large amount of people in a short amount of time, that would be a stress test. So, they are NOT doing that, as this is NOT a stress test!


What the hell is the matter with people today???

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Perhaps businesses need to quit exploiting legal loopholes and bird dogging slimy half-declared car sales pitches and start acting like honest men who will live by a simple standard of straight forward ethics. It isn't that "UP TO 5 DAYS" has a meaning that dances on a slippery slope of meaninglessness for legal reasons, but that it is the corporate style of statement making them liable for nothing (no standards, no quality, no efficiency, no customer service, no product support, no honor, and no truth).


When you create expectation MEET IT. When you make a deal, shake on it and MEAN IT.




Yep. And the deal on the table was "up to 5 days" cowboy.

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If anyone reads through the spamathon that's going on then you can read a lot quicker than I can.


Seriously most of this stuff has to be from people that want to be getting world first discoveries or something???




just over anxious fans busting at the seams. lol

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Sorry to break it to you but no matter what you do whether it be roll out servers or monitor increasing them, there will be servers that run low pop due to people quitting the game. No MMO can withstand this, people will play for 30 days and your numbers will drop.


In fact your most loyal and dedicated fan base IS YOUR PRE ORDERS...these are the people that are sure about playing this game moreso than those waiting to pick it up in store...its a pretty safe bet to open servers and let these people in and use that as a guide to what release day will bring.


Stop feeding us bureaucratic garbage....most of us have gamed too long to buy into what you are telling these wow fanboi's


+1 amen

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Just got an email saying 'Welcome to Early access'


As a fled to my computer I didnt see it was just my mate taking the pss :(


My husband did the same thing to me :( we registered pre order codes at the same time, he called me over saying he'd just got the e-mail.... he'd just "unread" the guild deployment one, lol. I was quite annoyed.. :mad:


Trolled by my own husband :mad:

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Too many people are complaining already. Remember you didn't pay for your pre-order to start on the 13th. If by the 15th you don't get in, then start your ************. Till then you're still getting what you paid for. The people that already got in are being rewarded for their early commitment to the game. Similar to how we'll be relatively rewarded to our commitment to the game over those who buy it when on/after it releases.


I was going to complain too...but then...I deflected the arrow with my knee!


This isn't true. At the moment I am sitting at my friends house watching him play. Now the funny thing about this is he wan't even going to play until he watched me playing in beta. Then he went out a preordered got code entered it and he is playing as we speak. That was just a little over 2 weeks ago.


Now I am not upset by this, at least not much, as I was not counting on playing until Saturday any way when ea started on the 15. Now though after listening to Biolame carry on about when we would be allowed in I bouth into it.


What bothers me is if they are saying that the ended waves today because some 60% of the pepes the invited are at school or working and the servers are already this full what happens when those peps try to log in.


Sorry but some one screwed the pooch on this launch. Having taken part in serval MMO's including STO, now there's a study on what not to do, I have to say this one was the worst.

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Originally Posted by Kinegos

This isn't a troll, and isn't exactly QQ although there is some of that involved.


I just want to put it down for the record that the way this early access program has been implemented is truly one of the most poorly conceived ideas that I've ever personally encountered in over 25 years of playing video games. I've personally participated in launches of 6 other MMO games, and there is nothing in those experiences that compares to how ridiculous this process is.


When you are dealing with a pre-launch even that is only for pre-order customers, after an extensive and massive beta testing period that was a huge success according to nearly all sources involved - it begs the huge question as to what is the limiting factor in the way you have chosen to roll out this game. I personally participated in the beta in a very limited way (not by choice, mind you, I just wasn't lucky enough to get a key) and was only online during the big Thanksgiving weekend test. That test was wonderful - there were a huge number of servers, and a huge population of testers. The game performance was amazing.


So, EA/BW - what exactly are you afraid of?


The ONLY way this should have been done is to have given ALL pre-orders (perhaps separated only by level of game purchased - i.e. CE customers get 7 days, SE get 5, e.g.) access at exactly the same time. Of course it will overload the servers and queues would ensue and all that - but that's what we all expect. Making your customers wait unknowingly with no idea how long it will be or when to expect an email is just adding insult to injury. A poor alternative would have been to send out emails with a set time and day that your access would be available.


I read in the top post how you are monitoring the server performance and are rolling waves based on server performance. Are you seriously saying you have to wonder at this point if your servers can perform up to the task - when you probably still have 90% of the launch day players yet to even be able to play? That is not at all a good message to be sending at the beginning of an MMO franchise.


At any rate, I love this game. I love BW. But I truly despise and am sickened by the way you chose to put your customers through so much stress for absolutely no good or justifiable reason.


I truly hope you improve, because this is a very very poor way to start out.



To summarize: Waaaaaah! Waaah! I want to play right now!!! Bioware, gimme, gimme, gimme! Waaaah!


I didn't get my invite yet either and i redeemed the 1st of August. I want to play too. But come on all of you. GET A LIFE. This is a gift. If you get to play before the 20th, it's a gift.


This thread has become so amazingly pathetic. This is precisely the reason why MMO players (alongside COD and Xbox live players) hold the dubious title of most annoying, ungrateful, entitled, "instant gratification" gamers in the industry. Nay, in the entire society of the internet.


I wonder if the fanboys are the patient ones who love the game but can wait and understand why this process is necessary (therefore called fanboy and Biowares lapdog) or if the fanboys are the people who qq about this game. this company, this world being unfair, then threaten to cancel (possibly the most feeble gesture ever) and still play the game 12-14 hours a day as soon as they can.


Seriously people, don't post this again. It's just sad. We have known about this (you know, the structure of EGA) since the very start. Get over yourselves.

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Hey everyone.


We absolutely understand you want to get in and play the game early. It's one of the reasons we expanded our Early Game Access from a maximum of five days to a maximum of seven days. However, there are a couple of important points to realize about today's opening salvo of invites, and the procedure in general for Early Game Access and launch.


First, Early Game Access and launch is not supposed to be a stress test. In our previous Beta Testing Weekends we got up to very large concurrent number of players and brought invites into the game at a very high rate. That was done to stress test every aspect of our systems and servers, and essentially to see if they broke. In some cases, they did, but that helped us improve for launch.


For us, launch isn't just about stuffing our servers with as many people as possible. As anyone who's been through a large MMO launch can tell you, that experience can be painful. Our aim with this launch was to ramp things up gradually, to spread our player population out amongst a variety of servers, to maintain all server types, and to keep queuing to a minimum (although we expect that to happen as we head towards December 20th). So far, all that has been successful for us on Day One.


The second thing to realize is scale. We invited more people to play Star Wars: The Old Republic today than many other MMO launches manage in their entire head-start process. As I mentioned earlier today, when we opened pre-orders we had a huge spike in numbers - far more than most MMOs capture at launch. That was the initial rush. After that, our pre-orders settled down.


What this means is that tomorrow, you'll effectively start to see the pre-order timeline expand. You'll see people who have pre-ordered later than July getting invites. The day after that, more people will be invited. We're actually planning to invite more tomorrow than today, and invite the same number again on Thursday - at which point we'll be into the original 'five days of Early Game Access'.


Last thing. Why aren't we continuing to send waves over time? Two main reasons - one, because we need to see that the servers are maintaining stability over time; adding a lot of players in a short period (in other words, stress testing) can cause stability issues.


Two, our plan is to continue to add servers - but carefully, and in response to demand. We need to monitor that demand and role out servers accordingly. A long-term recipe for MMO failure is to add a lot of servers early on, and then when population decreases, have to close those servers and merge them together.


Our aim is for Star Wars: The Old Republic to be around for a long time to come. Today's just the first step in that - an early step, too - and we'll be running smoothly, with a stable population, before too long.


Thank you for the Info.


I sincerly hope those folks at Bioware realize that the vocal folks on the boards are a minority in general and the majority of us are waiting as patiently as we can knowing it'll be a fun experience when we can login.

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Originally Posted by Kinegos

This isn't a troll, and isn't exactly QQ although there is some of that involved.


I just want to put it down for the record that the way this early access program has been implemented is truly one of the most poorly conceived ideas that I've ever personally encountered in over 25 years of playing video games. I've personally participated in launches of 6 other MMO games, and there is nothing in those experiences that compares to how ridiculous this process is.


When you are dealing with a pre-launch even that is only for pre-order customers, after an extensive and massive beta testing period that was a huge success according to nearly all sources involved - it begs the huge question as to what is the limiting factor in the way you have chosen to roll out this game. I personally participated in the beta in a very limited way (not by choice, mind you, I just wasn't lucky enough to get a key) and was only online during the big Thanksgiving weekend test. That test was wonderful - there were a huge number of servers, and a huge population of testers. The game performance was amazing.


So, EA/BW - what exactly are you afraid of?


The ONLY way this should have been done is to have given ALL pre-orders (perhaps separated only by level of game purchased - i.e. CE customers get 7 days, SE get 5, e.g.) access at exactly the same time. Of course it will overload the servers and queues would ensue and all that - but that's what we all expect. Making your customers wait unknowingly with no idea how long it will be or when to expect an email is just adding insult to injury. A poor alternative would have been to send out emails with a set time and day that your access would be available.


I read in the top post how you are monitoring the server performance and are rolling waves based on server performance. Are you seriously saying you have to wonder at this point if your servers can perform up to the task - when you probably still have 90% of the launch day players yet to even be able to play? That is not at all a good message to be sending at the beginning of an MMO franchise.


At any rate, I love this game. I love BW. But I truly despise and am sickened by the way you chose to put your customers through so much stress for absolutely no good or justifiable reason.


I truly hope you improve, because this is a very very poor way to start out.




Oh and btw. this whole mess of uncertainity most likely made Origin crash so you cant even play games like BF3 online...


This is not qq about not getting EGA today. I just dont understand why it wasnt possible to tell us something like "Third wave has been sent. If you have preordered after 07/xx/2011 dont even bother to check your mail". Seriously, if you cant get that data out of your database EGA is the least of your problems...

Edited by Amenaza
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Everyone should keep in mind that early access is not a right, its a privelage. We didn't pay more for it, we just paid early. The fact that so many people are mad because they took the day off shows that many people really need to come back to reality. This is a brand new MMO going live for the first time and people are QQing over not getting in the first day. They never promised an invite to any specific individual for the 13th (today). All they said was that invites would go out at some point to some people.


You will get your invites in a few days. Find something else to do. Get your oil changed, spend time with family/friends, read a book.


The launch so far has been pretty successful. They were able to get more invites out then they had first expected. So the people complaining about early access not working out for them today were not going to get in anyway.


Anyway, good luck getting your invites.

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